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The Billionaire Matchmaker Test

Page 8

by Elle James

  Emma’s voice came through the receiver. “Wow, Leslie, was your date that good?”

  Leslie’s face burned. “Oh. Hi, Emma. I thought you were someone else.”

  “Obviously,” Emma said. “How was Otis? It was Otis, right?”

  “Actually, the date with Otis was kind of different,” Leslie admitted.

  “Tell me about it,” Emma urged.

  Leslie walked through her house slowly, talking to Emma, telling her about the evening, the double date, Otis and Twyla hitting it off, and then ending up at Comic Con.

  “So, you and Otis didn’t hit it off. But it sounds like you and Tag got along great.”

  Leslie smiled at the image of him walking with her at Comic Con. “Actually, we did. He’s a really good friend.”

  Emma snorted. “Friend? You guys have been as thick as thieves since you got BODS started. Why aren’t you two a thing?”

  “To be honest, I’ve been asking myself the same question,” Leslie admitted. “I guess it’s because Tag and Randy were the best of friends. When I think about Tag as anything other than a friend, I feel like I’m being disloyal to Randy.”

  “That’s bullshit,” Emma said. “Randy’s not here anymore, Leslie. You gotta live your life. And if your life includes Tag, all the better. Randy would have blessed the relationship. He loved Tag like a brother and would have been happy to know that he was taking care of you.”

  “Maybe so, but it still feels weird.” Leslie dropped her purse on her kitchen counter. “Besides, I have three more guys to go through that BODS matched me with. And BODS can’t be wrong, can it?”

  “Well, it worked for four of us,” Emma said. “It wouldn’t hurt to give the other three men a try.”

  “That’s the plan,” Leslie said.

  “And while you’re at it, remember,” Emma said, “a bird in the hand is worth three in the bush.”

  Leslie’s brow dipped, and a smile played at the corners of her mouth. “Does that make Tag a bird?”

  “Read into it what you will.” Emma chuckled. “I think Tag is a great guy. And I think he thinks you’re a great gal.”

  “Yeah, but what if he only thinks of me as a friend? I don’t want to do anything to ruin our friendship.”

  “It doesn’t hurt to keep your options open,” Emma said. “Have a good night. I love you, girl.”

  “I love you, too, Emma.” Leslie ended the call, got dressed in her unicorn pajamas, crawled into bed and pulled out her laptop. She logged into the BODS application to make sure it was up. Then she logged into her account to look at her next candidate. As soon as she logged in, a bell chimed, and a message came up from Joe Fox. She opened it eagerly.

  Dear Leslie,

  I’m glad you didn’t find my method of getting to know each other off-putting. I’m also glad you were honest about how you feel about dating. I’m sorry you lost your husband whom you loved dearly. He must have been a wonderful man. The fact that you loved him so much shows your capacity for love and gives me hope that there is a woman out there who could love me as much as you loved your husband. I would never ask you to compare me to your first husband, but to at least be open to the possibility that there might be someone out there you could love in a different way. You’re obviously a very caring and loving individual. I find that refreshing and hopeful. I, too, like to sing, but I do that in the shower, so nobody has to listen to me in my toneless wonder. I also love to walk. I like to ride horses as well, and I enjoy a good glass of wine, although I prefer a beer on a hot day. Though I spend a lot of time in the city, my heart is in the country. I don’t mind the spiders and snakes and critters. They are all a part of life. I love when I can stare up at the sky and see the stars, without the city lights around me. I love it even more when I can share the wonders of heaven with someone I care about. Thank you for responding to my rambling. You did fill my day with sunshine and joy. I wish you the same.


  * * *

  Leslie’s first reaction was to pick up the phone and call Tag. She paused, though. Her messages with Joe seemed more personal. She shouldn’t share them with anyone else, even Tag, who was her best friend. Instead, she wrapped her arms around her middle and gave herself a hug. The evening had gone a lot better than she’d anticipated. She’d liked Otis, she’d liked Twyla. She’d liked that they’d gotten along with each other. And she’d enjoyed her time with Tag. Any time with Tag was always good. As she thought about the moment they’d stood in the hallway outside the bathrooms in the steakhouse, she trembled. When he’d leaned close to her, she’d sworn he was going to kiss her. She wished he had. Now, looking down at the letter from Joe, she wondered. Was Tag the one she was meant to be with after Randy? Or was there someone else out there?

