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Taken for His Bride: An Arranged Marriage Dark Mafia Romance (The Torenti Family Book 2)

Page 4

by Mae Doyle

  There’s no way that I can relax enough to cum, but at his words, I feel myself get wetter. My body betrays me as he strokes in and out of me, pulling me with him. Forcing me. I couldn’t stop what’s about to happen even if I tried.

  “Arlo,” I moan, and he finally loosens his grip a little. His hips never slow as he grinds in and out of me, pushing into me, my clit on fire as he tilts his hips to rub against it.

  “You better scream my name, Hannah,” he warns me, pressing a soft kiss to my lips. “I want to hear you scream it or you won’t speak again.”


  I nod, my vision now almost completely stars, and he releases my neck as he thrusts one last time, this time taking me and throwing my body over the edge to shatter. I try to hold on, reaching out instinctively and clawing into his body, my nails digging deep into his skin, but there’s no way to stop what he’s done to me, and I fall apart around him, his cock still thrusting deep into me, pushing me farther over the edge than I’ve ever gone before.

  “Arlo!” I scream, arching my back and digging my nails in harder. My body shakes around him, my juices flowing around his cock, soaking the bed. He doesn’t seem to care, but when I look at him through parted lids, he has a devilish grin on his face.

  Fucking hell, he’s sexy, and I feel my muscles squeeze tighter around his cock in response to the look on his face. I can’t stop myself from screaming again, his name rolling off of my tongue.

  It’s easy. Too easy. He told me what he wanted from me and I gave it to him. I shudder, shaking and quaking as he slips from me, his cock still dripping.

  Fuck. I let him cum in me. Struggling to sit up, I prop myself up on my elbows to look at him. He grabs his cock, slowly stroking it and looking at me.

  “Clean yourself up, for fuck’s sake.” He snaps, turning to grab a towel and then tossing it to me. Miraculously, I catch it and try to cover myself a little, suddenly feeling embarrassed.

  What the hell am I doing?

  Who gives a shit that the sex was great? He’s an asshole, through and through. My cheeks blush as I think about the energy that tore through me when he slapped my clit.

  “You need to leave.” His voice suddenly sounds cold and I glance up at him in surprise. “Thanks for the quick fuck, Hannah, but it wasn’t that great. Get out.”

  “I’ll go,” I tell him, sliding off of the bed and reaching for my clothes. My face burns with embarrassment and I look down to avoid his gaze. “I just…I have to get back to my car and my family. This was a mistake.”

  Part of me is screaming that it wasn’t a mistake, but the dark look on his face gives me pause. He crosses the room to me and I gasp when he reaches up and grabs my neck, turning me so that I have to look at him.

  I want him to argue with me I’m wrong and that I was perfect. For the first time in my life, I want a guy to tell me that I was exactly what he needed.

  “You’re fucking right, it was a mistake. Sinking my dick in your cunt was probably the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever done.” He runs a hand through his dark hair, his eyes raking over my body. The regret on his face is obvious, and it tears into me.

  I blink up at him, unbelieving. I mean, I know that guys are dicks sometimes, but I honestly can’t believe what he’s saying to me.

  “I’ll have Johnny take you to your car…unless you think you’re going to be able to walk there in those whore shoes.” When I shake my head, he scoffs. “Great. Then get dressed.”

  With that, he turns and sweeps out of the room, presumably to tell Johnny that I need a ride. He’s still naked, and even when I close my eyes and take a deep breath, I can still see his naked body in my mind.

  That’s something I’m going to need to forget. I’m married now. Well, practically.

  Fuck. What the hell did I just do?

  When Arlo doesn’t come back right away, I get dressed quickly, only taking a moment to look around his room. It’s huge, just like the rest of the house, and I wish that I could stay longer to snoop, but I don’t want him to find me digging through his stuff.

  We fucked. I’m supposed to leave. No big deal. Who knew that he was such an asshole?

