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King of Morgan Park

Page 15

by Karen D Bradley

  Daron opened the stainless-steel door and scanned his choices as she settled in at the kitchen island. “You’re saying you don’t think they can handle it.”

  “I’m saying they don’t take last minute requests. I’m not sending them in without proper time to plan. There’s barely enough time to do what’s necessary to successfully get in and out.”

  “But I’m supposed to be comfortable sending you and Kathleen in.” He pulled out shrimp, deciding to make a scampi and garlic bread. Her favorites.

  “To be honest, I could handle this by myself with the proper planning.” She picked up the remote, turning on the jazz station on the stereo in the dining room. “This will require split-second decisions and it helps to have a partner to assist with any unexpected glitches.”

  He mulled it over for a while. “You know what?” Daron chopped the garlic, parsley, and tomatoes as the pasta cooked. “I’ll just donate double the last posted bid before it was stolen.”

  “You’re going to donate two million dollars and not expect to come under scrutiny especially with your new association with The Castle.” Cameron swiped a banana off the tiered display and peeled the fruit.

  “The money is clean and I don’t mean it has been laundered.” Daron tried not to get distracted as Cameron’s lips slid over the length of the banana before she took a bite. His body immediately reacted to the sensual devouring of the fruit. The things that woman could do with her tongue. He missed those lips on him. Those thick thighs wrapped around his waist. Those breasts pressed against his chest. Her cell chimed and even though the song wasn’t playing, Aretha’s voice entered his thoughts, frustrating him even more. “Clean, as in I earned it legally.”

  “That’s all well and good. But do you really want to step in the spotlight again?” Cameron swiped a thumb across the screen of the cell, typed something, then turned it face down on the countertop.

  She was right about who should handle things but Daron didn’t want to be the one to take her out of retirement, not even for a night. “I can handle it.”

  “You just got on me about not using my skills to help people out. Now you present an opportunity for me to do that and you’re backtracking.” She reached for a slice of bread and popped it into her mouth.

  Daron tapped the back her hand. “Cut it out. You won’t want any of the good stuff if your stomach’s full.”

  “Oh, I always want some of your good stuff,” she said, and they both laughed.

  He drained the pasta, added the shrimp to the sauce to cook while the bread warmed on the grill. “Fine, but if you do it, include me in the plans,” Daron said, getting the conversation back on topic.


  Daron couldn’t see her facial expression but could feel her eyes drilling into his back. “I can take down the security system, keep watch for trouble, and drive the getaway car.”

  “This isn’t what you do,” she voiced in a soft tone as if being careful not to insult him.

  “Security systems are my thing and I’m fully capable of being behind the wheel.” He tilted the pan so the pasta slid into one of the two bowls.

  “You?” She tightened her lips as if she was choosing her words carefully.

  “I can’t ask you to take a risk that I’m not willing to take.” He slid a bowl toward her. “If you’re in, I’m in.”

  “Fine.” She slid off the stool and grabbed the Pinot Grigio, then poured two glasses of their typical pairing for the dish he prepared.

  “Cam, you know we’re good together,” Daron asserted, accepting a glass and letting his finger stay on hers. “Let’s try to work on getting back on the right track.”

  “I don’t know.” Cameron palmed the car keys on the counter. “I have to admit it hurt more than I thought it would that you chose The Castle over us.”

  “I distinctly remember you tossing my keys back at me and walking away … from us.”

  Cameron turned her lips up at him, twirled her keys around a finger, then stopped their movement by catching them in her fist. Her gaze was filled with sadness as she stared at him. “I don’t know if you can be my King and a King of The Castle.”

  “You’re being unreasonable.” Daron huffed.

  “You’re the one who gave me an ultimatum because I asked you questions about the bar incident. I know what kind of relationship I want.” Cameron took a sip of wine and stood. “While I don’t expect to know every detail, considering what your company does, I do expect to know when you’re about to make a decision that could change our lives.”

  “It’s not what you did, it’s how you did it,” he shot back.

  “Let’s talk about swapping out these pieces of art.” Cameron’s gaze searched his face as if she was trying to determine if she was walking away or staying.

  “No.” Daron blocking her exit from the stool. “Maybe if we were in a committed relationship, I would have told you about The Castle.”

  Cameron crossed her arms. “Maybe if you would have, we’d be in one.”

  “I also know what I want in a relationship and that is a woman who doesn’t walk away without hesitation at the first sign of trouble.”

  “Maybe I wouldn’t have if we hadn’t already had a conversation, before pursuing a relationship, about honesty. Neither one of us were supposed to be living a life that required us to keep stuff from each other, outside of specified details that violated our client privacy.”

  “The Castle is my client.”

