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The Magic of Discovery: Emerald Lakes Book One

Page 6

by Britt Andrews

  “It’s okay, Saige. I like your hair too.” He reached out and tugged on one of my braids before slightly running his fingertips along my neck, the touch so soft I wondered if I’d imagined it. “Now we’re even.” Winking, he walked over to the grill to throw in some charcoal bricks, and Kai slid in beside him to light it up.

  Have you ever felt a rapid cycle of emotions, two of which included embarrassment and arousal? It was a vicious circle. I just went from gazing at the object of said arousal, being embarrassed that I outed my own damn self for being aroused, and then back to being ready to get dicked down all in the span of a minute. I need a drink.

  “Anyone else ready for a beer?” I asked, sounding chipper as fuck as I hopped off the table, beelining for the cooler on wheels.

  Everyone was down to clown with some booze, so I was happy to play bartender for a moment and pass them out.

  I sat with Kai while he grilled, passing the time drinking and laughing. The other three guys were all throwing a football around in the open meadow beside the lake.

  “So, for real, what brings four guys to Emerald Lakes on such short notice?” I questioned, keeping my eyes locked on the others. They looked so carefree. Sloane was sprinting across the grass, heading right for Cam, attempting to intercept the football that Fischer had launched toward them. Just as it looked like he might actually pull it off, a white blur shot into my line of sight out of nowhere and collided with Sloane, knocking him off balance. Maven rolled fluidly and shook himself out when he stood upright again, and Cam and Fish were losing it. My smile widened as Sloane stood up and mock disciplined the white fox, pointing his finger at him and saying something about, ‘supposed to be friends’ and ‘we’re the president and vice-president of the Grumpy Guys Club.’ That’s almost... adorable. Kaito’s voice pulled my attention back to him.

  “We work for Radical Inc.” He looked at me as he flipped a burger, and when I nodded to show I knew the company, he continued. “Our boss sent us here to scout a property that’s in Kingstown. It’s an old factory warehouse that’s been vacant for a little while now, and Rad is always looking to expand into new areas. We’re in Emerald Lakes because, first of all, it was the only town that was close and had an immediate vacancy for an apartment large enough for the four of us. Second, we don’t want to run into any competitors in Kingstown and set off alarms that we’re in the market to buy.”

  Kingstown was the biggest city I had ever been in, and it was only fifteen miles from here.

  “Emerald Lakes is for sure the right choice if you’re trying to be discreet. We don’t get a lot of businessmen.” I paused to think. “Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever seen any businessmen come through here, so your secret is safe.”

  “This place kind of reminds me of where the guys and I are from. We all grew up in the same town. It had a bit larger of a population, but it was a tight knit community,” Kai replied, still focused on his task, but his face had softened, and I just knew he was reliving something from his past. Whatever it was, I’m glad it was positive. While he had his moment, I eyed the waiting food. The corn husks were already starting to get some char on them, and the burgers smelled so damn good. He picked up his beer and downed about half of it, my gaze hungrily fixed on his throat as he drank the cool liquid. Why is that so hot?

  I squirmed in my seat, searching for a way to distract my hormones. “So what’s your affinity?”

  Kai’s eyes snapped up from the grill, and he gave me a smile that was bordering on predatory. For such a lighthearted and funny man, I had already seen his eyes flash several times with the kind of darkness that promised bite marks and adrenaline. The kind of darkness I wanted to dive into.

  “I’m a shifter mage,” he growled. Legit growled like a jungle cat. I clamped my thighs together even harder.

  “Wow, that’s so cool. I can’t even imagine how amazing that must be to shift into another creature. What’s your animal?”

  “I’m a black panther. He awakened when I was thirteen. That was a bitch, being a teenage boy in the height of puberty and then also having to contend with a literal beast taking up part of my psyche. I named him Bagheera, just like The Jungle Book.” The look on Kai’s face when he was talking about Bagheera was the cutest shit ever. He was like a proud papa, eyes shining with love.

