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Tremors of the Past

Page 17

by Jamie A. Waters

  Brant swallowed, emotions warring across his face. He watched her hand with a combination of longing and unease. “I’m still not sure this is a good idea. We don’t know how something like this will affect you. We should probably wait until Alec is with you. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  Kayla snorted. Life was all about taking chances. Where would she be if she always played it safe? Besides, she doubted Alec would approve of any experiments like this.

  She lowered her hand, pressing it against Brant’s arm. There was a sudden flicker of energy, but like Brant had described, it was more muted than it had been in the towers. Even so, Brant’s eyes widened, and his gaze darted from her hand up to her face and then back again.

  Kayla concentrated, trying to determine if she could create a link with Brant. There had to be a way she could send him energy without him stealing it from her. If he could take it, she should theoretically also be able to share it. Unfortunately, the individual energy threads seemed to disappear around him, making it impossible to hold a normal connection.

  From what she’d learned, the Drac’Kin and energy manipulation all seemed to focus on balance. Alec had mentioned counterpoints on several occasions. If Brant naturally negated all energy, what would happen if she did the opposite and combined all four different types of energy?

  She bit her lip, considering the possibilities. It was a little unusual, but it just might work. The only other option was to ask him to steal her energy again. A quick glance at Brant’s expression let her know that was probably out of the question. He’d been reluctant enough about even trying this experiment, although if it came down to it, she’d figure out a way to convince him.

  The thought of having her energy stolen again made her feel sick to her stomach, but she’d willingly suffer through it to save Carl. The entire experiment felt far less threatening when she remembered what was at stake. With a sense of renewed determination, Kayla concentrated on gathering some of the energy threads around her. Thanks to Alec’s tutelage, she was now able to decipher the different types of energy.

  She closed her eyes, fusing together a small mixture of air, earth, water, and fire. The threads sparked and almost seemed to glow in her mind’s eye. Reaching out with her woven strands of energy, she tried again to create a connection with Brant.

  They both gasped as the link between them settled into place. Her eyes flew open to meet Brant’s shocked expression. Kayla reached out to him along the braided energy threads, noting the differences between the bond she shared with Alec and this strange new connection. She had the feeling if she stopped touching him, the temporary tie she’d forged with Brant would also break apart. It felt incredibly fragile.

  He stared at her hand on his arm and then jerked his head up to meet her gaze. “What the hell did you do?”

  “I can’t believe it actually worked.” Kayla laughed, unable to stop the grin from spreading across her face. “I just plugged you in, Fluffy. Now it’s time to kick up the power and see what happens.”

  Before he could object, she sent a small stream of energy in his direction.

  Brant inhaled sharply. His arm trembled under her hand, and she started to pull back, worried that she was hurting him. Leaning forward, he grabbed her hand and held it against his arm. He must have also realized that touch was required to maintain this strange type of connection. “No,” he urged. “Don’t stop. I’ve just never felt anything like this before.”

  Kayla glanced down at his hand over hers. Reassured by his words, she increased the amount of energy flowing into him. She could almost visualize him as an empty vessel. As she poured her energy into him, she had the impression what he was experiencing was like a soothing balm that eased something within him. Something within her relaxed as well, and she was comforted by the thought she was giving him some vital element he needed. She’d gladly give everything she had to find Carl, if that’s what was necessary.

  Kayla looked up into Brant’s hazel eyes. He was gazing at her with a look of wonder and almost reverence. As though unable to help himself, he reached up and brushed his fingers against her cheek. The contact caused a surge of power to flow between them and she leaned into his touch, enjoying the sensation. Sharing energy was almost intoxicating, and it would be easy to lose herself in the rush of power.

  When he ran his thumb over her lower lip, though, Kayla shook her head and pulled back slightly. The intimacy of the moment was quickly moving into uncomfortable territory, and she needed to rein it in. The look of desire and yearning in his eyes gave her a moment of pause. It wasn’t real. Brant didn’t feel that way about her, and she didn’t feel that way about him, but damn if the energy wasn’t nice. Even so, the realization she’d put that look in his eyes was troubling.

