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The Magic of Discovery: Emerald Lakes Book One

Page 21

by Britt Andrews

  Who the hell does that to their own child? Rains on their parade, and belittles them? With a huff, I turned and ran up the steps, ignoring the little part of me that whispered I might be reacting a bit irrationally. I needed a cold shower. Stat. Once I got in the bathroom, I peeled my damp shirt off, followed by the soaked sports bra I’d been wearing. Why am I sweating like a sinner in church? I was practically panting by the time I got naked and stumbled into the shower’s icy cold spray. The water pounded against my fiery pale skin, and it might have been my imagination, but I could have sworn I heard a sizzle as steam rose off of my flesh.

  Practicing deep breathing, I tried to rein in my temper. Focus, Saige. Today is a good day. Don’t let that witch bitch ruin this for you. Shaking my head as if that could banish her from my mind and my veins, I put all thoughts of Laurie in a metaphorical box and slammed it shut. All of these changes my body was going through were starting to become worrisome, the increased heat, moodiness, restless sleep, the magic shit show, and the list went on. The only thing staving off my anxiety at this point was knowing that I had Gran and my guys behind me, and I trusted them all. Even Sloane.

  I’d finally begun to cool down as I soaped my body up, thoughts of Kai, Cam, and Fish filling my head as my hands trailed down my breasts. My nipples popped their rosy little heads up at the attention, so I tweaked them a little bit because I figured it’d be a jerk move to not reward them for being so responsive.

  Ever since that night with Cam, my libido had been awakened like a bear that had been hibernating for months and was now starving. One hand trailed further south while the other reached out to turn the handle, making the water warmer. Maybe I could convince one of them to sleep over tonight... or more than one. With that thought, I slipped my hand between my legs and felt how wet I was just from the thought of them.

  Would Kai and Cam be willing to share me at the same time? I could only imagine how that would play out. Visions danced through my brain as I brought myself to climax. It didn’t take long, and I could bet it wouldn’t in real life either. My mind was already sifting through ways to get them to agree to sleeping over. With a grin on my face, I hopped out of the shower and spent about an hour getting ready. Curling my long red hair so that it fell around my shoulders in big waves, I went for a natural look with my make-up.

  There was a dress I’d been dying to wear but hadn’t had the opportunity. Pulling it from my closet, I ran my hand down the soft white cotton material, loving its cheery pattern of yellow lemons with green leaves. In pure mid-century fashion, the dress fit snugly like a corset until it met my waist where it flared out slightly, hitting about mid-calf. Slipping it over my head, I shimmied it down and whispered a spell, the dress squeezing closed around my chest as the zipper was pulled upward. I couldn’t imagine how human women must struggle without magic.

  Fluffing up my boobs, I studied myself in the full-length mirror that hung on the wall, a dark smile spreading across my face. I felt amazing. My self-esteem had never been low, despite Bryce trying very hard to that effect, but lately, I felt like I’d been given an extra boost. Doesn’t take a seer to figure out why that was. Before I could get lost in another fun round of thinking about my mages, a rumble in the distance had me jumping. Oh shit, what time is it? Spinning around, I glanced at the alarm clock, and sure enough, it was two minutes to one. Fuck.

  Swiping on some tinted lip gloss, the menacing roar of approaching bad boys caused my stomach to flip, and I darted out of my room, flying down the steps just in time for the sound of crunching gravel to hit my ears. Swiping my hands down my dress, I inhaled, trying to calm my wild heart. Forcing myself to walk like a normal person and not a five year old all sauced up on sugar, I made my way to the door just as Kai bounded into my field of vision with a wolfish smile lighting up his beautiful face. The screen door flew open as he used his magic to remove the barrier between us, reaching for me with his free arm and making me giggle when he wrapped his arms around my waist and squeezed. And then he just had to start sniffing my head again.

  “Hi, Sprout. Hope you’re ready for the best meat of your life,” he said, stepping back with a wink.

  Fucking hell.

  Before I could sputter a response to that, Sloane’s voice broke through the moment.

  “Keep moving, fluffy boy. My arms are full here.”

