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Mine All Mine : Book One

Page 6

by Sofia Giselle

  Nyle growled as Serenity lifted her hips and balanced herself on her hands, moving in formation with his mouth and fingers. She threw her head back. She couldn’t keep up the pace for long. She dropped back to her ass and grabbed the side of her hair with one hand, stroking her breasts with the other. He was driving her wild.

  Fuck yeah.

  Nyle moved his tongue, mouth, and fingers faster, his head wildly moving back and forth between her legs. He watched her; she watched him. She didn’t last much longer. Her cries grew louder as she got closer to her peak. Within seconds she convulsed uncontrollably, her mouth hanging wide open, her long fingers gripping his hair, her thighs squeezing his face, almost suffocating him. Their eyes stayed on one another.

  Nyle kept tasting her, kept feasting on her, his heavy breathing snuggled in her pussy practically drowning out the music.

  “Nyle!” Serenity screamed. Her body trembled unmercifully.

  Nyle leaned up, threw his arms around her, and lowered her to the floor, kissing her. “I need to be inside of you now,” he growled against her lips.

  Still trembling from the aftershocks of her orgasm, Serenity opened herself up to him and put her arms around his back, gripping his damp, muscular skin.

  “Make love to me Nyle,” she whispered.

  Nyle stared longingly at her, savoring the moment. Gripping his wide dick in his hand, he carefully pushed himself inside of her, his mouth dropping open as his eyes held hers. Serenity gripped his shoulders. It had been a while for her, so he knew she was in uncomfortable pain. He wasn’t small by any means. Her eyes were wide as he slowly worked himself inside of her, inch by glorious inch.

  Momentarily, her body relaxed. Her eyes narrowed; her mouth dropped open in delight. His eyes locked with hers as he started to move, licking his lips. Fuck, her pussy felt so good. She was so tight and warm. Goosebumps prickled on his skin. His eyes rolled to the back of his head. He started moving faster, unable to slow down. She smelled delicious. Like lavender and happily ever after. She consumed all his senses.

  He watched her breasts jiggle up and down as he fucked her, rapt. “I can’t take my eyes off you,” he breathlessly whispered.

  Forcibly, her grabbed her hips and arched them towards him, pumping harder. “Fuck baby,” he groaned. “Fuck. Your pussy feels amazing. So amazing. It was worth the wait.”

  He leaned down and kissed her, flicking his tongue in and out of her mouth in rhythm with his vigorous movements.

  He licked and sucked her breasts, his eyes fixed on hers. Her eyes heatedly watched his tongue. Not wanting to ruin the moment and come too soon, he slowed down. He pumped in and out of her at a slow speed, his sounds of pleasure intermingling with hers and harmonizing with the slow wails of the singers on the love song that was currently playing. A mixture of burning sighs, whimpering gasps and echoes of love.

  Nyle pulled back and watched himself going in and out of her, turned on by the sight of his dick branding her pussy, stretching it, spreading it, and making it wholly and completely his.

  Before long, Serenity’s eyes stretched wide and closed. She arched her back, letting out a wail that sounded so sexy it curled his toes. He started pumping faster. Serenity exploded, digging her nails in his back repeatedly.

  That’s right baby, that’s right.

  He wasn’t going to stop until he pulled at least four orgasms out of her. She was going to remember this night forever. After tonight, she would never think about Tristan again. That was his mission. That motherfucker was going to be insignificant. A distant memory. The five years before she became his would be completely obliterated and washed away.

  “I want you to belong to me,” he thickly muttered, his voice dark and low. “I want you to be mine and only mine.”

  Still caught up in her gut-wrenching orgasm, Serenity could only render an incoherent reply.

  “Say you love me,” he panted, thrusting harder. “Say you love me. Say it.”

  “I love you! I love you!”

  Still not satisfied, Nyle began to move even faster and harder.

  “Nyle! Nyle! Nyle! Nyle! Nyle!”

  You’ll never want anyone ever again. No one else will ever touch you, kiss you, fuck you; make love to you like I do. Look at you like I do. You belong to me. You are mine, all mine. Mine, mine, mine

  He didn’t realize he’d said all of that out loud until Serenity arched her mouth to his, kissing the words from his lips. “Yours,” she breathed against his lips. “All yours.”

  Nyle grabbed her beneath her legs and stuck them straight up in the air, spreading them even wider. He started moving faster and couldn’t stop. This woman made him feel like The Little Engine That Could. The energy he felt was amazing.

  Serenity screamed in protest, but he kept going, fucking her hard like he was crazy out of his mind with lust. He started slapping her on the ass and she giggled uproariously, enjoying this newfound aggression from him. Her pussy was gobbling up his dick, squeezing it, hugging it; making sucking noises.

  Yes. That’s my greedy pussy. My pussy. All mine.

  Nyle wasn’t going to last much longer. He could feel the surge building up inside of him and it was going to be hard and painful. But it was going to feel so fuckin’ good.

  Nyle slowed down again, pacing himself. He ran his hand down the length of her body and rubbed her smooth ass. He cupped her breasts with his hands and sucked them hard, biting the nipples. His body hummed. His nerve endings were on fire.

