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The Magic of Discovery: Emerald Lakes Book One

Page 10

by Britt Andrews

  “Answer me, pet. Tell me. Is my dick not enough for you anymore? You need a wet pussy to sink yourself into? Or is it her sexy ass that you want to fuck?” I was growling at him at this point, but I gave absolutely zero shits about it.

  “You know I love your dick,” he breathed, pinching my nipples lightly. “And I love your nipples, and your shoulders,” he soothed me, his hands moving up over my chest to my shoulders to demonstrate. My hands fell to rest at my side, and he took the opening to touch me without hesitation.

  “And I love your big hands, especially when they’re on my body.” His hands trailed down my arms to my hands, guiding them to his ass, which I palmed as I leaned down and ran my nose up the side of his throat.

  “And I love your lips,” he murmured, turning his face and planting a chaste kiss against them. Breaking the kiss, he stared into my eyes; as much as feelings made my insides want to shrivel up and die, I could handle physical appreciation. Fucking right I was going to stand here and let him worship me. I didn’t know that I ever felt as powerful as I did when Fischer and I were involved like this.

  I had never met another person who could flip their humanity switch off and on like he could. It was both fascinating and fucking terrifying. He was the interrogator for our team, and he could infest your brain with all kinds of trauma or convince you that you were married to a freaking chihuahua. I’d seen him do both. His alpha male called out to mine, and he could fight me if he wanted to, but that wasn’t what this was about. This was the absolute only place that he would ever submit to me, or anyone else for that matter. Fish gave me his obedience because he knew I craved that, and I gave him sweet oblivion.

  I shivered with need as he tugged on the waistband of my jeans, the silky warmth of his tongue sliding up the side of my throat sending a tingle straight to my fucking balls. The need to claim, to possess, to dominate was pumping through my veins with every beat of my heart.

  “Can I show you, Master?” Fischer asked, desire burning him up from the inside.

  “No. Not yet,” I bit out even though I wanted to feel him sucking me off. First, I had to know what the fuck was so special about this woman that she’d already captivated two members of my team with no effort at all.

  “What is it about her? Tell me the truth.” He withdrew his hands from the button on my jeans with a sigh.

  “I like the fact that I don’t feel like I’m drowning when I’m around her. There’s nothing, no emotions fucking bombarding me... It’s refreshing.” He whispered the last two words, pain lacing his voice. Leaning in, I put my forehead against his.

  “I thought I did that for you?” I whispered back. I sounded vulnerable, and I didn’t like that shit. The last time I’d shown any sort of vulnerability, I’d been taught real quick that it was a weakness. Exposing myself emotionally wouldn’t get me anything, except my ass on a hospital bed in an emergency room.

  “You do. I just, I don’t know— She’s just different.”

  Inhaling deeply, I counted to ten. I needed to get my fucking head on straight. Less talking, more fucking.

  “Well, Fischer. Get ready, because I’m about to take you so far outside of your own head you won’t know any name except mine, and I expect to hear it while I’m fucking you. Follow me.”

  I released him then grabbed my bag from the table and headed to the back of the room where the couches were. I didn’t look behind me to make sure my pet was following; I could hear his footsteps and feel his eyes on my body. Just knowing that had my dick straining against my jeans, begging to be released. Not yet.

  His hand trailed down my spine, and just before he reached my ass, I turned around and grabbed his wrist. Pulling him flush against my chest, I rumbled, “Ah, ah, ah. You know the rules, pet. Do I need to remind you, or are you going to be good and obedient?” Raising an eyebrow, I saw the reflection of my eyes in his, red and orange flickers starting to take over the cool blue.

  “I’m sorry,” he replied, dropping his eyes to my feet. My cock pulsed.

  “I’m sorry, what?” I bit out, gripping his chin and squeezing.

  “Master. I’m sorry, Master.”

