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Infatuation - A Club Destiny Novel

Page 3

by Nicole Edwards

  “An exclusive what?”

  “I want to do an exclusive story on Club Destiny. You can give me the tour. It’ll satisfy my readers, and it will get the crazy lady off your back at the same time?”

  “Who? You?” Tag pretended not to know McKenna was referring to Susan. At the moment, he wasn’t sure which of them was crazier – Susan for confusing lust for love, or McKenna for daring to make this personal.

  Either way, he had to admit, it wasn’t a terrible idea.

  Those inquisitive eyes of hers raked him up and down, and Tag fought the urge to press her against the wall one more time. Only this time, he was going to take what she was offering.

  Tag was hypnotized as he watched McKenna pace back and forth, speaking out loud, but obviously not to him. He was mesmerized by the long lines of her graceful body, the gentle flare of her hips and the perfection of her ass encased in those expensive jeans. As she moved, her hips swayed seductively, her long, lustrous red hair hanging board straight down her back, grazing the waistband of those low slung jeans.

  He wanted to run his fingers through her hair, wrap the thick, silk around his fist before pulling her head back and exploring her mouth with his tongue.

  “It’ll work. You’ll give me a tour of the club, we’ll print – with Luke’s approval, of course – and my readers will go nuts. Susan won’t have any more ammunition for the press. We’ll be able to tell people what goes on behind those doors without revealing a single member.”

  Tag met her eyes when she stopped abruptly, standing much closer than he expected. For a brief moment, there was silence in the room; the only sound was each breath they took, growing more and more labored as they remained motionless, brought on by whatever chemical reaction that occurred between them when they were in the same room. A response so potent, should they give in to it, Tag feared it could very well rock him to his core.

  Turning away, he stood once again, and it was now his turn to pace. He certainly liked where she was going with this, but that didn’t matter.

  It wasn’t his call.


  How was it possible to be so infatuated with a man like Tag Murphy? Even with all of the things she knew about him, and more importantly, knew about herself, McKenna didn’t understand the attraction she felt.

  A few weeks ago, she’d have blamed it on simple lust. The kind inspired from the sight of a hot, sexy man by a woman who hadn’t had sex in longer than she cared to admit. This... this... whatever you wanted to call it was beginning to border on obsession. So much so, McKenna was stuttering her thoughts.

  There was just something about this particular man, with his compelling good looks and sophisticated, dominating presence that caught her attention. Maybe it was those eyes that changed from the color of cool crystalline to that of deep, glistening emeralds. Or perhaps it was that he was so tall, although she couldn’t pinpoint a measurement, but he was quite a bit taller than her own five feet seven inches. Not so tall that she wouldn’t be able to slide her hands up his neck and explore his beautiful bald head with her fingertips.

  Oh, God, it could very well be his shaved head because Tag pulled it off so effortlessly. The man was the epitome of male perfection.

  Even more impressive than his height or his inquisitive eyes or that sexy head was the thick, ropey muscle that she sensed beneath those fancy suits he wore. She’d felt his solid, well-muscled thigh between her legs just minutes ago, and she’d had to quell the urge to grind against him because he was just that damn hot. She wondered, albeit briefly, how thick other parts of him were.

  McKenna knew as much as she admired his physical perfection, that generally wasn’t what drew her to a man, and as much as she tried to pretend that was the case now, she knew she was drawn to him by something more than his eye pleasing appearance. Tag Murphy was also successful and intelligent, two highly appealing qualities when she considered her history.

  Remembering where she was and what she was trying to do, McKenna unglued her eyes from his shapely ass and waited until he turned around. “You know it’ll work.”

  “It’s not a bad idea,” he paused, glancing around the room before a smile tipped his lips, “but you know it’s not my call. I’ll have to talk to the McCoy’s and get back to you.”

  McKenna watched as he turned to go, suddenly wishing she could keep him there for just a little while longer. There were so many things that intrigued her about this man, so many things that she wanted...

  A sigh threatened to escape, but she held it in, waiting for him to say something.

  “In the meantime, don’t write any more fucking articles.”

  Well, that’s not what she wanted to hear.

  “I’ll try.” She returned his smile. “You’ve got twenty four hours to get back to me. If I don’t hear from you by then, one way or the other, I’m launching my next one. And this one is guaranteed to raise some eyebrows.”


  For the rest of the day, McKenna and Whisper, along with two other part time employees, worked to try and keep up with the staggering response to the article on Tag.

  Pictures of him were flying all over cyberspace, women intent on knowing more about the hunky attorney that seemed to have a dark side; a side that apparently more women than just McKenna wanted to explore.

  She found it both amusing and a little irritating. Jealousy wasn’t a good color for her, but McKenna was learning that she had developed some sort of possessive gene when it came to Tag. She’d be smart to figuratively pull that little emotion straight out of her brain, wad it up and throw it in the trash. Then set the can on fire. Twice.

  She didn’t have time to play games with Tag, or anyone else for that matter. Even if she was enjoying it to some degree, she knew better. McKenna was in no way the type of woman Tag would want on his arm. Or even in his bed. She wasn’t the typical submissive he seemed to be interested in, nor did she play in threes.

