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Fighter Pilot

Page 50

by Christina Olds

Army-Navy games

  Arnhem, (The Netherlands)

  Arnold, Hap


  Aspenosium fighter-pilot skiers


  AT-6 (Texan)



  Atlantic City, New Jersey

  atomic bomb, dropped on Japan

  Atomic Energy Commission

  Auchincloss, Nina Gore (Robin’s stepmother)

  Austin, Chuck

  Aviation Speakers Bureau

  Ayers, Ron

  B-4 bags

  B-17 bomber (Flying Fortress)

  B-24 bomber

  B-52s, losses from poor maintenance

  Baader, Mother

  Bac Giang railroad yards

  Bader, Douglas

  Bader (RAF enlisted man)

  Bagby, Sally

  Bailey bridge

  bailing out

  Balducci, Nino (fictitious USAFA cadet)

  balloon companies

  balloon pilots


  Barnett, Morgan Sellers


  bars, in British military

  Barstow, California

  Barton (RAF enlisted man)

  batmen (RAF)

  Battle of Britain

  Bay of Pigs


  Beaune region

  Bench, Herbert

  Benny, Jack

  Bentwaters RAF base


  Berlin airlift

  Bickle, George

  “Big PX” (the States)

  Biltmore Hotel, New York

  Bison Squadron (Zemke’s)


  Black River

  Blaik, Earl “Red”

  blitz, the

  bombed, experience of being

  bomber escorts

  bomber generals

  control of Air Force by

  conventional warfare not a priority with

  way of thinking of

  bomber pilots

  courage of

  initiative of, rarely allowed

  transferred to be fighter pilots

  bomber runs

  attacked and massacred by enemy planes

  high altitude

  photographing of


  development of

  loss of

  maintenance of

  operating of, by manuals and checklists

  sweeps in front of

  training for

  bombing targets (practice)

  Bong, Dick

  Bonham, Ham

  Boxted RAF base (a.k.a. Langham)

  Bradley, Jack


  Brezhnev, Leonid


  bombing of

  flying under and around


  of replacements

  British army

  British people, undefeated

  Broadway, Doc

  Broughton, Jack

  Brown, Harold



  Buddha’s birthday

  “bumph” (paperwork)

  Bundy, McGeorge

  Burdon, Eric, and the Animals

  bureaucrats, in the Air Force

  Burma theater (World War II)

  Burne, Tommy

  Burns, J. J.


  C-47s (Dakotas)

  C-54 transport plane

  C-130 transport plane

  Cabas, Vic

  cabin pressurization

  cadets, esprit de corps of

  Caen, France

  Cairns, Doug

  Cajon Pass, California

  Calais, France

  California, R&R in

  cameras on planes

  Cameron, Rod

  Camp Hahn (near Riverside, California)

  Camp Pendleton (Marine base near San Diego, California)

  Canadian army

  Canal des Rapides bridge, Vietnam

  Canella, Lieutenant

  Capodichino Air Base (part of U.S. Navy base, Naples, Italy)

  cartoons, Robin the subject of

  Cartwright, Nigel

  Cary, Larry

  Cassiday, Ben

  Castle Air Force Base (near Merced, California)

  Cat Bi airfield (near Haiphong, Vietnam)

  Catholic chaplain, accuses NCOs of cohabiting with native women

  Catton, Ron

  Chalon-sur-Saône, France

  Chandler, Arizona


  Chartres, France

  Château-Bernard Airdrome (near Cognac, France)

  cheating scandals at USAFA

  check rides

  Chennault, Claire

  Cherbourg, France


  relations with Vietnam

  China theater (World War II)

  Churchill, Winston


  Clark, Scotty

  Clark Air Base (Philippines)

  classified information

  Claybaugh, Charlie

  Cleveland Air Races

  Clifton, Charlie

  “Clobber College”

  close support

  Coburn, Charles


  cohabiting with native women, by NCOs

  Cold War

  Colgate Control

  Collegiate Football Hall of Fame

  Colorado Springs School for Girls


  changes to the warrior brought about by

  considered too dangerous

  fatalism of

  getting used to

  inexperience with

  persuade-not-destroy doctrine

  reluctance to go into

  Robin’s first

  wish to get into

  combat formation

  Combat Support Group

  combat time

  Combat Tree system

  Combies, Phil


  vs. persuasion

  rules for taking over a command

  Communism, in Asia

  compressibility phenomenon



  appropriations from

  Robin’s visit to


  conventional warfare

  unpreparedness for


  Cornwall on Hudson, New York

  Cotentin Peninsula (a.k.a. Cherbourg Peninsula, France)


  Coursey, Buck


  Cover (RAF enlisted man)

  Covington, J. D.

