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Blood Ascendant (Sons of Navarus #7)

Page 8

by K. M. Scott

  Nero shook his head as a look of horror washed over him. “I didn’t follow that order. Many American Archons did, but not me. I never signed on to become an exterminator of anyone. I swear whoever killed witches in this region wasn’t ordered to do so by me.”

  “And that’s why you expect your bosses to arrive and do what they do best at any minute?”

  The Archon took a deep breath and let it out slowly as he nodded. “What I expect is they’ll be here to stake me momentarily. I’ve become a problem, and you know how they deal with problems.”

  What Dante was about to say sounded insane, but he’d given Nero his word at their last meeting. He didn’t know why, but he trusted this Archon. His gut told him he wasn’t like the rest of them.

  “You’re coming with us. Let’s get going before your former co-workers get here to turn you to dust.”

  Both Nero and Scarlett stared at him like he’d grown a second head in the past few seconds. He had to admit he always did like surprising others, but at that specific moment, he hadn’t been going for shock value. Not only had he promised Nero help the last time, but he could possibly help the Sons if he had any information to give them. He’d been an Archon for centuries. He had to know something useful.

  “I have to admit I never thought that was a bona fide offer,” Nero said with a smile.

  “Well, it’s a limited time offer, so what do you say?”

  It didn’t take the New York Archon long to figure out the deal he was being given was better than any other choice he had at the moment, and he agreed. “How will your bosses feel about you bringing someone like me along?”

  “My bosses are dickbags like yours, so it will be fine. Just prepare yourself for a million questions. It isn’t every day the Order of Macaria and the Sons get to have an Archon over.”

  As Nero came around his desk, he chuckled. “Guess who’s coming to dinner, everyone.”

  Dante wanted to laugh, but he had to deal with Scarlett first before they left. Crouching down in front of her, he tried to make her smile, but she did nothing but glare at him. She had a right to be angry, but he couldn’t fight her and the rest of the world. He needed her on his side.

  “I’m sorry I had to take your ability to speak away. I didn’t want to, but I had to get the answers to my questions. You can talk again and say anything you want. I deserve it.”

  Scarlett said nothing for a few moments, and then she slapped him hard across the face. “If you ever do that to me again, I swear to God I will kill myself before I let you touch me or even speak to me again. Am I being clear enough for you?”

  “I understand. We can talk more later, but for now, I get it and we have to leave this place before someone arrives to stake all three of us.”

  They stood up and walked over to where Nero stood. Taking both their hands, he focused on the Order’s headquarters and closed his eyes.

  And then seconds later, the three of them left New York. Dante just hoped the reception Nero would receive would be as pleasant as he’d promised.


  They arrived to a place in chaos. Elders rushed through the hallways with worried expressions etched into their grizzled faces. Dante didn’t know what the hell was wrong, but he knew better than to ask any of them. They only seemed to know how to speak in riddles.

  He spied Sion in the doorway of the Order’s training center, so he directed Scarlett and Nero to follow him and they hurried through more elders to reach him. As calm as ever, the Ice Man seemed unfazed by all the madness.

  “What the hell is going on here?” Dante asked as Sion smiled at him like it was any other ordinary night in the vampire world.

  “Well, I think all the clytens that will be coming have arrived. It’s a bigger group than I thought. You seem to have picked up some travelers along the way.”

  Flustered, Dante threw up his hands. How could this guy be so fucking relaxed while the world went crazy around him?

  Pointing to all the people running to and fro, he asked, “Anything you want to tell me about them and what the hell is going on here? The place looks like a mad house.”

  Sion’s smile faded, and the serious guy he usually was returned, finally. Hopefully, now they’d get some damn answers.

  “Oh, yeah. Things are a little crazy because the news of the fight between the weres and the witches in the countryside outside Rome came in and it’s bad. Those European witches are routing our allies.”

  “What about Saint and Solenne? They’re down there fighting with them. Any news on how they are?”

