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The Elemental

Page 3

by Whiskey Flowers

  Allen grunted, Mary took it for permission as she got up and came back with a roll of bread, fruit juice and a bowl of stew she was making for Allen and herself. Allen had to admit everything he had Mary learn she was more than adequate in, she had knowledge in how to harvest grains, grind them into flour and make the bread. She wasn’t squeamish like most women when it came to killing the livestock and homemaking wasn’t the best thing she had going for her. Mary had adequate knowledge on the buying and selling of goods and almost anything else Allen could think of that a queen should know. Most of her childhood was ruined Allen thought, she had spent it training or studying which was the reason for her attitude now. Allen watched her place the food down on their table and eyed the man inside the room with them wondering what his angle was.

  “This is amazing” the man said as he took a bite out of the roll. “I don’t think I have ever had anything quite like it.”

  “It’s the grain used to make the flour” Mary replied. “At least that is what Allen told me, I haven’t really eaten too many things outside of my home. I have to watch out for being poisoned.”

  “You have said enough” Allen said looking over at Mary.

  “Why would anyone want to poison a woman?” the man asked. “That seems like a cowardly thing to do.”

  “Don’t you worry about why they would want to poison a woman” Allen replied. “Eat your food and do your job, I doubt that means pestering a young girl.”

  “Not my place to pry” the man replied. “But you were right about one thing you have said Mr. Smith. Now that people know you are here, many are going to want to come see for themselves about this place. A big place like this in the middle of nowhere is bound to attract attention, some are going to want to know what you have been hiding. I don’t want to start no trouble with any of you, but many people with nothing better to do is going to want to know all about you. Not to mention I doubt you have ever paid your taxes since no one knows you are here.”

  “Then I hope those people are willing to die for their curiosity” Allen replied.

  “This is ridiculous Allen” Mary replied. “We don’t have anything to hide and we haven’t broken any laws. Mr. whoever you are the only secret Allen wants kept is that I used to be the Princess of Atropia. I was set free and Allen was charged with my protection.”

  “You have said enough” Allen screamed as he jumped up and drew his blade.

  “Mr. Smith I really don’t want any trouble now” the man said and climbed out of his chair and raised his arms. “I was expecting that you were a smuggler or something, not the remnant of the royal guard.”

  “I think it is about time you leave” Allen said in a low menacing tone.

  “I think you are right” the man said backing away.

  “What is your name” Allen asked. “I dare you to lie.”

  “My name is Wilson” the man said backing towards the door. “Will Wilson and I don’t want any trouble from the likes of you.”

  Allen watched as Will backed out of the door and spun on Mary who had her hands on her hips. Allen was about to say something but Mary beat him to it.

  “Allen we have broken no laws and if someone demanded to come inside you will most likely kill them” Mary said. “Me being the princess means nothing anymore Allen. If I am supposed to be your ruler then you must listen to me and I am tired of being locked up in here.”

  “Nice try but I don’t listen to girls” Allen replied. “What you have just done is jeopardize your safety, you do things without realizing what you have brought down on us.”

  “Those men are harmless Allen” Mary replied.

  “They may be” Allen replied. “But what happens if they start talking, which they will. What happens when some idiot thinks they can take you for money? What if I get killed protecting you? Are you ready to live with yourself if that happens all because you were bored?”

  “I never thought about…” Mary began before Allen interrupted her.

  “I know and that’s the problem” Allen replied. “You are not thinking. I think it is time for your company to leave, voluntary or otherwise.”

  “They still have a job to do” Mary replied.

  “You need to go pack a traveling bag, we may be gone for a few days” Allen replied.

  “Gone?” Mary asked confused. “Gone where?”

  “Away from here” Allen replied. “You always wanted to travel and your mouth has made it a necessity. Go grab your things and do not speak to anyone you do not want killed.”

  Mary left the room practically smiling as Allen walked over to a wall and made it obey him. A passage opened up and quickly closed behind him. The entire place was made out of stone and Allen made sure the place had secret corridors. Allen followed them until he found the trespassers, they were all gathered in his armory and looked around at the items there. Mary had made most of them, her skill was adequate in weaponmaking and all of her weapons were routinely serviced by Mary’s own hand. The other weapons Allen had made through magic, he was an earth elemental and all metal, stone, dirt and plant life obeyed him. The weapons were flawless, Allen could eliminate any impurities in the metal and the result showed as much. All of the weapons Allen carried though were made by Mary, she worked hard on them and they were more than adequate.

  “Just look at this place” Bingley said looking around the huge armory. “Mr. Smith looks like he is prepared for a war to break out.”

  “This Mr. Smith of yours is hiding something” the man with the bushy red beard replied. “I don’t think the man we are looking for is dumb enough to try to take him on and if he did he would have been dead already. Smith and his sister look more than capable of taking out one man and catching them by surprise is impossible. This Smith of yours seems like he is not all talk.”

  “Commander Church” Will said as he came into the armory. “We need to leave now, I have found out Smith’s secret and I am surprised he hasn’t killed one of us already.”

