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A Hunter Found: A Paranormal Vampire Romance (Hired Hunters Series Book 3)

Page 7

by Kimberly Forrest

  Kane grimaced. “I don’t even remember meeting her. We think she did something to my memory.”

  Jourdain leaned back in his chair as he blew out a stream of smoke and his eyes narrowed. “Interesting.”

  Not interesting. Not for Kane. Frustrating was the better word, and he was about to say as much but bit it back when he noticed Jourdain’s face. The man was contemplating something, that was clear, yet, instead of sharing his thoughts with Kane, the leader of The Order of Witches suddenly changed the subject. “Now, about the other matter you wanted to discuss. My calling you Kane, implying a certain intimacy, a friendship if you will.”

  Knowing he may never get this chance again, Kane quickly shifted gears from the annoying black hole that was the witch in the footage to the alliance he so eagerly wanted, though he was smart enough to keep that eagerness out of his voice. “Olivier Rodolfo was a fool.”

  “Agreed. Though I can think of a few stronger adjectives to describe the man.”

  “What I’m proposing,” Kane said, “Is an alliance between the vampires, the witches, and the shifters. You, me, and Archer Langley, all working together to maintain peace. We all share this territory, it makes sense to work as a team instead of fighting amongst ourselves for no good reason.”

  Jourdain seemed amused. “Ah, a veritable supernatural utopia.”

  Kane frowned, not sure if he was being mocked.

  “So, after centuries of oppression under the previous regime, you expect us to simply trust that you have our best interests in mind? Do you even know what our interests are?”

  Jourdain scrubbed a hand over his bald head and sighed. “Don’t answer that. It was rhetorical as I know very well you do not. Did Langley agree to this?”

  “He hasn’t yet. And I don’t expect either of you to just go all in because I suggested it. What I’d like is for the three of us to be able to sit down together, talk things out, discuss what we want and what we hope to accomplish. Then, hopefully, we work to make it happen. Together.”

  Kane noted that the other man seemed to be thinking about it as he puffed on his cigar. Taking a sip of his scotch, enjoying the smooth burn down the back of his throat, Kane patiently waited.

  “I’ll agree to the meeting if Langley does,” Jourdain finally offered and Kane wanted to thrust his fist in the air and shout ‘hell, yeah!’, instead, he clamped his cigar between his teeth and attempted to look like he wasn’t about to burst with a sense of accomplishment.

  Blowing out a stream of smoke, Kane asked, “Have you found that woman you were looking for? Evangeline?”

  Jourdain’s lips tightened. “Not yet.”

  Ready to show that he was willing to put his money where his mouth was when it came to the proposed alliance, Kane offered, “Just say the word and I’ll put all of my resources to work for you, help you find her.”

  A raised brow. “You’re actually being sincere, aren’t you?” He shook his head. “But then, I suppose it makes sense considering you were part of Morgan Rhys’s Hunter team. She’s a woman of remarkable integrity.”

  Throwing back the last of his scotch, Jourdain, seeming to have come to some sort of decision, leaned forward in his seat. “I haven’t been entirely honest with you.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “The woman in the footage you sent me. I was truthful when I told you I didn’t recognize her, but what I omitted was that she could be Evangeline.”

  Kane frowned. “I’m not sure I follow.”

  Jourdain stubbed out his cigar and stood, pacing in the limited square of space behind his desk. “Evangeline Duvalier is my aunt. She’s also an extremely powerful witch capable of disguising herself with glamour to look however she chooses, and with me and my people looking for her, she will definitely be concealing her true appearance.”

  “Why would your aunt be hiding from you? Better yet, why would she align herself with vampires?”

  “Because I believe they helped her escape.”

  “Escape?” Okay, Kane was missing too many pieces of this puzzle.

  “As I said, Evangeline is extremely powerful, potentially one of the most powerful witches on the planet.”

  Kane felt his eyes bulge. “More powerful than you?”