  “Lead me to my creation station, Sprout.” Kai grabbed my hand, and I laughed as I pulled him through the house, the rest of the guys following behind us.

  “This is my kitchen, feel free to make yourselves at home. You can put your stuff down on the table for now if you want,” I offered, turning around to look at everyone. Damn, my house suddenly felt a whole lot smaller with these four in here.

  Sloane walked over to the counter, starting to empty his arms. My eyes tracked his movement, and I was about to go help him put whatever it was away when a huge shadow fell over me. Daddy’s home. Hahaha, I’m losing my mind. But, no, for real. He’s here.

  “Little witch, you look good enough to eat.” Cam’s deep timbre caused me to instantly squeeze my thighs together. He spun me around, resting his hands on my hips as he ran his eyes down my figure while I peeked up at him from under my eyelashes and smirked. Since we were blatantly checking each other out, I took my time ogling him. A red and black buffalo plaid buttoned-down shirt hugged his chest and shoulders, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, leaving his painted forearms on display, and what a sight they were. Black jeans completed his outfit, and fuck, he looked good. Bringing my attention back up to his face with a clearing of his throat, he smiled smugly. He knew he was hot shit. He’s a good Daddy, I shouldn’t antagonize him. Pfft.

  “You look alright,” I deadpanned, turning for a split second before his hand circled my wrist and I was spun back against his chest. His eyes glittered with unspoken promises, and I swore to the moon I wanted to find out what each entailed. Naked.

  Dropping his head to my ear, he whispered, “Playing games already, baby? We have a long afternoon ahead of us, but don’t think I won’t put you over my knee in front of everyone in this room if you continue being a brat and trying to get a rise out of me. That dress will flip up real nice and easy.”

  Damn near took all of my strength but I suppressed the shiver that wanted to claim my body at his threat. My inner witch was pushing real hard for me to say something bratty, and my ass cheeks were begging for his hands, but no. As much as I want to play with him, I want to do it later when we won’t have to stop.

  Releasing me, he stepped back, holding his hands out in challenge, a wide smile spreading across his handsome face. Narrowing my eyes at him, I blew him a kiss, but Fischer snatched the invisible gesture out of the air, pretending to eat it.

  Rubbing his belly after his obviously filling snack, Fish shoved Cam in the pec. “My turn, BFG. Go pillage some townspeople or something.”

  Shocked for a moment, I stood there with everyone else before we all lost it.

  “Oh, you’re suddenly a comedian?” Cam choked out between laughs, Kai and Sloane cracking up along with us, the argument they’d been having over which spices to use ending in favor of a good burn. Judging by how stunned everyone was at first, I had to guess my guppy didn’t usually crack jokes. That made me sad but also happy that he felt comfortable enough around me to let loose a little.

  “But BFG doesn’t pillage! He’s friendly. That’s what the F stands for, bro,” Kai called out, taking it upon himself to educate his friend.

  Fischer pulled out a chair at the table, motioning for me to sit. Obliging, I dropped into my seat, and he sat down beside me.

  “Ah, well, in his case,” he shot back, pointing at Cam, “the F stands for fuckin’. Big fuckin’ giant. Suits him better.” Even when the laughter started again, his eyes stayed locked on mine, and I smiled at him as he ran a hand through his thick curly hair. “Hi, sweetheart,” he whispered with a blush, the words just for me. Gods, he was the cutest.

  “Hi, guppy,”
I replied, and his blush deepened. Not giving it any thought, I grabbed his hand and locked our fingers together. “I’m glad you’re here,” I confessed. Leaning over, I pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth. As I started to lean back, he moved forward and wrapped his free hand around the nape of my neck, pulling me in again.

  Kissing Fischer was sensual. His kisses, although intense, were thorough and slow. He never rushed, his tongue dipping in and out and pressing up against mine in a dance that told me when we did get more physical with each other, it was going to be like a bomb detonating. He swallowed the moan he’d coaxed out, his oak-colored eyes sparkling as he pulled back, biting down on his bottom lip.

  A throat clearing had me turning my head to look at the men behind us, and it seemed the three of them had gotten just as caught up in the moment as we had. Now I was the one with red cheeks, and that was the moment my Gran decided to make her entrance. Of course.