  The two of us worked seamlessly to finish up the food as I asked him questions. “Do you call him Baggie? Or would he get pissed about that? Because I think Baggie is super cute.” I smiled widely at him.

  A loud purr came from Kai, and his eyes widened in shock. “I do not call him Baggie, but judging by the purr that he just unleashed, I think he’s okay with you calling him that. Typically, he’s not big on new people, but right now he’s rolling around on his back like a kitten.”

  “Oh my gosh, he’s so loud!” Thinking about a big cat like Baggie rolling around like a little baby, I could hardly contain my glee. Just then, Maven jumped up on the table and knocked my beer over. Thankfully, it was almost empty, but by the stars, he was a jealous little thing.

  “Mave! What’s wrong with you? Unless we’re snuggling in bed, you act like you’re too good for me, but now you’re getting all possessive.” I grabbed his little white snout and pushed his ears forward so he had a scrunchy face going on.

  He raised his right paw and placed it on my forearm before giving my nose a speedy lick.

  “Yes, you’re a good boy and also the cutest. You’ll always be my favorite,” I reassured the sensitive fox, and just to get back into his good graces, I grabbed a slice of cheese and held it out for him. He chittered at me, grabbed the offering, and then ran off to eat his earnings. Taking note that Kai was almost done with taking everything off the grill, I scooted off the table and started taking out the plates and napkins.

  “Damn. You just got played by a fox,” Sloane chuckled.

  I hadn’t seen the guys approaching, but here they were. Shirtless, except for Cam, and my brain just melted. I was looking like such a thirsty ass bitch, but I accepted that. It’s been too long, and these dudes... Eek! Kai came up behind me, setting the platters of burgers and corn down in the middle of the table.

  “Let’s eat, boys!” Cam proclaimed. Then he looked at me and added, “And Saige.”

  I giggled. Why does he make me giggle so much? What the hell is happening to me?

  Everyone grabbed a paper plate and started dishing up food. Dancing in my seat, I took a huge bite of my cheeseburger, my eyes fluttering closed as a moan escaped my mouth Damn, Kai can really cook. I should thank him for inviting me.

  I looked up to do just that and found four sets of eyes staring at me. Cam cleared his throat and set his burger down before his hand disappeared under the table as he shifted around in his spot a little bit.

  “What? Do I have mustard on my face or something?” I picked up my napkin and hastily wiped my mouth and chin.

  “No, Red. The sounds coming out of you are bordering on sexual.” Sloane’s ice blue eyes looked nearly black with how blown his pupils were. My face probably looked like a tomato.

  “Well, take it up with Kai. These are amazing,” I retorted with a shrug, trying to feign nonchalance.

  Fish reached across the table and put his hand over mine. “You don’t have to apologize. We should always express how we feel, however we choose to.” I looked up and gave him a small smile, grateful for his calming words.

  “I was just about to thank you, Kai.” When he gave me a confused expression, I explained, “For inviting me to hang out with you guys, for cooking the best burger I’ve eaten in my life, all of the above.”

  “You’re most welcome, Sprout. We appreciate you showing us around and telling us all about your sleepy little town.” Kai smiled at me and then proceeded to take a big bite of his corn.

  “What were you guys talking about over here while we were throwing the ball around? Anything exciting?” Cam asked us.

  “Ah, well, Kai was telling me about his affinity,” I
told him, suddenly feeling shy. Affinities could be a very personal subject for some witches and mages, but I’d felt so comfortable with Kai that the question had just come up naturally, and he’d reacted just as I thought he would. But I had to remember that just because I didn’t feel weird talking about mine, that didn’t mean that these guys would want to share theirs with me. We barely knew one another.

  Cam’s eyes snapped to Kai’s and then back to mine, his emerald gaze holding me captive for a few seconds, though it felt like much longer. I wanted to ask him what he could do, and he must’ve seen the curiosity on my face. Smiling, he began to speak, saving me from the embarrassment of asking and being shut down.