  The sensation of sharing a connection with Brant was different from anything she’d experienced with any Inner Circle member. Instead of losing herself in the rush of power, Kayla felt decidedly in control. She was the one steering the speeder, dictating the amount she would share and direction they would travel. It was possible Brant could steal energy from her like he had before, but he seemed content to accept whatever she was willing to offer. Like forming a bond with another Drac’Kin, this was also an act of trust. It was strange to have that level of intimacy with someone she wasn’t sure she trusted.

  She thought back to when she’d first met Alec. He was the one who’d dictated the terms of their energy bond. In a way, she realized her inexperience had plagued their relationship. They could never be on equal footing because, quite simply, his knowledge of the arcane dwarfed hers. Although his intentions were honorable, she would always straddle that line between the surface and the towers. That was one of her strengths and also one of her shortcomings.

  When Kayla disconnected the energy flow and tried to pull away again, he reluctantly let her go. Everyone else she’d met in the towers had tried to take advantage of her for their own purposes. In a way, it was a marvel Brant so easily relinquished their temporary connection. A strange sense of understanding filled her, and it made her even more intent to explore the possibilities of sharing with him. Even though she didn’t know him well, he was potentially safe. If he was letting her go so easily, his intention toward her couldn’t be nefarious. He was one of the last people she’d ever believed she could trust, but he was proving himself with actions instead of empty promises.

  The moment they broke contact, the threads connecting them began to fray and deteriorate. He stared at her longingly for a moment and then curled his hands into fists as though trying to prevent himself from reaching out to touch her again. “Kayla, I— You—” His voice broke off. “Is that what sharing energy normally feels like?”

  Kayla frowned. She wasn’t sure if their experiences were the same. There was a sense of rightness in sharing energy with him, but it was so different from what she felt with Alec. “I don’t know. It was similar, but not quite the same. Energy seems to disappear around you, but I can connect with you if I use all the different types of energy. For some reason, though, I can only channel it directly to you if I’m touching you.”

  “That’s because you’re a conduit,” a voice interrupted.

  Kayla’s head jerked up, and she met Lars’s blue-eyed gaze. At the sight of him, she jumped up, but the recent energy transference left her a little lightheaded. Brant stood and pulled her back, placing himself protectively in front of her, and drew his weapon.

  Lars shook his head at the futile gesture. Several armed men wearing Coalition uniforms entered the room and trained their weapons on Brant.

  “Put the weapon away, Brant. I have no intention of harming Kayla.”

  She snorted and rubbed her injured side, remembering their last meeting. Lars could make all the claims he wanted, but actions spoke louder than words. Brant obviously agreed and didn’t lower his weapon. “Not a fucking chance. You’re not touching her.”

  Lars raised an eyebrow. “Me? I wonder what your dear brother would say
if he knew what liberties you were taking with his fiancée. Or do you not plan on telling him you were sharing energy with his bondmate?”

  Brant’s shoulders went rigid, and his jaw clenched.

  Kayla looked back and forth between the two men. “Brother? What are you talking about?”

  Lars tsked at Brant. “So many secrets. The towers are full of them, aren’t they? I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised neither one of you told her.”

  Kayla turned to study Brant, noting his appearance. Was it possible? There wasn’t much of a resemblance, but…

  “Is it true? You’re Alec’s brother?”

  When Brant didn’t respond, Lars chuckled. “Half-brother, actually. Didn’t anyone tell you how Shadows came to be? They’re the bastard children of an Inner Circle member and a non-sensitive. My dear Uncle Edwin was his father. Brant here is Alec’s half-brother and their family’s dirty little secret.”