  Craig, Bill

  Croker, Steve

  Cross, James

  cross-country flying

  Crow, Fred

  Cuban missile crisis

  Custer, George Armstrong

  Da Nang (Vietnam)

  danger, fighter pilots’ reaction to

  Daniels, Av

  Dash One, F-86A-1

  Davis, Benjamin O.

  Davis, Scat

  Davis-Monthan AFB, Tucson, Arizona

  Dawn Patrol (movie)

  D-day (June 6, 1944)

  invasion fleet

  dead-stick mode

  “deadwood” category of military personnel

  deaths of fellow aviators

  premonitions of

  Debden air base, RAF, (Wimbish, England)

  debriefings, after a mission

  “dedicated” category of military personnel

  Del Mar Racetrack

  depth charges

  Desert, K. O.

  desertion in the face of the enemy, Robin charged with

  Dieppe, France


  disarmament, unilateral


  Disosway, Gabe

  Distinguished Flying Cross


  with German planes

  with a Na
vy plane


  in training

  in Vietnam

  domino theory

  Don Muang airport, Bangkok, Thailand

  Doolittle, Jimmy


  Drake, Sir Francis

  drop tanks, letting go of

  drug use in the military

  drunks, punishment of

  Dry Lake Gunnery Ranges

  Dundas, Cocky

  Dunnegan, Cliff

  Dutton, Lee

  Duval, Ossie

  Eaker, Ira

  Eastern Air Defense Force

  Eastern Airlines

  Easter offensive (Vietnam conflict)

  Eberhart, Ralph “Ed”

  Eferding airdrome (Austria)

  Effectiveness Report

  Eichelberger, Robert L.

  Eindhoven (The Netherlands)

  Eisenhower, Dwight David

  ejection, unsuccessful

  ELINT (electronic signals intelligence)

  El Watia bombing range, Libya

  emotions, suppression of


  going dead


  maintenance of

  restarting midair

  rhythm and sound of


  assignments to

  landscape and villages of

  Robin’s return to (1948)

  English people

  attitude toward Americans

  friendliness of

  Ernie (avionics NCO)

  escape and evasion (E&E)

  Estes, Howell

  ETO Fighter Command

  Europe, Cold War defense of

  European theater of operations (ETO)


  eyes, sweeping and focusing of

  F-4 Phantoms

  combat capability of

  D model

  emulating F-105s, in Operation Bolo

  learning to fly

  F-84F Thunderstreak


  A-1 model (Dash Ones)

  D model (Sabre)

  flight characteristics of

  F-89 Scorpions

  F-94 interceptors (Starfire)

  F-100 (Super Sabre)

  F-101C Voodoos

  aerobatic show with

  F-104 (Starfighter)

  F-105 Thunderchiefs (Thuds)

  combat capability of

  F model (Iron Hand)

  Fantaski, Ski

  fear, overcoming

  Ferry Command

  ferry pilots, female


  fighter-bomber wings

  fighter pilots

  assigned to the Pentagon basement

  bomber pilots retrained as

  cocky attitude of

  competition among

  desire for combat

  discipline of

  job of, in a fighter plane

  life expectancy of, in combat

  love of flying


  operational responsibilities of

  reactions in scary situations

  reunions of

  rewards for bodies of, from the enemy

  training of


  fighter pilot’s complaint (hemorrhoids)

  fighter planes

  guns lacking on

  poor maintenance of

  Fighter Training Wing

  fighter wings

  “cannot fight their way out of a wet paper bag”

  unreadiness of, toward end of Vietnam conflict

  film packs, destruction of

  Finton, Gerald


  suppression with cluster bombs

  flight commanders

  flight training

  for new aircraft

  flyboys (disparaging term)

  flying, ecstasy of

  flying time

  Flynn, Colonel

  Focke-Wulf models. See “Fw” entries

  Fonda, Jane


  foot-in-mouth disease

  Ford, John

  Form 21, prank involving

  Form 505

  formation flying

  Fort Dix, New Jersey

  Fort Hamilton, Brooklyn, New York

  Fort McNair, Washington, D.C.

  Fort Worth, Texas

  Foster (RAF enlisted man)

  France, bombing runs over

  Frazier, Chief (RAF)

  French, speaking

  Frobisher, Admiral

  fuel, running out of

  Fulgram, Danny

  Fw-190 Würger (Butcher Bird)

  Fw-200 Condor

  Gabreski, Gabby

  Garland, Judy

  Garrison, Vermont “Pappy”

  Gavrys, Lieutenant

  G-8 and His Battle Aces (novel)


  infantry and artillery, thickheaded

  at the Pentagon

  promotion list

  See also bomber generals

  George, Harold

  George Air Force Base (near Victorville, California)


  army, retreat from France

  bombing runs over

  new weapons developed by

  start of World War II

  surrender of


  Gia Lam Air Base (VPAF), Hanoi, Vietnam

  Gilmore, Ruby

  Giraudo, John


  seeing and dating

  vapid socialites of Washington, D.C.

