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Dragon Vanquished: A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance (Dragon Gladiators Book 4)

Page 18

by Zara Stark

  “How did you know?” I asked him, surprised he had been that perceptive. Azar wasn’t stupid of course but he usually wasn’t the most observant. Of course, sex would be the exception.

  “Please, Cobalt was super into it when he caught us and Nevada,” Azar shrugged. “Figured that he would be the other guy that was into it.”

  I was a bit shocked. All four of them were pretty possessive, I was sure that sharing was off of the table. At least for Raiden and Cobalt. I was fairly surprised over Cobalt’s interest in it. Now Raiden? He would never go for it.

  Azar pulling me to feet and kissing me knocked me out of my thoughts. Alright, guess we were doing this right now. My body responded to Azar’s touch, aching for him. He leaned down, kissing me hard. I could feel Cobalt’s intense gaze on us and it sent shivers down my spine. I couldn’t believe we were doing this. The last time had been completely spontaneous. This time was completely intentional and somehow even hotter. Could we do this again with Nevada included? Could my clumsy uncoordinated-self handle that? As I kissed Azar, I felt him undo my card holster, tossing it onto the table then his fingers traveled to the knot in my dress. The silken fabric came undone and slid softly down my body until it was a puddle on the floor.

  That was when I heard Cobalt from across the room, rushing over to us. Azar continued to roughly kiss my mouth, his hands on my hips. Cobalt came up behind me and began to kiss my neck, trailing his rough hands over the curve of my shoulders.

  My entire body trembled and I let out a moan. Oh Gods.

  They continued to kiss me. I felt one of Cobalt’s hand sneak past my waist and down my stomach until I felt his fingers reach my sex. He began to trace my clit with his middle finger and I let out a little squeak into Azar’s mouth. Azar’s hands left my lips and rose to my breasts, the force of it pressing me back up against Cobalt’s chest. Cobalt continued to stroke me as Azar’s tongue twirled with mine.

  Before I knew it, we had stumbled to the bed. Azar roughly yanked his clothing off without breaking our kiss.

  He lay back on the bed looking up at me, palming his erection as I looked down at him, Cobalt still touching me. I grinned at him. I walked over and climbed on top of him. My fire dragon practically purred like a kitten as I settled over his hips, gripping his cock in my hand. I pumped the smooth skin in my hands a few times, Azar’s eyes clouding over with pleasure.

  “Please stop teasing, Taves,” Azar whined and with a dramatic sigh, I stopped. I moved my hips, lining us up and sank down on his cock. His impressive length stretching me.

  I looked over my shoulder to meet Cobalt’s eyes, his garnet eyes growing dark as I put on a show of rocking myself on Azar. He ran a hand down his face and swallowed hard.

  I crooked a finger at him and turned back around to focus on Azar. I ran my fingernails down his chest, making Azar growl and smirk up at me. I felt the bed dip, Cobalt was finally going to join us.

  I leaned forward to kiss Azar on the lips. I felt Cobalt dip a finger in my ass, I supressed the urge to jump. He moved it in and out of me, stretching me. One of his thick fingers had nothing on his cock though. I was a bit nervous about taking in all of Cobalt back there. The next second, I felt some cold liquid drip back there. At least he had been thinking ahead, he had got something for lubricant. I could feel his hardness straining against me, desperate for me. He began to press into me from behind. Azar’s hands locked around my waist, pinning me on his cock. I laid on his chest, perfectly still as Cobalt pressed even deeper inside me. Azar pressed a kiss to my head, oh so tender even though he was still as hard as ever inside of me. Finally Cobalt bottomed out and I let out a sigh of relief. It was kind of painful, I felt so very full. Cobalt’s breath was coming out in agonizing pants and groans, he was as hard as I had ever felt him. I could feel his cock twitch inside of me, yearning to move.

  I slowly began to move me body. The guys letting me decide the pace. Both of them let out strangled moans. I built my pace up as the pain receded and pleasure took its place. I gripped my hands onto Azar’s muscled shoulders and undulated my body between them. A strange kind of power came over me, how I could control and dominate these two powerful men with just my heart and my body. The thought thrilled me and I let pleasure took over me.

