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Custom Built

Page 12

by Chantal Fernando

  “So you two are all good then?” I pry, sitting back in my seat and wiggling my brows. “Exclusive, even?”

  “Well, we haven’t put a label on it,” she admits, not seeming bothered by that fact. “I don’t know. We’re just having some fun. I’m just going to take it as it comes. Ha, as it comes.”

  “You’re the worst,” I deadpan, just as Nadia steps into the warehouse and beelines for me.

  “Hey, Bronte.”

  “Nadia. What’s up? Is everything okay?” I ask, standing.

  “Everything is fine, I just have some information for you,” she states, handing me a folder. “I typed out some of the conversations I overhead from Jean for you. I think you might find them interesting.”

  Eyes widening, I pull out the first piece of paper, and read.

  “It’s Freddy’s daughter, Jasper, she knows something. I don’t know what to do, I think I should leave town. Why else would she come to my studio? She knows.”

  “That snake,” I murmur to myself. “Jasper. Where have I heard that name before?”

  “He was on the list,” Nadia says, crossing her arms over her chest. “He’s one of the men trying to take over Grayson’s territory.”

  “Who the hell is Grayson?”

  “Your uncle Neville,” she explains, telling me how apparently he goes by different names. Nothing my uncle does at this point is going to surprise me.

  “So Jean has ties to Dad and to one of the men on the suspect list. What do you do now?” I ask, frowning. “Tell me what I need to do.”

  “I think we should wait and see what else she says,” she says, looking down at the folder. “We need more proof and we need to know what their plan is before we go in guns blazing.”

  But it’s not looking good for her. Did she kill my dad, or was it Jasper? Or both of them?

  I read the rest of the conversations, but they don’t give anything else away. I still don’t know how she is connected to Dad exactly, and I still don’t know what she wants.

  But I will.

  * * *

  When Crow comes over that night, he lets me listen to the new recording. It’s so much better actually listening to her voice instead of reading it.

  “They are onto us, I know it,” Jean says. “I want to close the studio and just leave town. It’s not safe for me anymore.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” Jasper replies. “You will do what I tell you to do.”

  “So Jean and Jasper are working together,” I say when it comes to an end. “Maybe she’s hiding something for him? Maybe it was him calling Dad from her phone.”

  “Maybe.” Crow nods slowly. I know he wants to say something, but he’s hesitating.

  “What?” I ask.

  He touches the stubble on his jawline. “I’m surprised you haven’t come up with the most obvious conclusion, which is that your dad and Jean had something to do with each other.”

  My mouth opens and closes again. “My dad never dated anyone after my mom. He said he never would, because there was no one else for him except her.”

  I realize how ridiculous it sounds when I say it now, but I grew up hearing this, and believing it.

  But then I think of that scarf. Maybe what Crow is saying is true. It’s still a hard pill for me to swallow. I always told my dad I’d be happy for him if he moved on, but he assured me he was fine as he was. I even asked him if he was dating and he said no.

  “At the end of the day, he was still a man,” he says gently, stroking my knuckles with his fingers. “And everyone gets lonely, babe. Imagine being alone all of those years. All I’m saying is, you never know. With the amount of times they spoke on the phone, and for the length of their conversations, it’s leaning toward them having some kind of relationship.”

  “He wasn’t alone all of those years—he had me,” I say, even though I know exactly what he meant. Swallowing hard, I listen to reason. “Okay, maybe you’re right. But maybe you’re not.”

  “Just keep an open mind,” he says, kissing my temple. “That’s all I’m asking. And you know what? If he did have something with her, he didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “Why didn’t he tell me? If this woman hypothetically did mean something to him, why did he keep it a secret?”

  Why couldn’t he come to me with this, and be honest about his own life?

  “Maybe because you’d take it really hard, like you are right now at just the possibility?” he suggests.


  “My mom was the love of his life—”

  “And I’m sure she still was, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the company of someone else. Especially when your mom had been gone for so long. There are different kinds of love. Not all are the soul-connecting kind. Just being simply happy with someone’s company isn’t a crime.”

  Gritting my teeth together, I nod slowly. “Okay, you’re right.”

  That doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt any less, though. I know I’m holding my dad to an impossible standard, but he’s the one who set that standard, so I don’t understand how I’m supposed to react right now.

  If this is the truth.

  “Do you think it was Jasper who did something to Dad?” I ask, resting my head on Crow’s shoulder and staring straight ahead at the TV. “Maybe he was jealous over Jean, or maybe he just wanted him gone so he could take over.”

  “I think we’ll find out in the next few days,” he says, kissing the top of my head. “And then we will make a plan. But either way, they aren’t going to get away with what they’ve done. They’ve messed with the wrong family.”

  He’s not wrong.

  Nothing can bring Dad back now, but at least I can make sure he gets justice.

  Before bed, I give Nadia a quick call and update her on everything I found out.

  “Bronte, it’s getting dangerous now. I’ll keep listening in, but we need to leave the rest of it up to the MC and your uncle,” she states. “Be careful. This Jasper guy is no joke, and we need to protect ourselves.”

