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Crazy With You

Page 11

by E. H. Lyon

  “All I’m saying is that Melissa is single again and it was a shame that you two never ended up together. Our families have been friends for years and you would have had a traditional wedding and family,” his mother mentions.

  “Ma, you go to temple twice a year at best. Your traditional spiel doesn’t sit well with me. Plus, I would have been miserable. Not to mention that was a long time ago.”

  “Harper seems sweet, just a little, well… peculiar.”

  I go a little numb. My head starts to spin. I feel like I’m having déjà vu, I’ve been here before. It doesn’t end well for me. My chest feels achy.

  “She is special,” Max tells her, and it sounds affectionate.

  I want to run away, but I am not the same woman I was all those years ago in high school. I’m a woman with confidence with a guy who won’t be influenced by his mother… right?

  I am confident.

  Taking a deep breath, I walk back into the dining room.

  “The cake looks incredible,” I smile as I sit down again. For once, chocolate cake won’t win me over, and I have no appetite.

  We sit through the rest of dessert talking about the history of Sage Creek, before packing up leftovers and bidding farewell to Max’s mommy dearest.

  In the car, I’m quiet as my mind does a flip-out. Max must pick up on this.

  “You okay? You’re unusually quiet.” He skims my thigh before returning his hand to the wheel of the car.

  “Yeah. Just looking out for deer. Abby mentioned there have been quite a few near the road in recent weeks.” I look off into the distance out the window and watch the pine trees go by. Debating what to ask or say.

  But my brain doesn’t make a decision, instead my mouth speaks. “Who’s Melissa?”

  I look to Max and see he’s frozen, right before he makes a sharp turn to the side of the road where he abruptly stops the car then turns his attention to me.

  “I was engaged once,” he blurts out.

  Immediately, my stomach drops, and my heart rate picks up in fear. I really didn’t want to hear this news.

  “Oh?” It comes out nervous.

  “I was in college. I didn’t even love her. But our parents were so excited that we dated, and I don’t know… I got caught up and proposed thinking it was the right thing to do. But after a month, it just didn’t feel right. I didn’t want to spend a life with her. So, I ended it.” He shrugs a shoulder and seems almost ashamed that he did it, but it’s clear he’s comfortable and happy with his choice.

  A knot in me tightens even more. Max ended an engagement, and maybe it was the right thing to do but it is slightly terrifying. I have been on the receiving end of a guy breaking your heart, and it has left me scared that it could happen again.

  Yet with Max, I brush the thought away and a weakened smile forms on my face.

  “It’s okay, Max. Sounded like the right thing to do.” My voice is flat.

  His pleading eyes meet mine. “Trust me, Harper. There was no future there.”

  I nod and squeeze his hand before he shifts gears, and we head back onto the road.

  The alarm in my head doesn’t want to turn off, yet I manage to push it to the back just enough.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Harper and I walk down the aisle of the supermarket. Both eying for ingredients we need to make some vegan casserole that has me slightly scared.

  “You know, only because you’re my girlfriend am I letting a vegan casserole find its way into my oven,” I comment as I throw a bag of carrots into the cart.

  Harper stops the cart and looks at me with sparkly eyes. “I’m your girlfriend?”

  “I guess this is our DTR talk,” I lean into her to kiss her with a smile on my face.

  “Oh, look at you using the cool kids’ language—so we are having the define the relationship talk? Something tells me it will be a quick talk, boyfriend.” She begins to play with my shirt, and she nibbles her lip as if she has ideas of how we can use this talk as a role-play scenario later.

  “Sounds more like we’re just confirming the obvious,” I tell her softly as my hand comes to caress her cheek.

  “So it seems. But maybe you can tell me some of the perks I would have with my upgraded title?” She plants a finger on her chin in contemplation.

  I pull her body flush to mine with my arm around her waist.

  “Hmm definitely unlimited access to a body part that you very much enjoy,” I say low as my eyes roam the store to ensure no one is listening.

