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Tori (A Jorgensen Legacy): Filthy Modern Vikings

Page 2

by Moore, M. K.

  During cocktails, which is just a fancy way of saying everyone stands around Enid’s hodgepodge living room and talks while holding various beverages, Tori comes up behind me. I know it’s him because I will never forget the way he smells as long as I live.

  “Let’s go,” he says grabbing my elbow and all but dragging me out of the room.

  Did I just hear one his brother’s whistling at us? What is going on right now?

  “Where are we going?” I ask turning my head slightly to look at him.

  “We need to talk,” he says leading me out to the front yard.

  “Talk? You want to talk now?” I ask jerking my elbow from his grasp.

  “I’ve tried calling you several times a day over the last three months. You didn’t answer me, not even once. Did you not get the fucking memo when I claimed that cherry?”

  “Ugh,” I shout. “You have got to be kidding me, Tori. You never once called me.” I know my voice has raised several octaves. I can see his entire family peeking out the front windows at us, but I can’t bring myself to care.

  “I absolutely called what was mine,” I watch him as he pulls his phone out of his pocket and see that he has made roughly seven hundred calls to a number very similar to mine, but one digit off. I immediately relax.

  “That’s not my number, Tori. It’s 651-835-5506, not 9. You transposed the numbers.” I watch him as he deflates a little and it kills me inside.

  “Fuck. I am so dumb. This shit always happens to me,” he says more to himself than to me. I hate the look that crosses his face and I can't help but reach my hand out and rub his forearm. God, I love how strong he is. Even this little touch sends jolts of electricity to my core.

  “No worries. I am here now,” I say, hoping to reassure him. I get the feeling that transposing numbers is nothing new for him.

  “Yes, you fucking are,” he leans in and kisses me. Fuck, I’ve missed his lips. I moan out loud, unable to contain it. “Let’s go,” he says picking me up and carrying me to his car.

  I swear I can hear hooting and hollering from inside the house. I can’t help grinning.

  When we get to his house, I am floored by just how big it is. It sits just off the access road to the highway that leads west to Moosehead. It’s secluded but doesn’t look like it belongs in scary movie.

  “This is where you live?” I ask.

  “For the last year or so. It’s a house, not a home though. Not yet,” he says looking at me. With no other words, we come together. Our lips meet, all teeth and tongues. We strip each other faster than I thought possible, soon he’s sliding his hard cock into me and it’s like coming home.

  Over and over he pounds into me until I come. I feel his cock pulse and he groans my name above me. Eventually, we move to his bed, where he takes me several times throughout the night. Each time is filthier than the last. When I finally fall asleep, it feels like seconds later that I am bolting awake and running for the bathroom, still naked. I barely get in there, when Tori is right behind me, holding my hair back for me and rubbing my back while I unleash everything I ate.

  “Fuck, baby. Are you okay?” he asks when I finally stand. He hands me a toothbrush.

  “I’m fine. Lanie and I had some questionable gas station food earlier. It did not agree with me.”

  “Are you sure. Should I call a doctor?" he asks looking concerned. I brush my teeth and turn to kiss him, trying to distract him. Which, thankfully, works.

  “No doctor needed. I am feeling much better,” I tell him. “Let’s go back to bed,” I say taking his hand.

  “If you are sure?” he asks laying back down.

  “Perfectly. You go back to sleep. I’m going to get a glass of water.”

  “I should get that for you,” he says.

  “No, babe. I got it. Sleep.” He lays back down and I scurry like a thief in the night to the kitchen. The clock on the stove tells me it’s only midnight, so I take a chance that Lanie is still awake. Grabbing my phone from my pants pocket, I quickly dial her. She answers on the second ring.

  “Kensie? Are you okay? Where are you?”

  “I am fine. I told Tori I got food poisoning from lunch on the way home.”


  “I got sick. He wanted to call a doctor. I just need to you to back me up. I doubt he will, but you never know.”

  “I don’t know, Kensie,” she hedges.

  “You owe me,” I say.

  “Ugh. Fine. What did we eat?”

  “Something from a gas station,” I reply.

