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When Knight Falls

Page 26

by Nikki Rose

  “Why? You killed mi sobrino.”

  “He was about to kill an innocent little girl.” Anger filled me and I jerked to try to escape his grip.

  “Oh, but the sins of the father are to be paid by their children.” His voice was calm and callous.

  “She’s a six-year-old little girl,” Anthony barked out. “If you have a problem with me, you take it up with me. You leave Belle and Rachel out of it.”

  “Patience. You will get your turn. I will pay you back in due time for all my men you’ve killed.” Amidio’s voice was pure evil. “Have you ever lost someone you loved?”

  “Please don’t do this,” I begged.

  “Answer the question,” he demanded.



  “My mom.” I answered reluctantly.

  “Then you know the pain—that gut-wrenching pain you feel will never end.”


  “It is painful to lose a parent, but so much more so to lose a child.” He lowered the gun to my belly and it felt like the air had been sucked from my lungs. “I’m sure you are beginning to understand what that might feel like. You know that Ian was like a son to me—more so than my own sons have ever been.”

  “I didn’t want to kill Ian,” I admitted to him as tears ran down my face. “I loved him once.”

  “And yet you shot him.” He didn’t seem convinced as he pressed the barrel against my stomach.

  “I had to…to save Belle.”

  “You didn’t have to. You made a choice. Choices have consequences, and this is yours.”

  “No.” I tried to hold back the tears and the trembling of my voice. I had to be strong. I couldn’t keep being the weak one. “Ian made his choice by trying to shoot a child. I was his consequence.”

  Amidio tensed as my words struck him, but he didn’t let his voice betray him. “Either way, you are the one who took him from me, and for that, you must pay.” He used his thumb to cock the gun without moving it from my belly—from my innocent little baby who had yet to even begin to live.

  “Amidio, stop,” Anthony yelled out, but I squeezed my eyes closed.

  “Please, no,” I cried out as a loud blast exploded so close that my ears rang and I fell to the ground.

  I wrapped my arms around myself in the fetal position on the dirt as I sobbed. Anthony ran over to me and crouched down. His lips moved but I couldn’t hear anything but a high-pitch ringing in my ears. He gently rolled me over. That was when I realized that I hadn’t been shot. My baby was safe. I was safe. Anthony pointed toward the spot where Amidio lay motionless on the ground.

  Anthony shot him first. I began to sob again with tears of relief and joy. Anthony wrapped me in his arms and crushed me into his chest while sobs shook my whole body. After several minutes, I began to hear Anthony’s voice through the ringing.

  “It’s okay, Rach. It’s over. It’s really over now. You’re safe. Our baby is safe.”

  I wiped the tears away and looked up at him while my breath still shuddered. “It’s really over?”

  “It’s really over,” he confirmed. “Come on. Let’s go home.”



  “Oh, sweetie, you look wonderful,” Liz exclaimed as I came down the stairs of our new home. It was decorated with pale blue and green everywhere for the baby shower that she was throwing me. We’d decided to have the shower at our house so we wouldn’t have to transport the gifts back later. Besides, having been on bed rest the past couple of weeks, we wanted to be somewhere I could lie back and relax if I needed it.

  “Thanks, but I feel as big as a bus.” I laughed, but the statement was true. I was eight months pregnant and had been having contractions for the past two weeks, which was why the doctor had put me on bed rest. Other than that, the baby and pregnancy had been healthy, in spite of our deserted island adventure.

  “Nonsense… You look beautiful.” Anthony came up behind me and wrapped his arms around what used to be my waist but was now more like a giant basketball. He kissed my neck softly and, even then, I felt that familiar warmth spread over me.

  “You’re just saying that to avoid a mood swing,” I teased.

  “You better believe I am. Those things are scary, but it’s also the truth. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”

  “You’re so sweet.” I turned in his arms and softly pressed my lips to his.

  “Just do me a favor and remember that when you’re in labor.” He chuckled. “How about we go enjoy your party?”

