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After the Day

Page 18

by Matthew Gilman

  Isabel took careful aim, exhaled, and fired. The shot rang out and the man was holding his hand and running back into the woods. Isabel kept watching and spotted two more men come to the tree line. One of the men was wearing an old camouflage hunting hat and the other was sporting a horrible mullet. The man with the camouflage hat looked at the farm house and made a motion with his finger against his neck. A slicing action telling her she was dead.

  Isabel steadied the rifle, exhaled, and fired again. She hit the man with the mullet, sending him back into the woods. If he wasn’t dead he would be soon. She learned at her father’s camp about how the .223 ammo was a tumble round. The bullet spins and tears up the body as it travels through. The longer these assholes stuck around the more people she took out of the equation. The man with the camouflage hat went back into the woods and disappeared.

  She wondered where Bruce was. What happened to him? Isabel heard a crash in the barn. She left the porch and moved to the barn with her rifle up and ready. She didn’t know what she was going to find but moved anyway. Isabel turned around and saw Norah on the porch with her shotgun. Refocusing on the barn she reached the door and saw Bruce on the ground fighting with a man. There was a knife between them and Bruce was about to be on the receiving end of the blade. Neither noticed Isabel. She aimed and fired. The man’s brains flew out the opposite side of his head. Bruce panted for breath and pushed the body off of him. Isabel moved around the barn aiming at every corner. She helped Bruce back up on his feet to find that his arm was cut bad and deep. They moved back to the house where Norah immediately started working on his arm and bandaging it up.

  “This is going to need stitches.” Norah said.

  “Still have any of that homemade booze?” Bruce said.

  Norah smiled.

  “I told you it’s only for special occasions.” Norah walked to the cupboard and removed a recycled wine bottle and a shot glass.

  “Are they going to come back?” Isabel asked.

  “Well, I thought I pissed them off last time.” Norah said getting some silk thread out. “But you… I think they have a new name for hell now. You have one talented girl Bruce.”

  Bruce didn’t know what to say.

  “Oh come on, like I haven’t heard you two going at it every night for the last week. I wish I was being kept up at night like that. Poor Bill, maybe I sent him to an early grave.”

  Isabel blushed and put the rifle down finally.

  “How do we get rid of these assholes once and for all?” Isabel asked.

  The conversation that night covered everything they currently knew about the cannibals. Bruce remembered there were about a dozen of them when he was watching them for the week before he met Norah. The numbers fluctuated but they all agreed it was better to guess at a dozen. The weapons that the cannibals had were a mix of whatever they were able to steal from the people they killed. They were limited on ammo and not all of them had firearms. Norah noticed that they were always reluctant to use their guns, either because of the scarcity of the bullets or they didn’t have any. The guns were for pure intimidation and were not worth anything without the ammo to make it work. They could not rule out that they were saving ammo for a real fight, so in the end they thought it was best to assume all the guns were loaded and a person with one was a threat.

  “The three of us can’t go against these guys by ourselves.” Bruce said.

  “Daddy, I’ll help.” Aurora sat picking up a stick and swinging it through the air.

  “I appreciate that sweetie but this is something that adults have to take care of.” Bruce said turning his attention back to the conversation.

  “Well unless we get some help I’m afraid we are going to keep putting up with their crap.” Norah said

  “I know of someone around here.” Isabel said. “Up river, former military, he might help if I ask.”

  “How do you know this guy?” Bruce asked.

  Isabel could see he was concerned about their relationship.

  “Remember how I told you about my father’s church? He was a member. He left to come up here. He’s living with a woman and I think they have a kid now. No he’s not a threat to you.” Isabel reassured him.

  “Good, I would hate to add somebody else to the list.” Bruce said.

  Norah chuckled and refilled the tea kettle and placed it on the stove. Grabbing some paper Bruce made a small map of how he remembered the cannibal’s camp and where it was. He drew a circle where the hill was that he watched them from. The tree line he drew in and the trails that the members used. He put the tents in but admitted that they might be in different spots now.

  “Should I take this to John and try to get him to help?” Isabel asked.

  “Can I go?” Bruce said.

  “I think it would be safer if we had another person here in case they come back.” Norah added.

  “I should be able to get there and back in a day.” Isabel said. “I’ll leave tomorrow morning. If he comes back with me we will meet here. Then we can see what kind of damage we can do.”

  Isabel packed her bag and placed the map and other supplies in it. Bags of jerky and hard crusted bread filled the main compartment. She wore layers in case the weather became erratic. That night Bruce came to her room and she could tell he was trying to give her a reason not to stray while she was away. She couldn’t remember if they had ever gone for three rounds before. She finally told him that she needed to sleep and be able to walk in the morning.

  “I’m sorry babe,” he told her.

  “Don’t be sorry, holy shit.” It was exactly what he wanted to hear. She knew that but she wasn’t lying either.

  Their night time activities didn’t make anything easier for the next day. Bruce and Aurora accompanied Isabel the river. Isabel didn’t recognize it but it was the same spot they had pulled her out of the water.