  “Ew, no wonder you got the fake food poisoning,” she says, laughing, her voice highly exaggerated.

  “Thank you,” I say sighing.

  “Bye, bitch,” she says hanging up.

  Fuck. I hate lies. They always come back around and bite you in the ass.

  Chapter 5


  I am not surprised when I wake up Monday morning to her already out of bed and in the kitchen. Being on a student sleep schedule must take weeks to break. She has been up early every day for the past two days. I am almost positive I can hear her vomiting under the guise of running water, but by the time I get to the bathroom she is brushing her teeth like nothing happened. We have been in a sex haze since Friday night and hell if I am going to complain about it. Shit, if I’m honest, I would love nothing more than to stay in that haze right this moment, but I have an appointment with a client I must get to in a bit.

  I drag myself out of bed, walking into the bathroom to wash my face and teeth. My mind keeps going back to, finding out she hasn’t received any of my calls and texts. I lean over the sink, the same feelings of being a worthless dumbass from high school finding its way back into my chest. When I was in eighth grade, I was having so much trouble with math. Despite tutors and special study sessions, I just couldn’t get the hang of it. It was so bad, I would get into fights at school with the kids that made fun of me. My parents, not knowing what to do, sent to me to a therapist who also served as a guidance counselor. It didn’t take long for her to figure out I was dyslexic.

  No one in my family had ever known someone with this disability. They did as much research as they could, found the top professionals to come in and it was determined I didn’t have the kind that had issues with reading, though sometimes it can manifest like that during times of stress or when I am upset. Luckily, in my job I am a man of action. My problem is with numbers. I routinely switch numbers around and transpose others. I feel like such a moron. Despite her very tender understanding and not holding it against me, I hold it against myself.

  “Some man you are, Tori.” I shake my head castigating myself. I don’t know how I expect to take care of a family if I can’t dial a simple phone number.

  “Tori. Breakfast.” Kensi yells from the kitchen. She has taken it upon herself to make breakfast for me every morning. She says she feels bad that she is on vacation and I still have to work. I fucking love this girl.

  “Coming baby.” Though I still feel like shit, I don’t want to leave her waiting. Dumbass or not, she is mine now, and there is no way I am going to give her back. I finish getting dressed and walk into the kitchen. As usual, she looks delicious as hell in her apron, with my button up on and nothing else. If it weren’t for the importance of this meeting, I would fuck her right on this counter. However, as the face of the company, I have to be on time and ready for anything with these meetings.

  “Mmm... smells good Cricket.” I whisper in her ear with my arms wrapped around her stomach. “But nothing smells as sweet as your pussy.” My hands can’t help themselves. They travel under the shirt, roaming toward the bullseye between her legs. Damn! No underwear.

  “You been waiting on me to wake up. Is that it?”

  “Y-yes. I wanted you to eat before you…nnnnnnh…Tori!” She gasps as my hands make contact with her dripping pussy. Moving it back and forth over her clit, sliding further back until I reach the tiny little hole that welcomes my cock. I stick three fing
ers inside, making sure to keep my thumb on her little button. My cock liking this dance, stands up, waiting for his chance to enter the party.

  “Tori. please. Feels so good. Inside me babe. Oh god.” Shit! I don’t have time for this, but how the hell can I walk away without leaving her with another shot of my son or daughter. Fuck it!

  “I don’t have much time, baby. This is going to be quick. Spread your legs Cricket. Bend over the counter.” She does as I say almost in desperation. It feels amazing knowing she wants me as much as I need her.

  “Tori hurry. I don’t care how fast it is. I just need to feel connected to you again. I’m almost there. Please. Make the ache stop.” Well hell. I hurry to unfasten my jeans not bothering to pull them down. With my cock in my hands, pumping it a few times to coat it, I slam inside her. Still so fucking tight.

  “TORI! She yells. She wasn’t fucking lying. She is almost there. Her body shakes as it prepares to release.

  One hand on her back, the other in her hair, I pull her head up so our mouths can meet. I pump into her faster and faster, amazed at how something so tiny can accommodate my rod. “Fuck baby. Your greedy pussy is trying to squeeze the life out of me. Is that what you want? You want the life from my sack?”