  Kayla gaped at Brant, who looked like he’d be more than happy to blast a hole in Lars right now. She cocked her head, seeing Brant in a new light, and couldn’t help but wonder about his relationship with Alec. He must have sought out Brant after his father’s death. She’d never seen him during her first visit to the towers.

  Edwin had been a pretentious and power-hungry bastard who had managed to lay waste to everything in his path. It didn’t matter that Alec’s hand had been the one to deal the killing blow. Alec was still trying to make reparations for his father’s mistakes and greed.

  Lars smirked and gestured to Brant. “I’m surprised you didn’t know, Kayla. The towers view Shadows as little more than parasites, sucking out the energy threads the rest of us can use. In a sardonic twist of Fate, many of the Shadows become security officers to guard the same individuals who demean them.”

  Kayla blinked and shook her head, rubbing her temples and trying to ward off the beginnings of a headache. She’d already begun to realize OmniLab had some screwed-up hierarchal tendencies. As interesting as the family history lesson might be, it wasn’t the most important issue.

  “I don’t understand. So what if he’s Alec’s half-brother? Who gives a fuck?” She shook her head to clear it. “Where the hell is Carl?”

  Brant glanced at her in surprise. Lars studied her thoughtfully and chuckled. Giving her an easy smile, he held out his hands in a passive gesture.

  “It’s so easy to forget you don’t have the usual prejudices of our kind. Don’t worry, little one. Your trader is quite well. I have no intention of harming either one of you. I wanted the opportunity to speak with you again, and this seemed like the best way of getting your attention. Unsurprisingly enough, Alec is quite protective of you and has made every effort to prevent us from contacting you.”

  When Lars took a step toward her, Brant moved between them and aimed his weapon directly at him. Lars halted at the protective gesture, narrowing his eyes on the armed security officer as though he were a specimen on a microscope. “You must be enjoying this assignment. After so long without experiencing it, the ability to taste and hold energy must be intoxicating. I wonder how long this current assignment will last. Alec must have no idea Kayla can willingly share energy with you or he would never have left you alone with her.”

  Brant’s expression hardened, but he didn’t respond. Lars wasn’t finished though. He gave the security officer a pitying look, adding, “I wonder what lengths Alec will go to in order to protect Kayla from the rest of the Shadows? Won’t she become more of a target if word gets out that her energy can be stolen? I’m not sure how loyal your half-brother will be to you when it comes to protecting his bondmate. Alec may very well consider you and the rest of the Shadows to be a liability. Are you willing to take that chance?”

  Brant’s fingers tightened on his weapon, but otherwise, he didn’t move. Kayla took a step to the side so she could see around him. Time to end this nonsense. “What are you doing here, Lars?”

  “Offering both of you a choice,” Lars said, clasping his hands behind his back. The gesture reminded her of Alec, and the similarity annoyed her.

  Kayla scowled. “I already told you what I think of your choices. I just want Carl back.”

  Lars arched a brow. “And then what? You’ll still be bonded to Alec. As long as you two are connected, you’ll never be able to live your life independently or truly be with your trader. I can give you options, Kayla. I can help you remove the bond in exchange for your help.”

  “By killing Alec? He’s not at fault for what happened to you, Lars. That was Edwin’s doing, and he’s gone.”

  Lars’s shoulders tensed at the reminder. “I’m surprised Alec told you how a bond can be transferred. Or did he tell you in the hopes it would keep you in the towers and under his control?”

  Kayla didn’t respond and curled her hands into fists. Alec hadn’t told her shit. It was Ariana who had let it slip, but she didn’t intend to advertise the fact. Even though she still believed Alec’s intentions were honorable, she was walking a very tight line with her dealings with Lars.

  At her silence, Lars pinned his gaze on Brant. “What about you? You don’t have to be tied to the life you were handed. You have options as well.”

  The security officer sneered. “I’m not interested in anything you have to offer.”