  “Fuck baby,” he rasped, thrusting long and deep. “Fuck.” He touched her face with the back of his hand. “Look at me. Look at me.”

  Those beautiful brown eyes focused on his and the dam broke. Nyle’s back went rigid; his entire body trembled. He released inside of her, his breath expelling in a slow, steady hiss. He collapsed on top of her with his fingers tangled in her hair.

  Serenity ran her fingers through his hair and kissed the top of his head. “I love you,” she tearfully whispered.

  Nyle’s eyes closed with gratitude. He released a heavy, happy sigh. That was all he needed to her. He lifted his head to look into her eyes. Holding her face in both his hands, he lowered his mouth to hers and tenderly kissed her.

  “I’ll love you always,” he said against her mouth. “You’re never getting rid of me. Ever.”

  Their eyes closed as they became lost in a long, passionate kiss. Nyle held her tight, almost squeezing her as he deepened the kiss.

  Mine today, mine tomorrow, forever mine and only mine.

  Three months later…


  The motherfucker was thirty minutes late. Tristan was getting ready to say fuck it and leave. But he was on a mission. It had been three months since they’d gotten married. Tristan would’ve tried to contact him sooner, but it honestly took him that long to calm down and refocus. The rage inside of him was not 100% at bay. He still wanted to kill Nyle. But unlike three months before, he now knew that wasn’t going to fix anything. That wasn’t going to solve the problem. It would only isolate him from Serenity further and turn her completely away from him. He couldn’t risk that.

  Tristan’s left foot shook uncontrollably. He ran his fingers through his hair. His nerves were shot. He’d had five cups of strong coffee in the past thirty minutes and it had done nothing to calm him. It only made his nerves worse. He wanted a cigarette so bad he could literally taste it in his mouth, but he’d kicked that silent killer habit a while ago. He wished he could call someone for support, but they’d only try to talk him out of what he was doing. Especially his Mother and Ricky. They had been pleading with him for the last few months to move on from Serenity and Nyle; let them live their lives. Forget about her. Tristan wasn’t going to do that. Tristan couldn’t do that. This thing was far from over. He wasn’t going to rest until he had his Serenity back in his arms. He had no doubt he could make that happen. He just needed time. More than that, he needed to see her. If he didn’t see her soon, he honestly believed he was g
oing to die from a broken heart.

  Tristan glanced up at the long mirror beside the booth he was sitting in and cringed. He hated the way he looked. He looked like shit. His hair was longer than he liked it, he hadn’t shaved in weeks, and his eyes were bloodshot red from lack of sleep and too much drinking.

  He was disgusted with himself about drinking again. That had been a difficult addiction to kick, but he had to do something to keep himself calm. To stay numb amidst all the rage and fury. He knew it was a superficial fix but shit, it worked. Now after years of sobriety, he was drinking again. His doctor would not be pleased, and neither would his therapist. Or his sponsor. Or his meditation coach. He thanked God they weren’t in the US to witness the hell his life had torpedoed down to in such a short time.

  The drinking wasn’t the half of it. He hadn’t been eating well and he’d lost an unhealthy amount of weight, at least fifty pounds. He tried to make himself eat but he couldn’t hold anything down. Food didn’t taste the same to him anymore. He’d vomited before coming to the café.

  Tristan looked around the small, intimate café and felt relief swoop his body. The café was a few blocks from his mom’s house. It was an older business; mostly senior citizens patronized the establishment, but it was unusually empty this morning. And that’s what he needed. He wanted to make sure an audience wasn’t around in case he and Nyle had a major blowout. He had no doubt in his mind that was coming.

  Placing his head in his hands, Tristan slowly breathed in through his nose and exhaled through his mouth. He needed to regulate his breathing. His heart drummed against his neck at a relentless pace. He was going to have a freaking heart attack if he didn’t calm down. He couldn’t risk that. He needed to stay alive so he could see her again. She was the only thing keeping his heart beating now. If he wasn’t so hell-bent on getting her back and 100% sure that he could, he would’ve killed himself three months ago as soon as he heard the news.

  Mrs. Nyle Wentworth. His girl, the love of his life, Serenity, was now Mrs. Nyle Wentworth. She had married his best friend. His fucking best friend!

  Tristan huffed and roughly ran his fingers through his hair again, swallowing hard to ward off the vomit that threatened to unleash itself again. The fucking irony of it all. There was a God. And He fucking hated Tristan’s guts.

  “Would you like more coffee sir?”

  Tristan lifted his head at the quiet, feminine voice that had interrupted his thoughts. He blinked several times to clear his bleary eyes. This was a different waitress from the one who had been serving him since he’d gotten there.

  She was a cute, young redhead with glasses and bushy hair tied up in a messy bun. Tristan watched her eyes grow big with acknowledgment and knew she recognized him. He braced himself for the backlash he knew was coming.

  “I’m sorry,” the young lady nervously stammered. “I know you probably hear this all the time, and I’m sure you get tired of it… But can I have your autograph? Please?” She held her breath and restlessly moved from one foot to the next, hope dancing in her emerald green eyes as she waited on him to answer.