  “Tori...Tori ...yes...yes...harder...harder.” Hearing her beg me to fuck her harder is my switch and together we go over the precipice.

  “Fuck baby. You can cook for me anytime.” We both chuckle as we try to recover our breaths.

  Afterwards, I eat the pancakes and sausage she made, and kiss her goodbye. She is on her way to her sisters to spend some time with Kileen and Lanie. Driving into the office, my mind drifts back to her morning wretch fest every morning and it hits me. Could she be pregnant? Does she not suspect? Somehow, I find that hard to believe. She is going to school to be a nurse. How could she not know? Which means, she knows, but is choosing not to tell me. But why? Doesn’t she know I want nothing more than for her to have our baby and for us to be a family?

  Before I know it, I am at the office and my appointment is already waiting.

  “Mr. Babichev, I am sorry to keep you waiting. Shall we?” I walk him into my office.

  I note that he looks like the type of man in charge of everything and everyone, yet right now he seems lost. Sad somehow.

  “Please, have a seat and tell me what I can do for you.”

  “My name is Anatoli Babichev. My parents were Russian diplomats. They were killed a month ago in an ambush at their estate. Upon hearing of their deaths, I went for my sister Zoya, only to find she was not there. The last time security has her on camera was six hours before they were killed. I need to find my little sister. She is all I have left.”

  “Any idea who may want to harm your parents?”

  “I have been asking myself the same thing. According to his secretary, he has been trying to bring a case against Sasha Kerkin. He is the leader of the Bratva. But so far he has been untouchable.”

  “I am sure this is not the first attempt to secure a conviction against him. Why would this time result in a hit?”

  “This time, there were witnesses to his trafficking of children. This would have been the one that sent him up.”

  “I see. Have you sent me the file you have on everything?”


  “Very well. I will get my best men on it. I cannot give you a time frame. As I find out more info, I will give it to you.” We shake hands and he leaves. This is a job for my brother Dahny. He is the tracker of our company. However, I cannot send him in alone.

  I pull up my email and send a message to Dahny, Axel and the Colonel. I am going to need all hands on deck for this. Once I send the message out, I turn my thoughts to Kensie. Why wouldn’t she tell me she is pregnant? And how long should I wait to confront her?

  Chapter 6


  "Ow, fuck!" I shout, suddenly coming awake. I look down to find Tori looking up at me. He pulls his mouth off my nipple.

  "Shit. What's wrong."

  "Um, too hard," I lie. He raises an eyebrow at me but doesn't say anything. He kisses my belly softly, almost cradling it, and for a split second, I think he knows but he continues down my body until he's eating my pussy. "Mmm… Tori. I love it," I moan. He's so fucking good at this.

  Eventually, he comes up for air and kisses me. It's sinful how much I love the taste of my pussy juice on his lips. He slides his massive cock into me. Above me, he groans my name before slamming in and out of me. Over and over he fucks me almost to the point of not being able to walk. Damn, I'm so used to this feeling, I don't want anything to fuck it up. When we get out of bed, I want to do nothing but relax, but I can tell he has other things on his mind.

  "How about a picnic?" He asks suddenly. Shit. Do I look outdoorsy or something?

  "Uh, sure. What did you have in mind?"

  "The state park off of 64. We'll stop by Missy's for the grub,” he says, and we get moving. After we get dressed, it takes us only minutes to arrive at Missy's Diner. I am craving a medium rare hamburger with all the pickles I can get my hands on.

  After placing our order, Tori excuses himself to chat with Leif and the mayor about some official business and I use this free moment to talk to Missy. She's not showing yet, but I think she can help me with pregnancy questions.

  “So, when are you going to tell everyone you're expecting?” she asks, surprising me.

  “What?” I ask, wide-eyed.

  “The pickles. Pickles are a sure-fire giveaway, especially since you always have me hold the pickles,” she says, laughing.

  “Oh shit, I didn’t think about that. I haven’t told Tori yet,” I say quietly.

