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Ghost of Africa

Page 5

by Chuck Van Soye

  Zhu returned to the duplex the following Monday morning. He entered the third bedroom, which was serving as the team’s office, announcing to Bret and Chu, “I’ve just finished a meeting with Barry. He’s the guy I told you would be getting the fake birth certificate for Steffan. He’s agreed to go the next step and arrange for Bret to use it here in town to get his driver’s license. For another $200, that is.”

  “Excuse my interruption, Zhu, but did it take all weekend for this meeting?” inquired Chu.

  “Well, uh, I did meet with some other friends in town.”

  “Not those guys that helped put you in jail, I hope?” she asked, brows furled.

  “No, no. These were lady friends I hadn’t seen in ages,” said Zhu, looking away.

  Before Chu could continue the role of Big Sister, Bret restored the original conversation, “You never told us this guy, Barry, lived in Sioux Falls.”

  “You never asked me where he lived. I just recommended that you two move here. Barry’s living here was part of the reason; the other part is that it’s a common place for ex-pats to use as a residence.”

  “Okay, I can see that. But what’s with the additional $200? Once I have the birth certificate in my own hands, I can go to the DMV to get the license myself.”

  As the conversation continued, both men imperceptibly sniffed the air between their words. Their unconscious minds took notice of the unmistakably sweet aroma of baking chocolate chip cookies as it wafted through the room. But their conscious minds kept the words tumbling out.

  “Yeah, but what if it doesn’t go smoothly? Our whole plan could fall apart. Barry, however, has a friend who’s a DMV clerk, and who could guarantee you a perfect license . . . for a mere $100. The other $100 would go to Barry for his additional effort.”

  “I see,” said Bret sourly. “Makes sense though. I’m agreeable. Let’s get it done tomorrow.”

  “Not so fast. We need to gather some things we’ll need, and your arrival at the DMV needs to be carefully timed and arranged.”


  “To get a license, you’ll need to prove residency here by bringing a rent receipt and a utility bill, as well as the birth certificate.”

  “Our lease papers and the cable TV bill should do.”

  “You might be interested to know that the certified birth certificate that Barry’s gonna give you at the DMV shows you were born fifty-two years ago at Sanford Health Center, Sioux Falls, SD.”

  “Hey guys, come to the kitchen,” shouted Chu. “I have a treat for you.”

  Knowing that both her husband and brother grew up loving fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies with a glass of cold milk, Chu had prepared that surprise treat. Everyone gleefully participated in emptying all plates and glasses. Chu’s treat had transformed their newly leased duplex into an enjoyable new home.

  At the appointed time the next day, Bret arrived at the Department of Public Safety, 2501 Russell St., met Barry outside and acquired the birth certificate just before they entered. Inside, he selected a number dispensed by machine, filled in some paperwork, and sat down in a plain waiting area among a dozen other citizens.

  When his number was called, Barry directed him to window #3, where he met Kyle, the “inside man.” He turned over his paperwork, lease docs, utility bill and birth certificate. His photo was taken, and he paid $28 in cash. Kyle winked at him, but asked none of the usual questions. Less than an hour later, Steffan’s driver’s license was in his hand.

  Getting the passport was easier, though more expensive. Based on a tip from Barry, Bret decided to use an online passport service guaranteed to provide a passport by Federal Express in about a week, instead of the usual eight-week wait for applications made at a post office. He accessed the service at passportsandvisas dot com, mailed the birth certificate, driver’s license, service fee and two passport photos, as well as a check for $200 made out to the US Department of State. Eight days later, he showed the new passport and card to Chu.

  “Wow, hon. That’ll open the door for Steffan to travel anywhere. So, I guess we’re really gonna do this?. . . her voice trailed off.

  “Yeah, for sure,” he responded. “Too far down the road to turn back now. We’re committed. That being said, Babe, I really am pleased with the digital facade you created for Steffan’s international shell company. What next?”

  “I’m in the process of writing articles for several celebrity websites. They’re really gonna love you.”