  “Be careful.” Bruce said.

  “I will.” Isabel said placing a kiss on his lips.

  Bruce pulled her in and hugged her.

  “Mommy, I’ll miss you.” It was the first time that Aurora had called her that. Isabel made sure not to correct her.

  “I’ll just be gone for a day. Then I’ll be back, I promise.” Isabel bent down and hugged Aurora.

  From there Bruce and Aurora watched her walk away, up river, and disappear into the woods. For the first few miles Isabel kept her M4 rifle ready and left the safety off in case the cannibals decided to follow her. She was sure after the first mile she was safe but decided to still be cautious. The day dragged on and she stopped to have lunch. Tearing away at some jerky and bread she drank from the stream and continued on her way. The sun was bright and a breath blew down the river. The combination gave a sensation of summer and winter at the same time. She could feel the heat of the sun on her skin and the coolness of the breeze taking it away. She would have a nice tan after today.

  Looking towards the sun she could see that it was afternoon. A few miles further and she hoped she would be at John’s new home. She worried about seeing him again. He didn’t know how she had tried to frame him and get him killed. She didn’t like getting him involved in something that could get him killed. She didn’t think it was right to ask that of him after what she had done. The only thing in her favor was that he didn’t know. She was a different person now. She hoped he would see that and trust her. The other three were counting on that.

  As these thoughts ran through her head she saw the hill before her and the cabin sitting on top. Smoke came out of the chimney, someone was home. It had to be him. He wouldn’t invest in crops if he was going to leave.

  Climbing the hill she threw the M4 over her shoulder and tried to look as non- threatening as she could. Reaching the top she looked around and didn’t see anybody in the field. The crops were mature now. It was amazing how much time had passed since the last time she had found this place. Walking in front of the cabin she looked around and still didn’t see anybody. She wondered if they were out hunting, fi
shing was out of the question after coming from the river.

  A wooden creak caught her attention behind her. A woman was standing at the door to the cabin with an old bolt action rifle.

  “Can I help you?” She said. Isabel recognized her as the woman from the field. She was thinner now. Isabel assumed she had the baby.

  “I’m looking for John.”

  The woman was hesitant to answer.

  “How do you know John? How did you know he was here?” The woman grew more concerned.

  Isabel had not thought about these types of questions. She didn’t anticipate not finding John here.

  “I knew John from back in the city. I remembered seeing him here at the river fishing a few months back when I was traveling. I’m not here to cause trouble. I need his help.” Isabel hoped that she had explained enough to keep from getting shot.

  “Leave the rifle on the porch and come in.” The woman said.

  Isabel laid the rifle on the porch next to the door. She unloaded it and took the round out of the chamber.

  “Ok if I bring these in so that nobody uses it on us?” Isabel asked.

  The woman had not thought about other people being in the woods.

  “Yes bring the bullets. Leave the rifle.” The woman stood back and held her rifle close to her.

  “What is your name?” Isabel asked trying to break the ice.

  “Let’s wait for John ok?” The woman said.

  “It would just be nice to call you something.”

  A cry called out from a make shift crib next to the bed. A small baby, Isabel could see the arms up as it cried out. The woman looked instantly at the baby then at Isabel.

  “How about you go check on your baby. I’ll stay here and you take the rifle with you. While you are over there we can talk ok?” Isabel offered.

  The woman nodded.

  “Ok, I’m Fatima,” The woman said.

  Isabel felt better getting something out of the woman.

  “Fatima, I’m Isabel. It’s nice to meet you.”

  Fatima placed the rifle against the wall and pulled the baby out of the crib.

  “Boy or girl?” Isabel asked.

  “Boy, his name is John after his father. I’m sorry I must feed him.” Pulling her shirt up Fatima pulled her breast out offering it to her baby.

  Watching, Isabel had the desire to have a baby of her own. She figured it was a matter of time before she was pregnant with Bruce’s baby. They had no protection, and with as often as they were together, it was a matter of time, unless she already was.

  “How do you know John?” Fatima asked again.

  Isabel paused, she didn’t want to lie. She figured she had to word everything perfectly. Then she decided to be direct and not try to deceive her.

  “He was with my father’s church.”

  Isabel could see the fear in Fatima’s eyes. She had stopped moving and looked like a deer in headlights. Isabel decided to carry on and further explain.

  “It was for the better for John. Everyone from the church is dead now except for me. I went north to try and get away and start over. Somehow I came across this spot and saw John again. I live down river with a family. Norah who owns the farm, Bruce, and a little girl named Aurora. They are my family now.”

  “I came here because I need help, we need help. I don’t know if you have ever encountered them but there is a group of people that travel around and kidnap people to eat. You live less than a day away from us so I figured John may want to help to keep you safe.” Isabel was suddenly cut off.

  “Safe? Safe? What do you know about safe? I had two little boys before everything happened. Two perfect little boys. Do you know what happened to them?” Fatima said.

  Isabel dreaded hearing what was to come next.