  “Sounds good.”

  Anthony and I had debated whether we wanted to find out the gender of our baby. He’d wanted it to be a surprise, but I’d argued that we’d had enough surprises in our time together. It would be nice to actually plan something for once. Finally, Anthony had agreed that we should find out what we were having.

  I still remembered the day we went to see the ultrasound. Anthony had gotten off work early and we’d picked up Belle from school so she could be a part of the experience. At first, she’d said the baby looked like a big blob, but after we pointed out some of the main features, she’d begun to see the little one. That was when we’d found out we were having a son… Landon.

  We walked into the main living space of our new home. As always, Liz had gone above and beyond to show her support and love for our growing family with the lovely decorations.

  Anthony escorted me to a big, overstuffed chair and I rested my feet on the ottoman so I could be comfortable during the party. Before I knew it, I was surrounded by friends and family wanting to talk and congratulate me. Anthony brought me a plate of finger foods and some sparkling punch.

  “Out of the way! Out of the way! Aunt Sarah is here.” I heard her before I saw her as she bellowed through the crowd with a large box and bright baby-themed wrapping paper. “Wow, look at you,” she said, motioning to my large belly. “Is it just me or have you gotten bigger since yesterday?”

  “Gee, thanks. You sure know how to make a girl feel good about herself.”

  “You should feel good about yourself. That’s my Landon you’re carrying in there.”

  “And he’s going to be big and strong like his daddy,” Anthony added, sitting on the arm of the chair to be close by. “Hey, Sarah, how are you?”

  “I’ll be better once he gets here. I can’t wait to hold that little baby.”

  “He’s already trying to rush me along. Don’t encourage him.” I laughed.

  “If he’s anything like his dad, he won’t listen to any of us anyway. He’ll come whenever he wants to,” Sarah teased Anthony.

  “All right, can I have everyone’s attention please?” Liz announced. “I think it’s time we start opening some of these presents, then we can get on to the games.”

  * * * *

  We had finished opening all of our gifts. I was extremely happy that we’d decided to have the shower at our house. It would have taken two trips in Anthony’s pickup to get all the presents home. It was clear that our baby would want for nothing, especially love.

  I’m not sure whose bright idea it had been to play a game where the guests would guess the size of my stomach, but if I had to say, I would probably blame Sarah for that one. I stood in front of the group and she wrapped a tape measure around my torso.

  “All right, all right. Everyone, be quiet so I can announce the measurement and find the winner.” Sarah raised her voice above the crowd, and everyone faded into silence.

  I’m not sure if it was a coincidence or if Landon was simply trying to save his mother some embarrassment, but at that very moment, I felt a pain followed by a gush as my water broke. I gasped, along with several of our guests.

  “Rach, your water broke,” Sarah exclaimed.

  “No kidding,” I stated sarcastically before cringing as another contraction came on, fast and hard. I held my stomach, trying to will away the pain, but it was no use.

  In mere seconds, Anthony was at my side, along with
Liz, Tony and my dad. They had everyone part to leave a path for us to the door. Tony announced that people should stay and enjoy the refreshments and that someone would be in touch shortly. Liz and Tony kept Belle, with the plan to bring her to hospital once we knew more.

  I’d never seen Anthony drive so fast. All those years of military training had kicked in as he’d barked orders to everyone to get me in the car with my bags and we’d taken off down the road. We were at the hospital in no time. Anthony nagged the nurses to get me to a room faster. If it hadn’t been for his good looks and charm, I think some of them might have called security.

  A nurse wheeled me to my room and helped me get situated on the bed, just in time for my doctor to come in for an exam.

  “Hello there again. It looks like this little guy really is as stubborn as his dad, isn’t he?” The doctor winked at Anthony. They’d had a few disagreements along the way because Anthony felt he knew what was best. My OB had needed to remind him more than once that he wasn’t the one with a medical degree. Dr. Franklin was a good sport, though.