  No, McKenna had her own dominating personality that she knew would conflict directly with Tag’s. She might fantasize about what it would be like in Tag’s arms, but McKenna knew it would never work. And she wasn’t in the market for a temporary sex partner.

  “Well, I’m outta here, Mac,” Whisper called from the doorway of McKenna’s office successfully breaking her from her thoughts.

  “You got a hot date tonight?” she asked, glancing up from the image of Tag still laid out before her. She was preparing tomorrow’s article, although she had a sneaking suspicion she would hear from him.

  That was why she was preparing two articles.

  Her readers would get something they’ve all been waiting a long time to hear about, only she hoped she’d get the quick tour from him, and she could share some of the much anticipated details about the infamous Club Destiny.

  “Of course,” Whisper laughed, although from where she sat, McKenna couldn’t detect a trace of humor reflected in Whisper’s warm brown eyes.

  “Why’re you laughing?” McKenna asked, suddenly a little concerned for her friend.

  “Seriously? Honey, when you’ve been together as long as we have, you’re lucky to get fast food for a date.”

  “What do you do for fun?” McKenna knew that Whisper and Anna had been together for at least four years now, so maybe their hot dates had dwindled to the occasional date night, but still. There had to be some spontaneity in their relationship.

  “We start by eating dinner, followed by dishes, chased by several hours of whatever is the hot show on television. The most excitement might be a quick laugh over something one of us saw on Facebook.”

  “Well, if you want my advice...” McKenna grinned – like her advice had worked for her in the past – “you need to take that woman out sometime.”

  “I hear ya.”

  The look that passed over Whisper’s pretty, round face had McKenna wanting to ask more questions, but she knew her friend and she knew now was not the time to press. Instead, she just smiled. “Have a good night.
I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Back atcha, boss lady. See you tomorrow.”

  With that Whisper was out the door, and she was once again alone in the office.

  Two hours later, McKenna was sitting back admiring her handy work. Two articles about Tag finished and ready to go to the editors. Once they approved them, hopefully before morning, she’d be ready to share something with her readers.

  Stretching her tight back muscles, McKenna damn near fell out of her chair when her cell phone rang, startling her. Fumbling, she managed to grip it before hitting the green button to connect the call.

  “McKenna Thorne,” she greeted the caller. Not many people knew her cell phone number, so she didn’t bother checking to see who it was.

  “Dinner. Tonight.” The gruff Texas drawl belonged to none other than the man she’d been thinking about for the last few hours.

  Because of work, of course.

  Her heart beat double time against her ribs, and McKenna kept her butt in her chair, not trusting her legs to hold her upright. “Where were you thinking?”

  Ok, so yes, she was seriously considering this.

  “Does it matter?”

  The cockiness in his response actually sent a chill down her spine. The good kind. Did she care where they went? No, not really. Would she let him know that? Ummm... no.

  “I don’t go out to dinner with strange men.”

  “Well, darlin’, I assure you, I’m not all that strange.”

  McKenna couldn’t help herself. She giggled. Fucking giggled. Good grief, what the hell was wrong with her?


  “Right now. I’m downstairs.”

  Holy shit.

  McKenna launched herself up from her chair and moved over to the window, pulling the curtain back and peering down into the parking lot. Sure enough, there was Tag’s undeniable black Maserati Quattroporte Sport GT S parked near the entrance. No, she didn’t even actually know what that was, but she’d been researching the man... it came up.

  “Five minutes,” she told him and hung up the phone without listening for a response. She rushed into the private bathroom in her office, praying five minutes would be enough time to at least feel presentable.

  “You weren’t wearing that when I was here earlier today,” Tag commented as she slid into the sleek, sexy car.

  No, she had been wearing jeans, which she rarely wore, and the instant Tag had stormed into her office, she’d felt entirely underdressed to be in his presence. The man didn’t do casual. He was the epitome of the business professional, always wearing an expensive suit that was obviously tailored for his massive body.

  “You don’t like it?” she taunted him, buckling her seat belt and trying to pretend he didn’t affect her as much as he did.

  “I didn’t say that,” he growled as he put the car in gear and pulled out of the parking lot.

  McKenna had a closet full of power outfits. She preferred skirts and dresses of all types, from floor length to micro mini, she wasn’t picky. If it was soft and flowing, she usually snatched it up.

  Tonight, she didn’t go for demure. No, when she rapidly flipped through her closet in her office where she kept a couple of emergency outfits, she’d been searching for something to strengthen her resolve. The knee length A-line skirt paired with a white silk blouse, and her favorite Louboutin’s – the black ones with the red leather open toe – had been the perfect combination.

  Apparently Tag appreciated her choice.

  McKenna relaxed into the luxury seat, keeping her eyes focused on the passing scenery as she inhaled the delectable scent of Tag. Likely expensive cologne, if she had to guess. Whatever it was, it worked for him. And her.