  “The membership from Bishop was not.” Cameron gently pushed him in the center of his chest, causing him to grimace. “Either we discuss where you think the items are being held or I’m heading home.”

  Daron remained in her path, debating whether to let go of the conversation on the state of their relationship. “Have a seat, but know this conversation isn’t over. It’s just on pause.”

  She stared him down a few seconds before reclaiming her spot.

  This incident should have brought them closer together, but instead, he realized how close he was to permanently losing her. He felt a sudden rush of emotion thinking about the fact that at least she was there to argue with him. Had today turned out differently, she could have been held captive by Marquise, or dead. “Are you absolutely sure your old team can’t handle this?”

  “Are you being sexist?” She frowned, before taking a bite of the scampi.


  Cameron snarled, “Then tell me the location.”

  Daron prepared himself for the what the hell look as he said, “The storage room in a private strip club.”


  Daron and Steve spent over an hour discussing how to handle the situation with Marquise and the young men. The risks were too great to set up a trade. If Marquise double-crossed him, Daron could end up trying to explain why he was in possession of the stolen items. The final decision was to lure Marquise away from the house with a business offer while the team infiltrated the mansion and retrieved Amarion and Reese.

  “Why didn’t you tell me Cameron was attacked after her self-defense class before they attempted to drug her.” Steve closed up his laptop.

  His head snapped toward Steve. “Because she didn’t mention it.” Daron hated getting information about her second hand.

  “Dude, she shot off a man’s middle finger,” Steve stated, packing up his bag. “Said she was being nice, she wanted to put a bullet in his temple.”

  “Cameron is a badass on any given day of the week but these fools are going to mess around and unleash Bishop’s Kimura.” Daron glanced at Cameron’s picture on his desk as he grabbed the jacket off the chair.

  Steve raised a bushy eyebrow. “And she’s going to start leaving a body count.”

  “Dammit, she should have agreed to a security detail.” Daron slipped on his jacket, scanning the area to make sure he had everything he needed. “I can’t allow this situation to continue touching her like this.”

  “Look, fortunately she has the skills that
makes it hard to be taken down easily but those same skills make it difficult to discreetly watch her back.” Steve slid the bag strap onto his shoulder.

  “Don’t I know it,” Daron said, pulling out his keys. The security team assigned to Cameron couldn’t track her even with the use of the ghost drone. She had swiped a set of prototype contacts, which gave her the ability to see the clear drone. This was a small taste of what Jake had to deal with over the years and Daron didn’t like it one bit. “Cam has managed to shake every attempt to watch over her. How do you know about the incident?”

  “Found out when I gave Red a tour of Cam’s gym facility, since she couldn’t be found at the time.” Steve’s face went taut. “Did you know Lex was in the city?”

  “Recently?” Daron asked, trailing Steve to the back door.

  “This morning.” Steve waited as Daron locked up. “As I was walking Red to his car, we saw her and Lex together in the covered garage.”

  “Lex knew and didn’t tell us?” Daron tried his best not to jump to any conclusions by creating his own scenarios of why she and Lex were meeting.

  “I don’t know. He was gone by the time we reached her. He’s flying to a conference, so I can’t reach him.” Steve glanced at his Rolex. “For another hour or so.”

  “How did you find out then?” Daron paused at the door of the Lamborghini Urus.

  “Red was teasing her about it, but he thought we already knew.”

  “I need you to change strategy. Someone needs to shadow her and at least make sure she isn’t followed when she leaves her class,” Daron said as he slid behind the wheel.

  During the entire twenty-five-minute drive to meet Cameron, Daron tried not to think about Lex being with Cameron without telling anyone. He valet parked at the hotel connected to Weber Grill and took his ticket, then headed in. The smoky grill smell greeted him as he made his way past the bar to Cameron. She stood near the hostess desk, dressed in black distressed jeans, and a simple v-neck shirt. She was typing into her cell.

  “Hello, gorgeous.” He gave her a hug when she looked up.

  The waitress led them to a booth.

  “I heard you saw Lex and Red,” Daron said, attempting to keep his tone casual.

  “Yes.” She smiled sweetly then asked, “Is Alisha’s home nice? I heard you had the opportunity to check it out.”

  “Yes, I escorted her home because of a shooting that took place after Ralph’s event, but nothing happened.” Daron decided to leave the subject of Lex alone and wait until they ordered to come clean about why he asked her to meet him there. He needed to take time to lay the groundwork for reconciliation by reminding her how they were together before Tracy went missing and that inherited membership to the Castle. Dinner was supposed to be about rekindling their love, not getting into the argument.

  “This is not a prime spot to discuss business.” She eyed him suspiciously, especially since he requested that she come alone.

  Daron ordered their usual starter sampler, chopped chicken salad, smoked beef brisket, and filet mignon. “I no longer need you and Kathleen to switch out items.”


