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A Babysitter For Daddy

Page 3

by Paul Fillmore

  Mentally Mona calculated exactly how much noise she might have made. Of course, in the stillness of the cement and tile institutional restroom even the slightest sound would echo loudly. Mona tested this by scraping her fingernail over the metal partition and was shocked at how loud it sounded.

  Flushing hotly with embarrassment, she realized that if anyone had been there, they most certainly would have heard what she was doing. Especially since Mona had been certain in the beginning that she had been alone. After all, class was still in session, and no one was supposed to be around. No one that is, except perhaps a teacher. But they usually used their own private lounge. Why would one of them have come into the student's bathroom between classes? And, who was it?

  Mortified, Mona finished cleaning up quickly, pulled her jeans up and stepped out of the stall. Glancing around apprehensively, she found herself quite alone, and began wondering if she might not have imagined the whole thing.

  Just then the bell sounded again, shattering her thoughts. Still red faced, Mona hurried from the room and headed for her next class, eyes downcast, certain that everyone was looking at her. In Mona's guilty conscience, everyone at the school, students and faculty alike, knew all about what she had been doing. The rest of the day passed miserably for her, and she finally gave up trying to concentrate on what the teacher was saying.

  After school she hurried home, avoiding any contact with anyone she knew, and confined herself to her room, pretending to study. Her mother looked in on her, and satisfied that she was home where she belonged, left her alone. Mona was almost grateful when the time came for her to go on her baby-sitting assignment, although she usually detested having to do it. It was mainly her mother's idea, and it was she who arranged most of Mona's jobs.

  "Good night. You and Mr. Steven's have a nice time," Mona intoned mechanically as the couple left. Smiling at her, and hurriedly giving her last minute instructions, her husband tugging at her arm, the woman at last gave one last look around, smiled wanly, then left. Mona was glad to be alone.

  She had sat for the Steven's once before, and it wasn't all that hard. There were three children, Arnold fifteen, and the twins seven. Mona usually got them to bed early, then watched tv until the Steven's returned, usually late.

  Tonight, however, Mona could feel the passions seething inside her. She wanted to get them in bed early again all right, but only so she could be alone to satisfy her cravings. In fact, Mona had been on the verge of another solitary session with herself when her mother had notified her it was time to go. She could hardly wait.

  The twins went to bed easily, without too much fuss, but Arnold gave her more trouble. Angry, Mona had threatened to tell his parents of his behavior, and only after that did he finally head for his room. Mona was alone at last.

  The aggravation had dulled her desires somewhat, and Mona found herself thinking it best if she control herself. After all, this was all new to her. She was still fearful that Tony had unleashed some demon inside of her that would consume her if she didn't get control of it. She could mentally see pictures of herself being dragged away to an insane asylum, her mother shaking her head and clucking her tongue, saying she had been warned. A little frightened by the prospect, Mona settled down in the living room and attempted to interest herself in the tv.

  Mona's mother insisted that she dress in a blouse and skirt, instead of her regular attire, when she baby sat, although Mona protested loudly. But, in the end, she always capitulated, since it was easier that way.

  Tonight she was glad. Try as she might, she couldn't keep her mind on the show she was watching, a dull, uninteresting, mystery. Gradually she became aware that her fingers were gently caressing her thighs, which were clearly visible under her miniskirt. Mona was shocked when she realized what she was doing, and angrily folding her arms in front of her, forced herself to watch the set.

  It wasn't long, however, before she again was irresistibly drawn back to her legs, and soon felt her fingertips caressing the insides of her thighs. Closing her eyes, she was soon transported back to the room in the basement of the school, and Tony was on top of her, ramming his cock into her ferociously. Mona's breathing deepened, and cursing herself for being so weak, she surrendered to her needs.

  When she wore a skirt, Mona wore panties. Not because she wanted to, but because her mother insisted. Standing, she sat down again, but with one leg under her, so that her cunt was easy to get at. Again closing her eyes and dreaming of that afternoon, she let her fingers seek out and find her slit. Even through the thick crotch of her panties she could feel the hot dampness, and wondered if more of Tony's come had seeped through?

  Rubbing the thick, puffy lips of her cunt through her panties, she threw her head back and abandoned herself to her fantasy. Tony was there then, and his dark, handsome face smiled down at her. This time she could see him as he aimed his long cock at her cunt, and felt its head penetrate her pussy. Sighing heavily, she began massaging her clit forcefully through her panties, at the same time spreading her legs all that much farther apart.

  Reaching down with her other hand, she pulled the crotch of her panties aside, and let the middle finger of her right hand dip deep into her pussy. A heavy sigh escaped from her, and she opened her legs still more, until they were sticking straight out in front of her. Completely lost now, she pumped her finger in and out as fast as she could, making the bottom edge of her finger grate repeatedly over her enlarged clit. Mona had completely lost control of her senses, and didn't hear Arnold creep into the room, his movements partially covered by the sound from the tv.