  “Let’s see how far along you are now.” He put on his gloves to check me. After only a moment, he called more nurses in.

  “Is something wrong?” I tried to sit up but they wouldn’t let me.

  “You’re already at ten centimeters. This baby is coming now.”


  “Already,” the doctor stated calmly as he prepared everything. “When I give the word, I need you to push. Are you ready?”

  “I think so.” I looked at Anthony, my nerves growing as tears welled in my eyes. “I’m scared.”

  “I’m right here, sweetheart. We’re in this together. You’re strong. Remember everything you’ve gone through and survived. You can do this.” Anthony kissed my forehead gently and brushed away the stray hairs from my face.

  “All right, on the count of three, I want you to push. One…two…three… Push.”

  I pushed as hard as I could, crying out so loud that I couldn’t believe it even came from me. After what seemed like a lifetime, I was allowed to stop. Exhausted, I dropped my head back against the bed.

  “Okay, I need you to do that again.”

  After several more, I finally heard the sound I’d waited a long time to hear—the small cry of our son. He was finally there.

  “He’s perfect,” Anthony exclaimed. “You did it.” He kissed me and repeated himself, “You did it.”

  They placed the screaming naked little baby in my arms and I instantly fell in love. “Look what we did.” I looked up at Anthony and back down at our son with tears in my eyes.

  The moment we held him didn’t last long enough. They had to take him away to check his breathing and vitals. He was four weeks early and I prayed he would be healthy. I’d heard horror stories about babies being born too early and all the complications that could come with that. When I’d started having problems early on with labor pains, I’d done research, but Anthony had told me I shouldn’t put all that in my head. I wished I had listened. An eternity passed between the time he was taken from my arms and the time that they came back with him.

  The nurse’s warm smile comforted me as she handed my baby back to me, clean and bundled up in a soft blue blanket. “He’s perfectly healthy and scored just as high as full-term babies.”

  Anthony and I both sighed with relief, kissing each other and our little boy. I now had two men in my life who I loved more than anything.

  The doctor and nurses left us to have some family time before our guests began coming to visit. We would be bringing Belle in first to meet her new baby brother. She had been so excited the day that we’d told her that she’d started practicing to hold him with some of her baby dolls that same day.

  Anthony scooted into the bed and wrapped me in his strong embrace. Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked down at the little bundle in my arms. “It’s like every dream I’ve ever wished for has come true—and I have you to thank for that.” I was filled with an unbelievable sense of warmth and love. I thought my heart might burst.

  “So, tell me, Mrs. Parker… What do you do once all your dreams have finally come true?”

  I nuzzled my cheek on Anthony’s shoulder and let out a contented sigh. “I dream new ones.”

  Want to see more from this author? Here’s a taster for you to enjoy!

  When Dae Breaks

  Nikki Rose


  The distant streetlight cast deep shadows in the alley. I stepped outside, sliding an abandoned beer bottle into the doorway to keep it cracked open. Regretting having drunk so much after only a bag of pretzels for lunch, I leaned against the brick wall to steady myself and dragged in a deep breath.

  Even in summer, the night was pleasantly cooler than inside the club. After a few breaths to clear my head, I decided to call it a night. I just needed to find Sarah and let her know I was leaving. I headed for the door when a dark-haired man in a black sportscoat stepped into my path. I stopped just short of bumping into him and forced a polite smile. Mischief danced in his dark eyes while he scanned my body. My heartbeat pulsed in my ears and my only thought was of getting out of there.

  “Excuse me.” I sidestepped to make my way around him but he shifted, effectively blocking the door.

  “No problem, beautiful.” He snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me hard against him. I pushed against his chest, but he held me tight. His smoldering gaze bored into me with intensity as he leaned in to kiss me. The sickly aroma of liquor and cigarettes invaded my senses and I recoiled with disgust.