  My orgasm hit me like a freight train, coming out of nowhere. I let out a strangled moan, crying out both of their names. Cobalt followed right after me, his release hitting him hard. He couldn’t control the thrashing thrusts that overcame, wildly rocking into me, crushing me to Azar’s chest. Azar came then too, pumping his release into me. My body tingled like it was on fire. I rolled next to Azar, Cobalt taking the other side. I laid back and stared at the ceiling, feeling utterly boneless and completely pleasured. That was intense. I had never thought I would be into it but I was. I couldn’t wait to go again.

  And we did again right after that, bringing each other’s body to release again and again until the late hours of the night.

  We left the inn before dawn, the staff had frozen in place as we passed them. I should be embarrassed, there was no way they hadn't heard what happened the night before. I was becoming very shameless. It was like my sense of sensibilities and common human decency were going from human to dragon. My cheeks burned, I wasn't embarrassed a bit and that made me ashamed of myself. I had always had a very healthy sex life. I lost my virginity in my teens and had been regularly having sex since then. I would never be ashamed of sex or pleasure but fucking in front of people like Cobalt and I had in Alexandria? Cobalt, Azar and I being so loud all night long so that everyone in the inn could here? I was becoming just as shameless as they were.

  When we got home to Iowa, it would be okay. I had my own house and no one could complain about the noise. I hoped we all fit into my house. Their childhood home had been sold years ago, mine was still standing but it only had four bedrooms. It did have a large finished basement that my father had turned into a game room, it was probably full of cobwebs, I had no reason to use it after my guys left and my parents died.

  As we left the inn and followed the scent of cooking food, a giddiness started to come over me. Tartarus and my temporary team had all told me it was impossible to get me back but I two-for-two so far. If I ever saw Tartarus again, I would scream "I told you so" at the top of my lungs like the immature brat I totally was on the inside. We made it to a stall selling meat and both of my guys got four people's worth of meat for breakfast. We walked down a little further and purchased me more fruit and cheese. Azar lead me to the beach and we sat in the sand and watched the sun start to peek over the eastern horizon as we ate in silence.

  The soft lighting and lapping of the morning tide on the shore were soothing but it did nothing to assuage my excitement. In another day or two, we would see Raiden. Obviously, I felt safe and loved with Azar and Cobalt but knowing I would soon have Raiden back filled me with a different sense of relief. He was our team leader and master strategist. Somehow when we had him back, I would know that everything would be alright and work out. I winced thinking of our reunion. He would be pretty pissed about the whole Tartarus and Team Wildcard situation. He would be even more pissed that I had taken on dragon Cobalt and Azar though. I took for granted how Cobalt and Azar (and of course Nevada but he was somewhere in the Alps buried in the snow) viewed me. They treated me like an equal like I was just as strong as they were even if my power was different than theirs. Raiden was an asshole and a bossy one at that. He knew I was strong but wouldn't have liked me putting myself in danger. I hoped he understood that I really hadn't had any options. It had been fight or die, escape or waste away in a prison for eternity. After seeing all those other creatures Tartarus had in his prison, I was starting to doubt whether he would have ever let us go or kept us like the others. I hoped I would never find out. Vulcan be damned, if Tartarus popped up trying to kill me now, I would use that trap he had given me on Tartarus instead.

  I shoved my anxious thoughts away and tried to focus my mind on Raiden an
d Nevada. On either side of me, Azar and Cobalt were ripping and tearing at their meat. A smile made its way to my lips.

  "Remind me to reteach you some table manners when we get home, can't take you guys on any dates if you're gnawing on meat like a pack of wolves," I chuckled.

  "Oh please, you're lucky we're even eating cooked meat," Azar looked up at me from his breakfast and scoffed.

  "Juicy, raw meat tastes much better," Cobalt grinned at me and I winced.

  "Gross," I cringed at them.

  "We don't talk shit about you eating twigs and berries," Azar stuck his tongue out at me. "Or bread. It's made out of yeast you know."

  "It's made out of wheat and has a bit of yeast in it, don't spin it like that," I shook my head at him.

  "Well fine, if you ever take us on any dates, I promise I'll be on my best behavior," Azar saluted me.

