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His Frost Maiden

Page 11

by Michelle M. Pillow

  “Deeper,” Josselyn told him. “Let me feel all of you.”

  His face contorted in pain, but he obeyed. She made a weak noise of surprise, not realizing just what she’d asked for when she’d begged him to go deep. Her sheathe throbbed, gripping his shaft.

  “Sacrelue,” she swore. Josselyn rocked her hips, willing him to move.

  “I don’t wish to—”

  “Sacrelue! You are not hurting me. Take me already. I am not so delicate I cannot be—” Josselyn’s words were cut off by the look of determination and amusement that crossed his sexy features.

  Evan withdrew, only to thrust steady and sure. Leaning over, he found the pulse along her throat and kissed it. “Is this what you want, my lady?”

  “Yes,” she panted. He thrust again, cutting off anything else she might say. Logic left her and her mind became a blank tapestry.

  Rolling his hips in small circles, he moved above her. Josselyn grabbed his face in her palms, kissing him fervently as he pumped inside her. A bolt of longing shot through her as his tongue warred with hers. The torturously precise beat of his hips continued, as Evan pushed his weight back. Her legs wrapped his waist, only to slip down over the backs of his thighs, as the soft bedding caused her to glide up with each thrust. Grinning, Evan followed her before grasping her hip and holding her before him. She loved his smile and found herself wishing he would look at her like that more often.

  He growled into her mouth and she answered with a softer moan. One knee slid forward, holding her leg to the side from beneath her thigh. Tension spread throughout her body and he quickened his pace. His expression faded, replaced by one of primitive pleasure.

  Josselyn arched, rubbing her stomach and breasts against him, touching everywhere she could. Her eyes opened and closed, catching glimpses of his erotically pleasing muscles working beneath bronzed flesh. Wet fire eased his way and he rode her hard, stroking her to a fevered pitch. The tempo of his hips built—faster, harder, deeper—until her loud cries were joined by his softer grunts.

  “Yes,” she whispered. Yes, this is what I want. This. This. Evan.

  Evan felt her oncoming climax and fought his own. His heart pounded so hard and fast he worried it might explode. Still, he couldn’t stop what was happening. He couldn’t resist or deny her. Whatever this lady wanted, she would get from him—even if that meant taking his life. He avoided her for two weeks, two long, agonizing weeks where he could think of little else. This moment should have come as no surprise, not when he felt so connected, so close. Instinct told him she felt him just as deeply, but experience had taught him not to believe such wayward emotions. It was easy to mistake the connection he felt with others as reciprocated when it was not. To her, he was still a stranger.

  Josselyn tensed, her mouth widening in a silent scream, as her release ripped through her body. She was so beautiful, so delicate and soft, that merely looking at her left his limbs tingling and numb.

  Evan continued to move, helpless against the waves of passion. This was it—the moment of truth, the moment when he could find death in her arms. Suddenly, he too stiffened, frozen above her as his body released into her. A painful surge gripped his chest and he held his breath, waiting for the end even as the pleasure of it washed over him.

  Death never came and he was left in the aftermath of pleasure. Relieved and feeling a little silly now the scare was over, he dropped forward, trapping her beneath his larger size. He nuzzled her throat briefly before rolling onto his side. Cradling her to him, he gentle brushed back her hair.

  “What does this protection mean?” Evan asked, wondering exactly what it was she asked of him.

  Josselyn maneuvered her head onto the crook of his arm, studying his face. Lightly running the tip of her finger over the slope of his nose, she said, “We share a bed, the tasks of daily life. I help you however you need, whether it is physical release or simply to talk. I will keep your house and traditionally manage any servants, though you don’t have any. You will protect me from other men, help me to understand this new time.” Her fingers skated along his jaw, tracing the folds of his muscles until her hand rested above his skittering heart. Her tone lowered and a wave of seriousness washed over him. “And you help me find Jack. If he’s still alive, I will confront him and find a way to extract my vengeance. After, I will give you half of any fortune that has not already been plundered from my home. I’m assuming jewels are still a viable currency.”