  A sharp nod was his answer and Kane’s mouth fell open. He’d seen what Jourdain could do, couldn’t imagine anyone stronger than the man before him. Shaking his head at a notion that was seriously close to blowing his mind, Kane instead focused on the question Jourdain hadn’t answered. “You said escape, that implies that she was held captive.”

  Jourdain grimaced. “Her lust for power knew no bounds. She embraced forbidden magics, dark spells that are banned for very good reasons and that magic corrupted her, warped her mind. For everyone’s safety, including her own, we chose to bind her, imprison her, but that required cooperative magic.”

  Imprisoned by her own family? And here Kane had thought his family drama was bad.

  Bracing his hands against the desk, Jourdain leaned in. “Those witches that were left as a challenge to you were also key anchors to that spell, and I don’t believe in coincidence.”

  Kane was starting to get it. “So, she made a deal with the rogues, pointed out the witches that needed to be killed so she gets her freedom, probably with promises that in freeing her they’d get power over this territory.”

  Releasing a little huff of laughter devoid of humor, Kane shook his head. “They got the raw end of the deal considering all but one of the suspected rogues are dead. Meanwhile, an insanely powerful witch is roaming around, plotting who knows what with no way for us to positively identify her, and I have a hole in my memory that may or may not have been caused by the same witch.” He considered that for a moment with a frown. “If it was your missing Evangeline, what would she want with me?”

  “Good question. You don’t remember anything?”

  “I remember going to the bar to ask about the rogue that’s still at large and to show his picture to the bartenders. Then, nothing. That footage I sent you, I don’t remember any of that. The next thing I know, I’m waking up on my couch the following night.”

  “She didn’t take something from your person or apartment? Nothing’s missing?”

  Kane shook his head. “Just my memories.”

  Jourdain nodded his head thoughtfully as he mulled things over. “She may have been gathering information, questioning you while you were in her thrall.”

  Oh, wow, didn’t that just give his heart the warm and fuzzies? Kane thought with a wry twist of his lips. And God only knew what he’d given up if that was the case.

  “Is there anything you can do to retrieve the memories? Some spell or hypnosis or something?”

  “If she had simply blocked your memories, that footage would have jarred something loose. Having seen it and still not remembered, that means she took the memories. They’re no longer there for me to find for you.”

  Well, that sucked.


  Their time at the salon took quite a bit longer than expected. Of course, an all-over color plus highlights took time, not that Morgan or Jamie complained. She’d felt guilty for keeping them just the same, but now, Sophia couldn’t stop staring at herself in any and every reflective surface she could find. Such an improvement. No more dull, lifeless gray. Her hair was once again brown with blonde highlights, blown out and curled so that it fell in big bouncy waves. She loved it.

  She’d also insisted on paying for it herself despite the other women’s loud protestations. Morgan and Jamie were Kane’s friends, his former teammates, while Sophia was little more than an acquaintance to whom the Born vampire was being nice. She wasn’t about to take advantage of his generosity, especially when she’d done a lot more than get her nails done.

  But what a difference her hair had made for her confidence. Sophia felt like she was walking taller as they entered the Mexican restaurant where they were meeting Kane, her smile brighter.

  Kane was easy enou
gh to spot, her eyes going straight to him as if she had radar. Pulling up short, Sophia couldn’t help but chuckle. “Is he wearing a sombrero?”

  Both Morgan and Jamie laughed as well as they spotted Kane near the bar wearing a massive hat complete with colorful fringe. Jamie let out a hoot of appreciation. “I predict drunk darts in our future.”

  “Drunk darts?”

  Leaning in, Morgan explained in a whisper, “Vampires can’t get drunk, not really, so the two of them will occasionally spend time in a bar drinking, stumble about like they’re drunk, and then con some poor, unsuspecting human into playing darts for money.”

  Laughing, Sophia shook her head. “Poor humans.”

  Morgan shrugged, “They keep the wager pretty low, five or ten bucks, and it doesn’t usually last long. The humans tend to catch on pretty quickly.”

  As they approached the bar, Sophia realized Kane wasn’t alone, had apparently invited her brother as well as Jamie’s mate, Archer, and Archer’s daughter, Cady – who was also wearing a sombrero, though a much smaller one.