  She didn’t ask where they were going because she figured at this point it honestly didn’t matter. Allowing herself a couple of minutes to acclimate to being in such close proximity to the man who made her breath choppy and her palms sweat, McKenna let the soft music playing through the car’s interior calm her. As much as anything was going to calm her at this point anyway.

  By the time they reached the restaurant she was feeling almost in control of her disobedient hormones.

  That was until Tag took her hand.

  Chapter Three

  *** ~~ *** ~~ *** ~~ ***

  Tag handed the key to the valet as he exited the car, moving slowly around to the passenger side and waving off another attendant who had started toward them. He opened the door and offered McKenna his hand.

  He would question that move for the next ten minutes, he knew. The second their fingers touched, there was an influx of warmth that penetrated his bloodstream. Her soft, smooth fingers fit perfectly in his palm, and despite his better judgment, he didn’t let go of her hand as they made their way into the restaurant.

  “Mr. Murphy,” the hostess greeted him by name as they approached. He returned her polite smile before she turned and led them to a small table in the back.

  “Nice choice,” McKenna whispered as he stood back, placing his hand on her lower back, allowing her to take her seat first. When he sat in the chair beside her, rather than across from her, he noticed the slight tilt of her eyebrow and the small smile on her perfect, full lips.

  “So, tell me a little about you,” Tag said a few minutes later after the waiter had successfully taken their order and brought the wine.

  “What do you want to know?”

  Everything. Tag thought it but didn’t say it. “What made you want to be a journalist?”

  “I’m not sure that I’ve ever wanted to be a journalist,” McKenna’s smile brightened her entire face, “but I wanted to own something of my own. I didn’t want to work for someone else after watching what my father went through.” She paused, looked away before returning to meet his gaze. “I think it was my senior year in high school when I helped with the school newspaper that I first found an interest in sharing other people’s stories. Then when I started college, I had no idea what I wanted to do. No idea.”

  Tag wanted to ask about her father but decided that question would have to wait. She didn’t look interested in going there at the moment.

  “What did you major in?”

  “Marketing.” McKenna’s musical laugh made Tag smile. “I have no idea why, but it seemed easy enough. I was halfway through my junior year when I started a blog. It was innocent for the most part, and lasted all of a year before I ventured out and started Sensations, Inc. It’s been going strong for four years now.”

  Tag did the math in his head, and if he figured it correctly, McKenna was twenty five years old. That put her just seven years younger than him. Starting her own business at twenty one was pretty impressive, but Tag was finding there were several things about her that impressed him. Her intelligence and drive definitely ranked at the top of the list.

  “And you make money writing about sex?” he asked bluntly, distracted by the way her lips touched the glass as she sipped her wine.

  “I do.” Setting her glass back on the cloth covered table, McKenna seemed to be watching him. “It’s no different than what the McCoy brother’s do.”

  There was a substantial difference, but Tag wasn’t about to explain the two. He merely cocked his eyebrow, waiting for her to continue.

  “Ok, so maybe there’s a slight difference. But yes, to answer your question, I do make money talking about sex. I give people what they want.”

  “And people want to know about whether I keep toys in my dungeon?” He still had a hard time believing that one.

  “Women lust after sexy, successful men. And you fit that profile, so yes. They want to know your dirty secrets.”

  “It doesn’t bother you to share people’s personal information with the world?”

  “Well, technically, my reach isn’t quite that far. And it’s not as if I share all of the information I receive.”


  “No,” McKenna stated firmly but didn’t elaborate.

  They were interrupted by
the waiter stopping by to refill the wine and let them know the food would be out shortly. He got the feeling McKenna was a little defensive about her career choice, and Tag’s goal was not to piss her off on their first date.

  First date? What the fuck? Did he just pull that out of his ass or what? This damn sure wasn’t a first date.

  Obviously Tag was quiet for too long because McKenna took the opportunity to throw out a question of her own. “And what about you? What made you want to be a lawyer?”

  “My father’s a lawyer. It seemed like an easy path to take, to make him happy.”

  “Did you spend your life trying to make him happy?”

  Ok, so apparently he needed to carefully word his answers from here on out because he’d clearly given her too much information in just that one sentence.

  “Not necessarily, no. My father didn’t have it easy, and I realized at an early age that he gave everything he had just to raise me on his own. I figured this was an easy way to give back to him for all he gave up for me.”

  Again, his mouth was clearly not getting the signals from his brain.

  “What about your mother?”

  “My mother passed away when I was in high school.” This was a conversation Tag had no intention of having with her, so he quickly changed directions, “What do your parents think about what you do?”

  “They pretend not to notice.” McKenna grinned. “They both know exactly what I do, and if they enjoy it, they don’t tell me. But, they aren’t against it either. My parents have always been extremely supportive of me and my sister.”

  “Is your sister older or younger?”


  When the waiter approached, bringing their food, the conversation slowed and they managed to eat while talking about much less personal topics. He found it relatively easy to talk to her, which was another thing that surprised him. She was smart, witty, and just as aggressive with her quest for knowledge as he expected her to be. For some reason, that didn’t bother him like it normally did.


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