  “Revenge is a hard way to live.” Evan covered her hand with his.

  “You, better than anyone, should understand I cannot just let it go. He took everything from me. If he is still alive, he should not be allowed to live a moment longer.”

  And there it was. Her reason. She didn’t choose him because she wanted him and only him. She wanted him because she believed he’d help her in her quest for vengeance. She wanted him because he had lost everything. She wanted him because his home was gone.

  Locked together in misery.

  That wasn’t the life Evan wanted. Hesitantly, he said, “It sounds like a marriage.”

  “Oh, no, not a marriage. When we both agree, or until...”


  “Until one of us marries another,” she paused. “Then it will be over. No permanent ties beyond what I hope will be a fond friendship.”

  He didn’t want to say yes, not to this, not for her reasons. They were still connected, and, though her grief was there, it was lessened and controlled. Tracing her arm, he moved his fingers over her cool flesh to rest in the valley of her breasts. He closed his eyes, trying to make sense of all the emotions she hid from him. The grief was too strong and new to get past.

  “You’re not answering,” she said.

  “I’m thinking.”

  “Is it because of Samantha?” She didn’t move.

  Evan’s eyes were still closed and he couldn’t see her face. Still concentrating on her feelings, he nodded slightly. Yes, Sam had a little something to do about his hesitance. Being emotionally connected to another was hard, especially when every little emotion they had hit his own. It made it impossible to know where he began and they ended and the confusion became something that wasn’t real. When you felt so much of another, knew the person’s moods, it could be mistaken for love. Only with him and Samantha, they had learned to separate themselves. Sam had known, even before he did, that what they had wasn’t true love, but friendship.

  “I understand and won’t be hurt.”

  Evan opened his eyes, confused. What was the woman talking about? Thinking it rude to ask her to repeat herself, he said instead, “Yes, if you want it, you have my protection.”

  What in all the dying stars am I thinking? I am a damn space cadet of a fool.

  Chapter 13


  It was what Josselyn asked for and it was what she received. She never realized how bittersweet that one word could be. Now, having secured Evan’s pledge, the full realization hit her. And, oh!, how her father would mourn this choice for his daughter. It was a good thing Lord Craven didn’t live to see her as a ‘protected woman’. Though had he lived, she wouldn’t have had to seek the security of a man’s guardianship. Her father had always had such high hopes that his only daughter would find love and marriage with a man born into high political connections on one of the Florencian moons. Not that he would condemn her for this choice. Lord Craven wasn’t like that. He taught his children how to survive and that is all Josselyn was doing. She was surviving long enough to honor her family by finding out what happened to those responsible. This ship and its crew was her only link to the past and she would hold onto it tight.

  Protected woman. Josselyn shivered, looking across the commons to where Evan stood talking in low tones to Jarek. “Whore” seemed too crass of a term. “Mistress” was little better.

  The men on the ship were kind, but they were still men and flirted endlessly with her. How long before flirtation became something else? No, being Evan�
��s mistress was the best course of action. She would belong to him, safe from all others. It wasn’t a wife with a home and family, but it was the best she could manage. And then she realized, she held a small hope inside her heart that someone else had lived, like she had, that they were safe and waiting for her.

  “Hey, there, starshine, sorry I couldn’t take you to the VR chambers to ride a horse.” Rick slid next to her on the couch. “I was busy attending some—”

  “Sleep?” Josselyn gave a slight smile. “It’s all right. Evan took me.”

  “Did he?” Rick looked surprised. Amusement filtered through his gaze and she had the strange sense that he was holding back something. She had that feeling a lot with Rick.

  “I must tell you. I am under his protection,” Josselyn said.

  “Oh?” Rick didn’t sound too impressed. He nodded absently at Jackson as the man entered arguing with Viktor about the viewing screen in his quarters.

  “I swear, Jackson, I didn’t erase the movie files to make room for...ah...” Viktor glanced at her. “Other things.”

