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Infatuation - A Club Destiny Novel

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by Nicole Edwards


  A Club Destiny Novel

  Nicole Edwards


  A Club Destiny Novel

  Nicole Edwards

  Copyright © 2013 by Nicole Edwards

  All rights reserved.

  Smashwords Edition

  ISBN: 978-1-939786-03-6

  Cover Image by:

  © Patrizia Tilly

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Infatuation – A Club Destiny Novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This book may not be resold or redistributed without the express consent of the author.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty One

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Chapter Twenty Three

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Chapter Twenty Six

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  Chapter Twenty Eight

  Chapter Twenty Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty One

  Chapter Thirty Two

  Chapter Thirty Three

  Chapter Thirty Four

  Chapter Thirty Five

  Chapter Thirty Six

  Chapter Thirty Seven

  Chapter Thirty Eight

  Chapter Thirty Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty One

  Chapter Forty Two



  Kaleb: Chapter One


  To my amazing husband.

  Without you, I couldn’t do this. Your unwavering support is humbling. I love you!


  *** ~~ *** ~~ *** ~~ ***

  Unusually quiet.

  That’s the only way Tag could describe the sound, or rather lack thereof, that greeted him the instant he stepped foot into the immaculately decorated, overly spacious house.

  One week, – seven long days – had passed since the last time he was here; the last time he had been privy to the sensual smorgasbord that he was sure to stumble upon at any given moment. He knew why he was here, and he knew what was going to happen, he just didn’t know when, where or how. He was pretty sure she liked to keep him guessing in that regard.

  Tonight, for some reason, Tag was a little hesitant.

  Ok, maybe more than just a little.

  Not that he wasn’t fully onboard with the agenda for the evening. He just couldn’t seem to shake that niggling little voice in his head that had him wondering whether he should be doing this. Honestly, he had never heard this voice before; never questioned his decisions in regards to this aspect of his life. But tonight he was questioning himself for one reason and one reason only.


  The woman who had stepped into his path that one unusually warm October afternoon. The one who successfully imbedded herself somewhere in the dark recesses of his brain.

  Tag knew her name, but that’s about all he knew at this point. Well, other than the image he was intimately familiar with; the one that continued to haunt his dreams on those long, lonely nights. There was an intensity about her; one he couldn’t shake regardless how many times he tried to convince himself that it was only in his head. He didn’t know her, but for some reason, she plagued his mind with thoughts that he knew were better left alone.

  Which was why he was here, his legs carrying him through the vast open space as his eyes took in his surroundings, attempting to predict what was about to happen before it actually did. Generally, that never worked for him, mainly because he had learned they liked to keep him on his toes.

  He didn’t doubt himself now. He knew what he wanted, or rather what he needed, and it wasn’t some mystery woman disturbing his thoughts and making him anticipate something he knew was well out of his reach.

  He was here now, and that was what he needed to focus on. A couple of hours of mind numbing ecstasy at the hands of a woman who didn’t threaten his resolve, or have him wishing for things he had never wanted before.

  This was the best of both worlds. The opportunity to explore his sexual fantasies, while keeping himself detached from those pesky emotions that others around him had succumbed to in recent months. He wasn’t interested in those things. He only had room for physical connections at this point in his life. These midnight trysts were all he needed in order to fulfill the areas he sometimes questioned were lacking, but knew that wasn’t the case.

  And what better way to escape from his thoughts than to find gratification in the touch of a woman without the worry of discussions about something more. Logan and Samantha offered him that; they offered him the chance to erase all of the stresses of life for just a few hours and still give him the ability to walk away afterward without an ounce of guilt.

  As Tag approached the living room, he was welcomed with even more silence. He knew the drill, knew that he would spend a couple of minutes anticipating the how and where before he stumbled upon what would ultimately allow his mind to clear for that short period of time. Tonight it wouldn’t be in the kitchen or on the veranda because both of those places were empty. That meant there was only one other place they could be.

  As he turned toward the master bedroom, Tag loosened his tie while welcoming the anticipation he sensed building in his gut.

  Bypassing the bedroom, he turned the corner into the ostentatious master bath, with its floor to ceiling mirrors and expensively tiled floors until his eyes landed on the wickedly hot scene already playing out before him. They hadn’t made it into the shower yet, but Tag could hear the water as it ran on the opposite side of the wall. What he saw instantly had his dick swelling and his balls in desperate need of attention.

  Sitting naked on the bathroom counter, her legs spread wide, her back pressed against the mirrored glass with her head thrown back, Samantha McCoy was completely unaware of his presence, although he knew she was expecting him. As was her husband, Logan, who was currently kneeling between her legs, holding her open as he devoured her with his tongue.