  “So far, so good, but they need reinforcements now. They’re at Hadrian’s place. We’ve been waiting for you to get back to activate the clyten regiment in the hopes that they’ll be able to give the edge to our side down there.”

  “Then let’s go! I’ll get them ready, so Scarlett come with me,” Dante said as he grabbed her hand. “Sion, this is Nero. He was the Archon of New York until a few minutes ago. He’s a good guy and not like the rest of them. Treat him with respect because he’s an ally now. Don’t let the elders go all official on him. Maybe take him with you to see Kali and see what he has to say.”

  Sion’s eyes grew wide, and he turned to look at Nero. “An Archon? Here?”

  Extending his hand, the former Archon shook Sion’s hand and smiled. “Retired. Just in time not to be killed by my bosses, actually. Nice to meet you.”

  Dante had a feeling he’d be fine, but still he gave Nero a chuck on the shoulder and said, “This guy’s okay. A little machine-like, but you’ll get used to it. His girlfriend has been deciphering the Prophecy of Idolas. They’re a pretty brainy couple, but don’t hold that against them. Tell them everything you can think of that might help us defeat the Archons.”

  Sion grabbed his arm just as he was about to leave. “I think you should let Theron know what you plan to do with the clytens. Better to all be on the same page.”

  Damn. He’d all but forgotten about the newest Son since he left to join his father attacking Archons. Sion was right. He needed to talk to Theron first.

  Grabbing his phone, he pressed the number two on his speed dial, and in an instant, Theron answered. He didn’t have time for a long conversation, so he launched into the issue headlong.

  “Hey, Saint and Solenne and the weres are taking a beating from the European witches down in Rome. I want to take the clytens who’ve volunteered and go down there to help them.”

  Theron didn’t answer, and then a second later he was standing in front of Dante right there in the Order’s headquarters. “How bad is it?”

  “Bad. Sion says they’re getting slaughtered down there.”

  “How many clytens do you have to fight with you?” Theron asked, leaving Dante speechless.

  He hadn’t gotten into the training center to see how many clyten had shown up. Hesitating, he said, “Well, I don’t know yet. I was busy saving Scarlett from the attack on her and her sister and then dealing with the New York Archon. I just got back.”

  Theron’s dark eyes lit up with excitement. “Did you get him?”

  Dante’s gaze moved over to where Nero stood. “Yes, but not in the way you think. Theron, meet the Archon of New York. Nero, meet Theron.”

  The newest Son spun around and glared at him for a long moment. “Okay, I don’t see anything in his mind to tell me he’s going to be a problem.”

  Quickly, Dante jumped back into the conversation. “I told Sion and Kali to work with him.”

  “I’ll tell you everything I know. Just let me stay. They’re going to turn me to dust if I go back out there,” Nero pleaded.

  “He refused to allow Bliss into his region, and tonight he refused to exterminate the witches in his area,” Dante said, coming to Nero’s defense.

  “Fine. He can go with Sion and Kali, and you can go with the clytens to Italy to help Saint, Solenne, and the weres.”

  As Theron turned to leave, he stopped and looked at Scarlett for a long moment. Taking her hand, he sa
id, “I’m sorry about your sister. I promise she and everyone else who’s been hurt by them will have their deaths avenged.”

  Scarlett smiled and thanked him, and then he disappeared again, likely to continue attacking Archons with Ramiel in their effort to rid the entire western half of the Continent of them.

  With the permission he needed, Dante hurried Scarlett into the training center to get his clytens ready. He wasn’t thrilled with taking the woman he loved into a battle zone, but he had a feeling leaving her behind would result in even more pain for both of them.

  “We don’t have much time, so just stay with me and you’ll be fine.”

  Scarlett nodded, but she looked worried. She had every reason to be. The time had come for him to get off the bench and into the game. Unfortunately, she had no choice but to do the same.