  “All the action is gone,” Jackson said. “I turned it on to find out what happens to the Old Earth warrior fighting injustice and it is gone.”

  “He wins,” Viktor said, sighing loudly. “In all those movies, the good guy wins. Stuff explodes, they win.”

  “Well, in your movies the same thing happens. The woman trips, her gown falls off and she says—”

  “Hey,” Viktor hit Jackson’s arm and looked in Josselyn’s curious direction.

  Jackson frowned, but didn’t continue his tirade. “We will discuss this later.”

  “You’re looking well today, my lady,” Viktor said to her.

  Josselyn smiled at him, nodding once. She turned her attention back to Rick. “I wished to thank you for your kindness.”

  “Your tone sounds final. Are you going somewhere I should know about? Being the pilot, it might be best if I stop the ship first before you try jumping off.” Rick stretched his hands over his head, his feet kicking out before him as he relaxed. The way he acted, especially in front of the others, made it appear as if nothing ever concerned him. If not for a rare, overly serious look he sometimes displayed when staring at her, Josselyn would have thought nothing ever did.

  “I’ve taken Evan’s protection,” Josselyn said. “He might not like me talking to you. I am told many men get possessive over such things.”

  “Hey, ah, Ev?” Rick called, not moving from his position on the couch. “Can I talk to your protected lady?”

  “Huh?” Evan glanced at them, only to give a flat, “No.”

  “Thanks.” Rick exerted no effort to stand. Josselyn looked at Evan, who in turn continued his conversation with the captain. He didn’t come to stop Rick from talking to her. When she again glanced at the pilot, he winked at her, grinning openly. “See, moonbeam, no worries.”

  Josselyn opened her mouth to speak, but Viktor cut her off. “Protected? By Evan? What’s that mean? Don’t you mean he’s protected from her?”

  All eyes turned to Evan.

  “What’s that mean?” Jackson snickered, as he repeated Viktor’s question. He slugged his friend on the arm, causing Viktor to yelp in exaggerated protest. “If you have to ask, space cadet, you don’t need to know and you’re definitely too young for the transmissions you’ve been watching.”

  “Would you forget about the transmissions already?” Viktor grumped.

  “Evan, is this true?” Mei asked from the door, concern in her voice. She had her son cradled on her hip. The boy made light growling noises, very un-baby-like sounds.

  Josselyn frowned. Why was Mei so concerned about Evan protecting her?

  “Evan, but...” Mei’s voice lowered. She turned to her husband. “Jarek?” The woman began speaking rapidly to her husband in her native tongue. Josselyn couldn’t make out a single word, but knew that was the point. The soft melody of Mei’s voice flowed over the room like a song, but her expression was worried.

  “I mean him no harm.” Josselyn stood. Why wasn’t Evan speaking up? Was it too much to expect him to defend their decision to his crewmates?

  “More’s the pity for you, Ev.” Rick laughed. “Nothing like a little harm in the bedroom, eh?”

  “That’s protection?” Viktor asked in sudden realization. “Sign me up. How do I get protected?”

  “Sorry, friend, but you’re not my type.” Evan finally spoke, but it wasn’t anything near what Josselyn wanted to hear.

  “It’s interesting that you are so comfortable announcing this arrangement.” Mei directed her hard stare at Josselyn. “Do you make it often?”

  Josselyn’s jaw tightened. The slight was not lost on her. “No. Not that it is any of your concern, but this would be the first time. However, I was brought up not to hide what I do, but take accountability for it.”

  “Your first?’ Jarek gasped. “Evan, did you know this?”

  Josselyn’s mouth gaped open and she was sure the blood drained from her face. What Jarek was assuming was not what she meant. And even if it was, it wasn’t any of their concern.

  “As captain, it is my responsibility to insist that you offer marri—”

  “Jarek.” To Josselyn’s surprise, it was Mei who saved her. The petite woman shook her head once. “No.”

  “I believe I’ll retire.” Josselyn walked from the commons, hiding her mortification at the turn the conversation had taken. Growing up in a castle, she was used to everyone knowing her business, but this felt different. These were strangers and they were judging her.