  “Love me?”

  “Yes, I’m gonna focus on the mysterious and handsome man who has such an interesting past.”

  “I like the handsome part. Go on.”

  “To be honest, I’m still working on Steffan’s mysterious character, but for part, I’ll be linking in the biographical information I wrote for the Dove International Security website. I don’t want to take it too far, but the news hook’s gonna be something about the strange contrast between his lavish living style and his modest-size security business. I’m gonna raise the possibility that there may be a secret source for all the money he’s throwing around.”

  With all of the identity acquisition issues behind him, Bret started to arrange the details of his gambling expedition to the Monte Carlo Casino. Several issues needed resolution: Would Julien give him the green light? Could Chu accompany him and still keep working on the Wikipedia article? Would Zhu come? If so, was his passport current?

  * * *

  FBI Headquarters, Directorate of Intelligence, Washington

  To: Marcela Hewitt, Branch Chief From: Joshua Jericho, PPS

  Following your last directive’s suggestions, I flew to Green Bay seeking information on Bret Lee’s whereabouts. Cooperation by Delta Airlines revealed that on arrival the date they flew, Lee and his wife made a tight connection via charter plane to the Port Wing, WI airport. Following up in person there, I learned that they rented an airport car for one to two days, but never brought back the rental. Instead, with permission, they turned the car in at Green Bay. I was able to trace their travel to BWI, but no further. Presumably they returned to their home in Adelphi, locked the car in the garage, where it is today, and disappeared.

  As a next step, I plan to try to meet with Lee’s former employer, Julien Jasper Jones of Delta Intelligence Services, in hopes of learning where Lee might be today. Do you concur?

  Chapter Twelve

  Lees’ Rental Duplex, 1724 S. 9th Ave, Sioux Falls, SD

  Bret sleepily walked into the kitchen and sat at the table. Chu was already there, waiting for the Keurig to yield its second cup of coffee for the morning. After serving both, she sat and initiated a key conversation.

  “Bret, I’ve spent a little time on Expedia choosing the best route for us to fly to Monaco. We have to leave from Dulles instead of BWI for any direct flight to France. The shortest ride time-wise, a little over ten hours, is via Icelandair to Paris, with only a short stop in Reykjavik en route.”

  “I’ve never been there.”

  “Then we’ll grab an hour-and-a-half ride on Air France from Paris to Nice, which is only thirty minutes away from Monaco by taxi. Shall I go ahead and make reservations for next week?”

  “Yes, we need to do that, Babe, but first we really have to talk about the number of seats to reserve.”

  “Well, there’re three of us, right? You, me and Zhu.”

  “Umm . . .” said Bret, clearing his throat, “Chu, I’ve been thinking. When I get right down to the core issues, I’ve come to realize you’re just too darn critical to the success of our mission to bring along. Zhu and I need you to stay here in Sioux Falls.”

  After several moments of silence, she stood up, struggling to overcome her surprise and desire to shout, “No way, dammit!“ But then sat again, and with forced calmness, responded through gritted teeth, “I’m not sure I understand; please explain.”

  “This was a very difficult decision, honey. Before we can even begin to hope meeting with Kunga, Steffan must gain the reputation of
wealthy playboy and suspected arms dealer. The most valuable contribution you can make is to stay here and focus on creating this impression via Steffan’s online persona.”

  “I know that. So can’t I do that in any hotel room in Europe? Why does it have to be here? And besides, how can you have Steffan’s playboy-girlfriend looking over your shoulder in the casinos?”

  “Having you in the USA provides a great deal of leverage for our team. Fast and secure internet and easy-to-navigate services aren’t as readily available outside the US, especially for non-native speakers like us.”

  “I hadn’t thought about that.”

  “You could also handle all of our travel and accommodation logistics here easier. And when we have problems that trouble us, we could sometimes take advantage of the time differential. You could work evenings on potential solutions here while Zhu and I are sleeping there.”