  She sighed, closed her computer and turned out the light. As she lay on her pillow, she was more confused than when she’d first signed on to BODS.

  * * *

  As soon as Tag got home, he hurried to his computer and logged into the BODS application. He’d sent his message to Leslie right before he’d left for his date with Twyla, knowing Leslie wouldn’t receive it until she got home that evening. She would have read the message by now. His heart beat fast as he pulled up his messages within the BODS system. As he had expected, Leslie had received and read the note. He had wondered if she would say anything to him about Joe Fox, Bachelor Number Four. He picked up his cellphone and dialed her number.

  After several rings, she answered, “Hello?”

  “Hey, beautiful. Did I wake you?”

  “Oh, hey, Tag. No, I wasn’t quite asleep yet. I’d just laid my head on the pillow when your call came through.”

  “Good. Then I guess you want to talk about how things went tonight with our dates…?” Tag suggested.

  “We already discussed most of the evening on our way home. What more do we need to talk about?”

  “Not much. I thought it was funny how Otis and Twyla hit it off right away.”

  Leslie laughed. “How interesting that they were both Dr. Who fans. What are the chances that they hit it off with each other, and not with us? I’m not so sure BODS hit the mark on these matches.”

  “Do you get the feeling fate played a part in this?” Tag asked.

  Leslie answered softly, “I do.”

  “Would you be disappointed?” Tag asked.

  “If they get together?” Leslie asked.

  “Yes,” Tag said.

  “How could I be disappointed? I just want them to be happy. They seem so perfect together.” Leslie paused. “Are you disappointed? I mean Twyla was cute, engaging and had beautiful auburn hair. You two could have a lot more in common than you think.”

  “Though she was cute, and she was sweet and entertaining, she’s not really my type,” Tag said. “I’m not as into sci-fi as she is, nor would I be as willing to follow every Comic Con convention around the country dressed as Thor or as a captain of a starship.”

  Leslie’s chuckle sounded in his ear. “I can just picture you dressed as Thor, wearing a cape and carrying a big plastic hammer.”

  Tag snorted.

  “What?” Leslie paused. “You don’t see yourself as a superhero?”

  “Not hardly.”

  Leslie sighed. “The way I see it, superheroes don’t have to have superpowers to be so super or to be heroes. I think a person being in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing makes him a hero.”

  “So, have you thought about it? Do you see yourself going out with Otis again?” he asked.

  “I don’t know if you noticed,” Leslie said, “but I thought I saw Otis and Twyla exchanging phone numbers.”

  Tag laughed. “What do you want to bet they go to the Comic Con in Cedar Park tomorrow and spend the entire day together?”

  “That would be my guess.”

  “Speaking of tomorrow, we’re heading into Emma and Coop’s wedding weekend. Are you ready for the rehearsal dinner?”

  “I’m ready. Are you
?” Leslie asked.

  “I’m not much into weddings, rehearsals or rehearsal dinners. But Coop’s my friend, and I do look forward to him marrying Emma. Those two were made for each other. I couldn’t be happier for them.”

  “Me, too,” Leslie said, her voice soft. “Emma deserves some happiness. Losing her fiancé nearly killed her. Now that she’s found Coop, I’ve never seen her happier.”

  “You’re still my plus one for the rehearsal, rehearsal dinner and the wedding, aren’t you?” Tag asked.

  “Of course.”

  “You didn’t ask Otis to stand in for you, did you?” Tag teased.

  “Even had I asked, I’m sure he would have declined the honor,” Leslie said. “I mean, when you have a choice between Comic Con and a stranger’s wedding, Comic Con would win out every time. Especially with Otis.”

  “True,” Tag said.

  “You’re not bringing Twyla, are you?”