  What did I think was going to happen? I was suddenly going to meet the man of my dreams on the same day that I’d been told I had to marry someone I didn’t know? Yeah, right. That kind of shit only happens in fairy tales, and from what I’ve seen of Arlo – he’s not the man of my dreams.

  I peek out into the hall and then scurry down it to the front of the house to look for Johnny. Chances are good that he’s in the car waiting on me, and when I open the front door to look, I breathe a sigh of relief.

  Just a short ride and I’m out of here. I turn back to shut the door and my eyes fall on a small plaque by the doorframe. I’ve seen these before – they’re often put on historical houses or properties so that everyone knows how important the building is.

  Arlo isn’t in sight and I lean forward, curiosity getting the better of me.

  Originally owned by Mark Valentino, the house was sold in the late 1800s to Alessandro Torenti. Still on the historical registry, the property has been kept in the family since the Torenti family purchased it.

  It takes me a minute to understand exactly what I’m looking at, probably because my brain is screaming at me that I just made a huge fucking mistake and that I need to run.

  When I do figure it out, however, my blood runs cold.

  Fuck. Fuckity fuck fuck.

  Did I just sleep with a Torenti?

  Like…the family that I’m supposed to marry into?

  He choked me. I had no doubt while we were fucking that he was going to keep squeezing if I didn’t give him what he wanted and call his name. Without realizing what I’m doing, I reach up and lightly touch my neck. It’s sore, and I swear.

  There are going to be bruises.

  What the fuck kind of mistake did I make?

  And what the fuck kind of family is this?

  Chapter 6


  How things ended with Hannah sucks, but I don’t have time to think about that. There’s no way that I can think about how incredible it felt to have my cock in her tight little cunt when I’m going to be marrying someone else.

  That’s why I had to get rid of her. That’s why I had to make sure she wouldn’t ever try to hunt me down again.

  I’ve spend the whole weekend thinking about the shit I have to do for my family. No matter how I’ve tried to justify everything, I know that Pops is going to be pissed with how I acted.

  It would be fucking stupid of me to think that Johnny hadn’t told him exactly what I’d gotten up to after I left here Friday. Fucking around with a broad after I just found out I’m to be married? Probably not the best fucking idea I’ve ever had.

  I know that I’m going to pay for how I walked out on the family on Friday and what I did after the bar, but Sunday dinner means that the entire family gets together, no matter how pissed off people are, and that’s why I’m on my way to see Pops before everyone else gets there.

  It’s important for me to sweep whatever bullshit we’re dealing with under the rug so that I don’t have to worry about dinner being uncomfortable.

  To my surprise, he’s the one who opens the front door when I walk onto the porch, not Ma. He nods at me and then shuts it behind him, blocking me with his body so that I can’t get inside.

  “Everything okay, Pops?” When he doesn’t answer right away, I follow him over to the rocking chairs at the other end of the porch. They hardly ever get used – really only when one of us has fucked up and needs to talk to Pops about what we did.

  It isn’t until we’re both rocking that he finally turns to me to speak. “What the hell were you thinking taking some broad home and banging her on Friday? Did you not hear what I told you just moments before – that you’re going to get married and you’re going to fucking like it?”

  Yep. Johnny told him. Fuck. The sex was amazing, don’t get me wrong, but d
ealing with a pissed off Pops can be a fucking nightmare.

  I frown at him. “I heard you, Pops. Believe me. And as for the broad, she just kinda happened. It won’t happen again, don’t worry.”

  “It better not. This agreement with the Del Rossi family is tenuous, and we can’t have you fucking it up because you’re impulsive and hot-headed, understood?”

  Oh, I get it. I get that I’m going to be sinking my dick into the same pussy night after night from now on and there’s nothing that I can do to get around it. Sacrifices have to be made for the family, but I didn’t think that I’d be the one making them.

  “I made sure of it, Pops. There’s no way that any broad would want to come back around after that, okay?” What I’d said to her after I fucked her…it wasn’t what I wanted to say. But it was what I had to say to protect her.

  And me.