  Dante jumped up on a table and raised his hands in the air. “Fellow clytens, the time has come for us to help all vampires defeat the Archons. You’re the most unique of our race, and now our race can’t do without you. Witches siding with our enemies are slaughtering our friends the weres in Italy. We need to defeat them and save our allies because these battles have only just begun. Are you with me?”

  The thousands of clytens in front of him cheered, so now he had his warriors.

  “Focus on the area around the city of Rome, and look for the weres. I’ll be there leading the fight, but your goal is simple. Save our allies while defeating those witches. Now, go!”

  One by one, they vanished from inside the training center until all that were left were him and Scarlett. He jumped down off the table, and took her by the hand.

  “Don’t worry. You’ll be fine. You’re a clyten like me and all of them.”

  Looking up at him with eyes full of worry, she shook her head. “But I’m brand new as a vampire. I’ve never fought anything in my life, except your advances when we first met. How am I going to help?”

  “Don’t worry. I’m going to find Saint and Solenne first and then get you settled. You’ll be helping the weres who get hurt and anything you can to stop the European witches. You can do that, right?”

  “Dante, I’m not a very good nurse. What if I can’t help?”

  He pulled her to him and kissed her words away. Cradling her face, he smiled. “You’ll be great. I know you will.”

  Scarlett nodded, but she looked scared. He didn’t show it, but part of him was too.

  “Ready?” he asked as he squeezed his hand in hers. “Just hold on and we’ll be there in a flash.”

  Moments later, they appeared in the yard behind Hadrian’s villa just outside of Rome. The area felt oddly quiet, and Dante didn’t want to take a chance that some witch might attack before he got Scarlett to safety, so he hurried her into the house.

  What they found was worse than he’d imagined.

  Chapter Nine

  Saint watched as yet another group of weres were carted past him, some in pieces from the battle with the witches that raged on around the countryside. His stomach roiled from the smell of death that had permeated Hadrian’s villa. In just one day, the place had gone from being command headquarters for the battle to a hospital and mortuary.

  They were losing, and he didn’t know what to do to stop the hemorrhaging. The witches and their spells were too strong for the weres to fend off, and now that some vampires had joined the Archons to fight on their side, they were outnumbered.

  Solenne sat down behind him and slid her arms around his chest. Leaning against him, she whispered the words he knew he’d hear tonight.

  “There was nothing more we could do. It was just too bad.”

  Fuck. Hadrian, one of the leaders of the weres, was now gone, along with hundreds and hundreds of his kind. They’d willingly volunteered to fight on the side of the Sons, and now they’d been routed.

  More like slaughtered.

  Saint didn’t even know how many weres still remained to fight. Every inch of Hadrian’s home had been filled with the injured, some in human form and some in wolf form, but all in bad shape. Those fucking witches with their spells immobilized the weres, and then it was like shooting fish in a barrel. All the witches had to do once the spells worked was attack, and they came in droves.

  He wondered if there would be anyone to fight once this night ended.

  The comforting feel of Solenne behind him disappeared, and then a second later she exclaimed, “Dante! What are you doing here?”

  Spinning around, Saint saw the clyten and his girlfriend standing there looking fresh and full of hope. They’d come to the wrong place, for sure, if that’s what they were looking for here.

  “The cavalry has arrived! I’ve brought thousands of clytens who answered the Order’s call, and they’re all in this area hunting down your European witches. Even better, I have a former witch right here who I’m sure will be more than happy to do whatever she can to stop those bitches in their tracks.”

  Solenne looked back at Saint in as much confusion as he felt. Thousands of clytens were in Rome, and why was he calling his girlfriend a former witch? Had something happened with the alliance between the Sons and the American witches?

  “What are the clytens doing, Dante?” Solenne asked.

  “They’re tracking down our enemies as we speak. I just came to drop off Scarlett here because she’s not ready to fight.”

  “Why did he say former witch?” Saint asked, hoping beyond hope they hadn’t lost another ally in her coven.

