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King of Morgan Park

Page 6

by Karen D Bradley

  “How about I join you?” Daron called after her.

  “Did you make that cantaloupe drink? ‘Cause if you didn’t, you have work to do.” Cameron said, knowing if he joined her in the shower they would have a late dinner. She was famished.

  She stripped, turned on the warm water and stepped under the stream. Normally she wouldn’t mind but with that little episode at the center earlier, they needed to talk. She was out of the shower within minutes and was dressed when the door opened.

  “Damn, Cam. That was the quickest shower ever.” Daron leaned in the doorway, wearing only his silk boxers.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be making my drink?” She shoved him gently out of the doorway. “Did you make dessert?”

  He glanced back at her. “You are my dessert.”

  “Mmm,” she mused. “Well, you’ll have to get that after dinner.” Cameron guided a playfully reluctant Daron into the dining room, before taking a seat at the square walnut table. “How was the earlier part of your day?”

  “Busy, but I crossed a lot off my list.” Daron talked about the changes to his programs, upgrading some tech gear and a few elements of working on Calvin’s project.

  Once Daron finished putting more Chicken Kare Kare on his plate and poured the last of the cantaloupe juice into her glass, she asked, “Is everything else all right?”

  He stopped mid-bite. “What do you mean?”

  She shrugged, weighing her next words carefully. “Three men visited me this evening planning to kidnap me to send you a message. I was wondering if they sent you another one earlier.”

  “What?” Daron’s fork clicked against a blue over-sized bowl as he reached for the cell that had been vibrating on the table on and off all night. “Why didn’t you say something when you first came home?”

  She placed her hand over his as he unlocked the cell, undoubtedly to call Steve. “I planned to, then I got here and it was smelling so good. My stomach said it could wait. I figured we could discuss it over dinner.”

  “Do not wait to tell me something like that, Babe.” Daron leaned toward, the concern in his eyes made her heart soften a bit. “I want to know as soon as you get somewhere safe. Was it Levi?”

  “No, the same men that approached us when we left the Cheesecake Factory,” Cameron said, referring to the garage incidents that happened weeks ago then took a breath. She was still getting adjusted to being with him and having to answer to anyone in this way. “Telling you sooner isn’t an unreasonable request.”

  He leaned in, resting his forehead against hers. “That wasn’t a request. That was an order.” He smiled as she frowned.

  Daron was messing with her, knowing she hated when people barked orders, even though he was serious. “Are you going to call me when stuff like that happens to you?”

  The oven dinged.

  “Let me grab dessert.” He moved quickly into the kitchen.

  “I can still hear you from there, so answer the question.”

  Daron pulled the pan from the oven and set it on the stovetop. “Do you want some wine since we’re out of juice?” He motioned toward the empty pitcher on the table, then pulled out a bottle of Riesling and glasses.

  “I take you avoiding answering me as a no.” She finished off the juice and he replaced it with wine. “But we will discuss it further when you least expect it and I’m not in the mood to let you sidestep.”

  Daron leaned over and kissed her cheek. “I’d tell you.” As he sat down, he whispered “Eventually.”

  “I heard that.”

  “I’m going to have Steve put a protection detail on you,” Daron stated, sliding a fork full of chicken into his mouth.

  “Do you have one?” she shot back.

  He took his time before answering. “We’re talking about you.”

  “But you’re the one they’re really trying to send that message. I’m just the conduit. Eventually, they’ll come directly for you.”

  “Accept the detail, Cam,” Daron demanded along with a stern authoritative glare.

  “No,” she countered. “Not unless you do the same.”

  “Babe, I don’t want to argue with you.” Daron’s lips were curled upward in a forced smile but his hand had a death grip on the fork. “It’s happening.”

  “Not in this lifetime.” She stuffed a bite into her mouth. “Man, you’d better be glad you can cook because I will tell you Mr. I Run Things, I’m not one of your employees. You can’t boss me around or issue demands and expect me to comply. I’d leave but I’m trying to get a second plate.”

  Daron chuckled and his hand relaxed a little. “Think about it.” He lifted her hand from the table and placed it in his. “If anything happens to you because of me. I’d never forgive myself.”

  “Don’t try to be sly about it and your people end up dead, attempting to discreetly follow me.”

  “I can’t make that promise.” Daron gave her a half-smile, then he seemed to become lost in thought for a moment, which meant he was creating a strategy to do exactly what she asked him not to do. That determination in Daron’s eyes let Cameron know she’d have a difficult time getting him to let it go. The last thing she wanted was that damn ghost drone following her around.

  “Warden, are you back in business? Is that why I suddenly need a detail?”

  Daron’s head snapped toward her. “Calvin’s project—”

  “Has its dangers, but it’s not currently what’s causing the problem. Otherwise, Calvin’s detail would be sharing a car. Despite Mia being on your roster, you’d have someone watching over her. So why are men coming after me to get to you?”