  “It’s early,” Rick protested behind her.

  “Mei?” Evan asked. Josselyn’s steps slowed, as her ears strained to hear what he would say. But her eavesdropping was interrupted by footsteps coming toward the commons room doorway. Hurrying, she ran down the corridor, her shoes falling lightly against the metal.

  Evan waited until Jackson nodded into the room, indicating Josselyn was no longer in the hall. He felt her hurt, but wasn’t in a position to do much about it. Turning his attention back to Mei, he said, “You insulted her deeply.”

  “I didn’t mean to.” Mei frowned as she readjusted her suddenly active son. Finally giving up, she handed him over to Jarek. The boy tried to claw at his father’s chest like a baby kitten, kneading his hands. “But what of your health? It’s hard enough keeping you out of her company as it is. If you’re her guardian...” Mei’s concerned gaze bore into him. “She could kill you, Evan.”

  Evan thought about making love to her in the VR chamber, of holding her against him afterward. “So could Rick’s flying, but I still board the ship before takeoff.”

  “Eh,” Rick protested loudly. “I’ve only almost killed us twice this year. And that one time wasn’t my fault.”

  The men laughed. Mei sighed loudly, quirking a bemused brow. Evan was glad to have the attention off his relationship with Josselyn. How could he answer their questions when he didn’t have the answers to give? Josselyn came to him because she wanted vengeance. She came for protection. There was so much emotion in her, swirling below the calm surface. Mei was most likely right. Being near Josselyn could literally kill him.

  He didn’t believe revenge would bring her peace, and yet he still found himself saying to Jarek, “So, what do you think? Should I show her the holo-box pardon we found?”

  “If you think it will do her good.” Jarek nodded. “I’ll leave the decision to you, since it appears she is your ward.”

  “I think it will do her some good to know people searched for her and tried to pardon her.” Evan sighed. “She’s lonely and I’m hoping it will take her mind from revenge.”

  “There is nothing wrong with honoring family,” Jarek said. “If it is the right thing, we will help her honor hers. And we must do something. This last week, she’s tried asking all of us for help in locating a man named Jack, though we’ve cut her off before she can even finish saying his name. It is not a conversation we can avoid hearing for

  Evan knew the captain would offer his services to avenge the Craven family’s deaths. It wasn’t surprising. Jarek’s sense of duty ran deeper than most when it came to family.

  “I’m going to go keep Josselyn company,” Rick said, starting for the door only to stop and look at Evan. “Unless you forbid it?”

  The pilot smirked. Evan shook his head once in denial. “Go on. She seems to enjoy your company whereas we—eh, not-so-much.”

  “You break my heart.” Rick hardly looked wounded as he grabbed his chest and walked out of the room. Yelling from the hall he said, “You know you love being around me. Everyone does!”

  “Speaking of broken hearts,” Mei inserted. “Are you sure this is wise, Evan? And don’t you dare change the subject again, yung. I would have my answer.”

  “Of course it’s not wise,” Evan answered truthfully. “But it will be all right. If she is with me, she will not be stealing a space pod in the middle of the night to seek revenge on a man who wronged her a hundred years ago.”

  “Agreed,” Jarek said. “Show Josselyn the holo-box before we reach the fueling dock tomorrow. Give her some hope. Perhaps it will keep her from running away on another ship when we dock.”

  “I don’t think she would,” Mei said.

  “We don’t know that she won’t,” Jarek answered. His son gave a small gurgling growl and the captain laughed. “There’s my fierce little Var. You’ll be hunting yorkins with your cousins very soon.”

  Chapter 14

  “Josselyn, hold on for a moment.”

  Josselyn turned at Rick’s call. Small lines edged the corner of his mouth. He wasn’t happy.

  “Taking Evan as your protector was not necessary.” As he joined her in the hall, Rick put a gentle hand on her arm. “I would protect you and not demand anything in return.”

  Josselyn sighed. “You don’t approve of my choice?”


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