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King of Morgan Park

Page 8

by Karen D Bradley

  Daron could feel Cameron’s eyes on him as she tensed. “I’m attending to support these organizations that give back to the community.”

  Cameron’s cell chirped, but she ignored it, choosing to keep her attention on Alisha.

  “Maybe you can come and check mine out one of these days.” Alisha’s smile brightened but her eyes were laser-focused on him in an almost predatory way.

  “Tell me a little more about the program.”

  Daron listened as she explained what her organization did, but his eyes scanned the people milling about, hoping to keep tabs on Levi. She touched his arm several times during the explanation. Something he was sure Cameron didn’t miss.

  A bald Asian man tapped her on the shoulder and flickered a glance at him.

  “Duty calls. Great meeting both of you.” She lightly touched Daron’s shoulder in a suggestive manner. “If you want to know more please stop by.” Alisha followed the guy through the crowd.

  Cameron sipped the martini she held. “Whatever you’re here trying to accomplish, she’s not the one. Especially if you’re thinking about your program.”

  Daron stared at her for a moment thrown by the comment. “Why?”

  “You’re not the only one with ulterior motives for that little meet and greet.” Cameron gestured to the pamphlet in his hand with a sticky note that contained Alisha’s cell number.

  “Maybe she ran out of business cards.” Daron wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt since he hadn’t seen Alisha write anything once she came through the door.

  “Yeah right.” Cameron’s cell chirped again. “It’s my mom. Let me step into the foyer and see what she wants.”

  Cameron was only gone for fifteen seconds before Alisha reappeared. “Has your friend stepped away?”

  “Momentarily.” Something about Ms. Roderick didn’t feel right but he couldn’t put his finger on it.

  Meanwhile, Levi’s movements through the ballroom demanded his attention.

  “We’re hosting a fundraiser to offset the cuts we received from the State. I’d love if you could come through and support.” Alisha shifted, blocking his view of Levi when he had finally parted ways with the group.

  “I’ll think about it.” Daron tapped the pamphlet against his hand, cutting his eyes at Levi, who seemed to have a pointed interest in them.

  “You’re very handsome,” she said, placing her hands on his bicep. “And I think we’d make a great team on a more personal level.”

  “I’m with Cameron.”

  “But is she with you?” She glanced back at Cameron on the phone in the hallway just outside the door. Daron didn’t know what his expression looked like but Alisha quickly blurted, “I’m sorry. I was hoping that it wasn’t serious.” She tucked her purse under her arm. “I’m hoping this won’t affect you coming to check out what I do.”

  “No,” Daron stated, not sure if he wanted a program director conducting herself in such a brazen manner. The boys were the focus, not what was between her thighs.

  “Good, I thought I might have scared you off when I let you know I was interested in you. It wasn’t my intent to make you … uncomfortable.” Alisha stepped back. “Over the years, I’ve learned every woman on a man’s arm is not a permanent fixture in his life.”

  “You don’t have to explain.” He wondered if he was judging her too harshly, thinking about all the males he’d seen flirting with wives and girlfriends over the years.

  “I do and I realize some people feel it’s disrespectful to go behind a woman’s back to reveal an interest.” Her smile dripped pure honey. “When a man doesn’t specifically introduce the woman he’s with as his girlfriend, there’s a greater chance they’re simply casually dating.”

  “As I said, an explanation is not necessary.” He gave her a fake smile of his own. “I’ll happily claim Cameron as my woman whether you ask in front of her or after she walks away but I can understand why you took that approach.” Daron shot Cameron a “you can come back anytime” look but her back was turned to the ballroom. He saw Levi making his way across the floor like a man on the hunt.

  Cameron was the target.

  “She’s a very lucky woman.” Alisha rested a hand on his arm.

  He glanced down at her hand for two seconds then back to Alisha’s face. She quickly removed it. He doubted that Alisha missed that he avoided saying that Cameron was his woman. Either way, he’d had enough. Levi had been stopped by a community organizer seconds before he reached the door.

  Daron had to admit that Cameron’s instincts were spot on as he worked his way through the attendees. Cameron didn’t strike him as the jealous type but he wasn’t willing to find out the hard way. He knew exactly who he wanted to rule by his side and wake up to every morning. As if she felt him, Cameron’s brown orbs locked onto his and she smiled, then slid her phone into her purse and headed his way.

  “So, are there any other candidates we’re checking out tonight?” Cameron slipped an arm around his waist. “Or checking you out?”

  Levi excused himself from the group a few feet away. “Mrs. Kincaid, lovely seeing you again.”

  Daron held Cameron closer, ignoring the fact he’d only spoken to Cameron. “We can’t say the same.”

  “Dareen,” Levi intentionally pronounced Daron’s name wrong. “I only wanted to invite your Missus to check out my new restaurant opening in Lincoln Park.” He extended a postcard with a gift card attached to Cameron.