  “Wilson” said the man with the bushy beard Allen now knew was named Church. “You are supposed to be with them just in case they are hiding the fugitive. If the man we are looking for is here then you just gave them opportunity to warn him.”

  “Sir there is no way we can search a place this size” Will replied. “And Smith is not a man I want to be on the bad side of. His sister has loose lips, they are not related.”

  “Well any idiot can see that” Church replied. “Smith had brown hair and a face only a mother can love. Mary looks like princess out of a bard’s tale.”

  “You aren’t far off Sir” Will replied. “Mary is the same Mary from House Godfrey, Smith is one of the royal guard.”

  “Impossible” Church said as he put down the dagger he was holding. “Smith would have had to be a young guard.”

  “It explains the grandness of this place” a man with no hair and a salt and pepper goatee replied. “It also explains why this place is in the middle of nowhere and why Smith has been so combative. The man we are looking for isn’t here, I’m with Wilson, we should leave.”

  “For what?” Church replied. “The former princess isn’t wanted for anything, she is just an ordinary citizen now.”

  “Do you think Smith cares about that commander?” Will asked. “Especially now the secret is out? I’m waiting outside well away from this place, coming here without a mage was stupid. There are ten of us and only one of him but according to Bingley the princess is more than capable with a weapon.”

  “I wasn’t the only person to come out here to teach her” Bingley replied. “I know she can shoot a bow and fight with probably every weapon you see around you. If Smith was one of the royal guard though I don’t know why he didn’t just teach her himself. In fact, I have had to give Smith lessons as well, of course he could have just been holding back to figure out my style. I am not one of the Governor’s men, I am out of here Church, drunk or not, I am not suicidal.”

  “The Governor probably wants to know this
information anyway” Church said to no one in particular. “Many people have wondered what happened to the nobles that were spared. Pardons were given years ago absolving any remaining nobles out there. The princess showing up and in such good health is something to be celebrated, maybe her reappearance can calm people in this time of need.”

  “And do you think Smith will see it that way?” the man with the salt and pepper goatee spoke. “It is better for us to just leave Sir and let the Governor do what he wants with the information.”

  “Maybe you are right” Church replied. “Grab all of our men Charles, I doubt Smith will mind if we show ourselves out.”

  Allen committed the names he knew to memory. The man with the salt and pepper goatee was named Charles. Allen was unsure if it was a given name or a family name but figured the man had to be second in command. Church was the boss of this group, Allen did not know how high up the food chain he was but the man spoke as if he had the Governor’s ear. Allen watched them all file out of the armory and moved through the walls with them. Mary crossed their path, the men stared at her but said nothing to her, only passing a whisper between themselves as they left through the front door. Allen appeared through the wall and watched from the door as the men climbed on their horses and rode away.


  “I can’t believe we are actually here” Mary said looking around. “And you got me an actual dress instead of the pants I always wear. Just look at me Allen, don’t you think I look pretty?”

  “You look alright” Allen replied looking at Mary. Allen had a woman do her hair and make up, the woman he hired was an expert and Allen made a mental note that he would need to hire someone to teach Mary the skill. The dress she was wearing was expensive and he had put a rush order on it, the gold he paid for it was double what it was worth but it only took the tailor and his family a day to make it with the enhancements Allen wanted with it. The shoes Mary was wearing was not the dainty shoes most women wore, they were nice boots covered in frilly material that held a boot knife. The undergarment to her dress hid a nice sized dagger and a couple of throwing knives. All were accessible thanks to hidden slits in the dress which made Allen a lot more comfortable. Right now they were in the town of Rangel, about a week from their normal home by horseback. Allen had not been here in years, he passed through when he was looking for a place for him and Mary to settle down. At that time he was still a boy, albeit one with a lot of money once he figured out how to use his magic to gain money. It was in Rangel where he killed his first man, to this day he wondered what the city watch thought when they found three robbers buried in dirt with only the tops of their heads visible.

  “How can you daydream in a place like this?” Mary said looking around with her eyes filled with wonder. “Can I go dance with someone?”

  “You can dance with me” Allen replied as he got up.

  “Not with you Allen” Mary replied. “I have only ever danced with you or the people you hired to teach me. I want to dance with a stranger, I want to see what a man’s eyes look like when he finds me beautiful instead of just reading about it.”

  “Be careful” Allen said and looked at a wall. “Those women standing over there on those benches are doing so because they hope to be wooed. The men on the opposite bench are there to pick out their targets. Most of these are just commoners, your fanciness will not be lost on the gentlemen waiting for a lady.”

  “We are all commoners Allen” Mary replied. “The time for nobility has passed.”

  “You know what I meant” Allen replied. “These are the poorer people, most of the folks with big money are holding their private dances inside of a home or hall somewhere.”

  “Their loss” Mary said as she smiled and walked over to an empty place on one of the benches.