  Without hesitation, but not rushing either, Tag divested himself of his suit jacket and tie before slowly unbuttoning his dress shirt. His eyes were glued to the erotic display before him, allowing him the chance to push all other thoughts out of his cluttered mind.

  At least for tonight, Tag was the third in this rendezvous, and he was satisfied with that just as he had been for the last few months, ever since Logan McCoy approached him. Wi
th Sam’s enthusiastic attitude toward sex, her ability to open herself up to exploring the pleasure that could be had from a threesome, Tag had nothing to fear except for the onslaught of physical gratification.

  Tag liked Samantha, he liked her ambition, her intelligence, her drive, and he especially liked that hint of vulnerability he sensed each and every time he took her in his arms. This was still new to her, but she had finally given in to her salacious urges and accepted the fact that she enjoyed being the recipient of two men’s attention for at least a little while. More importantly, Tag respected the connection between Sam and Logan and knew, without a doubt, why he was invited.

  For the pleasure and nothing more.

  Standing here now, his gaze drawn to the sexy blond laid out like a buffet for the taking, he attempted to force every other thought from his mind, focusing solely on the way Logan was feasting on her pussy while Tag watched.

  That was Logan’s fetish: watching and being watched. Tag didn’t have any issues with that. He had his own kinks, his own forbidden desires, and just like Logan, Tag didn’t make excuses for what he wanted.

  Completely naked now, Tag remained where he was, stroking his erection as he allowed his mind to engage fully in the moment. Logan would ensure that this played out the way he expected it to and Tag embraced the opportunity not to have to think. He spent too many hours a day doing just that, and this offered him the mind numbing bliss he had come to enjoy.

  When Sam’s eyes opened, meeting his briefly, he smiled, watching as she writhed and moaned while Logan continued to lap at her sweet pussy. Her answering grin was brief before she closed her eyes, bowed her back and allowed her orgasm to consume her.

  That was another thing he enjoyed about Samantha; she was incredibly responsive, ensuring that he knew exactly what triggered that spine tingling reaction that had her moaning Logan’s name over and over.

  “Come here,” Logan instructed his wife as he stood to his full height. He offered his hand, and then helped her to stand before heading to the fully open shower on the other side of the wall.

  Tag followed, still in no rush, but allowing his anxiety to ratchet up a notch or two as he made his way beneath the warm water behind them.

  He had no way of knowing what would happen next because true to form, Logan’s mind worked in mysterious ways. He was always coming up with ways to ensure they never got bored. It was true, pleasure was pleasure, but it was also true that, without spontaneity, it would become monotonous, something Logan appeared to be allergic to.

  With his hands on her shoulders, Logan eased Samantha to her knees before him, his eyes seemingly locked on the woman’s beautiful mouth.

  “I want to feel your lips on me, Sam,” Logan growled.

  Watching as Sam teased the head of Logan’s dick with her tongue, Tag moved closer. When he was no less than a foot away from her, she slowly reached out, stroking his fully erect cock with her soft, wet hand while she continued to suck Logan deeper into her mouth.

  Needless to say, Tag was beginning to forget everything else that normally weighed heavily on his mind, losing himself in the sensation.

  For long minutes, they continued this way until Sam pulled away from Logan, turning her attention on Tag. The heat of her mouth sent a chill racing down his spine as she slid her lips over the engorged head. He locked his knees as she continued to moan around his cock now filling her mouth.

  Closing his eyes, Tag found it more difficult than ever to clear those pressing thoughts from his mind. Unable to forget the woman who made her presence known, inadvertently leaving him to wonder whether there was more to this than what he originally thought. But he demanded those thoughts to leave and allow him this one last night.

  One last night to immerse himself in this diversion that had become crucial to his sanity, allowing him to pretend that one woman hadn’t intrigued him with just a seductive, daring gleam in her crystal blue eyes.

  She was a woman Tag feared might just manage to push him further than he ever wanted to be pushed.

  Chapter One

  *** ~~ *** ~~ *** ~~ ***

  With a slew of reporters standing around, looking to pick up the tiniest bit of news that they could exploit, Tag Murphy did his best to appear unaffected as he made his way through the crowd. Although he wasn’t Sierra’s lawyer, Tag was still representing Club Destiny and felt it necessary to be present in the event Luke needed anything. As it turned out, he had. This was just part of his job that he wasn’t all that fond of.

  He didn’t have any problem being the necessary distraction that would keep the media at bay temporarily for Sierra’s sake, but he’d rather be doing just about anything else. If Susan Toulmin’s rant of lunacy was anything to go by, the tactic appeared to be working.