  “Hmm. I don’t know if you mean that. You can’t keep your hands to yourself, can you?” Releasing his chin, I dropped down onto the couch, my thighs spreading wide to accommodate the swelling that was becoming uncomfortable. Fischer’s eyes locked on me as I smirked and palmed my erection while lazily pulling my phone from my pocket. Continuing my attention to my dick, I didn’t glance at him as I scrolled slowly through my playlists. A sharp exhale from his lips let me know how badly he wanted this, how much he craved me, and the escape I could provide for him. Just as he was about to start begging, I hit play, and rock music drifted from my phone, hard and angry, just like me.

  “Strip,” I commanded. “Do it slowly.”

  Fischer grabbed the hem of his shirt, dragging it up over his ripped torso, his flushed cheeks disappearing as the clothing blocked his face from my view. He didn’t have as much definition as myself or Cam, but he was still a brick house. Fitting, because I’m the big bad wolf, and he’s going to let me in. Fish dropped his shirt, the red fabric bright against the pale linoleum. Flicking my gaze back to his chest, I admired the expanse of his shoulders and the inked design that painted his beautiful skin. Huge dragon wings, dripping in vivid colors, spread wide across his chest from shoulder to shoulder, his expression of ultimate freedom.

  His hands ran down his chest and stomach, following the trail of dark hair that disappeared underneath his waistband, his hips rolling slowly to the beat of the song that I could no longer hear. Fuck, he is so damn sexy. My mouth was watering as I thought of dragging my tongue over the same paths his hands were taking, my fists balled hard when he began working the button of his jeans, his gaze practically setting me on fire. Hooking his thumbs in the band of his boxers, he slid them down his thighs, right along with his jeans, his thick cock bobbing with the motion.

  Shit, I want my hands wrapped around his length, squeezing hard enough for him to squirm. But not yet. As much as I wanted the sexual release, I needed him to obey me, and I had to take care of his needs. He trusted me with this exchange, and we both benefited from these sessions.

  “You look good, pet, so hard for your master.” My dick was hard as fucking steel and begging for some attention, but I liked to deny myself as it made the pay off so much sweeter. Letting my arms fall back across the couch, I got comfortable.

  “I need you, Master.” His plea filled the air, and his hand reached for his dick.


  He froze, a whimper escaping his plump lips, and the urge to bite them rose in me like a tidal wave.

  “Turn around. Let me see that ass,” I grunted, deep and husky.

  He turned, obeying me immediately, keeping a wide stance. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his ass, couldn’t wait to leave my handprints all over his brown skin. He was blessed with a bubble butt, and no other ass had ever come close to his. A low groan escaped my lips as Fish bent forward, no doubt trying to tempt me into action. Motherfucker...

  “Pet!” I barked. “What the fuck is that?” I stood up and approached him. With my question, he’d frozen, still as a statue. I ran my hand up the back of his thigh and over the curve of his ass cheek, pushing him forward so his palms were flat on the ground.

  “It’s a surprise for you, Master,” he replied, like it was no big deal. He fucking knows how I feel about surprises. No thank you. I fucking swear he’s just living to taunt me tonight.

  Squatting down behind him, I spread his cheeks apart further, finding a red and orange plug buried deep in his ass. Fuck. Me.

  “When did you put this in, pet? I know you didn’t do it here. Did you ride your bike here with this in your ass?” I asked as I pressed on it, pushing it further into him. He exhaled sharply, groaning as I continued applying pressure.

  “Mmm, I put it in a few hours before we left. I wanted to be ready for this, and I t
hought you would appreciate it, Master.”

  “It does look nice, and knowing that you were clearly anticipating this...” I sighed and stood up. I dragged my fingers over his back before stepping away from him. “You are a greedy little thing, aren’t you? Finish taking those clothes off then stand up straight.”

  He’d known what he was doing. He stretched himself out to prepare for my cock, and by the fucking stars, I am going to give it to him. A shiver worked its way down my body, and I ripped my black t-shirt off and threw it on the couch. Undoing my jeans, I stepped out of my boots and socks. My pants dropped to the floor just as Fischer turned around to face me, taking in the tight ass pair of black boxer briefs that were pulled snugly across the tops of my thighs, my cock straining for freedom.

  Fischer’s eyes scanned my body, his breath hitching. “Fuck, Master. Please.”

  “Begging already, pet? We’re just getting started. Come over here and climb on the couch facing the back cushions. Rest your arms on the top.”