  All three of us burst into laughter. Azar behave? Never.

  "Remember my thirteenth birthday party at the Mini Golf Course when you got us all kicked out?' I asked him.

  "Remember her eighth birthday and you not only popped the bouncy house, you turned it completely upside down first?" Cobalt added.

  "Good times," Azar grinned.

  The sun had started to rise further on the horizon, casting long fingers of light over the sea.

  "We need to get going if we're going to reach Barcaggio today," Cobalt stood and brushed the sand off of him and held a hand out for me, I took it and he pulled me to my feet as I shoved my last bit of cheese and fig into my mouth. Azar popped up and we started the walk out of town. Most of the townsfolk were just starting to rise but the merchant district was already thriving and lively. No one spoke to us as we passed them, the merchants in Rome had really been used to all the dragons living there. I hadn't ever seen anyone fear them like people did in the ancient world. Back in Rome, people feared my four dragons because of their might in the gladiator ring. People back in our small town had given them a wide berth because of their stature and intimidating personalities. Even though I had seen first hand how dangerous they could be

  We made it out of town in just a few minutes and both of them wasted no time in getting their clothes off to shift. That had to be annoying, getting dressed for only a few minutes before you needed to take them off again. I snagged their clothes before they hit the dirt and stuffed them into my bag.

  I stepped back from them so they could shift and marveled as they went from men to giant lizards before my eyes. Cobalt already had his spikes arranged so I could climb up then. He couldn't talk so I guessed that his silent way of saying hurry up. I scrambled up to his back and sat in the little notched just below his neck. After moving his spikes to secure me, they stretched their wings and took off into the sky. They headed north, their wings beating hard against the early morning winds. It shocked me that we would be making it to the northern tip of Corsica already, that meant we were less than two days from seeing Raiden.

  Our flight north was an easy one, Corsica was a much smaller island just north of Sardinia. Besides the moist sea air, Azar wouldn't be subjected to any water today. We touched down in Barcaggio about two hours after sunset. We didn't stop for dinner before finding an inn, Cobalt fell asleep as soon as we entered our room and Azar and I made love on the balcony and fell asleep on the large chaise on the balcony. Cobalt woke us the next day and we got breakfast, sitting on the beach again. At this point in history, Corsica was part of the Roman empire but in our modern day, it was a region of France.

  I was too excited to notice much of anything about the city, it wasn't the capital but it was a major port city and very beautiful. We rushed through breakfast and out of the city. We were flying in the air within our first waking hour. We would still be heading north but instead of flying over land we would be flying over the sea. I hoped the trip would only last the day, half the point of traveling this way was not weakening Azar by having him land in the ocean.

  Flying over the sea made me freeze all over again, the sea air streaming at me at the fast speed that Cobalt flew made me feel like I was riding in a sports car with my hair down. Even having Azar nearby only warmed me up a few degrees but not enough to feel comfortable. However cold the wind made me, it didn't diminish the bright sunlight beating down on my neck and shoulders. I moved the fabric of my dress around but I knew I was still getting UV rays through the diaphanous fabric.

  We landed in Genoa just afternoon, I guess the time by where the sun was in the sky. Azar and Cobalt slowed their pace in the air.

  "Do we look for him today or should we try to find him tomorrow?" I cupped my hand around my mouth and called out. I wasn't sure how well either of them could hear me. They didn't answer, instead, they swept us up and down the coastline instead of heading to the nearest town.

  Northern Italy had a unique weather system. A special I had seen years ago on one of the history or discovery networks came to my mind. This valley was one of the most active spots for lightning strikes in the world. Hot air coming off of the Mediterranean sea swept into the valley, settling into the pocket of the earth. Cold air drifted down from the Alps. The meeting of the hot and cold air caused a major disruption in the atmosphere, that instability manifesting in intense thunder and electrical storms. It made sense that Raid would travel here. I had seen the special with Raiden so many years ago, parked on their couch after school, waiting for Azar and Nevada to get home after detention. Did he remember us watching it so many years ago, even in his dragon form? Or had he merely been able to sense his element? The dark clouds sweeping in overhead didn't diminish the beauty of the valley. It made the land a dark verdant green that was more jade than emerald. The sea contrasted again the deep green with it's bright blue.