  Daron’s gaze landed on the wall. He placed the fork on the edge of the bowl, abandoning all efforts to finish dinner. “Calvin isn’t the one who they’re trying to get to stop working on the project.” Daron’s jaw tightened as he spoke. Although he was looking her in the eyes, he wasn’t really focused on her.

  Cameron sighed. Another half-truth.

  Daron stood, his steely gaze landed on her briefly as he gathered the bowl and the pitcher.

  He gave her his back to ponder. Not a good sign.

  The conversation was definitely over, for now.


  The shrill of Daron’s cell ringing for the fourth time cut through the silence. Cameron refused to open her eyes as he shifted to answer. They’d only been sleeping for a few hours after an intense make-up session.

  “Do you realize what time it is?” Daron carefully slid his arm from under her head and sat up in the bed. His groggy voice lowered to barely a whisper. “There’s no business that needs to be handled at this time of morning.” He left the bed and the room.

  The naked sculpture of his body in the hallway provided a visual but she couldn’t hear much of his side. Body language alone said it wasn’t good. He came back in, got dressed in the dark, then kissed her on the forehead. “Babe, I have to run out for a couple of hours.”

  “Be safe,” she said as he swept his prototype watch off the nightstand.

  The lights dimmed as he crept out. Cameron rolled over, glancing at the clock and trying to figure out where he could possibly be going at three-thirty in the morning. She contemplated following but figured she’d at least give him a chance to come home and explain before making that kind of move. Her eyes closed but she couldn’t sleep. The silent battle began in her head.

  Why didn’t he grab his usual watch? Do not follow him.

  She had promised herself that she’d judge each man on his actions but it was harder than she thought. The past created new insecurities and cautions. These last few weeks had triggered some of them. Cameron wanted to trust him, but people did things they claimed they’d never do all the time. Situations spiraled out of control.

  Maybe the lies aren’t intentional. Maybe Daron is lying to himself about the situation and passing that lie on to me.

  One thing she learned from her ex, was she couldn’t allow anyone to pull her down to their level. When
it came to the non-negotiable things in life, they had to be willing to step up or she’d be forced to leave them behind. If Daron wasn’t planning to remain retired, she needed to part ways before he dragged her back into the life she had escaped.

  You want him to trust you. You have to give him a chance to tell you in his own time. Unless the attacks continue.

  A buzzing noise filled the air. Cameron shot up in the bed. The tablet on the nightstand flashed as the buzzing went quiet and the alarm sounded. She swiped to open it and saw a dark figure with a duffel bag approaching the house. The alarm system changed the setting of the lights to record. The bedroom light went from completely off to a dim glow which she knew continued throughout the rest of the house. She slipped out of the bed, pulled on a pair of jogging pants, shirt, and grabbed her gun. She peeked at the screen. Daron’s first alarm had been disengaged, causing his secondary system to kick in. Cameron pressed the button to prevent Daron’s door shield from activating. She wanted to see exactly what this fool was trying to do.

  The masked man entered the back door, wandering around the living room before he dropped the bag on the floor then rushed into Daron’s office. He spent a few minutes there ransacking the drawers before exploring the basement. Twenty minutes later he made his way back upstairs, grabbing the duffel bag and heading into the kitchen.

  “Unbelievable,” Cameron whispered as he helped himself to the remaining piece of her cheesecake from the refrigerator.

  The man lifted the delicious bite to his mouth again, taking another one before sitting it right next to the duffel bag. After wiping his gloved hand on a paper towel, he opened the cabinet and a wicked smile crossed his face. He retrieved a clear sleeve from the black bag he had dropped on the island top with what she assumed was cocaine. Cameron dialed the oldest of her three brothers, lowering the sound on the phone as she tipped out of the bedroom. She placed the phone on a table in the hallway when her brother answered and prayed he could hear.

  “You must not know whose house you’re in.” She leaned on the wall with the Ruger hidden behind her back. “Did you think you were going to plant drugs here and get away with it?”

  “I’m DEA.” He snatched off his mask and knocked the duffel bag to the floor as he lifted one of the white packages. “I just found this.”

  “Bull. I have a recording that says otherwise,” she countered. “But why don’t you call my brother, Justin.” Cameron smiled sweetly as fear lit in his eyes. “He’s DEA, too.”

  He shifted around to the front of the island, “It’s interesting that you’re sleeping with a drug dealer considering what your brother does.” He lifted the gun. “It’s unfortunate that you are.”

  Cameron had to handle things carefully since Daron’s system was recording everything. However, she wasn’t trying to get shot. But if the man left the house and managed to escape, there wouldn’t be a clear shot of his face based on when he snatched off his mask. “So, Mr. DEA agent. How would Justin feel about you planting drugs at my boyfriend’s house and murdering his baby sister?”

  “As if he’d ever know.”