  She’d believed it, I know that she had. The look on her face made it clear that she finally saw me for my real self – an asshole, and that she didn’t want any part of being with me. That’s good. She wants to stay alive, she can’t come around messing up the marriage with me and the fucking Del Rossi cunt.

  I can’t help but think about my brother. He and Eva have something special, and I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t want that. It sure as fuck wasn’t going to happen with the blue-eyed beauty from last night, though.


  “Are we good?” When Pops nods at me, I stand up and wait for him. He leads the way back into the house, and pretty soon it’s filled with family. We have more kids now than ever before, thanks to Ricky and Roque, and they’re impossibly loud until we send them outside.

  Dinner was delicious, although everyone made sure to avoid the topic of me having to get married to some broad. I ate quickly, trying to avoid the looks that some people were giving me, and by the time dinner was over, I was ready for an escape.

  I need to stop drinking as much as I did. There’s no way that I’m going to make it home tonight, but before I can even leave the dining room, Roque catches me.

  “How’re you doing, brother?” Roque comes up behind me and claps a hand on my shoulder. “You were in a shitty state last I saw you.”

  I finish my drink before turning to him. “I’m fine. Got one last single fuck out of my system and now I’m good to go.” Even as I say that, Hannah’s face swirls in my memory and I have to push it away. She’s not mine. I made sure of that.

  “Good man. Listen, I don’t know who the fuck this broad is, but I’m sure you’ll be fine. Pussy’s pussy, right?” Even as he says it, though, I can tell that he doesn’t believe himself. Roque’s just as devoted to his wife as Pops is to Ma.

  Good for them. Fucking good for them. I pour another drink and slam it back.

  Pops is watching from across the room and walks over to us. “You meet the broad tomorrow, Arlo. Wedding’s next weekend, you understand? I don’t care what the two of you have to do this week to learn how to get along, but you better figure it out as fast as possible. We won’t have a scene at the wedding, and things better be good between the two of you for your first night together.”

  Fuck. I feel like I’m a little kid being told to make nice with the new kid at school, but the stakes are higher this time. I hate it. I hate this girl I have to marry, and I fucking hate Hannah from the other night.

  “Yeah, that’s fine. I’ll meet her. I’ll make you guys happy, okay, Pops?”

  He eyes me like he doesn’t believe that I’d just agree to what he wants that quickly. Smart man. I’m not happy about this bullshit.

  “You need to knock her up fast, Arlo,” he says.

  Roque chuckles, and I swear to God, I want to punch him in his fucking face.

  “What?” I heard Pops. I just need to hear it again or I’m not going to believe him.

  “Knock her up, Arlo. Fast. The faster the better. Hell, I don’t care if she’s pregnant before the wedding. You need to get a baby in her as quickly as you can so that she doesn’t try to walk away from this or some shit.” Pops looks serious, and my stomach drops.

  “I don’t want any fucking kids.” I don’t know if that’s true or not, but I’m going with it. As of right now, I don’t want any fucking kids. I don’t want a fucking wife.

  “Doesn’t matter what you want, Arlo,” Pops says, turning to walk away. “It just matters that you do what’s necessary for the good of the family.”

  Roque and I stare after him as he leaves. “Is he fucking kidding me?” I ask my brother as I take his glass from him and toss it back.

  “Afraid not. And listen, brother, you want to give those swimmers a fighting chance, you need to lay off the heavy drinking. You don’t want them to be all deformed and not know which way they’re going right?” He has a shit-eating grin on his face.

  “Fuck you.”

  “Maybe focus more on fucking your new wife, huh, Arlo? You need some tips? I can draw you a picture, if you’d like.” Roque’s an asshole, and he grins at me like a fucking fool.

  “I knew how to fuck girls since I could walk, you prick,” I tell him, but just then his wife, Eva strolls up. She looks like she’s pregnant again, which is a great look for her, but not one that I’m interested in for my broad.

  Then again…Hannah knocked up? Now that’s something that I could enjoy. She’s already so curvy and sweet, and the thought of her carrying my seed makes my cock thicken, but I immediately push the thought aside.