  Before Daron could snatch it up, Cameron said, “Keep it. I prefer his cooking along with everything else.”

  Daron normally would have been annoyed that Cameron didn’t allow him to handle the situation. However, seeing the flare of frustration in Levi’s eyes before Daron guided her away made all the difference in the world.

  “Don’t let him play games with you. Showing up at the center. Inviting me to his restaurant.” Cameron stopped moving, wrapping both arms around his waist. “He’s trying to throw you off your game before he attacks.”

  “Babe. I’m already at a disadvantage since I don’t know why I’ve become his target.” Daron planted a kiss on her lips and didn’t miss that Alisha had made her way closer.

  “Stop trying to figure that out and concentrate on taking him down.” Cameron pushed back, staring deeply in his eyes.

  He placed a kiss on her forehead as Calvin and Mia emerged from the crowd along with another couple. “Daron and Cameron, I want to officially introduce you to Pastor Tony Baltimore and his wife Kari.”

  “Pleasure to meet you.” Daron gave the green-eyed man a firm handshake while Cameron greeted his lovely wife.

  “Calvin has been telling us about your programs.” Daron was a little surprised neither Calvin or Pedro mentioned Tony was a minister or that some of his initiatives had come out of a church.

  “You’re interested in knowing what qualities make the best candidate. The first piece of advice, make sure the person is understanding and compassionate and not just talented and skilled.” Tony went on and told his story of being forced to work for a drug dealer and how prison changed his life and stopped him from running from his purpose. “Coming out, I had to hold my ground to maintain my new course, so I understand what the people participating are up against.”

  Kari shifted to allow a few of the guests to pass, then added, “It’s important to show them an alternative to their current lifestyle so they can see the finish line and not lose sight of their dreams.”

  Cameron nodded, and for the first time genuinely seemed to be enjoying herself.

  “Their ministry has created a safe haven in the community for victims of child sex-trafficking, sexual abuse, and other traumatic circumstances.” Calvin smiled, tucking Mia closely into his side, but his gaze was on Cameron whose eyes were focused on the Pastor and his wife.

  “You’re also mentoring and providing scholarship programs, correct?” Mia wrapped an arm around Calvin’s waist.

  “Yes.” Tony’s green orbs locked in on h
is wife’s and they were full of love and pride.

  “What were some of the pitfalls in the initial phases and how did you overcome them?” Cameron asked, pulling Tony’s attention back to the group.

  Daron listened intently as Tony answered but also noticed Levi circling through a group of people standing near them. Marquise had not made an appearance. The six of them had a great conversation on everything from the state of the Black community to the prison system, politics, and technological advances.

  “Excuse me. I’ll be back in a moment,” Daron stated, then leaned toward Cameron’s ear, whispering, “Going to the restroom.”

  Cameron’s gaze flickered toward Mia, she grimaced then returned her focus to the conversation as Daron slipped into the crowd. Daron quickly handled his business, but as he was washing his hands Levi entered.

  “You do like your ladies beautiful.” Levi leaned on the silver damask wallpaper. “I bet your Missus is good with her mouth.” He smiled, placing a hand over his crotch.

  “You will never know.” Daron grabbed the door handle. Levi placed his palm flat on the door.

  “Tell her if she needs a real man to satisfy her, I’ll happily show her the only reason she prefers you is because she’s never had me.”

  “Yet, you didn’t tell her that when you had a chance.” Daron chuckled, snatching the door open and heading back to the group. He was not about to play Levi’s game, at least not until he was ready to completely shut him down.


  Cameron hated the feeling that everything was becoming half-truths and withheld information when it came to Daron. She promised herself that she would be patient and let Daron tell her in his own time. However, when she had to shake a tail to get to his house this was a problem that could not be ignored. After the garage incident, she gave up riding her motorcycle, switching back to the Charger.

  “Did you meet the candidates?” Trenton, her computer specialist, asked.

  Cameron adjusted the Bluetooth in her ears. “Alisha’s trouble but Ralph might be a good fit. I especially like Tony and Kari Baltimore but they’re not even under consideration.”

  “They should be. Solves two of Daron’s problems; safety and principled leadership. That Pastor is extremely visible, has a truce in place with the criminal element in the neighborhood and Levi would be crazy to come on church grounds, talking about he owns one of those kids under Tony’s care. Tony would eat him alive.”

  “Knowing Daron, he’ll probably donate to Tony’s programs but he wants a leader who has not fully tapped into their potential so that he can be hands-on in developing his vision.”

  “I’ll check the database to see what I can find about Alisha and Ralph.”

  “Focus on Jake for now.” She paused at the base of the driveway. “Steve’s investigating them. Let’s see what he finds first.”

  “You sure that’s the only reason you have a problem with her.” Trenton cleared his throat before saying. “She’s a beautiful woman.”