  Allen had taken her to the Festival of the Crown, it had been renamed the Freeman’s Festival but hardly anyone used that name. Allen thought it was ironic to celebrate a holiday which was to wish for the good health of the king, especially since there was no king but some traditions he thought were hard to get rid of. Mary wasn’t on the bench for more than a few moments before a fat little man came to speak to her, the man was surprised when she accepted and had a big smile plastered over his face. Despite his size Allen thought the fat little man moved well, he could easily keep up with Mary and didn’t look to awkward despite Mary being quite a bit taller than he was. Allen was about to turn away to scan the crowd when he saw someone familiar. It was Will Wilson, the last time he saw the man was two weeks ago when Wilson and his group was leaving his home. Wilson made eye contact then frantically searched the dance floor. Allen narrowed his eyes as Wilson climbed to his feet and left the area. Allen had a decision to make, he could take Mary away but the girl looked like she was having so much fun he didn’t think he would have the heart to do it. Allen decided to let her dance but keep an eye out on what passed as the dance floor. They were in the town square and it was pretty large but left plenty of avenues of escape, Allen had told Mary if anything happened she was to retreat to her room at the Skinny Feather Inn which overlooked the square. Allen gripped the pommel of his sword and wondered if he would have to use it when Mary came over to him with a huge grin on her face.

  “I was invited to lunch!” Mary said flushed. “Can I go Allen?”

  “That sounds like a good idea” Allen replied. “How about on the balcony right outside of our room? It overlooks the square and I can keep an eye on you from here and you on me. I saw that Wilson guy from the group that invaded our home, he saw you and left. I wanted to tell you to stop dancing but didn’t have the heart, this way if he comes up with others you have a decent vantage point to use the bow hidden in our room.”

  “I can have lunch?!?” Mary said excitedly as Allen shook his head and wondered if she listened to anything he had just said.

  “Put the service on the room” Allen replied. “I will pay for it when I get inside.”

  Allen watch Mary skip away as the fat man looked like he was taking grief from some of the others. Allen watch Mary walk over to the fat little man when another man, this one taller and solidly built stood in her way. The fat little man looked dejected as the taller man spoke to Mary then grabbed her by the arm. Allen was already in motion as he shot to his feet, the tall man was probably angry and jealous and used his size to cower the smaller man and wanted Mary. Allen was not as tall as the man assaulting Mary but he didn’t need to be. Allen was just about there when he saw the man let Mary go and raise his arms. Allen could have burst out laughing at the sight, Mary had her dagger out and under the man’s chin and dug it in a little to show she was serious. The tall man had a look of shock and fear on his face as Mary held her dagger.

  “Phillip you can accompany me to my room” Mary said looking at the fat little man. “And if anyone has an issue with it let him speak now.”

  “I’ll get you for this you little bitch” said the man with the dagger under his chin.

  “Then do something about it” Mary replied as serious as Allen had ever heard her.

  “Is there a problem here?” said a man Allen recognized as one of the city watch.

  “No problem unless there needs to be” Mary said turning on the charm as she brought down her dagger. “I was just going to lunch.”

  Allen stepped to the side and avoided Mary as she grabbed the man called Phillip and led him over to the inn. The big man looked angry as the city watchman started laughing along with the other people who were seated. Allen turned around to leave and spotted Wilson along with a few other men and made his way over towards them.

  “What do you want?” Allen said keeping eye contact with Wilson.

  “Hello my name is..” said a fancy dressed older man.

  “Don’t care who you are” Allen said as he kept his eye on Wilson. “No matter how this goes down, know you are going to be the first one to die.”

  “You better mind you tone around me” the older man said angrily.

you will do what?” Allen replied. “Don’t know what you are here for but walk away.”

  “Mr. Smith the Governor is in town, he wanted to invite Mary to eat” Wilson said.

  “She ain’t interested” Allen replied.

  “I will be the judge of that” the older man said. “Now move out of my way before I move you out of my way.”

  Allen saw the mage with the man and moved quickly, he tossed Will in front of him and saw the blast from the mage send Will flying over him. The mage looked shocked at blasting Will and was left unprotected as Allen slammed a fist into his face. The mage went down and Allen had his sword out in one hand and a dagger in the other. The other three men with the older man drew their swords as an arrow slammed down directly in front of them. Allen didn’t have to look to see it was Mary, the men with the swords looked up at her then back at Allen.

  “Go ahead and make a move” Allen said waving his sword. “See if this old bastard can protect you when your head is rolling on the ground.”

  “We came to invite you to dinner” the older man said looking up at Mary. “Your protector is not keen on the idea.”

  “You heard my answer” Allen replied.

  “I would hear it from the lady” the older man said keeping his eyes on Mary.

  “I decline, I already have plans” Mary replied. “Thank you for the invitation though, I just don’t make it a point to eat with people who attack my friends.”

  “This man attacked first and knocked out one of the Governor’s mages” the older man replied.

  “I saw your mage cast a spell aimed at my friend and he was quick enough to respond” Mary replied. “Your mage blasted one of your own men and got what he deserved.”

  “All this talking is over” Allen said looking at the older man. “She said no, either stand and fight or go.”

  “Will you be staying at this inn for long?” the older man asked.


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