  I’m never going to see that broad again.

  “Listen, Arlo, it’s not so bad, okay? She’s from the Del Rossi family? I heard that they’re pretty good cooks, so maybe you’ll get lucky.” Eva smiles at me like she’s trying to make me feel better, but what she’s saying doesn’t really help.

  “Sure,” I tell her. “Thanks.” Roque reaches out to grab my shoulder, but I duck out of the way. Ma makes sure that we all have bedrooms here if we need to pass out after dinner. She knows that we all sometimes drink a little too much, and instead of bitching about it, she made concessions.

  I walk to the end of the hall before leaning into my favorite room. It’s the one I always choose, not because it’s particularly big, but because it’s comfortable as hell. The bed is just a twin, but the mattress is to die for, and it actually has an attached bathroom, even though it is really small and only has a sink and toilet.

  Whatever. It’s all I need to sleep this off.

  By the time I fall onto the bed, I’ve almost forgotten what the fuck is so bad and why I’m so pissed.


  “Good morning, gorgeous.”

  Nope. Not the voice I want waking me up in the morning. I try to ignore it, but a pillow hits me across the face and I sit up, staring at my fucking brother.

  “Roque, fuck off. I’m trying to sleep.”

  He grins at me. “No more sleep, brother. You get to meet your bride today and we have a little family business to take care of. Seems like the Del Rossi family has asked for one more favor before they’re willing to let you marry their baby daughter.”

  “A favor?” Ignoring the pounding in my head, I swing my legs off of the bed and then gratefully accept the headache medicine Roque hands me. After I take them and chug a glass of water, I turn to him. “What kind of favor?”

  “A hit, what else? Seriously, though, what other kind of favor would they want from us?” He shrugs and grabs my hand to pull me from the bed. “You gotta get moving, brother. We’ll be meeting them in a few hours and the deed better be done by then.”

  “A hit? Fuck.” That’s the last thing that I want to do today. Well, besides meeting the fucking broad I’m supposed to marry.

  Roque watches as I stumble around the room, picking up my shoes and pulling them on. I brush my teeth and splash some water on my face, and by then, I’m finally feeling a little more human. I look like shit, though.

  “You better find time to shower before we meet her, you know that? I’m pretty sure I’d turn and run in the other direction if so
meone told me that I had to marry you.”

  “Good,” I snap back, feeling more and more awake. “I wouldn’t want to suck your needle dick at night, anyway.”

  He laughs and we walk down the hall to the front door. Ma greets us both and hands me a huge sticky bun before waving us off. Pops, Matty, and Valentino are already in one car. Ricky’s in the other, waiting on us.

  We slip in and pull away from the house before I get any more information from my brother.

  “You want to tell me who the hit is?” It doesn’t matter, not really. Pops wants us to off someone, we’ll off them. It’s just nice to know who pissed us off and what exactly they did.

  “Fucking family drama. It’s one of the Del Rossi cousins, I guess. Not sure if they’re facing a problem like we did with our uncle and cousins, or not, but I don’t give a shit. I just want to get it over with and meet your new bride, don’t you?”

  “You’re going to be there?” The sticky bun is dripping down my fingers and I have to lick them off, but at the same time, my heart drops. I don’t want everyone there when I meet this broad. I’m already unhappy about having to marry someone I don’t even know, but to have everyone there to witness us meeting for the first time?

  Fuck that.

  “Hell yeah, brother, she’s going to be my sister-in-law. You think that I would miss this?” Roque leans back as we drive down the road. I hate him for just a moment, but then I remind myself that he had nothing to do with this setup.

  He’s not the reason I have to deal with this and marry some stupid broad. If I’m honest with myself, it’s Pops I should be mad at, but I’ve never really been able to muster that emotion for him.

  He’s Pops. I know that he wouldn’t have me do this if it weren’t the best thing for the family, and that’s the only reason I haven’t turned tail and ran.

  Well, that and they would find me. And kill me. The Torenti family has their ways.

  Chapter 7



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