  Glasgow, Scotland

  Gleason, Lieutenant

  Glendale, California


  Glover, Major

  Glynn, Larry

  going down with a plane

  Gourock, Scotland

  Graham, Gordie

  Gray, Leon

  Grdenich, Lieutenant

  Greater Pittsburgh Airport

  Greaves, George

  Grenning, Bud

  Griffiss Air Force Base, Rome, New York

  ground school

  groups, flying

  Gruber, Warrant Officer

  gunnery training

  Gustafson, Andy

  Hacker, Lieutenant (instructor)

  Haiphong Harbor, Vietnam

  Hamburg, Germany

  Hampton High (in Virginia)


  Hanoi, bombing of

  Hardin, Ernest

  harp music on the radio

  Harris, Hunter

  Harris, John

  Harrison, Joan

  Hastings, “Ace”


  Pacific Air Forces in

  Hayes, Gabby

  Hayes, Jack

  Hayner, Fred

  helmet camera


  Hemingway, Ernest

  hemorrhoidectomy, Robin’s

  Hendrix, Lieutenant

  Hensley, “Honk”

  Herbst, John “Pappy”

  death of, in an aerobatics show

  Herbst, Jeannie (John’s bride)

  Herren, Miller

  Hickam AFB, Honolulu, Hawaii

  Hickman, Herman

  Hicks, Joe

  high-altitude flying

  high-cock-a-lorum (buck-buck) game

  Hill, Tex


  Hirsch, Tom

  Hoa Lac Air Base (VPAF), Ha Tay, Vietnam

  Hoboken, New Jersey

  Ho Chi Minh

  Holcum, Stu

  Holland (The Netherlands)

  Hollister, B. E.

  Hollywood, California

  Holmes, Lieutenant

  Holzapple, Randy

  Honolulu, Hawaii

  honor code

  Horton, Don

  Houghton, Bob

  House Armed Services Committee

  Hughes, Howard

  Hughes Aircraft


  Hurley, Paul

  IJMuiden (The Netherlands)

  Ilsley, Lieutenant

  Inchon, Korea


  instructor pilots (IPs)

  instrument flying


  not shared with combat units

  shared with combat units

  invasion stripes (to identify planes)

  Ipswich, England


  J-47 engine (General Electric turbojet)

  James, Daniel “Chappie”

  Janet Dean, Registered Nurse (TV program)


  stationing in

  surrender of

  Jeannie (John Herbst’s bride)

  Jeffrey, Captain later Major later Lieutenant Colonel

  Jenkins, Lieutenant

  Jennifer (Robin’s granddaughter)

  jet planes



  development of


  noise of

  usefulness of early ones, in doubt

  Johnson, Lyndon

  Robin’s visit and conversation with

  Johnson, Scrappy

  Johnson (fighter pilot)

  Joint Chiefs of Staff

  Jones, Dean


  Journeys Through Bookland

  Ju-88 German bomber

  Jumper, Jimmy

  Juno beach, Normandy, France

  Kane, Colonel

  Kathy (American girl at Udon)

  Keflavik, Iceland

  Keller, Frank

  Kennedy, John F.

  Kep airfield, Vietnam


  confirmation of

  Kirchen airdrome, Betzdorf, Germany

  Kirk, Bill

  Kissinger, Henry

  Kittinger, Joe “Red”

  Kitty, Aunt (Robin’s)

  Knapp, Herm

  Korat wing (Thailand)

  Korean War

  Kostura, John

  Kuentzel, Lieutenant

  Lacey, Ginger

  Lafferty, Dan

  La Guardia, Fiorello

  LaGuardia airfield, New York

  Lakeside Squadron

  Lancaster bombers

  landings, difficult, awkward

  Landstuhl Air Base, Germany

  Langford Lodge, near Belfast, United Kingdom

  Langley Field, Virginia


  Las Vegas, Nevada

  Lavenham airbase, near Sudbury, England

  Lay, Beirne


  Le Creusot, Burgundy, France

  Lee, Peggy

  Legion of Merit

  Le Havre, France

  LeMay, Curtis

  Lemmon, James

  LeVier, Tony

  Lewis, “Skinny”


  Little Wheels Club

  Liverpool, England

  load teams


  Loire River, France

  Lombardi, Vince

  Lomita Flight Strip, California


  bombing of

  charm and privations of

  club life

  residences in

  visits to

  Lord Haw-Haw

  Loring, Dean

  Los Angeles, California

  Los Angeles Fighter Wing

  losses of flyers

  analyzing reasons for

  dealing with, and forgetting

  recovery of pilots

  replacements for

  lost in the air, being



  absent during Normandy invasion

  dogfights with


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