  “Sorry, I’m a little late. I just had to finish up a call with my dance instructor,” she called from the back porch, and my brows furrowed. What dance instructor?

  Gran sashayed into the kitchen, and I almost choked. What in creation was she wearing? Skin tight black booty shorts and a hot pink sequined tank top that had been cut to ribbons from the waist up to her tits.

  “Gran,” I croaked as I stood up so fast the chair almost toppled behind me.

  She ignored me as her eyes flitted around the room, no doubt taking in the fine specimens before her. I just stood there like an asshole, my mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.

  “Greetings, boys. I’m Saige’s grandmother, but feel free to call me Bette,” she announced, strutting over to where I was standing. Fischer stood up, wide-eyed and just as stunned as I was. Luckily, there was a casanova amongst us, and Kai strode toward Gran with no hesitation.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Bette. My name is Kai. You look fantastic, by the way,” he told her, lifting her hand and dropping a kiss on the top.

  “I know. Thanks,” she said, giggling.

  Cam let out a deep laugh, coming over to introduce himself.

  “I’m Cam, thank you for sharing Saige with us today.” He smiled, extending his hand.

  Gran shook his hand, and quick as a whip, she replied, “Nice to meet you, Cam, but I think we all know I’m not the one doing the sharing around these parts.”

  I swore to the stars that Sloane was choking.

  “Gran,” I scolded, but she just waved me off.

  “And who do we have here?” she asked, her focus was solely on the man at my side.

  “Fischer, ma’am,” he replied, seeming to have regained his composure while she’d harassed Cam and Kai. Gran nodded and looked to the corner where Sloane was still rooted in place by the fridge.

  I swore to all that was cosmic, if he was a dick to her, I’d kick him right in the nuts.

  Sloane moved across the kitchen, flashing Gran a roguish smile that pulled a laugh from Kai and an eye roll from Fish. Great, this is probably going to be eventful.

  “I’m Sloane, and I thought I had already met all of the women in this town. You’ve clearly been hiding because I definitely would’ve remembered someone so beautiful. I can see where Saige gets her looks,” he schmoozed as he pulled her in for a hug. A motherfucking hug. I didn’t miss the way Cam’s eyes widened or the gasp that fell from Fischer’s lips. My eyebrows lifted to my hairline as I observed this bizarre behavior, and I had to wonder if perhaps he was drunk or had gotten a personality transplant in the past two minutes.

  “Ah, yes. Sloane, the boy who has been running around town the past week flattering all of the old women. Tell me, my boy, is that why you’re not included in this... harem of my granddaughter’s? You have a fetish for old ladies?” she asked, holding both of his hands as she pulled away from him.

  Kai doubled over in laughter, his arms wrapped around his trim torso, while Fischer had a look of pure amusement painting his features. I choked when I saw Cam nodding enthusiastically, his top knot bobbing with the over the top motion.

  “Yes, that’s exactly what his fetish is, Bette. Do you know of any single ladies who might like their own personal boy toy?” Cam lifted an eyebrow, trying to fight the smile that was threatening to break free.

  Sloane dropped Gran’s hands and opened his mouth to say something, but it appeared that the wily Bette Wildes had stunned him speechless. Laughter tumbled out of me as I watched him struggle.

  “I-you-no. I do not have an old woman fetish.” He turned and glared at Cam, Kai taking that opportunity to nod vigorously behind Sloane’s back, indicating that that was a bunch of bullshit.

  “My boy Roger has told me all about your little warfare, by the way,” Gran divulged.

  Sloane’s brow furrowed. “Who the fuck is Roger?”

  “Roger,” Gran repeated, flicking her wrists like she was talking to a dumbass, “‘about yay tall, looks like he hasn’t bought clothes since nineteen seventy six?”

  “Oh, you mean Randy! Yeah, uh, I’ve met him,” Sloane said sheepishly, his cheeks starting to turn red.

  “No, his name is Roger. Randy Roger. I gave him the name Randy because he’s got some grabby fucking hands, and everyone knows it, too,” Gran explained while all of the guys laughed. “But Sloane, I wanted to let you know that I heard about the Battle of Thyme. Witnesses are calling it The Calamitous Cucumber Carnage of twenty-twenty, and I’ve heard there’s video footage. I can’t wait ‘til I lay eyes on that!” She threw her head back and laughed and laughed.