  Her finger buried deep inside her now, she remembered how good it had felt when Tony had played with her breasts. Reaching up with her free hand, she managed first the nipple, then the entire breast. Each time she twicked the hard, taut nipple a spasm of delight would surge through her and the friction of her finger would increase. Mona knew it wouldn't take much before she would be coming again and she eagerly speeded up her movement.

  "Well, well, well," the voice shattered her dream world. "So this is why you're always in such a hurry to get us to bed."

  The smug sounding voice she immediately recognized as belonging to her oldest charge. Flushing hotly, Mona yanked her hand from her crotch, trying to conceal her wet finger. Eyes wide with alarm, she saw the boy standing almost directly in front of her, a smirk on his impish face.

  "Having fun?" he cackled.

  "Wh-what are you doing out of bed?" Mona demanded weakly.

  "Never mind, never mind," he shot back with contempt. "Let's talk about what you're doing. Or," he paused sinister-like, "Maybe you'd rather explain it to my parents."

  Realizing she was trapped, Mona glanced around helplessly. There was no one else there, and she felt a brief feeling of relief that the twins hadn't witnessed her debasement too. Mona cursed herself soundly, and found herself agreeing with her mother. It was true. All that the craven desire had led her to was ruin, and now everyone would know. She would just die.

  Although Mona had yanked her finger from her cunt, her skirt was still high, and her panties, the crotch pulled aside revealing her pussy, was clearly visible. Seeing Arnold's gaze glued to the area between her legs, and flushing hotly again, Mona quickly stood up, letting her skirt fall.

  "Okay, play it coy," the boy snickered. "I saw enough already. Man, you sure are a hot little piece. Saw my cousin giving it to herself like that this summer. Man, you're even better than she was. Really got the hots, eh?"

  "You filthy beast," Mona shot out, barely able to control her urge to slap the smirking grin from his face. "How dare you spy on me like this."

  "Cool it," Arnold replied threateningly. "I wasn't kidding when I said I'd just as soon let you explain it to my parents. All I gotta do is play dumb, describe what you were doing, and innocently ask them what it means. Man, your little ass would get creamed good, and you know it. Now, make up your mind. My way... or theirs!"

Mona glanced about like a trapped animal. She hadn't the vaguest idea what Arnold had in mind, although she wouldn't have put anything past the little monster. "What is your way?" she asked weakly.

  "That's better," he snickered, sitting down on the overstuffed footstool in front of his father's easy chair. "You know, you're even better looking than my cousin too. Nice legs. Yea, you're really hot stuff all right."

  Blushing right down to her toes, Mona dropped her gaze and wished she could drop through the floor. It was bad enough that she couldn't control her own debased emotions, but to be caught at it by this little monster was too much. There was no telling what he might demand as tribute. But she wasn't prepared for what he came up with next.

  "Sit down," he ordered, "Only kind of spread your legs wide so I can see what I'm bargaining for."

  Shocked, Mona could only stare at him. Finally she managed to blurt out, "I will not."

  "Oh, yes you will," Arnold chuckled. "My cousin gave me a hard time at first too, but she finally came around. You'll do just what I tell you to, or..." His voice trailed off.

  Mona gazed at him with disbelief. He was only fifteen years old. Surely he couldn't be serious. But searching his face closely, she realized he was dead serious. There was nothing else she could do but go along with him. She didn't have the slightest doubt that he would indeed carry out the threat he'd made, and tell his parents everything he'd seen. Flushed, she sat down on a chair he indicated opposite him, and obeyed with reluctance as Arnold smirked.

  "Okay, chick, that's great," Arnold cackled again, indicating with his hand that she should spread her legs a little wider apart. Seeing him, Mona dipped her head again, blushing hotly, and obeyed.

  "Yeah, just like I said. You're a hot little piece of ass all right. Man, you were really giving yourself the finger. You like it that way?"

  "Oh, wh-what do you want?" Mona almost sobbed out, her head still hung low, embarrassment acute.

  "Easy, chick, easy," Arnold chuckled again, seeming strangely older than his years. The lust in his voice indicated early maturity. Mona had little doubt she would find out exactly what that meant before the night was finished. As she really thought about it, to her surprise, she found her insides beginning to tingle with a slight touch of excitement. Although she had never thought of Arnold in a sexual sense before, she had to admit on re-examination that he wasn't exactly a bad-looking kid. And she herself had once seen him naked, when she had accidentally walked in on him as he'd finished showering. His cock hadn't looked like that of a fifteen-year-old; even when she wasn't sure what a cock was really supposed to look like. Her experience with Tony that afternoon, or had it been morning she found herself wondering in awe, everything had happened so quickly. Now Arnold was talking about her again. Mona strained to listen.

  "We got plenty of time before the folks get back. Hey, spread your legs just a little more."

  This time Mona found herself doing what Arnold asked without hesitation. In fact, she even found the experience exhilarating. Deliberately she forced her skirt still a little higher as she spread her creamy thighs. She could see his eyes still staring hard at it.

  "Yeah, yeah, that's better," Arnold said almost breathlessly. There was no doubt now that he intended to fuck Mona. As for Mona, she was still thinking about his cock that time in the bathroom. She wondered what it would feel like hard.