  “Your secret is safe with me, Kensie,” she promises, patting my forearm.

  “What about Hagen?” I would tell Tori anything, so I am sure she’ll tell Hagen.

  “You know me well. I’ll tell him, but I’ll swear him to secrecy. I have a few tricks up my sleeve to insure his silence.” She smiles wickedly and I can’t help laughing.

  “Ok. I have a question. What's with my boobs? I can't wear a bra and my t-shirt feels like sandpaper," I whisper. The two older gents at the counter are notorious busy bodies.

  "Oh girl. Don't you have the book?" She asks and I shake my head. "You need the book," she says, chuckling. I must look like a deer in the headlights, because she smiles placatingly at me. "It eases off in the second trimester, but they say they are sensitive until closer to birth when they toughen up for breastfeeding. A little coconut oil should help the shirt thing though. A little barrier, if you will." I nod and tuck the info away. I feel Tori come up behind me.

  "What are you ladies talking about?" he asks, and I flounder when I can't think of anything. Missy is just as off guard as I am.

  "I was just trying to get Kensie to run away with me," the man closest to me says. Thank God for Ray.

  "Ray, I'd have to fight you for my girl here," Tori says surprising me. I blush like a teenager.

  "I thought as much, son. You know you've got quite the gem here, don't you?"

  "I do, sir. I do." The cook behind the counter rings a bell.

  "Order up," he hollers.

  "Let me bag that up for you guys," Missy says smirking at me.

  "Thank you," I manage to say.

  She hands Tori the bag and we're off on our outdoor adventure.

  Chapter 7


  My mind is whirling a mile a minute. It’s unlike me not to confront things head on. But with women its different. You have to sometimes, tread lightly, give them time, bullshit like that. My man brain is telling me fuck time. When a woman is hiding your own kid from you, born or unborn, you have a right to confront her.’ however, the other side of my brain, the side that would do anything to make her happy and see her smile, is saying ‘calm the hell down man. She is going to tell you. She is probably just trying to figure out her next move with school.’ This is the side I am choosing to listen to, but it is hard as fuck.<
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  “Should we put the blanket down right here?” I ask her. Looking around to make sure it is secluded enough.

  “Yeah. This looks good.” She lays the blanket out and we sit. We eat in silence for a bit, partially because she is scarfing that burger down like she was on a hunger strike or something. The other reason is that I am trying to figure out a way to get her to admit it without being too obvious.

  “Kensie, I was wondering what you see for your future. Like, where do you see yourself in the years to come.” Yeah. Couldn’t figure out another way to say that.

  “Well, I always thought I would be a nurse. I love helping people. But now….” she trails of a bit, like she doesn’t want to finish that thought. But fuck if I don’t need her too. I need to know everything that is going on in that beautiful head of hers. Especially in regard to my kid. Does she want it? Not want it? Is she regretting us?

  “What about you Tori? Where do you see yourself? What does Tori’s life look like in say… three years?” Oh. So, we are going to play that game. Fine.

  “I plan to be married to the love of my life and have kids. That has always been my plan. Nothing has changed. I have simply been waiting on the right woman. Now that I have found her, it's time to move things along.” There. Take that.

  “Move things along? Wh-what do you mean?” I can see her getting panicky and I decide to take pity on her.

  “Don’t worry about that baby. Are you full? Have you eaten enough?”

  “Yeah. Actually, I don’t feel so good. I feel a bit nauseous. Do you mind if we go back to your place?” Oh. So now it’s my place. This shit is really starting to piss me off. She switches temperature faster than a faucet.

  I help her gather all the stuff, and we make the drive back. Before we pull into the driveway completely, I can tell something is off.

  “Stay in the car for a second and lock the door. I will be right back.”

  “Why? Tori. What’s going on?”

  “Just stay right here baby. Promise me you won’t move until I tell you it’s ok?” I am well aware of the fact that this sounds like a bad horror movie. I walk toward the house to see the front window has been broken. Unlocking the door, I walk inside and see a rock with a note wrapped around it. Looking around first, to make sure no one else is inside and nothing else has been disturbed, after confirming all is clear I read the note.


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