  “What in the hell is she talking about right now?” Fischer whisper yelled at Sloane and me, but I was clueless, so I focused my attention on the blushing mage.

  “Shhh. I’ll tell you guys later,” Sloane gritted out.

  Gran lifted her arm to Sloane’s shoulder. “Come now, boy. Don’t be shy! You’ve been promoted to Captain Cuke-zuke. This calls for a celebration!”

  A wheezing sound came from the kitchen island where Kai looked like he was going to pass out, clearly enjoying seeing big tough Sloane get his balls handed to him by a scantily clad old witch. Not gonna lie, I’m loving it, too. And I will get my hands on this cucumber war video.

  “Okay, now that we’re all introduced, can I get anyone a drink? We can hang out on the patio while Kai grills and talk about all of the craziness that’s been going on?” I suggested, and everyone agreed, Sloane more eagerly than the rest.

  Kai headed to the fridge and pulled out the steaks I’d put in there earlier then passed out beers to everyone. Gran asked for a glass of red wine, so I opened a bottle and poured her a glass that she floated toward the back porch, sequins and tassels just a shimmerin’ and a shakin’.

  “This way, boys,” she called out, not turning to see if they were following. She marches to the beat of her own drum, always has and always will.

  “Well, that was interesting,” Fischer blurted, and the rest of us laughed.

  “Yeah, she can be intense. She’s the best person I know, though, and you will always know where you stand with her. She couldn’t sugarcoat anything even if she was holding a five-pound bag of sugar.” I mean, I had warned them, and explained how eccentric she was. But explaining Bette Wildes and experiencing Bette Wildes were two very, very different things.

  “She’s freaking awesome, Sprout. My kind of people,” Kai declared as he began working his magic on the steak. “I’ll just get these spiced up, and then I’ll join you guys outside. If you could light the grill, that would be perfect,” he said to me, before dropping a kiss on my cheek.

  I nodded uselessly, Kai already too in the zone to notice.

  “Yeah, she’s a real gem,” Sloane muttered under his breath, back to being the resident grump.

  “Shut up, Captain Cuke-zuke,” Cam teased as he slipped his hand into mine. “Come on, little witch. Let’s not keep your gran waiting.”

  I allowed him to pull me in the direction that she had disappeared, Sloane and Fish following behi
nd us. Overall, I think that went better than I could’ve hoped. I mean, I didn’t expect her to show up dressed like that, but I shouldn’t have been surprised. Gran was savage. Let’s just hope we all make it through this little gathering without anything too crazy happening.

  Even with that last thought, my inner witch was already laughing at me. She knew just as well as I did that the chances of that happening were slim to none.

  My brothers had all lost their nuts, and I’d bet I’d find them if I checked Red’s pockets. She was smooth, I’d give her that. That woman had infiltrated my group in a little over a week. She’d embedded herself so deeply that she could honestly have a job at Radical if Larson ever needed an undercover agent. Even I was starting to warm up to her. The guys were happy; Fischer particularly had a lighthearted look in his eyes that I had rarely seen. It was obvious we all needed a break from work, and I was willing to take the load so that they could spend time with their girl. Blow off some steam, fuck her out of their systems, and then we would move on again. Women never lasted long around us. We never stuck around long enough for that to happen, and even if we did, there had never been anyone who we came close to considering, and there was no reason to think that this time would be different. That was the nature of who we were and what we did.

  It was luck, I realized, that we were here for work because something was definitely up with this witch and her property, and I had a lot of questions. On Friday, when Fish had brought her home from their date, I had dipped inside to use the bathroom.

  My mind was moving a mile a minute, trying to put this puzzle together. Why the fuck would demons be messing with someone as sweet and innocent as Red? Yeah, I’d been suspicious of her, but I was suspicious of everyone. Even that fat ass pug Baked Potato who strutted around in a CovenFit tank top. But I just couldn’t see Red as being malicious, no matter how I tried to make that work in my mind.


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