  Cady’s eyes lit up when she spotted Sophia, her excitement palpable. Poor kid. According to Jamie, the little girl had been wanting to spend time with Sophia, excited to meet the woman who controlled a dragon, but thanks to Sophia’s spectacular lack of control after waking, Cady and the other young ones had been kept well away.

  Patting the empty barstool next to her, Cady bounced in her seat. “Come sit next to me, Sophia.”

  As Sophia settled onto the seat, Jamie leaned in to ask the girl, “What are you drinking, sweetie?”

  “A sombrero.”

  Jamie’s eyes went round and Sophia chuckled as Archer mouthed, ‘It’s chocolate milk’ while Kane shook a pair of maracas and announced, “Drinking sombreros, wearing sombreros, and ready to eat tacos. Isn’t that right, munchkin?”

  “That’s right,” Cady happily agreed.

  Travis slid in on Sophia’s other side with a smile, his eyes moving over her face. “Your hair looks great, but you also look happy. I like seeing that sparkle back in your eyes.”

  “I feel good,” she said. “I feel motivated. I’m excited to train.”

  He nodded, though his happiness dimmed a bit at the mention of training. “Purpose is a good thing.”

  Nudging his shoulder, she changed the subject. “I no longer want to bite your mate, so that’s a good thing, right?”

  Travis chuckled, his hand sweeping through his hair leaving some of the locks sticking up at odd angles. “Well, that’s a load off my mind.”

  “Did I hear that right?” Morgan cut in, popping her head between theirs with a grin. “Did I earn the coveted Sister Approved badge?” And then louder, “That calls for a round of margaritas!”

  Chapter Twelve

  Kane couldn’t seem to tear his eyes off of Sophia. Finally, she had shed that ballcap and released that glorious mane of hair. Hair he wanted to twine through his fingers, bury his face in, have curtained around him as she rode him, screaming his name…

  Stifling that thought before he did something stupid like walk over there and throw the woman over his shoulder to drag her off to the nearest dark corner – a foolhardy notion considering the beast she contained within that delectable body – Kane downed the margarita that was set before him and gave the maracas another cheerful shake. “I’m starving. Who’s ready for tacos?”

  The question was met with resounding approval, and Kane purposely hung back as everyone made their way to their table so he could accompany Sophia. The call he’d made to Travis and Archer had been purposeful, if a bit sneaky, as now the numbers were two couples and a family unit, pairing him nicely as Sophia’s date, even if she didn’t know it. Oh, he had every intention of asking her out on a legitimate date, but he hadn’t been able to resist taking advantage of a situation when it presented itself. He was Born after all, and opportunistic was pretty much hard-wired into his species’ DNA.

  “Did you have fun this afternoon?” he asked, keeping his voice down, though, for what reason, he wasn’t sure. It wasn’t like he was talking dirty to her, but for some reason, he wanted all his conversations with her to be private. Just him and her.

  She nodded eagerly, her smile bright. “I did. Thank you for suggesting it.”

  Practically beaming at the pleasure clearly written on her face, and the thought that he’d put it there, Kane had to clear his throat before he could say, “You’re welcome.”

  “And I’m so glad you picked Mexican. I love tacos. I’m so hungry I could probably eat like twenty.”

  Damn. She really was a woman after his own heart. Pulling out her chair for her, Kane’s voice might have been teasing, but he was completely truthful as he remarked, “Now that’s something I’d like to see.”

  Taking his own seat, he watched as Sophia turned her head and quirked one eyebrow adorably. “Are you doubting my taco eating ability, Mister Fletcher?”

  She was playing with him and he loved it. Mirroring her expression, he formally returned, “Indeed not, Miss St. John. In fact, I think you may prove a worthy opponent. I challenge you here and now to a taco eating contest.”

  Both her brows shot up before her expression morphed into an evil grin. “You’re on.”

  “Twenty tacos each. The first one to finish wins.”

  “And the stakes?”