  Tag spared a glance at the immaculately dressed woman coming out of the courtroom spouting all kinds of crazy shit. As much as he’d like to be surprised, sadly, he was not. He didn’t expect anything less from her today, especially after the judge finally ruled in favor of Sierra Sellers.

  He might have to endure a microphone or two that came just a little too close for comfort, but it was the least he could do to keep the attention from Sierra who was now being escorted out through the side entrance by Luke and Cole. Better him than Luke McCoy that was for damn sure.

  “Mr. Murphy,” a microphone was jammed toward his face, “is it true that, not only do you represent Club Destiny, but you’re also a member?”

  Tag couldn’t count the number of times he had heard that exact question in the last couple of weeks. And just like every other time, he ignored it and continued making his way through the hordes of people mulling about.

  Another microphone.

  Another question.

  “No comment,” Tag said as he shouldered his way through, only this time, something – or rather someone – caught his eye.

  Stopping abruptly, his feet unwilling to continue, Tag searched the faces around him until his gaze narrowed on one woman. The same woman who had caught his eye every day for a solid month and captivated his thoughts for even longer.

  McKenna Thorne.

  After their first run in, Tag had spent the better part of an afternoon digging for more information on the titillating red head now standing just two feet away wielding a microphone and a seductive smile. The microphone he didn’t mind, but the smile was more than just an intriguing tilt of her full, red lips. It was a dare.

  His persistent research gave Tag quite a bit of information on the tremendously successful journalist. She wasn’t just any journalist though. McKenna was a relentless, highly admired entrepreneur who owned Sensations, Inc., a well-known online magazine geared toward swingers and the sexually taboo. In recent weeks, thanks to the loose lips of Susan Toulmin, McKenna’s magazine had received more than its fair share of recognition.

  He knew better than to provoke the intriguing McKenna. Not because he worried his life would become fodder for her daily newsfeed, but because, quite frankly, Tag wasn’t sure how far his control could be stretched, and the vibrant red head, with her teasing smile and come-hither stare, seemed to realize that.

  “Is it true, Mr. Murphy,” McKenna drawled in that sexy, raspy voice that was better suited for phone sex than an interview in his opinion, “that you’re representing Luke and Logan McCoy in their newest business venture? Investing in a mega resort catering to the uber wealthy and their kinky obsessions?”

  Tag made sure his expression didn’t change as he continued to stare into the most exotically intense eyes he’d ever seen on a human being. From a distance, her eyes appeared to be as crystal blue as the waters of the Caribbean, but up close, less than a foot between them, he could see that McKenna’s eyes weren’t blue, or green, or brown, but a combination of all three. The iris consisted of a thin band of brown, encapsulated by a thicker ring of green, surrounded by an unusually bright teal blue. He didn’t even think they could be called a specific color.

  Her eyes weren�
�t her only feature that Tag found appealing. Ever since the first day, outside of the exact same courthouse where they stood now, he’d been consumed by thoughts of her. It wasn’t just the smooth perfection of her porcelain skin, her cute little nose, her luscious mouth or all of those sinful curves that made men turn and watch while she walked away. McKenna had a confident sophistication about her, and when she had said his name that day, he’d been a goner.

  His body hadn’t known the type of lust she inspired for quite some time; an inferno of passion and need that all but consumed him. Only Tag was a smart man, and he’d been taught at a remarkably young age not to play with fire. And he sensed this woman was as fiery as the long, silky tresses upswept at the back of her head.

  “No. Comment.” Tag offered McKenna his signature statement and a sardonic grin, then turned and moved through the crowd. Had it not been for his momentary pause, he might’ve been able to avoid what came next.

  “Mr. Murphy!” The voice rang out, all too familiar, and more than a little irritating. “Don’t you think it’s time you came clean with the nice people of this city?”

  Why couldn’t the woman just keep her damned mouth shut?

  Tag initially found Susan’s insistence on representing herself highly amusing, but it hadn’t taken long before she proved not only to him, but the judge as well, that she was unquestionably bat shit crazy. Now, apparently, she was out to ensure the world knew it too.

  He turned slowly, dreading the confrontation that had been a long time coming.

  “Ms. Toulmin,” Tag greeted her politely, although he should’ve ignored her.

  With Luke McCoy, on behalf of Club Destiny, in the process of suing Susan for violation of a binding contract, Tag knew better than to invite trouble if he could avoid it.

  Susan’s reaction to Sierra’s relationship with Luke and Cole came as a bit of a shock to the three of them. She made good on her promise to sue Sierra for misrepresentation of her design experience, although Susan’s retaliation was obviously due to her intense feelings for Luke and Cole. Tag knew for a fact that Sierra had wished she never laid eyes on the high maintenance, demanding attorney, so today’s outcome had to be a welcome relief.


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