  “I’m a storm mage. I can generate electrical currents and manipulate the weather, to an extent. Best part is, I can make that all happen with just a thought.” He tapped his finger on his temple.

  “Wow, I didn’t even know that was an affinity! It must be pretty rare,” I replied, fascinated. I enjoyed researching and learning about other magical properties and powers, but I honestly had never heard of his. My curiosity was running rampant, my mind going a mile a minute just thinking about everything he could probably do.

  “It’s incredibly rare. There are only a handful of families with powers like mine,” he said, confirming my thoughts.

  “I bet that was fun growing up with a family like that,” I blurted out, taking a swig of my beer.

  Cam visibly stiffened in his seat. In fact, all of the guys did. Gods damnit, Saige. Cam’s family is clearly a no go. Cam cleared his throat and nodded his answer to my question, but there was something more there, and that was none of my business. When Fischer spoke up, drawing my attention, I was more than eager to give it to him.

  “I’m a cognitive mage, and I can sense people’s emotions and intentions,” he explained.

  “Like an empath, yeah?” I questioned.

  “Yes, but one that’s been given a huge boost.” His gaze left my face and swept out over the park before resting on a group that was walking our way on the path, probably about a quarter mile from us. “See the teen boy in the blue shirt? He’s smiling, but he’s not throwing off happiness vibes. The depression pouring off of him is so thick I can taste it from here.” His nose scrunched up, and his eyes narrowed, giving him the appearance he’d gotten a whiff of something rotten.

  “You can pick all of that up from this far away?” I was impressed but also alarmed. The teen was Sam Campbell, a talented sixteen-year-old high school football player. This past year he’d run for more yards than any player in the history of the Emerald Lakes Sirens. Blond hair and big blue eyes, he had the boy next door look down pat, and I rarely saw him without a girl on his arm or his buddies at his back. Sometimes, he would stop by the shop and ask if I needed help with anything. He was saving up for college and everything, so I’d let him deep clean the place to make some cash. Sam was a good kid, and if he was hurting that badly and concealing it so well, I’d definitely be reaching out to him.

  “I can pick up even more than that from a greater distance. Especially if I’ve met the person before. Even better if I get the chance to make physical contact through a handshake. If I’m away from the guys, I can picture them in my head, and I can feel exactly what they’re feeling. As a general courtesy, I don’t go lurking around in my friends’ headspace unless it’s an emergency,” he explained.

  “So wait. You feel everyone around you constantly? Can you turn that off? I hope you can turn it off.” I couldn’t imagine what it would feel like to be aware of so many feelings twenty-four seven. It would be hard enough to be in a room with a group of people, but with his range, he could probably sense the entire Emerald Lakes population! Fuck, that would drive me to insanity.

  Fischer tapped his fingers in a rhythm on the wooden plank of the picnic table as he responded, “Yeah, pretty much. I can’t ever turn it off completely, but people who I’m around often enough know how to put walls up so it’s not as potent. It’s just what I’m used to, but yes, it can get overwhelming.” He murmured the last part of his explanation, and my heart felt a little sad for Fish.

  “What a tremendous power to possess. Are you able to pick up on my emotions?” Oh, fuck a duck! I hope he can’t see lust because it would look like four dicks floating around my head.

  “I’ve picked up on a few.” He smirked at me, but luckily, before we could explore what was behind it, Sloane butted in.

  “I’m a pyro mage, so I bring the heat.” He opened his palm, and a little baby flame came to life.

  “Damn, you guys all have awesome powers. I’m so excited. Can I see you all in action sometime?” I raised my eyebrows, hope shining through my eyes.

  “Fuck me, you look like a puppy with eyes like that. How are we supposed to say no?” Kai chuckled. I looked to Cam next and gave him the eyes as he tried and failed to look away.

  “Look right here, big man. You can’t hide,” I teased, and he lifted his green eyes back to mine before glancing at Sloane and huffing a breath.