  “Oh yeah? Only one part?”

  “Fuck no. All parts.” But I feel I need to make it clear to her that she is more than just a really good time. “We will keep moving forward, Harper. Because I have no idea what express train I hopped on, but I don’t want to get off this unexpected ride.” I gently brush some of her hair behind her ear.

  She gives me a radiant smile. “I like the sound of that a lot, and, agreed that this is unexpected, all of this, but I really have never felt this way before.”

  I lean in to kiss her again and we make it a kiss that will get the gossip train moving in this town, and it most certainly crosses the lines of appropriate for the supermarket.

  As proven by the little boy yelling ewww.

  Harper and I quickly pull away and she looks down. Quickly she wipes her mouth.

  “Oh hey, Cooper, hey there, kiddo.” Harper smiles before looking at me like I caught her hand in the cookie jar.

  “What are you doing to my teacher, mister,” the little boy looks at me as his father—the asshole from the café a few weeks ago—places a hand on the little boy.

  “Sorry, he doesn’t have a filter.”

  Harper puts her hands in her jean pockets during this uncomfortable situation. “Hey, Jasper, and it’s no problem. Probably should remember that kids frequent a supermarket on a regular basis.”

  Harper looks between Cooper’s dad and me. “This is Max, my boyfriend.” Harper looks at me with flashing eyes.

  “Yeah, we met,” the dude whose name I’d forgotten tilts his head slightly up.

  “I guess I will see you at school on Monday, Cooper.” Harper smiles and she speaks in this soft tone that I haven’t yet heard from her, almost as if she’s speaking to elves or some little creature. But then I remember this theory that teachers have a special voice when in class and my guess it is even more so when the kids are tiny little humans.

  The little boy runs off and his father follows as he gives me a review with his eyes. It just makes me wrap an arm tighter around Harper’s shoulders.

  Harper sighs with relief. “I really need to remember that I am a public figure here.”

  I laugh at her sentence. “I will try to ensure my PDA is G-rated. But can’t promise.”

  We begin to walk farther down the aisle, arm in arm.

  “Okay, so we need spaghetti sauce and onions,” she lists as she looks at the recipe on her phone.

  “Are we really doing this? Can I persuade you that we give up on the idea and opt for take-away?”

  She swats my chest gently. “No! We are doing this. Then you will take a photo of the yummy casserole that I made and send it to your mother, informing her that I cooked it.”

  I pick up that this is a sore spot for her. Gently, I stop us and grab her arms so she looks at me. “Harper, look at me,” I request, and she does but she seems a little pouty. “I don’t care what my mother thinks.”

  “But you did when you were in college.”

  Ouch, that hurt, but it’s slightly true.

  “But I am not in college. I’m pushing mid-thirties and have my dream woman right in front of me.”

  Her mouth hitches up at the corners. “Yeah you do.”

  With that, I feel like the crisis is averted and we continue on our supermarket journey.

  “Wait a second. You were engaged once?” Jess asks as she looks up from her laptop.

  “Yeah. I don’t know if you can really call it an engageme
nt. I mean, I was young, naïve, and it wasn’t love,” I explain as I eat my breakfast sandwich.

  “It didn’t bother Harper when she found out?”

  “Nah. I don’t think so. I told her the other week when she met my mother.”

  Jess holds a hand up. “Whoa. Meeting family now too. Sounds like you are officially off the market.”

  I smile proudly. “I am. Officially someone’s boyfriend.”

  Jess squeals and claps her hands together while stomping her feet under her desk. “This is great news, Max. I love it. I’ve known Harper for a little while, and yeah, I could definitely see you guys together.”

  “I think we’re good together. Anyways, her house should close in two weeks and then that is crossed off the list.”

  “See? Mixing personal and professional paid off. No hiccups. Worked out perfectly.”