  “As for the ‘girlfriend’ issue, I sure will miss having you with me, honey, but will hire whatever help is needed to suit the photo-shooting situation. Remember, it was your idea that the pictures should be taken ‘with girls all around me.’”

  “Hmm, that concept doesn’t thrill me anymore, now that I’m not one of them.”

  “Furthermore, you won’t have to generate fake travel documentation we’d otherwise have to face. And lastly, since you never had any intention of going into the African jungle anyway, you’d eventually be left all alone someplace in Europe or elsewhere.”

  Convinced that Bret had correctly analyzed the issues, she grudgingly conceded. “Fine, I’ll agree to stay here and write gossip articles after all. But, when this is all over, you’re gonna have to take me on another nice overseas vacation.”

  “I promise. Oh, one other thing. Speaking of logistics, Zhu and I’ll need a room in Monaco. Please try to make us a reservation for three nights in the Fairview.”

  “That name sounds familiar, hon.”

  “It’s that hotel we stayed in right on the waterfront, just a block or two from the Monte Carlo Casino. Remember, we went out on the balcony, which jutted over the ocean? We could look straight down and see the water below us.”

  “Oh, I do remember. On that driving trip from Geneva we made years ago. It was incredibly beautiful there. We could look right into the harbor in front of us and see all the huge luxury yachts belonging to movie stars and kings and billionaires. What a sight.”

  “If not too expensive, please see if you can get us a similar suite. It was more than ten years ago we were there, and I’m sure prices skyrocketed after the Las Vegas gambling interests bought up the big Monaco hotels.”


  “Oh, one last thing, honey. Please contact Julien and ask him to send the $20,000 gambling stake check by overnight mail. We’ll use it tomorrow to open a checking account at the Wells Fargo bank here in Sioux Falls. Then I can transfer portions of it electronically to my account with any gambling casino cashier.”

  Just then, Zhu walked into the kitchen and, overhearing their conversation, said “You don’t want do that. You’re gonna want an offshore bank account for all your gambling withdrawals and deposits.”

  Somewhat surprised at Zhu’s interruption of the conversation, Bret asked, “Why is that?”

  “Because U.S. banks are required to file a currency transaction report when cash deposits or withdrawals in one business day exceed $10,000.”

  “I remember hearing that in the past, but I guess I forgot. Hmm, I guess you’re right. Especially since the transactions will be under a false identity. So what do we do?”

  “I gotta guy who can create an account under an LLC in a non-cooperative country. It’ll take him a day or two.”

  “You’ve got a guy? Why doesn’t that surprise me, Zhu? So how do we fund this foreign account?”

  “Did Julien give you that check yet for the $20,000?”

  “No. We couldn’t tell him at the time he agreed to stake our gambling how long before we needed it.”

  “My recommendation is that you ask him for cashier checks.”

  “Checks? Plural?”

  “Sure. He doesn’t want to write checks above $10,000 either. Get one for, say, $8000 for your Wells Fargo account here. Another $9000 for a Monaco LLC bank my friend will set up, and a third for $3000 to hopefully cover the costs of opening an offshore bank account, and of setting up the business LLC for Dove International Security."

  "Okay, Zhu. Great advice. We’ll do just that. Ask your guy to go ahead and get it done, ASAP. Anything else?"

  “Yes. I’ve been shopping, and bought some necessities for our trip. Three burner phones. They were on sale at Best Buy. Unlocked LG’s.”

  “But I still have my Black Phone,” said Bret, somewhat dismayed.

  “Nobody uses those for secrecy anymore. Burner Androids are in. I've already inserted unregistered Vodafone SIMs, set up an always-on OpenVPN out of Panama, and added Wire for all three.”

  “What’s Wire, Zhu?”

  “It’s an app from a Swiss company that encrypts and auto-deletes messages. So we’ll be able to communicate with total privacy.”

  “I didn't understand half of what you just said.”

  “Me neither,” said Chu.

  “Don’t worry, it’s just a way we can maintain secrecy in our communications. In the meantime, just keep them turned off and make sure they’re charged before we leave.”