  “Yes, I could have told you over the phone,” he said, when her expression darkened, “But I’ll use any excuse to spend some time with you.”

  “Good strategy coming clean after you ordered our food.” Cameron chuckled, moving the cell to make room for the waitress to sit the appetizer sampler.

  It felt like old times as they talked and dined until his cell rang with a call from the one person he couldn’t ignore. He answered, “Steve, what’s up?”

  Daron listened as Steve explained that Brandi was involved in an incident.

  “Everything all right?” Cameron asked as he disconnected and motioned to the waitress.

  “My aunt is in trouble. She was taken into a house at gunpoint.”

  * * *

  Roger Hare’s hustle paid him well, according to the Stowe modular sofa from Bentley, in his living room, the Galileo table from Fendi in the dining room, and the Gianoberto lamps from Bugatti throughout the house. Daron moved further into the living room as Steve searched the house for Brandi. Cameron remained near the door keeping watch. The older man stepped out of the back hall, wearing a pair of designer blue jeans and a t-shirt.

  A younger man opened the front door and entered the living room. “Boss. You good?”

  “He’s currently occupied. You’ll have to come back,” Cameron ordered, stepping in front of him.

  He moved forward. “Nah, it don’t work like that.”

  Roger ordered, “Handle her.”

  Daron chuckled, looking back at the boy who had a wide stance to accommodate his sagging pants. “If he wants to get his ass served to him, he can try.”

  Cameron extended her gold wand and released the blades.

  “I’ll be back, Sweetie.” The young man backed out the door. “We’ll see how well you two handle what’s coming.”

  “Stop playing games and tell me where Brandi is.” Daron was curious about what his aunt had on this man.

  “I understand people being scared of your brother, but you? Nah.” Roger stalked across the space.

  “Remember, I was raised with Troy.” Daron slid his cell into his pocket. “Don’t let my appearance fool you. I’m not the one.”

  “Oh, is that right?” Roger’s fist came flying toward Daron’s face.

  He dodged and countered with a jab to Roger’s jaw. When Roger returned the punch, Daron slipped an arm under Roger’s, grabbed his shoulder, and slammed him down on the Galileo table. Pulling the Beretta from his waistband, Daron pressed the barrel against the man’s forehead. “When I said I’m not the one, I meant that shit.”

  He glanced at Cameron who wore a sexy grin and a lust-filled glare. She gave him a wink. The air crackled with a sexual charge that sent currents of desire careening through his system. Daron had to tear his eyes away from her and refocus on the situation. “Where is my aunt?”

  “I’m sorry man,” Roger squawked. “I asked my men to detain her until I got home.” Roger held the free hand up as if he was contemplating whether he could grab the gun and not get shot. “Bee should’ve minded her business. I didn’t mean—”

  “Where. Is. She?” Daron pressed the muzzle harder into the man’s forehead.

  “I had nothing to do with your brother’s death.” Roger glanced at the front door as if he was expecting backup. “I couldn’t let her come around to my spots causing trouble.”

  “What did you do to her?”

  “You might need to speed up the interrogation,” Cameron announced.

  Daron glanced back to see Cameron looking out the door and reaching for her gun. Not a good sign. Steve rushed the living room and shook his head.

  Daron moved the barrel to Roger’s mouth. “Are you going to make me ask you again?”

  “She probably went to the cemetery to visit her brother.”

  Cameron touched Steve’s shoulder. “We need to handle this.”

  Daron couldn’t see what was drawing her attention but Steve lifted his gun and, flanking Cameron, moved toward the door. He snatched Roger by the collar of his shirt and lifted him to his feet. “If she’s hurt, know that when I’m done with you, you’ll wish I’d killed you.”

  Steve and Cameron raced out the door with Daron seconds behind. Three men approached the house and four more moved rapidly up the street. Cameron stood with a gun in each hand, her gaze flickering from house to street.

  “Cam, go get my aunt just in case Roger sends someone after her,” Daron commanded. As capable as she was, his instinct was to protect her.

  “I’ll text you when I have her.” Cameron slid her guns into the holsters and pulled out that gold wand.

  Steve shifted until his back was positioned to allow him to watch the house and the street. “Let’s try to send these boys to the hospital, not the morgue.”

  “Shit,” Daron muttered as Steve barely finished the sentence befo
re he realized that Cameron had run a direct route to her car, right through the three men that now writhed in pain on the ground near the curb.

  Roger stepped out on the porch and whistled. His men halted their approach. “I’ll stay away from Brandi, if she stays away from me.” He returned to the house.

  Daron and Steve cautiously moved to their vehicles, then headed to the cemetery to catch up with Cameron and Brandi. He hadn’t even thought about the fact that Cameron didn’t know where exactly his family was buried.


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