  “I know,” I reply.

  But we’re close.

  I can feel it.

  * * *

  “Where’s Crow?” I ask Chains as he steps into Fast & Fury. He’s wearing all black, his dark eyes alert, hair slicked back. He’s such a wildcard, and I never know how to act around him. He’s intimidating.

  “He can’t come in today, so I’m covering for him,” he says, coming over, eyes pinned on me. “He said he will come to your place later tonight.”

  “Okay,” I reply, sitting down at my desk. “Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help you today.”

  “I’m good,” he grits out, face expressionless. “But thanks.”

  He walks off to the garage and disappears inside. Cam comes over and sits down on my desk as she looks over some documents. “This next bike is going to be insane. You should see the design for the spray paint.” She beams, showing me her idea.

  “I love that,” I tell her, checking out the black, white and red design. “Who is it for?”

  “Some rich guy.” She shrugs, pushing her blond hair out of her eyes. “He said to do whatever, no cost is too high, and he wants the best of the best for everything.”

  “Imagine what that must be like.” I grin, looking back at my screen. Meanwhile, I have a thousand dollars in my account and that’s it. I haven’t reached out to my dad’s lawyer about his will and money, even though he sent me an email trying to set up an appointment. I know I’m going to have to deal with the house and all the money and everything, but I’m just not ready yet. I want to find out who killed him before a single cent leaves his account.

  “Must be nice,” Cam agrees, placing the design down on the table and looking towards the garage. “I better get some work done.”

  “Me too.”

  Abbie co
mes in for lunch, and it’s nice to see her face.

  “How are you?” I ask, giving her a tight hug.

  “I’m good. I brought us all lunch,” she says, placing Chinese food down on the table. “I feel like I haven’t seen you all in ages; I’ve been so busy with exams. Crow has been keeping me up to date on everything, but how are you feeling? If you need anything you know I’m just a call away, right?”

  “I know,” I reply. “To be honest, I’ve just been keeping busy with this whole thing, and it’s distracting me. And Crow has been amazing. I don’t know how I would have gotten through this without him.”

  “He is, isn’t he?” She smiles, opening the food and spreading it all out. “You two are going to get married and have lots of kids. I can see it now.”

  I look down so she can’t see my expression at the mention of kids. “I don’t know about all that, but I’m pretty damn lucky that I met him. Which I suppose I owe to you.”

  “You don’t owe me anything. I’m just glad you’re in our lives, Bronte,” she says as she gives me another hug. “Seriously, I didn’t realize anything was missing in my life until I met you. I can’t wait for you to meet my sister when she comes down next. She’s going to love you.”

  “I’d like that,” I reply, beaming at her kind words. “And you guys are my family now, so I’m grateful for each and every one of you.” I lower my voice and add, “Even Chains.”

  Abbie laughs out loud. “He’ll grow on you. Slowly. Kind of like a fungus. He’s hard to get to know and guarded as hell, but once he knows you’re here to stay, he’ll accept you. And he will be there for you.”

  I decide to ask Abbie something that has been on my mind for a while now.

  “So...are you basically the queen of the MC?” I ask her. “Temper is the president, so that makes you on the top of the food chain, right?”

  Abbie looks surprised at first, and then starts laughing. “I mean, I’ve never really thought about it like that, but yes, I’m the president’s old lady and everyone shows me respect. I give that respect right back, though, so there’s never been any kind of issue. I don’t feel any different than the other women. We’re all friends, so yeah.”

  I blink slowly. “’re the queen.”

  She laughs some more.

  “What else do I need to know about MC life?” I ask.

  “Well, the men all have their own positions in the club. Their tasks and responsibilities, all of which could change at any point, are given to them,” she explains, giving me the rundown. “They have to listen to Temper, as he’s their leader. And whatever he says goes. They have private meetings and they do all kind of biker things, like club runs, charity events, which I sometimes host, and whatever other personal business they attend to.”

  Sounds like a pretty good life, being Temper, but I guess when something goes wrong that’s all on him, too.

  “So it’s basically like...a totalitarian, illegal country club?” I ask, trying to understand it all.

  She laughs even harder.

  “What?” I ask, her laugh making me laugh too.

  Chains walks over and eyes her. “You’ve broken her,” he says to me.

  Once she’s calmed down, we all sit together and eat. Like a Fast & Fury family.

  Chapter Seventeen

  When Crow knocks at my apartment door I meet him in a black teddy, stiletto heels, and nothing else.

  “Wow” is the first word he says, taking me in from head to toe. “Fucking hell, Bronte, you trying to kill me or what?”

  Grinning and loving his reaction, I pull him inside and close the door behind him, pushing him back against it. “I missed you.”

  “So did I,” he grits out, running his hands over the lace covering my breasts. “You are so sexy, you have no idea. I’ve been thinking about you and all the things I want to do with you all day...”

  “And now you get to have me,” I reply, kissing him and all but climbing up his body like a tree. Holding me up with his strong hands on my ass cheeks, massaging the globes, he carries me to the couch, never removing his lips from mine, and lays me back. He smells so good, and I can’t wait to have him inside of me.