  “What about my iPhone?”

  “Sorry. Leave it here.”

  * * *

  Aboard Icelandair 648, Dulles to Paris via Reykjavik

  “Hey Zhu, I think we’re scheduled to land at Charles De Gaulle airport about 7:15 p.m. local time. Then we’ve less than an hour to make our connection to Nice via Air France. I’m not at all familiar with the terminal and gate locations, and if we’re not on top of the situation could miss our flight.”

  “Gotta make it.”

  “Here’s an idea. How about you getting up and talking to that pretty attendant stocking the drink cart back in this buggy’s tail? Her name tag says she’s Brigitte. Maybe she’d be willing to help you find your way to the Air France gate.”

  Zhu beamed a broad smile as he bounded up from his aisle seat and navigated speedily aft. It apparently was a very complex verbal exchange because he spent close to an hour getting those directions, or whatever. When he returned, he explained that the Air France terminal was directly adjacent to Icelandair’s.

  After a few minutes, Zhu pleaded, “Bret, we won’t reach Nice until 9:45 p.m., and then have to find a cab to get to the Fairview. We’ll be lucky to get to bed by midnight. Why don’t we get a hotel room in Paris for the night?”

  “And what time will you be getting to bed at the hotel?”

  Grinning with a faint blush, he responded, “Okay, you got me. Yes, if we can postpone our ride to Nice until morning, I’ll have a chance to spend some time with Brigitte this evening.”

  “I’d normally be pleased to oblige, you rake. But I’m sorry, Zhu. Our Air France tickets are bargain priced. They’re not transferable to a later flight without a couple hundred dollars upcharge. Also, I need to try arranging for a casino photographer before noon tomorrow. And I need to hire a girl or two to be in the pictures you’ll take. Chu needs these for the gossip articles she’ll be writing.”

  That night, as they sipped brandy in their Fairview suite, Zhu said, “At least I was lucky enough to get Brigette’s number. When we fly back to Sioux Falls via Paris after this escapade is over, maybe I can hook up with her in Paris after all. And if not, maybe in Washington some day.”

  “Yeah, good luck, buddy. Can I pour you a refill before I phone Chu-lin? I messaged her on Wire earlier in the taxi, and she’s expecting to hear from me tonight.”

  “No, I think I’ll take a shower now, and then head off for bed. Good night.”

  “Hi Babe, it’s me. I’m in the Fairview suite. How’s my girl?”

  “I’m fine. Just a little bit lonely. But I’m making good progress
developing your new identity on the internet.”

  “That’s great. Tell me how?”

  “I started with the website and put in a few details about our mutual friend, Steffan, on the About Us page. Then I wrote and submitted articles to ten different publications, and I got picked up on three so far: damemagazine dot com, fullgrownpeople dot com and newstatesman dot com.”

  “That’s real progress.”

  “But what I really need, Bret, are photos, photos, photos. Especially of you gambling in Monte Carlo with pretty young girls crowding around you as you win piles of money. Then I’ll be able to spin a few yarns about you and your wild exploits. You know, gossip stuff.”

  “Hang in there, Chu. Zhu’ll be sending some soon. Maybe even tomorrow or the next day at the latest. Gotta go get some sleep now sweetheart. Love ya.”

  ”Love you more. Stay safe, Bret.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Business Office, Monte Carlo Casino, Monaco

  Late-morning, the day after they checked in at the Fairview hotel, Bret walked the short distance to the Monte Carlo Casino. Although he had seen it more than ten years before, he was again struck with awe as he walked past the surrounding palm trees and stylish fountain, toward the lavish palace-like building that hosted past monarchs and movie stars. As he bounded up the red-carpeted steps to the entry, he gaped at the display of parked Ferraris, a Lamborghini and two Bentleys he’d just passed. And then walking through the glamorous gold and marble atrium, he marveled at the overall grand decor of color, frescoes and sculptures, both inside and outside.


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