  He brushed his lips against my ear with a husky whisper. “I was watching you in there. If you can move like that on the dance floor, I’d love to see how I could make you move in my bed.” Lascivious intent dripped from each syllable.

  The nerve… I tilted my head back to glare at him. He, however, seemed amused by my outrage. The corner of his mouth lifted in a sly smirk but his gaze remained heated.

  I wasn’t sure what to make of the guy. At first, I’d thought he was just a typical drunk—overbearing and too confident. But in that moment, I looked into sharp eyes. There was no drunken haze, no sluggishness in the way he held himself.

  “You’re comin’ with me,” he said.

  “Oh, no, I’m not.” I tried to push myself away again but his grip on my waist was a vise. He turned, forcing me between him and the rough brick wall that scraped my back. I pushed and squirmed in his grasp. He pressed his unyielding body against me and twisted his fingers into my curls with a sharp tug, sending pain through my scalp.

  “Or, we could do this right here,” he said, his words filled with venom.

  With a tight grip on my hair, he claimed my mouth. He forced his tongue past my lips. My stomach turned. I fought in vain. He dropped his hand from my waist to the hem of my dress and burned a trail up my thigh with his sickening touch, pushing the fabric upward, leaving me exposed. I closed my eyes in helpless frustration. Then, there was nothing—the hand on my thigh, the fingers in my hair, his mouth pressed against mine—torn away so fast that I fell back against the wall.

  Dazed, I looked around for an explanation. I was drawn to the sound of quiet groaning. My assailant lay on the ground, holding himself up on his elbows. I followed his saucer-sized gaze to a muscular, towering man in a charcoal suit. My breath shuddered as I glanced back and forth between the two men. I couldn’t move, couldn’t speak. I was completely frozen in place.

  “Get out of here! Lárgate!”

  The sudden thunder of the new arrival’s voice made me jump. His dark stare burned into my attacker, who stammered and began to crab-walk away from us. Finding his footing, he ran down the alley toward the street.

  The moment he was out of sight, I turned back to the man who had come to my rescue. Tears welled up in my eyes but I blinked them away. His gaze softened the moment he turned to me, and every sign of anger melted into concern.

  “Dios mío, are you all right?”

re I could blink, he was at my side.

  He cupped my shoulder with a firm hand. The connection sent a jolt through my body and my breath caught in my throat. I looked down at his hand on me and managed a nod. His ragged breath drew my eyes back to his face.

  “Thank you,” I croaked.

  He smiled half-heartedly, “Ven. Come.” With a gentle touch, he took me by the elbow and led me back inside.

  The flashing lights and thumping beat enveloped us the moment we stepped back into the club. My mysterious rescuer tipped his head toward an empty table.

  “Sit. I’ll get you a drink.”

  Working on autopilot, I nodded and sank into the soft leather, relishing the coolness against my overheated skin.

  The sound of a throat being cleared pulled me from my daze. I couldn’t help but smile up at the man who had saved me. He set a bottle of water in front of me. His deep, penetrating gaze never left mine as he strode around to the opposite side of the table and sat down. With an appreciative smile, I lifted the bottle to my lips, took a large drink and placed it back on the table.

  “Thank you,” I murmured, just starting to find my voice again.

  He sank into the chair and ran his fingers through his dark, swept-back hair. His chocolate gaze heated when he looked at me and leaned forward as he spoke. “You sure you’re all right?”

  “Yes, thanks to you.”

  “I’m just glad I was there.” His voice grew firmer than I’d heard it before. “You should never go out into a dark alley alone.”

  “I needed some fresh air.”

  “That’s no excuse for putting yourself in danger. You get someone to go with you or you go into a public area.” His stern tone took me aback.

  My slack jaw snapped closed. I didn’t know what else to say, so I took another drink instead. He seemed satisfied with my response—or lack thereof.

  Several minutes passed before our silence was broken by his deep rumbling voice. “I’m Ian Knight, by the way.”

  “Rachel,” I automatically answered. His complete change of direction had thrown me.


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