  Gliding toward me, he was a gods damned vision. The muscles in his thighs rippling, his dark cock swaying, his need for me displayed proudly by the way the tip of him glistened with evidence of his desire. Might as well have been gasoline, the way my internal flames flared, heating my blood to boiling temperatures. Coming to a stop when his body was pressed against mine, I flashed him a wolfish grin, and he returned a smirk.

  “I love when you look at me like that, pet. Now get your tight ass up on that couch. Don’t make me ask again,” I warned him. Climbing into the position I had requested, he spread his legs wide with his back to me, putting his ass on display, exactly how I liked. Turning his head to see what I was planning, I reached down and pulled his headband over his eyes. Sensory deprivation was a huge turn on for my pet, and since he was always in sensory overload, the mission of every session was to make sure the only thing he was overloaded with was me. My hands, my fingers, my paddle, my binds, my lips, my cock… only me.

  “Hmm, you look delicious, pet. Put your arms behind your back and press your face into the cushion.”

  I picked up my bag and unzipped it, rifling through the shit I’d packed earlier. Fish wasn’t the only one of us who’d prepared. I had handcuffs, zip ties, five different types of lube packets, ten feet of rope, and a paddle. Yeah, I’m a dirty bastard. Grabbing a zip tie, I set out the lube on the end table.

  “I’m going to bind your hands with a zip tie, then I’m going to punish you for doing my job for me. I was looking forward to stretching your ass out. After you’re sufficiently reminded that your ass belongs to me, I will have a closer look at this surprise.”

  A moan was the only response I got, and I smothered the chuckle that bubbled up from the dark and depraved depths of my black soul. I pulled off my boxers and stood behind him for a moment, admiring the view. Fisting my cock, I pumped it a few times, swiping my palm over the tip to spread my pre cum down my length. Pulling his wrists together, I leaned in and quickly fastened the zip tie just enough to take another sensation away from him.

  “This body was made to be mastered by me. You will let go. You will give me your mind and your body.” I brought my hand down fast over his ass. The smack echoed, and Fish mumbled something that was muffled by the cushions.

  “While that plug does look hot as fuck wedged in your tight ass, I’m not happy that you didn’t tell me about it. You know I don’t like surprises, pet, and you sure as fuck knew that I was going to work you over tonight. Had you come to me beforehand and asked if it were okay, this might be a very different discussion.”

  Another slap. And another. More moans. Gods, yes.

  “I’m going to give you twenty more just because I want you to feel the sting I’m going to leave behind on your skin with every vibration of your bike on the drive home. I bet your dick was hard the entire drive, wasn’t it?” Slap. Slap. Slap. Slap. “You’re such a little slut, and you love this dick, don’t you?” Each question was punctuated with a harsh slap.

  “Yes, yes! Fuuuuuck.” Fischer’s head was shaking back and forth, his thighs trembling. This was for his own good; he needed this to get out of his own head.

  “You.” Smack. “Are.” Smack. “Mine.” Smack. “SAY IT.”

  “Yours, Master. I’m yours. Please, oh gods,” he panted, sweat starting to glisten on his beautiful bronzed skin.

  Flames danced behind my eyelids, licking the mental shield I trapped them behind. Without another thought, I kicked that bitch down, and my magic surged. Fire exploded, warming my body to impossible temperatures as I directed it to my palms and threw my head back, reveling in the power.

  “Hold on tight, we’re finishing this,” I gritted out between my clenched jaw.

  I brought my palms down in rapid succession, the flames extinguishing with the force I exerted. The last slap sounded, my palm having landed right over his asshole, driving that toy higher into him, and I was rewarded with him yelling out. Smoke billowed off of my hands and his ass, and I inhaled deeply, savoring the scent that was all me. My power.

  I rubbed my hands over his skin, soothing the tender spots that were a now captivating shade of red. Reaching between his cheeks, I grabbed hold of the butt plug. Fuck, this is so hot...

  “Push,” I commanded, and as he obeyed, I pulled the toy out of him.