  Good question. Kane knew what he’d like to wager, was in no doubt what Kane Junior would like him to wager, but things like that needed to be freely given, and never because someone had lost a bet. He may be opportunistic, but there were certain lines even he didn’t cross. Now, if he asked her, and she suggested naked fun, he certainly wouldn’t tell her no. Squirming slightly in his seat to relieve the sudden, and quite uncomfortable snugness in his pants at the hoped-for answer, Kane put it to her. “What would you like?”

  Her face turned thoughtful for a moment before it noticeably brightened. “If I win, I get to have an evening alone in your glorious new tub.”

  Naked, wet skin gleaming by the glow of candlelight, bubbles playing peek-a-boo with her flesh as they popped around her. Kane swallowed hard, the mental image so compelling that all he could do was nod wordlessly at her suggestion.

  “And if you win?” she prompted, driving him from this newest fantasy that was going straight into his spank bank to be fully explored later that night.

  He needed to shift in his seat again, though the movement did little to ease the ache in his groin. He also needed to clear his throat – twice – yet his voice still croaked as he said, “If I win, I get to see your dragon.”

  Seeing her dragon was a relatively safe wager. Well, safe in the sense that expressing the wish probably wouldn’t get him slapped, but it was a wish he’d been hoarding. Dragon shifters were extremely rare. Most supernaturals would never see one in their entire existence. He’d seen Travis in his dragon form briefly and from a distance when the man had assisted in finding Jamie after she was taken by the rogue vamps, but he’d wanted to see Sophia’s dragon since the moment he’d first met her. He wanted to meet that other side of her…

  “It would have to be on pack territory, so you’ll have to get Archer’s approval, but otherwise, I’m good with that.”

  With the deal struck, they ordered their tacos.

  The excitement around the table was palpable, everyone else’s food was forgotten as they cheered on Kane and Sophia. Even the waitstaff and other patrons joined in, chanting their encouragement, not that he needed it. He had this. Food was his thing. There was no chance that Sophia could possibly –


  With half a taco still hanging out of his mouth and one remaining on his plate, Kane’s head turned sharply to meet Sophia’s smug grin and her empty platter. Loud cheering resounded as everyone rushed to congratulate the victor – that was not him.

  It was in that moment, that Kane knew he’d not only lost the contest, but also his heart. Sophia St. John was absolutely, no doubt about it, perfect f
or him. Shoving the remainder of the taco into his mouth, he’d barely finished swallowing when the words, “Marry me,” tripped off his tongue.

  The statement was met with uproarious laughter all around, a few quips about eating skills being the only way to impress Kane, though he couldn’t have said who made that observation. But while everyone took his words as a joke, including Sophia who was laughingly merrily, her eyes sparkling with mirth, Kane wasn’t entirely sure he hadn’t been sincere.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Sophia groaned as she rolled onto her back and then groaned again even louder when she attempted to sit up. Strength training sucked. Travis and Morgan had dragged her out of bed before the sun had even risen, to go for a run, though she had to admit that hadn’t been so bad since several of the pack juveniles had joined them. Those juveniles had peppered Morgan with questions, and she’d happily shared all sorts of interesting facts about Hunters, and specifically, the Born. Sophia had paid particular attention, hoarding the information though she wouldn’t admit it out loud, since it gave her some insight into Kane Fletcher, her newest and favorite bad habit.

  She’d learned that unlike Turned vampires, the Born only needed to drink blood rarely, and were far less prone to go into bloodlust provided they didn’t suffer a debilitating injury. She also learned that the large majority of the Born could shift forms, either to fog or into a cloud of bats. She had not known that. She’d been so intrigued, her attention so focused on the information, she’d barely noticed the distance she’d been running or the speed she’d been maintaining, but of course, that had only been the start of her day.

  The sit-ups she’d done hadn’t been too bad either, though she was definitely feeling the after-effects now. Her push-ups, however, had been pathetic, managing only a grand total of three, while her number of chin-ups could be counted on a single finger only if she rounded up. Releasing another groan, Sophia knocked her forehead against her bent knees.


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