  “You should be. Many of your fellow Shadows have agreed to the Coalition’s terms. We can give you what you’ve been wanting: acceptance. Your abilities could prove to be invaluable, especially considering Kayla’s talents.”

  Kayla took a half-step backward, apprehension filling her. She didn’t like the way this sounded. “What are you talking about?”

  Lars turned back to her. “I need to apologize to you, Kayla. We weren’t aware of the ability until Miranda’s test in the towers went wrong. Harming you was not the intent. Miranda was supposed to determine the strength of your bond with Alec, but the Shadow agent we’d enlisted for help ended up stealing your energy. It’s rather remarkable, really. I suspect Spirit energy may be the counterpoint to shadow energy. It’s such a rare talent, we haven’t done any studies.”

  Kayla swallowed, remembering the cold chill she’d experienced in the towers.

  Miranda must be the water channeler behind that attack.

  It made sense, but that meant there were Shadows within the towers who were actively working against OmniLab. She glanced at Brant, wondering if he could have known about the deception. He seemed to want to protect her, but everyone had their own agenda. Either way, she needed to warn Alec that his suspicions were correct, and the Coalition had allies within the towers.

  Lars gestured to Brant again, drawing her attention back to the conversation. “You saw how you’re able to feed energy to Brant. Do you think it’s a coincidence you’re able to channel massive amounts of energy and he has the ability to negate it? I believe that’s part of your ability as a spirit channeler. You can connect with any Shadow. With your talent to transfer energy to others, you can essentially turn any Shadow into an Inner Circle member.”

  Brant lowered his weapon a fraction. “You’re wrong. The energy dissipates. It doesn’t last more than a few hours.”

  Lars nodded. “Of course. But think of what you could accomplish in that period of time if you learned how to control that stored energy.”

  Kayla held up her hands to halt the conversation. “Whoa, wait a fucking minute. I’m not a damn battery you can pass around while everyone recharges their energy supply.”

  The edge of Lar’s mouth lifted in a hint of a smile. “Of course not. You’re so much more, Kayla. There’s no limit to your potential. With your abilities, you could give new purpose to the Shadows. You could give new purpose to all of us. If you work with me, we could accomplish a great deal.”

  Kayla’s eyes narrowed. She didn’t trust Lars any further than she could throw him. But at the very least, she no longer needed to try to hunt him down. It was time to steer this conversation back to where it belonged. “Where’s Carl?”

“I’m more than happy to take you to him,” he offered and gestured for the guards to move forward.

  Brant spun, shoving Kayla down behind a crate, and leaned over to fire a shot at one of the approaching guards. The guards scattered, each taking cover behind some packed boxes.

  “You’re outnumbered, Brant!” Lars shouted. “Put down the weapon. No one needs to get hurt.”

  Kayla crouched down and looked over at Brant whose body was coiled and alert. He kept his weapon raised, ready to fire at anyone else who approached. She swallowed. This could get bad fast. There were too many innocents in the camp.

  In a low voice, she whispered, “I thought the plan was to find Carl. Lars is our best chance and you’re shooting at him?”

  Brant scoffed. “You think Lars is just going to let you walk into the Coalition’s camp and hand Carl over to you? You take one step into their camp and you won’t be walking back out. He just wants to use you to kill Alec. You can’t trust him.”

  Kayla harrumphed. He had a point. “Fine. Any brilliant ideas on how we’re going to get out of here then?”

  “I’d suggest you call Alec, but you decided to destroy the commlinks,” he retorted and fired again at another approaching guard. The guard dove back behind some crates.

  She gaped at him. “Really? You want to blame me for this? Now?”

  He spared her the briefest glance. “If the shoe fits…”

  She fisted her hands, resisting the urge to smack him.

  “Enough!” a voice shouted from outside the room. Kayla peeked over the boxes and spotted Leo. The aging camp leader strode into the room, gazing in irritation at the mess they’d made, and glared at the armed men.


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