  We had to have been sweeping miles up and down the coastline for hours, looking for Raiden. The clouds grew even darker overhead and I was worried about the rain affecting Azar. He needed to stay at full power to take on the Concilium. Still, my two dragons didn't stop. I was about to suggest we head more inland to look for him, maybe he had claimed a cave for his home when the roar of dragon rang out a second before a massive crack of thunder.

  The rain poured down, Cobalt flew higher into the air, hovering over Azar to block him from the downpour. I cursed under my breath. If I had my original deck I could summon a shield to protect Azar but I was practically useless now. I hardly had any idea what my tarot cards did and I couldn't really train with them. My metal cards had held up being used multiple times but paper cards had always turned to ash after one use. My wooden cards hadn't turned to ash yet but I wasn't sure how many uses I would get out of them.

  We heard Raiden roar again, a long ribbon of bright red electricity sizzled over the valley. I scanned my eyes over the treetops. Where the hell was he? I couldn't see him. You would think a giant purple dragon would stand out against a dark gray sky. I scanned the horizon over and over, looking for a hint of Raiden's purple scales among the clouds. Another roar and another crack of thunder rang out overhead. The rain poured down even harder. I was soaked to the bone, my hair plastered to my head.

  "Where the hell is he?" I yelled into the wind. My cards reached for my card holster resting over my stomach.

  Static electricity kicked up all around us, making the air hum around us and the little hairs on the back of my neck rise.

  "He's setting a trap! Where's he hiding?" I yelled. I wondered if we would be better off in human form, at least we could hide.

  Chapter 18

  Cobalt let out a massive roar, Azar roared even louder a moment later and I sighed. Yeah, hiding wasn't really Azar or Cobalt's thing.

  A bolt of lightning shot out at us and Azar and Cobalt zig-zagged in the air as Raiden shot out bolt after bolt. The bolts sizzled closer to Cobalt than Azar. Holy crap, I was on a metal dragon in a lightning storm! I tried not to panic but it was hard not to. I was riding a giant conductor! Magic pulsed from my deck, the card practically begging me to use them. It didn't make sense, it hadn't re
ally worked from Cobalt's back while fighting Azar.

  A bright white bolt of lightning clipped Cobalt's weak and he let out a panged screeched. My heart sank, Cobalt was hurt! Cobalt was a fierce close combat fighter, I doubted Raiden could take him on in dragon form up close if it came down to claws, spikes, and fangs. But Cobalt was an easy target flying blind. Cards don't fail me now, I prayed to my deck. I ran my hand down my holster, tracing over the cards nervously. I had just pulled a card from the top of my deck when Cobalt was hit again. First Azar bites Cobalt's neck until he passes out and now he was getting shot at by Raiden. My poor metal dragon was having a rough week.

  The lightning bolt had clipped Cobalt in the silvery membranes of his right wing, he started to wobble in the air. I had to do something to help.

  I spun the card in my hands, activating the magic, catching a glimpse of a woman sitting on a throne holding a pair of scales in one hand and a sword in the other. The justice card.

  A red light glowed from the card, growing into a hazy mist of light that extended over Cobalt and me to Azar. Another bolt of lightning hit Cobalt right behind me, the jolt of electricity shocking me too. Electrocuting was the worse pain I ever experienced, the total shock and vibration that rips through you, the jolt burning through every nerve ending in my body. I realized the terrible sound in the air was me screaming. I heard a pained yelp above me and finally saw Raiden dip beneath the clouds above us. He seemed like he was in pain. But how? What was the justice card? Had he felt my pain? Dragon Raiden lashed out in anger, shooting another bolt of lightning at us. Cobalt dropped low in the air, narrowly avoiding the attack but the electricity sizzled in the air around us, enough to singe my skin. As the pain ripped through me, Raiden howled again. He was in pain too. The Justice card was sharing the pain between us, he was feeling everything I was feeling. Unfortunately, that didn't really help us in a fight, he only got hurt when I got hurt and I had a feeling my pain threshold was much lower than a giant lizard's.


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