  Quietly, Scarlett explained, “My sister and I were attacked by the Archons tonight. They slit our throats and left us for dead. Ivy didn’t make it, but Dante was able to turn me vampire before I was too far gone like her. My coven’s been wiped out. There’s really no more American witches to speak of because of last night’s attack.”

  Solenne pulled Scarlett into an embrace. “Oh, I’m so sorry. The loss of your sister and so many of your kind in only one night. It’s so much to endure.”

  “Thank you. Unfortunately, that means all my witches and I planned to do is gone now, but I can help with the European witches. I know the spells they know, and I know how to counteract them. I just need to get myself situated and I should be able to help,” Scarlett said as she struggled not to cry at all she’d gone through that night. “First thing I’ll do is cast a spell to show a witch. That way, you can easily find them. I’ll let you know when I’m finished.”

  “And I’m going to rally my clyten troops and see what kind of damage we can do,” Dante said proudly.

  For the first time since the battle started, Saint felt a sense of hope. It wasn’t strong and he suspected it might be snuffed out at any time, but for the moment, perhaps they could turn the tide and not be completely slaughtered in this battle.

  “I’ll be right behind you,” he said, jumping up from his chair. “Solenne, I’ll be back. You’ll be okay here?”

  She nodded and reached out to hold his hand. “I’ll be fine. You keep yourself out of trouble. Scarlett and I will do what we can from here to take care of our allies and give you a chance to defeat those witches.”

  “Don’t worry about him, Solenne,” Dante said with his usual cockiness. “Their spells can’t affect vampires, and with the clytens fighting for us, we’ll give them a battle they won’t soon forget, assuming any of them live through the night.”

  He followed the clyten out of the villa and hoped he was right. However, Dante had always had a way of seeing life a bit too much on the sunny side.

  “So what’s your plan?” Saint asked as he looked around for all of the clytens the fellow Son had been bragging about. “Where are your troops?”

  “Scattered around the area,” he answered with a smile that seemed completely out of place for their present situation.

  All of a sudden, Saint questioned his earlier flash of hope. He also worried about the two of them standing outside alone while there were witches all around.

  “Do you have a way of getting them to know we need them, or is tha
t a stupid question?”

  Dante turned toward him and gave him a look that said he thought it was a stupid question. “You have no faith, dude. Give me a second and they’ll show. Hang on.”

  “Do you have some kind of call or something?” Saint asked just before Dante let out a howl that sent him stumbling back a few steps. “What the hell was that?”

  “The way to let them know I’m here and they need to come to this spot. You off your game tonight, Saint?”

  He rolled his eyes and then stepped forward where Dante stood waiting for his kind to answer his howl. “I’m fine, so fuck off, thank you.”

  “There’s the grouchiest Son,” Dante said with a chuckle, patting him on the back. “I knew you were in there somewhere.”

  As he considered heading back into the villa to call Vasilije and Terek for reinforcements since these fabled clytens didn’t seem to be showing, Saint looked out over the countryside and saw them appear one by one. In seconds, thousands of them blanketed the nearby hillside.

  “Holy fuck!”

  Dante puffed out his chest and nodded in satisfaction. “See? Ye of little faith.”

  From inside the villa, Scarlett called out, “I completed the spell, so you shouldn’t have any trouble finding them. They’ll have a glow around them. And I’m putting a protection spell on you and your clyten troops right now.”

  “Thanks!” Dante yelled back. Far too cocky, he said, “Now watch this.”

  He took a step forward and said in a booming voice to his fellow clyten, “Find the witches and kill every one of them. You’ll have no trouble locating them. They’ll be glowing. And don’t worry about their spells. They can’t hurt you. Now go and when you can’t find any more, come back here!”

  Saint watched as the thousands of male and female clyten in front of them raised their hands and yelled something that sounded like a battle cry before disappearing. Stunned and actually impressed by Dante’s legions, he mumbled, “Amazing. I never thought you had it in you.”


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