  “A group of men went to their daycare and gathered all the un-pure into the yard. My boys who were seven and five were seen as a threat, children. Who did they hurt? Then in the backyard they were lined up and shot. They didn’t bother burying them, they were thrown in a pile and left. Your father, the Lord’s Army did that. Where were you when people needed help? Where were you when little children were being shot?”

  “I’m sorry.” Isabel couldn’t hide the tears running down her face. Her stomach hurt and she had trouble breathing.

  “Sorry! I don’t care about your friends! As far as I’m concerned you all deserve to be eaten. Get out! GET OUT!”

  Isabel ran out the door into the yard. She dropped to her knees and let out her pain, fear, and guilt about her past. Her body shivered and she dropped her face to the soil. The earth absorbed her tears.

  “I’M SORRY! I’M SORRY!” she screamed to God, she looked up and wondered if there was anybody there. Was this his punishment for how she turned a blind eye? She was guilty of so much. She never tried to talk her father out of his murderous rampage. She never tried to stop any of it. As long as it wasn’t happening to her then it didn’t matter. Now the shoe was on the other foot.

  “Isabel?” A voice said.

  She looked up and saw John standing in the yard. He was carrying a group of rabbits and some quail.

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry.” She said over and over again.

  John put the rabbits and quail down. He lowered his rifle and his pack.

  “Hey what’s going on?” John said.

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” She started to hyperventilate. She tried to stand up. As soon as she was on both feet everything went black.

  Isabel woke up to the sound of voices but she couldn’t understand what they were saying. The words were throaty and relied on exhales, it sounded Arabic maybe. She looked around and realized she was still at John’s cabin. There was no light coming in through the windows. It was night time. Light came from a fire place and some candles around the cabin. She still felt light headed or like she had a hangover.

  She looked over at the voices and saw Fatima looking back at her. Fatima said something to John and pointed. John spoke back in the same language and Fatima walked away to the other side of the cabin. John walked up to Isabel.

  “How are you feeling?” He asked.

  “I don’t know. How badly does she want to kill me?” Isabel asked back.

  “I’m surprised you were given the chance to wake up,” he said. “I know why you are here, Fatima told me. Look I don’t think you would have come here unless you really needed help, plus I think that you’re trying to make up for some things in the past.”

  Isabel started to tear up again.

  “Look, I’ll help if I can. Eventually those assholes might make it over here and then Fatima and little John are at risk.”

  “You have a beautiful son, and Fatima is gorgeous. I can’t believe my father…” She started breaking down.

  “Look, things haven’t been easy for anybody the last couple of years. What we can do is work towards making them better. If that means taking out a bunch of cannibals, so be it. At least I can use my skills to do some good. I’m not going to leave Fatima here if I go to help you. Is this farm safe for her and John?” He asked.

  “Yes. Norah is really nice. We have supplies if you need any. There is a little girl there too. She called me mom before I left. Plus, Bruce.” Isabel said.

  “Bruce?” John said.

  “Yeah he’s… he’s my guy.” She said.

  “Well good. Good for you Isabel. It’s about midnight. We all need some rest if we are traveling tomorrow.”

  “Wait, what were you speaking to each other in? What language?” Isabel asked.

  “Farsi, Fatima is Persian. I learned it when I was in Iraq. Figured I would get shipped to Afghanistan later and it came in handy when we came across Iranian militants in the country.”

  “I didn’t know you spoke Farsi.” She said.

  “Why would you?”

  John stood up. He walked over to Fatima and talked to her in Farsi. She looked reluctant of what he said but nodded her head in agre
ement. He kissed her and they held each other. Suddenly Isabel missed Bruce.

  The next morning they packed their bags and John carried twice as many supplies since Fatima refused to let anybody carry little John. John was ok with it. He understood her desire to protect their child. The hike wouldn’t be too bad. John would take several breaks since he also carried his M4 rifle and a few hundred rounds of ammo. Isabel said he didn’t need that much but he felt better having it as insurance and in case anybody broke into the cabin while they were gone. Fatima carried her rifle with her and John even considered using it for the mission ahead. It was a higher power and nobody could hide from it if he was firing it. The Mosin-Nagant was a simple bolt action with a powerful round that can make cinder blocks explode. The M4 was great for close quarter action. If you’re sniping people at a distance than the Mosin was his preferred weapon of choice.

  During the hike Fatima would talk to John in Farsi to make Isabel feel left out. She didn’t want to have her involved in any part of the conversation. John understood it. Each time it happened, it added to the guilt that Isabel felt.

  Late in the afternoon Isabel realized they were at the spot where she was pulled from the water.

  “This way.” She said turning towards the farm. It was still a mile away but everything looked familiar and she was home.

  As they emerged from the tree line the field and the house came into view.

  John was impressed with the size of the vegetable garden. He could smell the pigs in the distance and heard the clucking of chicken. He turned to Fatima.

  “They have chickens.”

  Fatima rolled her eyes. For once it was his wife back to normal for a few seconds.

  When they came to the end of the field the back door opened and a little dark haired girl ran out.

  “Mommy!” Her arms were up as she ran.


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