  “Like you said, I’m betting they’re going to Comic Con tomorrow. Besides, I promised to take you to Coop’s wedding. You’re my plus one. That makes me all yours.”

  Leslie laughed. “I’d be going anyway. I’m one of Emma’s bridesmaids.”

  “True. But if you’re my plus one, I get to claim first dance.”

  “Is that how it works?” Leslie asked, a little breathlessly.

  “Yup,” Tag said. “That’s how it works.”

  “Good. Then I get to test your ballroom dancing lessons to see if they took.”

  “You’re on,” Tag said. “I’ll pick you up at your place tomorrow afternoon. Five o’clock?”

  “Five o’clock should give me enough time to change and for us to get to the rehearsal at 6:00 pm.” Leslie chuckled. “I think it’s funny they settled on getting married in a church in Hellfire, Texas. It should make for a good start to an exciting union.”

  “I like that the rehearsal dinner and afterparty will be at the Ugly Stick Saloon.” Tag was really looking forward to that. “How are you at two-stepping?”

  Leslie chuckled. “I haven’t been two-stepping in years. I’m not sure I remember how.”

  “I’ll show you.” For someone who didn’t particularly care for all the hoopla of wedding rehearsals, Tag was looking forward to the whole weekend with her. He hadn’t danced with Leslie since her wedding to Randy. He looked forward to holding her in his arms with the good excuse of dancing. And dancing, if done right, could be almost as sensual as making love.

  “Then I’ll see you tomorrow?” she asked.

  “I can’t wait,” he replied.

  “Goodnight, Tag.”

  “’Night, darlin’.” He ended the call and sat for a moment, staring at his cellphone. Leslie hadn’t mentioned the message from Bachelor Number Four. He wondered if she’d mention it tomorrow. He wondered if she’d mention it at all, or if she was keeping that little secret to herself.

  Tag wasn’t sure how he felt about that. He thought he and Leslie were sharing practically everything. That she wasn’t sharing her thoughts about Joe Fox gave him pause. Hell, he was jealous of the man—and he was Bachelor Number Four.

  Tag slipped out of his clothes and laid naked on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. Though everything was going as planned, he was left with an unsettled feeling. He’d thought his plan foolproof.

  The players in this game were human. As a software developer of a multi-million-dollar company, he knew that when you injected humans into a plan, anything could happen. Humans were the wild card. At least Leslie wasn’t all that taken with Otis. That didn’t mean she wouldn’t find the other two candidates to her liking.

  Tag had to make sure he was there every time. He hoped that, eventually, she’d come to the conclusion he was the right one for her, not the others. If he had to do that through Joe Fox, so be it.

  Chapter 7

  Ava plopped down in the chair across from Leslie’s desk in her office the next day. “Oh, my gosh. Could the day have been any more hectic?”

  Leslie laughed. “It’s Friday. It’s as if all our BODS clients get anxious if they don’t have a date by Friday night. Everyone starts calling the help line, as you can tell, wondering if the system is down.”

  “I haven’t had a single moment to sit down and ask you how your date went last night.” Ava stared across the desk, her eyebrows raised.

  “Wow, I hadn’t even thought about it all day long.” Leslie knew it was a half-truth. She was okay with that. She’d thought about last night, but not about her date with Otis. Her thoughts went to that narrow hallway in the steakhouse and the almost-kiss from Tag. And then she’d thought about her message from Joe and her need to respond to him before this night was over. At least five times she’d started typing her response, only to scrap everything she’d keyed. Her words didn’t seem adequate, not after Joe’s eloquent and meaningful message to her. She’d come to the conclusion they’d done all the introduction they needed to find out about each other. Now, they needed to move on and find out a little more about each other in the form of the future and their expectations of life.

  What she’d share with him, she hadn’t a clue. She couldn’t tell him her plans for BODS. He couldn’t know she was the brains behind the matchmaking system. If he knew, then he’d know she had access to his personal data, and that she could know who he really was. And why wouldn’t he think she’d do that? She wanted him to trust her and share whatever he felt he needed to share with her. At this point, if she told him who she was, and that she was behind BODS, that would ruin everything.