  “Do you know what Daron’s specialty is, sweetie?” She stepped forward keeping the gun hidden behind her thigh. Whatever business that had Daron out of bed this early had to be cut short and he was on his way back. Since the intruder barely waited thirty minutes after Daron left to make his move, Daron would soon be making an appearance.

  “No one will get to you in time.” He moved around the island. “I suggest you stop advancing.”

  Her steps halted. “Where’s your team?” Cameron put the free hand on her hip, being careful not to shift her eyes to the flicker of a shadow that crossed the threshold.

  His forehead had deep crease lines and beads of sweat as he seized the bag’s strap. “Move toward the back door slowly.”

  “Okay.” Cameron kept her back to the wall and her eyes focused on the agent.

  Let the fun begin.

  Daron placed his Beretta to the DEA agent’s head. “You’ll never get the shot off in time.”

  The agent dropped his weapon but swung the bag up at Daron, knocking the Beretta out of Daron’s hand. Cameron whipped the Ruger out but didn’t have a shot as the two of them wrestled to reach the gun. Their hands knocked into the agent’s weapon, sending it twirling across the floor.

  The agent punched Daron in the ribs.

  Daron slammed a fist into the ivory cheek four times until it became red. He rammed a knee into the man’s abs, sending him gliding across the dining room floor. The agent quickly got to his feet and lunged for Daron.

  Daron slammed his hand down on the face of the watch then two probes shot out, hitting the man in the chest. The man’s body went still as the voltage hit him, causing him to fall onto Daron.

  I definitely need to add a taser watch to my collection. Cameron was already thinking of the modification for the device. She didn’t like the fact that the wires were still connected to the watch.

  Daron pushed the man off, flipped him face down on the ground, placed a knee in his back while folding both arms together to keep him secured. He glanced up at her. “Are you okay?”

  Cameron nodded as she pressed the Ruger against the agent’s forehead. “What were you saying about no one getting to me in time?”


  A DEA agent attempting to plant drugs on Daron and Cameron and two separate attacks so soon after Marquise’s threat was not a coincidence. The fact that the agent planted them in his personal residence and not the other house indicated this move was tied to Calvin’s project. Marquise clearly had decent federal connections.

  He hated that last night was his first official introduction to Cameron’s brother, Justin. She had the presence of mind to skillfully setup the rogue agent’s takedown and big brother came in like the cavalry. The one good thing with Justin handling the agent’s arrest was Daron knew the incident couldn’t be stuffed in a back closet as if it never happened.

  Daron refocused on Steve. “How’s Aunt Bee doing? Cam and I are having an early dinner with her tonight.”

  “Your aunt’s been approaching Bishop’s former associates,” Steve stated, retrieving a tablet from his messenger bag. “How much do you know about her?”

  Daron gripped the tablet as the pictures came through. “Is she trying to get herself killed?”

  “I came in town to handle it because there’s more to your aunt’s queries than just Troy. Flip to the last picture.” He waited until Daron swiped through. “You don’t pull a gun on a woman unless you feel she’s a real threat.”

  “Damn.” Daron suspected Brandi thought Roger was responsible, but this suggests a bigger issue.

  “She knows something, even though we know he couldn’t have had anything to do with Troy’s,” he used air quotes, “accident.”

  “Find out what he did that makes her suspect him.” Daron leaned back in the chair, Brandi might not be his favorite person, but he didn’t want her dead. “Shit, retirement has been busier than expected and much more dangerous than being The Warden.”

  “I’m on it,” Steve said, laughing.

  Daron alarm beeped, alerting him to Cameron’s arrival. He made his way to open the door with Steve on his tail. Daron attempted to keep his expression neutral as a surge of lust and desire hit him like a lightning bolt. Cameron approached, wearing a form-fitting navy dress and stilettos. He hadn’t expected her to be in workout gear to meet his aunt but damn if he didn’t want to kick Steve out and cancel all plans that didn’t involve the two of them alone.

  “Hey, beautiful.”

  She slid past him before he could get a good hold on her. “Lex mentioned you were up this way.” She hugged Steve, a little too long for Daron’s taste.

  Lex was actually Daron’s friend. He and Cameron bonded over the summer and she maintained the platonic relationship, not realizing Lex would have given up his playboy status for her. Daron didn’t need the turbulence in their relationship to give h
er a new appreciation of Lex when Daron was being pulled in several different directions.

  “Your man doesn’t understand that his transition requires him to remain in the shadows.” Steve ignored Daron’s evil glare, giving Cameron another tight squeeze before releasing her.

  “Tell me about it,” she mumbled, tossing a smile Daron’s way.

  “I’m in the room.” Daron was not fond of Steve’s close proximity to Cameron but he knew by the glint in Steve’s eye he was intentionally taunting with him.

  “Try to keep this one out of trouble,” Steve said as he moved toward the door.

  “You’re asking a lot.” Cameron pursed her chocolate lips and cut those dark-brown contact covered eyes at Daron as he pushed Steve out the door.


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