  I laugh to myself a stunted laugh as I scratch my neck. “Yeah, not exactly. My ex is the one selling the house, it was her grandparents’ house and they died. I guess she lived there briefly while she went through her divorce. She didn’t want to sell at first because I was the real estate agent.”

  Jess slams her palms on the desk and looks at me confused. “Okay. Harper is okay moving into your ex fiancée’s house?” She sounds skeptical.

  I groan. “She may… not… know.” I sound like a man who knows he is about to get an earful.

  “WHAT?! Max, oh no. No.” Jess lets her head fall to her propped elbow on the desk as she lets out aggravation sounds. “Why can’t men communicate, like, seriously?”

  Shaking my head, I try to find a reason to justify why I haven’t told her. “I didn’t think it was that important as Harper wanted the house.”

  “Yes, but she will find out. How she hasn’t found out yet in this town is a miracle. An absolute miracle.”

  “I may be screwed,” I admit as I yank my hair.

  My hand combs through Harper’s dark locks as she lies in my bed naked. We met after dinner, and within twenty seconds we found our way to my bed. After a decent performance, we laid in bed talking about our day, and in this moment of pause, I know I need to be honest. I don’t want to ruin what we have going.

  “Harper, I need to tell you something.”

  She adjusts to her side and pulls the sheet up to her breasts. “Everything okay?”

  My fingers come to stroke her beautiful face. “I need to be honest about your soon-to-be house.”

  Harper’s forehead furrows as she looks at me confused.

  I continue, “The owner is my ex-fiancée.” It comes out at the speed of light. As long as it comes out then it’s okay, right? Doesn’t mean it needs to be understandable as long as you say it, right?

  It doesn’t matter my logic as she knows what I said.

  “She is?”

  I reluctantly nod yes.

  “Why… didn’t you tell me?”

  “I didn’t know it was her until after we put in the offer and then the real estate agent informed me. Her grandparents left her the house when they passed, but she doesn’t want to keep it. I didn’t think it mattered as it’s the house you want.” I shrug and know my explanation is borderline weak.

  She looks at me blankly. “Oh.” She sounds disappointed before looking away.

  My hand guides her face back to my gaze. “Harper,” I plead.

  “I-I think I need a shower.”

  She jumps out of bed, and before I have a chance to respond, the door to my bathroom slams shut.

  I lie in my bed with my arms behind my head waiting for her. I hear the water go on and then five minutes later the water goes off. It crossed my mind to join her, but I sensed she needed some space. My brain and heart are having a nervous discussion that I may be messing this all up.

  My eyes go up when I hear my bathroom door open. Harper is standing there in a towel, and fuck, if it weren’t for the fact that we’re in an unknown standoff then I would pull her into bed—no, I would take her against the bathroom door right now.

  “I think… I think that I don’t want the house.”

  Hmm, should have seen that coming, but for some reason I didn’t.

  “If it’s what you want. The house was only going to close in two weeks so you could back out,” I remind her.

  “I know you won’t get your commission, and I know it means we’re back to square one with finding a house, but…” She walks slowly towards the bed.

  I reach out to her to help get into bed again. “I don’t care about any of that.”

  “It’s just weird, and I think I would need an entire garden of sage to ward off those evil spirits.”

  I laugh as I pull her close to me and we fall back into bed. “You and I really think alike. It may have crossed my mind already.”

  She nuzzles into my chest as I hold her tightly. Her lips place a few soft butterfly kisses on my chest as her arms tighten around me.

  Although she seems pretty mellow about this situation, I can’t help but feel that there is something else floating in her head.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I wrap my blanket around me as I adjust the volume on the television. I’m sitting on my sofa and having a cozy night in. The last week, I have been busy with teaching and seeing Max a few evenings. Max was going to Matchbox with everyone and he invited me, but the first few weeks of the school year are exhausting, and I just wanted to sit in and chill.