  And at that moment, she didn’t want things to end between her and Joe, even though, technically, nothing had actually started.

  “Your date was that good?” Ava crossed her arms over her chest, giving Leslie a pointed look.

  Leslie shook her head. “Sorry, I must be woolgathering again.”

  “So how was it?” Ava asked. “Did you manage to finagle a double date with Tag and his date?”

  “Went off without a hitch,” Leslie said with a smile. “Tag was so smooth.”

  Ava grinned. “Well, did you enjoy the evening?”

  “Actually, I did.” Leslie stared out the window, as if staring into her memories. “My date was very nice. Tag’s date was, too.”

  “That tells me a whole lot,” she said, her tone wry.

  Leslie looked back at Ava. “Otis is a Dr. Who fan and a physicist.

  Ava nodded. “We got that much from BODS. The Dr. Who fan part of his personality…that is different.” Ava frowned. “That could be a good thing or a bad thing.”

  “How could it be bad?” Leslie asked.

  Ava shrugged. “Some people get fanatical about being fans. They get into the cosplay. Some of them believe they’re the characters they portray.”

  Leslie frowned. “I think Otis just enjoys the whole Comic Con scene. And, get this, Tag’s date Twyla was all into the same. She showed up in a Tardis-blue dress that matched Otis’s Tardis-blue bowtie.”

  Ava’s eyes widened. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Sounds like your dates were meant to be together.”

  “That’s the conclusion Tag and I came to.” Leslie smiled. “We ate at a table for four at the steakhouse. Afterward, we went to the Comic Con convention in Cedar Park. Otis and Twyla were in their element. They talked to everyone in costume and even those who weren’t, who were celebrities who acted in some of those shows.” Leslie smiled. “Tag and I followed behind them.”

  “What you’re telling me is that you switched dates,” Ava said.

  “No,” Leslie shook her head. “We were still with our original dates. I was with Otis. Tag was with Twyla. At the end of the night, we said our goodnights to our respective dates.”

  “Did you arrange for a second date with Otis?” Ava asked.

  Leslie’s lips twisted. “I kinda don’t think Otis wants to go out with me again. He was much more interested in Twyla than me.”

  Ava chuckled. “Of course, he was. As one Dr. Who fan to another, they ha
d a lot more in common with each other than with you and Tag.”

  Leslie nodded. “Yes, they did. And they were so cute together. I’m happy for them. If ever a couple belongs together, it’s Twyla and Otis.”

  Ava nodded. “And, once again, you and Tag were left alone for the evening.”

  Leslie frowned. “We didn’t stick around. After the date was over, we all went our separate ways.”

  “So, you didn’t get together with Tag and compare notes about your respective dates?”

  Leslie grimaced. “Well…”

  “Ha!” Ava grinned. “So, you did compare notes.”

  Leslie sighed. “We did. All the way home by cellphone. And when we got home, he called again to discuss today’s events.”

  She arched an eyebrow. “And was he taken with Miss Twyla?”

  Leslie smiled. “About as much as I was taken with Otis.”

  “And were you taken with Otis? Were you disappointed that he and Twyla got along so well together?”

  Leslie shook her head. “Not at all. Otis was a nice man. He’s charming. He was considerate.” She paused. “And he was very much into Twyla.” Leslie raised her hands palms upward. “Like I said, I’m happy for them. In a roundabout way, BODS was the system that introduced them. Through Tag and me.”

  “Well, I still think you need to consider dating Tag,” Ava said.

  Leslie frowned. “I can’t date Tag. He was my husband’s best friend. That just seems wrong.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with going out with Tag,” her friend said. “He’s good-looking as all get out. You know each other inside and out. And you like each other.”

  “But is that enough basis to date?” Leslie asked. “Aren’t forever relationships based on love?”

  “So? Why can’t you love Tag?”

  Leslie rose from her chair, walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows and stared outside. “I don’t know. I just don’t know. It seems wrong, even when it feels right.”

  Ava snorted. “Uh-huh. I thought there was something between you and Tag.”

  Leslie spun to face Ava. “Oh, you cannot say anything to Tag.”


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