  "Now," Arnold began, his voice much lower and huskier. "Here's what we're going to do. You had something real interesting on your mind while you were poling yourself with your finger. Whatever it was, it got you good and hot. Okay, so you just go right on dreaming what you want, only I'm going to fuck you while you're doing it. Get me? I get in on the act too."

  Mona found herself shocked, in spite of her expectations, on hearing Arnold's obscene demand out loud. She raised her gaze to his face, and saw him looking intently at her, his eyes carrying the full conviction that he had meant every word. Mona knew it was usually hard to accept something when you really wanted it the most. Screwing up her courage, she looked him directly in the eye.

  "All right, Arnold," she said, her voice even. "Only I've got to be sure you'll keep your mouth shut afterwards. What guarantee have I you won't spill the beans anyway?"

  "You kidding," Arnold jibbed back. "Why? If I'm getting mine on the side, why should I queer it by blowing the whistle? No percentage, right?"

  Smiling, Mona nodded, satisfied Arnold was telling the truth. When he stood up and Mona saw his hard cock pushing out his pajama's largely, she caught her breath, convinced beyond doubt he was serious. Again she felt the waves of passion tingling at the lips of her cunt. The wetness inside her came out fully again and she could only stare as Arnold moved toward her.

  "Stand up," he said, his voice still husky. "Although he was younger, Arnold stood the same height as Mona, and would have been considered slightly big for his age. Mona obediently did as he ordered and Arnold reached out for her conical breasts, grasping and rubbing them much the same way Tony had done. Mesmerized, Mona couldn't control herself and reached down and grasped hold of Arnold's cock.

  It was big and hard as she had expected. It was almost the same size as Tony's had been. The thought of again feeling the way she had with Tony excited her anew, and she began breathing heavy.

  "You like that, huh?" Arnold whispered, thinking the rubbing over her nipples was having the effect on her. Mona only nodded her head, thinking he was talking about his cock she held in her hand. Each increased their efforts on the others anatomy, and soon both were breathing loud.

  "You got some nice boobs," Arnold complimented Mona, and received an extra hard squeeze on his dick in return. "I'll bet that pussy of yours is tight too, huh?"

  The mention of her private parts aloud made Mona blush again in spite of her state of excitement. In an effort to hide her embarrassment, Mona worked Arnold's cock out of his pajamas through the fly opening. Looking down, she couldn't help gasping aloud as she saw its angry purplish head poking directly at her. Again Arnold chuckled, looking down also and shoving himself forward, shoving the hard tip against her flat belly.

  "You really dig that, don't you?" he asked, and was answered by Mona's nodding head. Reaching down swiftly he began pulling her skirt up. Mona moved with him so that soon her wide expanse of pubic hairs were exposed, as her flat hard tummy. Arnold's eyes began to dance with lust and he pushed her away from him slightly, so that he might get a better look. Giving a long, low whistle of appreciation, the youth grinned at her, "You sure do look good down there. Better than my cousin. She was nice too, but not as nice as you."

  Arnolds obvious sincerity touched Mona and she felt better. "Here," he said, pulling her over to the couch. "Lets do it here. It's comfortable."

  Without a word Mona allowed herself to be gently pushed onto the couch. In spite of her earlier anger, she now felt nothing but desire surging through her body. Still feeling a bit uncomfortable that she really hadn't been a willing partner in the beginning, she soon lost that as she watched Arnold drop his pajama bottoms and then stand there naked in front of her, his eager cock pointing out straight and proud.

  "Oh," she heard herself moan as she looked at it.

  "Take off your skirt," she heard Arnold command, and still staring at his able prick, began to obey. Soon her panties had followed that and she was fumbling with the buttons of her blouse. At the same time Arnold had taken off his pajama tops and was standing before her completely nude, his lithe young body somehow seeming out of sorts to the strong young cock he possessed. Mona had heard that boys who jacked off a lot had big cocks. She wondered if that was true?

  Then Arnold was shoving her back, forcing his knee between her own. Mona resisted not at all, even reaching down and guiding him onto her by his dick. Arnold released her of that duty to her regret, and aiming the head of his dick at her cunt lips, slowly forced himself forward. Mona felt it when the hard head made contact with her pussy lips and looked down. She
could see Arnold's hand guiding his big cock into her, and then felt the head being shoved into her tight cunt. Mona opened her legs still further, concentrating hard on the wonderful feeling Arnold's dick was giving her. By now Mona was convinced she must be depraved or something. She had already been thoroughly fucked once that day, and then played with herself, and now she was getting it again, and finding herself loving it.

  "Oohhh, you've really got a tight pussy," Arnold breathed out hoarsely. "Can you feel my dick in you?"

  "Y-yes," Mona gasped back, shoving herself up to him.

  By now almost half of Arnold's cock was in Mona and he had let go of it. Laying down on top of the beautiful girl, Arnold began to pump in and out of her, shoving himself another inch deeper into her on each thrust. Bending her knees as much as the couch would allow for, Mona spread herself wider, urging him to fuck into her harder and faster.


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