  When I hear a key turn in my front door, I know it’s Max. But I’m confused as I look at my phone and see it’s only ten, that’s a little early for a night at Matchbox. I look at Max amused as he walks in then collapses on my sofa with a sigh.

  “Tough day at the bar?” I ask, puzzled.

  “You have no idea, Harper. This night will go down in the books as historical.” Max rubs his head and throws the keys onto the coffee table.

  I pat his arm entertained. “Historical? But it’s not even ten. Geez, you’re getting old.”

  Max looks at me. “You know how I talk about my friend Leo?”

  “Yeah, for sure. He was away traveling, but you grew up with him and Lucas.”

  “Well, he’s back, which is great. So we were having drinks and then bam, he sees Jess, and let’s just say my theory was 100% correct.” He rubs his face.

  “Whoa, and I missed that epic scene.”

  “Anyhow. Needless to say, he’s probably with her now, and the rest of us felt like the mood for the night was kind of dampened. But it’s fine as I would rather be with you anyways.” He touches my thigh and I love his words as cuddling with him sounds very good right about now.

  I kiss his cheek and nuzzle my way into his arms.

  “I’m happy you’re here. But I feel bad that you didn’t get to have your wild night out with the guys.”

  Max laughs into my hair. “No, I can have a wild night with you.”

  “Hmm what do you have in mind? As much as I love to live up to my mystical creature persona, I am a little beat.” I grin as he moves to the floor on his knees.

  “Won’t be a problem. I’ll do all the work.” His voice sounds determined.

  His hands grab my legs, and he pulls my hips to the edge of the sofa. My legs part for him with ease as his body moves between my legs, making my knees go wider. I know there must be an excited look on my face. His firm thick fingers find the waistband of my pajama pants, and in one swift movement, he peels them down.

  My elbows support me so I can watch his dark-haired head travel between my legs. Leaving a trail using his lips. I know I am already dripping for him, and when his mouth finds my bundle of nerves, I know he plans on collecting every drop.

  “Max.” My moan is breathy.

  I want to look into his eyes as he’s inside me. But right now, his talented tongue and the aching between my legs won’t let me part from this current act. I’m too addicted.

  My tongue drags along my lips as my center leans up into his mouth.

  “Ooh so good. Don’t stop.

  He is sending me into a world where I just want him even more. Without thought, I whip off my top and unhook my bra. I’m getting greedy and I need to feel more and the only answer to help me right now is for my fingers to caress my nipples.

  I’m keening, and it makes Max look up at me. He flashes me an approved look.

  “Max, we need to come together,” I request and beg. “I’m almost there, stop.”

  He doesn’t stop the sliding of his tongue along my flesh. My hands find his head and guide him up. His mouth should land on my lips, but instead he decides my nipples are more appealing in this moment. It doesn’t help my needy feeing that I want to release between my legs.

  I claw his shirt and help guide it swiftly off. He stands to unbuckle his belt.

  “You are so sexy, Harper. Your tits are amazing,” he croons while he undresses.

  Something comes over me and it isn’t from his words, it’s from looking at him in front of me. I want him now.

  “Take me now, Max.” I grab his hand to bring him back above me.

  He kisses me on the mouth, warm.

  Pulling him to me, I guide him to sitting so I can straddle him.

  “Shit. The condom is on the floor in my pocket.”

  My hands cup his face and our eyes meet.

  I don’t say anything, but we both know what we’re asking the other. We haven’t really talked about it, but I’m on birth control and we both have trust for the other even though it’s only been a few weeks.

  “Are you sure?” he double-checks.

  “Yes, I want to feel you.”

  His mouth lands on mine and the air from my lungs draws up as he takes all my air in a deep kiss. Meanwhile, I slide on top of his length and I’m so wet that it is easy for him to enter me.

  “You feel so amazing.” He plants kisses all around my face and neck. Sensual kisses.

  I’m in control of our speed as I clench and drive up and down. He pulls me closer to him. This is turning very intimate, and I love it.


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