  I’ve been waiting for this all day.

  I’ve never known what it’s like to crave someone like this—I feel like with my exes I could give or take being with them, but it’s nothing like that with Crow.

  I want him. All of him.

  His company, his time, his body, his laugh. His mind.

  I can’t get enough.

  I can feel how hard he is, his cock pressed against me, and I can’t help but touch him with my hand, stroking him over the material of his jeans. I love how I drive him crazy, and the feeling is mutual.

  He makes a growling noise and grabs my hands, pinning them both above my head, kissing my neck while grinding himself on me. After letting go of me, he rips apart the bodysuit part of my teddy, exposing me to his lips. I loved that teddy, but I don’t care, because that was so hot and so worth it. Gripping his hair, I arch my hips and moan as he licks my pussy and then slides his tongue up to my clit, sucking on it.

  I know I’m not going to last long, especially if he keeps working on me like that.

  “Crow,” I moan, trying to make this last a little longer, because it feels so damn good, but his tongue works his magic and has me coming loudly, my thighs trembling so hard.

  Crow flips me over, bending me over the couch, then removes his jeans and briefs and slides inside me in one smooth thrust.

  “Fuck,” he whispers, gripping my hips and moving back and forth. He leans over me and kisses my neck, then puts his hand underneath me to gently stroke my already sensitive clit.

  “I love you,” he says into my ear. “So much.”

  I can’t seem to form a reply as he keeps stroking me until I come again, this time with him.

  “I love you too,” I say as I roll over and he pulls me into his arms.

  He grins, and I fall in love with him all over again.

  * * *

  “You rode on the bike today?” Cam asks as I step into the warehouse.

  “What gives that away?” I ask, laughing as I touch my hair, which is all messy. “Oh, that would do it.”

  “Man, I love Crow’s bike. It’s so sexy,” she says, perving on it from the entrance of the garage. Crow is doing the same thing, which is why he hasn’t come inside yet.

  “Have you ridden on it?” I ask casually, combing my hair with my fingers.

  She gives me an odd look. “No. The men don’t let just anyone on their bikes.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask, frowning. “Not even a friend?”

  She shrugs and keeps staring at the bike. “Maybe a friend if it was necessary, but no, usually just their women. Their old ladies. No one else.”

  I had no idea this was even a thing, but I guess it makes sense. They take their bikes very seriously. “Interesting,” I reply, retying my hair in a tight ponytail. “That’s kind of nice. Not that I’d care if you or any of my friends went for a ride with him, though, for the record.”

  “Noted.” She grins, sighing when the phone starts to ring. “Today is going to be insane. We have three custom bikes being picked up, and we have a few clients coming in to tell us what they want when it comes time for us to do their bikes.”

  “I’m on it,” I say, heading to answer the phone.

  Crow comes in just as I hang up from a customer. “Nadia just called me,” he says, palms on my desk. “You weren’t answering your phone. She said she wants to speak to us.”


  He nods.

  “I can’t leave now, today is busy,” I explain, brows drawing together. “How about after work? We can’t just leave everyone high and dry.” Although I’m dying to know what new information Nadia has, we can’t leave Cam alon

  “You need to hire more people,” I also suggest. “I know it’s a small business, but it’s also very busy and we could always use an extra set of hands.”

  He grins and nods. “Okay, and yeah, I agree. We’re looking for more mechanics right now.”

  “Good,” I say, blowing him a kiss and then getting back to work.

  The day goes quickly, and Cam was right, it is insane. I end up eating at my desk and still answering phones, unable to leave for even a few minutes. When we close up, Crow and I ride back to the clubhouse. We told Nadia to meet us there. She beats us, and we find her out the back with Dee, while Saint and Skylar are in the kitchen cooking dinner together.

  “Hey,” I say as I sit down next to them. “Sorry we couldn’t leave the garage earlier.”

  “No problem,” she replies, picking up her phone and hitting play. “Just thought the two of you would want to hear this.”

  “Why do you keep talking about his daughter? Who cares, she has no proof. His death isn’t being treated as suspicious, and we have nothing to worry about. What, are you missing your lover? Maybe you’re having regrets? Why else do you keep bringing this bitch up?”

  “Maybe because I don’t want to go to prison,” Jean fires back. “And I didn’t kill him, Jasper. You did.”

  “You didn’t stop me,” Jasper replies. “You knew the plan, and you went along with it. You’re in this as much as I am. And we need to stick together. We’re almost at the top—there’s no time for panic to creep in. We just need to take out Grayson, and we’ve won. We’ll be on top of the fucking city.”

  Nadia hits stop and looks over at us. “Now we know the truth. The question is, what do you want to do about it?”

  I don’t reply, because I’m still processing what I’ve just heard. Crow was right—Dad did have some kind of relationship with Jean, one he kept hidden from everyone, and she was a weakness that cost him his life. I can’t believe this. He was finally opening up to a woman, and in the end she screwed him over.

  I don’t know who this Jasper is, but he’s not going to harm my uncle.


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