  Tristan stared at her in mute disbelief. “You want my autograph?” he gravelly whispered.

  “You are Tristan Knight, aren’t you?”

  Tristan didn’t answer her right away. “Yeah.”

  “Well, can I have your autograph?” She looked around the restaurant like she was making sure her boss or one of her co-workers didn’t see her consorting with a customer.

  Tristan blankly looked at her, then slowly nodded. “Sure.”

  The waitress tore a piece of paper from her order form, sat it on the table, and reached him her pen, anxiously looking around the restaurant again. Tristan tightly pressed his lips together as he signed his name and prayed he wouldn’t cry. He was grateful for the attention the young fan was bestowing on him. He hadn’t had anyone ask him for his autograph in almost six years. The media and the fans had pretty much turned their backs on him when he’d all but vanished from the spotlight.

  At the time the scandal of what he’d done to his long-love Serenity (who surprisingly was tremendously adored and loved by he and Nyle’s ardent fans) broke, as well as how carelessly and thoughtlessly he walked away from the band that had made him famous without an explanation, a press conference, or a press release, it had made him a vile enemy of many in the industry, including record executives. He knew he deserved the hostility and backlash with the way he’d handled things, but it had hurt just the same.

  “I know you moved to Europe a few years ago,” the waitress was saying. “Are you back for good now?”

  Tristan slowly finished signing the autograph, blinking back tears. “Yeah. I was there for about six and a half years.”

  “Well, I’m so glad you’re back. Are you coming out with any new music soon? I would love to hear something new from you.”

  Tristan looked up at her and gratefully smiled at her, handing her back the paper. “I don’t have anything in the works right now, but I plan to get back to it as soon as I can.”

  “Well, I hope you do!” she excitedly proclaimed, jumping up and down. “I love the music you and Nyle used to put out, but I loved the side projects you did even more. You have a beautiful voice. It deserves to be heard by the world again.”

  Tristan smiled widely at her. “Thank you.”

  “Well, I better go before I get in trouble. Thank you again!”

  She sauntered off to the next table before he could thank her for making him feel better. Her devotion to him had done wonders for his shattered pride. He had been thinking of getting back into music, but he wasn’t sure the public would welcome him back. Her response to him gave him hope. Until he looked up and saw who had just entered the café.


  Nyle entered dressed casually in a dark jacket, navy button-down shirt, and black trousers. He had his hair combed back off his face and his face was covered with thick facial hair that mirrored Tristan’s. Only Nyle’s was better groomed.

  Tristan’s chest constricted as he watched him, his fists balled with rage, his eyes narrowed vehemently and trained on his best friend turned enemy as he looked around the café in search of him. Finally, he spotted Tristan sitting in the back of the café, off to the side. Slight recognition triggered in his eyes followed by an arrogant gleam. This wasn’t the same Nyle. This guy was over-confident and defiant. A selfish backstabber. The old Nyle would have never thought about settling down with or taking the woman Tristan loved away from him.

  Holding unflinching eye contact with Tristan, Nyle casually walked to the back of the room towards the table where Tristan sat. Not speaking, he sat down across from him and put his hands on the table in front of him, folding them. He stiffly sat there saying nothing, blandly looking at Tristan.

  Tristan could hear himself breathing and quietly inhaled and exhaled again, wiling his rage to subside. This wasn’t going to be a pleasant or polite exchange if he didn’t get it together. His revenge would come soon enough. He would be vindicated. Right now, he had to keep his head so he could get what he wanted. He already knew from the look in Nyle’s eyes it wasn’t going to be easy. But Tristan’s stubborn pride convinced him that he would have his way and win in the end.

  Tristan cleared his raw throat and took a long swig of the now cold coffee in front of him. He sat the cup down on the saucer louder than he’d intended and folded his arms on the table, gazing coolly at Nyle. “Nyle.”

  Nyle nodded once. “Tristan.” His voice was flat and unfriendly.

  Tristan looked at him for a minute, his face tense, his fists still balled in knots, before continuing. He inhaled and exhaled one last time, unclenching his fists. “I appreciate you meeting me here,” he quietly said. “I know- “

  “Oh my God! Oh my God! Nyle! Nyle? You’re here too? I can’t believe this! This is amazing! Two for the price of one!”

  Tristan looked up in annoyance to see the waitress from earlier hovering over them. He in
wardly sighed and tried to give her a friendly smile. “Hon, could you give us a minute please? We’re trying to- “

  “Nyle can I have your autograph?” she pleaded, ignoring Tristan. “Please?”

  “We’re talking over some important things right now sweetheart,” Nyle drawled not looking at her, his eyes still planted on Tristan. “Could you give us a minute? I promise I’ll give it to you before I leave.” He glanced over at her. “Oh, and can you make sure no one disturbs us while we’re here? It’s been a while and there are more than a few important things we need to get off our chests. Thanks.”

  He looked back at Tristan, dismissing the overenthusiastic fan. She was unfazed. “Oh sure! Sure, I will! And please, I mean yes! I would love to get your autograph before you leave. I’m on a twelve-hour shift so I’ll be here! Bye!”


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