  “I dare say we’ve got a brat on our hands, boys,” Cam stated.

  “You just now figured that out, boss?” Fischer laughed, punching Cam lightly on the shoulder.

  “Okay, so I got two out of four now. Don’t leave me hanging here.” I rapidly looked between Fish and Sloane, giving a cheesy smile and nodding my head.

  “Sure, Red. I’d be happy to fire you up. Just say when.” The smug fuck winked at me then flashed that megawatt smile. I’d be a lying son of a bee sting if I said I didn’t get a jolt right to the lady biscuit. Damn him.

  I fist pumped the air just as Fish added his yes.

  “Four for four. I love getting what I want.” I stood up and started grabbing everyone’s plates to throw in the trash, singing a song about victory, and shaking my ass around.

  Laughing, I walked over to start packing up the rest of the supplies the guys had brought, and I could’ve sworn to the sun and stars, I heard four distinct growls coming from behind me. I didn’t think I’d ever smiled so hard in my whole damn existence.

  It had been after five when we got back to the apartment. Everyone was in good spirits, and it was likely the most relaxed I’d seen my brothers in a very long time. I slipped off to the shower immediately, needing some time to myself after the sensory overload at the lake. My mind drifted back to Saige, the way she interacted with us so easily, like it was completely natural. The conversation had flowed seamlessly, and the little jabs we made at each other had Saige rolling with laughter. She’d even gotten under Sloane’s skin a few times, which was hilarious.

  No, I wasn’t worried about her hanging out with our group. I found her to be very sweet and caring. The way she pulled me aside to ask more about the depressed teen, getting as much information as possible, showed a genuine concern that was refreshing.

  So what was it about her that had me on edge? For the second time in my life, I couldn’t get a single fucking emotion off of someone. Nothing. Not happiness when she was tearing her cheeseburger apart, not amusement when we were dicking around and teasing each other, not lust when she’d caught any one of us studying her pretty face or delicious curves. Not a fucking thing, and I was confused, and really, really intrigued. After obsessing over her long enough, I finished my shower, figuring I’d just chill out and read a book in my room for a while. The guys knew I needed alone time after spending so long around a bunch of people, so no one would begrudge me the privacy.

  Hanging the towel back up to dry on the rack, I silently moved through the hallway and slipped into my room without any interruptions. Peace and quiet. Sigh.

  Once night fell, we all headed out to different cardinal points within the town limits. With warding and revulsion spells in place, the caster would’ve needed to layer the magic. If they were sloppy, which I highly doubted, then their magical signature could still be lingering. In our line of work you never assumed anything; you double and triple checked everything before accepting it as fact.<
br />
  I headed east, and the town was so damn small, it only took me three minutes to drive my bike there. We had all brought our motorcycles since they easily fit in the back of the moving truck, and it eliminated the need to find a car right away. Kai and I both had souped up crotch rockets, Cam had a big fucking Harley Davidson, not surprising, and Sloane drove a vintage Indian.

  Pulling over to the side of the road, I walked the bike up to the tree line to keep it out of sight, an easy feat since the whole town was surrounded by forest. My boots crunched on twigs and rocks as I scanned my surroundings. This place really did remind me of home. It had been a year or so since we had all been back; I should give my parents and sister a call soon to check in. We were all close and had a solid and loving family dynamic, but my team’s workload had been fucking intense the past year. This was the first ‘break’ we were getting, and it wasn’t even a real one.

  Leaving the bike, I headed into the trees, muttering the incantation for some fairy light. The small lights wouldn’t be enough to draw attention, just enough to keep me from tripping over a fucking tree trunk and face planting.

  “Mediocris lumina.”

  Little swirling dots flared to life, moving with me through the thick forest. All witches and mages had the ability to cast general spells and magic, though each of us also had a specific affinity, an area that we excelled in, a “gift” from the stars. Not that I’d say never being alone in your own head is much of a gift. Each magical person came into their affinity during their teens, though the exact time varied by the individual.


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