  “Do you like it, Master?” Fish asked me breathlessly. Looking down at the plug, a deep chuckle rumbled out of my chest. Conjuring a small flame between my thumb and index finger, I pressed it to the zip tie to free his hands.

  “Stand up and turn around.”

  Spinning to face me, I pressed into his body, my arms wrapping around his waist, encouraging him to get closer. I uncovered his eyes, and he smiled, his hands moving down my back to palm my ass.

  “Where the fuck did you find a flame-shaped butt plug?” Amusement laced my tone as I tossed the little ass flame onto a table, where it bounced a couple of times before coming to a rest. Note to self, probably should wipe these bitches down when we’re done. Lowering my mouth to his neck, I ran my tongue up his warm skin, his cock jerking as it pressed against my own.

  “I just wanted to get you something, and you’re always saying how you have to light a fire under my ass to get me motivated sometimes...” He trailed off, suddenly looking vulnerable, like maybe this had been a stupid idea.

  “I fucking love it, Fischer.” Gripping his jaw, I pulled his mouth to mine. He groaned deeply, and I knew we were both going to burn. His tongue slipped into my mouth, strong and seeking, the motion almost frenzied. I loved when he let go. That’s right, pet. I’ve got you. His hand wrapped around my length, his grip tight and sure, as he began walking me back toward one of the lunch tables. When we bumped into the edge of the surface, I spun us around so that the backs of his thighs were against it. He slid onto the top of the table, and I pressed forward, pushing him so that he was forced to break the kiss and lay back. My eyes trailed down his chest, my hand following their path as my fingertips swirled through the black, coarse hair of his chest and lower, to my favorite pathway, one that led me right between his legs. Mmm.

  My deliciously dark prince sprawled out and waiting for me to be his even darker king.

  “Touch yourself. I want to see you pump your fist up and down.” A moan was his only answer as he wrapped his hand around his cock and slowly began moving it up. Legs spread wide and feet flat on the table top, he was a sight to behold. I fucking growled.

  Turning, I dashed quickly to grab the lube I’d set out earlier. Stalking back toward my prey, I felt every bit the apex predator that I fucking was. Shit. I ran my hand through my dark hair, pushing back the strands that had fallen forward into my face. I knew an inferno would be raging in my eyes, my power still peeking out. Sometimes I didn’t think the Devil himself burned this fucking hot.

  Fischer jerked himself faster now, his hips starting to grind with the movements. I put my hands on his knees, letting my finger run down the insides of each thigh. Goosebumps
erupted on his skin, and another moan reverberated in the air.

  “Do you want my mouth? Do you want me to suck this dick?” I asked him, gravel coating my voice as I gripped his balls.

  “Yes, fuck. Please. I need it, Master.” He panted beneath me, and fuck if it didn’t make me feel like a damned sex god.

  I lowered my head, running my tongue from base to tip, circling around the head of his cock like he was the finest ice cream cone in the whole world. The sounds that came out of him spurred me on, and I fisted my own dick as I wrapped my mouth around him and sucked. Taking him deep into my throat, the salty taste and his spicy scent had my eyes rolling back in my head. Keeping him locked against my tongue, I blindly reached beside me for the little packet of lube, easily locating it. I made quick work of ripping the corner off of the packaging, squeezing the contents onto my fingers, the primal urge to be inside of him possessing me completely. His cock popped out of my mouth as I swirled two fingers around his ass, pushing in with little resistance. He squeezed me tightly, and I groaned as I rubbed my throbbing dick with my other hand, making myself nice and slick. Adding another finger, I heard my pet cursing then begging for more. His prep work was paying off in spades.

  His hips lifted off the table, desperately trying to fuck my fingers, but this would happen at my pace. Not his. I stilled, and he whimpered. Whimpered. Begging like a little puppy.

  “Tell me, pet. Tell me what you need.” I pushed my fingers all the way in, leaning over to take him into my mouth once more.

  “Fuck me, fuck me hard. I don’t want to think. I just need to feel. Shit. Yes, like that.”

  I’d begun relentlessly ramming my fingers into him. Pulling them out suddenly, I hooked my arms around his thighs and yanked him to the very edge of the table.


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