  “I’m not intimidated by other women’s beauty,” Cameron fired back, slightly insulted that Trenton would even insinuate such a thing. “Daron’s a grown-ass man. He either wants to be with me or he doesn’t. I’d literally have to lock the man in his house to keep him from running into beautiful women.”

  “Umm, okay.” Trenton was silent for a moment. “Back to your dad.”

  She jogged up the concrete stairs, looked over her shoulder to scan the area and went to the side of the house where she couldn’t be seen from either street as Trenton gave the update on Jake Stone but nothing seemed earth-shatteringly new.

  “Look into Levi Diesel for me, he reminds me a little too much of Bishop,” Cameron said before disconnecting the call.

  By the time she reached the front door, Daron stepped on the porch wearing slacks and a white collarless dress shirt. His gaze was intense, as though searching for answers. Her eyes roamed over his physique. He had become hyper-alert to his surroundings and that was before Levi’s threat. He was taking more calls that required him to step into the privacy of his office. This was not the same man she was dealing with prior to getting that early morning call about Tracy being missing.

  “Who are you hiding from, gorgeous?” Daron tugged on her cap. His woodsy cologne enveloped her as he pulled her into his well-cut arms.

  “No one.”

  He leaned down, planting a quick kiss on her lips before stepping aside to let her in.

  Cameron pulled off her cap, slipped off her shoes. She didn’t want to mention the covert operation required to get to his house and not simply as a part of her normal safety habits. Since it started before Levi and the situation with Katara and Tracy were handled, something else had to be going on. “I’m going to take a shower and change real quick.”

  “Since we’re staying in tonight.” Daron gestured to the kitchen. “I picked up some Beggar’s pizza and made a salad.”

  “I’m good with that.” She stared at him “I’m just going to freshen up. Be right back.”

  “Meet me in the entertainment room.” Daron grabbed plates, then gave a half-smile “Since this is our chill with a movie night.”

  She smiled back and left the room, showered and pushed all thoughts of their issues aside before heading to join him. Leaning in the threshold, Cameron watched Daron as he meticulously put salad on the plates. Cameron accepted part of the blame for the trackers. She asked him to create a legal business to purchase his security system but she had no idea his brilliant mind would create a personal security system for ladies.

  “Are you coming in or are you going to continue to stand there and stare at me all night?” Daron looked back at her, lifted a plate then returned it to the coffee table.

  “Don’t hate on me for appreciating the view.” She pushed away from the wall, moving toward him.

  “Never that.” He chuckled, extending his hand toward the part of the couch where she normally sat. “I’m inviting you to come a little closer to do so.”

  “I can do that.” Cameron was really hoping she wouldn’t have to give him space. She had gotten accustomed to having him in her life. However, she had to think about the main reason she closed up shop and allowed her crew to take over. What if the men who were following her, happened to see her while she was with her mother?

  “How’s following your dad going?” Daron picked up the remote, starting John Wick.

  “Hard man to follow but he seems to be more interested in Dr. Oakley, Dr. Metra, and Dr. Sibley out of all the doctors he’s visited.” Cameron bit into the pizza slice, wishing she had fries instead of salad. “Trenton’s looking to see what their specialties are and if we can find a common thread.”

  “Let me know if you need any assistance.”

  As they ate and watched a movie, Cameron couldn’t stop staring at Daron. His eyes were on the television but he seemed lost in thought.

  She picked up the remote and turned off the television. “What’s going on with you?”

  He polished off the portion in his mouth. “Aunt Bee’s mission to unearth Troy’s killer has me thinking about the past.” Daron reclined until his he rested on the couch. “I’m amazed at how well my family kept things from me. I didn’t realize until my mom died that for a short period people thought my dad ran Bishop’s organization. That’s how we ended up in Morgan Park. They weren’t really known in the area. Dad took a job at the Ford plant.”

  Cameron cuddled into his side, recalling the stories Bishop used to tell about his partner in crime. “Your dad was Rook?”

  Daron nodded.

  She looked up at him, wondering if something else had prompted the reflection. “Bishop talked about him quite often.”

  Her cell vibrated on the table. She was surprised to see her friend, Kathleen Frost’s name on the screen.

  “Who is it?”

  Cameron turned the screen display his way.

  “Your mysterious female friend.” Daron sat up, reaching for his drink.
“Are you going to answer?”

  She swiped, then said, “What do I owe the honor?”

  “I got business in the city and thought I’d holler at you for a minute.” Kathleen’s voice was slightly muffled.

  “Do you need me to come be your bodyguard?” Cameron always teased Kathleen for the amount of attention she drew back in the days when they worked together on a few assignments.

  “I should be guarding you the way men fall at your feet,” she shot back.

  Cameron glanced at Daron. At the moment he was the only man she wanted and the place Cameron wanted him was definitely not at her feet. “I don’t even know how you manage to be so stealthy when your ass causes tremors when you walk.”


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