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Weekend Fling

Page 13

by Stacey Lynn


  Her body trembles but she takes my fingers, puts them on her wet slit, and slides both of us inside her and out, back to her clit, where she teaches me exactly what she likes, and holy shit, this is so damn sexy, my dick jumps for joy at how wet and hot she already is.

  Yeah, this quickie will be worth Caitlin’s wrath if we’re late.

  “Please,” she whimpers, and I’m done for. Heat is already pooling at the base of my spine and I keep our fingers on her clit as I take my other hand, line myself up, and slowly sink inside of her.

  “Keep playing with yourself.” I take my hand off hers and set it next to her on the table. Thank God this furniture looks heavy. I don’t need a hotel bill for breaking anything, although it’d be worth it to take her like my sudden need demands.

  I don’t waste time, sliding in and out of her, going as deep as I can. My arm shakes and I grip her hip with my other hand. She presses back into me, and yes, holy crap, she’s everything I’ve known I’ve been missing.

  “That’s it,” I encourage. “Fuck yourself on me. Hard. We don’t have a lot of time.”

  She falters for a minute, unsteady either at my commands or who gives a shit, because she feels so freaking amazing my balls are drawn tight, slapping against her with every thrust she makes against me. And then I lose control. I grip both her hips and take over, taking her hard and fast, until she’s panting and crying out my name and convulsing around me as her orgasm hits her. She tightens around me, squeezing my brains out through my dick, and I collapse on top of her, bracing both of us before we hit the table, as my own climax hits equally hard, possibly harder than I’ve ever experienced.

  “Holy shit,” I gasp, my chest heaves against her back but she’s equally breathless. Her hands braced on her forearms, her head turned to the side, she kisses my biceps, tastes my skin with her tongue as we gather ourselves. And remember our names. And where we are. I know for me the room is spinning and my knees are trembling.

  Jesus. It’s never been like this for me. This is different. It’s more.

  “I don’t know if I can move,” she says, laughing softly. I’m still inside of her, unwilling to leave her, and as she laughs, her body clenches around my softening dick.

  “At least you just have to sit there today. I’m going to be walking Caitlin down the aisle like a newly born foal who hasn’t found their legs.”

  “We’re probably going to be late.”

  We are. I don’t care. “I don’t know, I think our timing is pretty perfect.” I’m not talking about the wedding, but us, and as I lean back and kiss her shoulders, her back, slowly sliding out of her, she doesn’t tense at the innuendo like I expected.

  “Trey,” she says, standing. She’s naked, and she looks at our clothes on the chair as she speaks. Her chest and cheeks are flushed. Her hair is messed but still looks incredible. She blinks slowly and I pass my hand to her cheek, forcing her to make eye contact.

  “What is it?”

  “I like you,” she whispers, and it’s the sweetest, most vulnerable I’ve seen her with me yet that I think my heart grows three sizes.

  “Good.” I kiss her lips softly, teasingly. The last thing we need is to get distracted by round two. “I like you, too. A lot.”

  Her smile is my reward and I step back so I can clean myself up. “We need to get going, though. Caitlin might seem sweet and fun but if we mess up her wedding day by being even thirty seconds late you’ll see a side of her that’s terrifying. All that red hair…she’s wild, that one.”

  “You love her.”

  “As much as a guy can love a sister, absolutely.” I need to make sure she has no doubts about who Caitlin is to me. Because it’s never been anything more than that.

  “I like that she has that from you.”

  “I like that I get the same back from her. I might have brothers by blood, but Caitlin and Corbin are the same for me.”

  It occurs to me that she’s mentioned her friend Cara, but no one else, and my heart fractures. Someone as good as Willow deserves to be surrounded by people who love her as intensely as my body and my friends and family do.

  “Come on,” I say, and kiss her again. I drape my clothes over my arm and hand her her dress. I have no idea where her underwear went. “Let’s get cleaned up and go have some fun.”

  Chapter 20


  “You had sex.”

  Oh my God. Is it possible to die on the spot? As Caitlin rushes toward us, scowl scrunching up her beautifully done makeup, I grip Trey’s hand so hard he’s in danger of me shattering his bones.

  The accusation flies out from the mouth of a tiny little redhead whose hair is styled into an elegantly wrapped bun just behind her right ear. It’s almost impossible not to smile under Caitlin’s angry glare, red-painted fingernail jabbing into Trey’s chest.

  “And you’re late.”

  Trey pulls me to his side and grins. “That’s because I was having sex.” He leans in. “Hot, seriously hot—”

  At least now I know where Trey gets the lack of filter from—his parents. His mom definitely would have said the same thing. My skin has to be purple from embarrassment.

  “Ack!” Caitlin slams her hands to her ears and pretends to gag. “Gross, stop it!”

  He peels her hand off her ear. “We’re five minutes late. You could have started the pictures without me, you know.”

  I don’t know whether to run and hide from embarrassment or burst out laughing. Somehow I don’t think Caitlin will approve of either and the little spitfire, as Trey claims she is, looks three small seconds away from having a full-on panic attack.

  “You’re late and I need you.” She’s breathless. “I mean, it’s my wedding day and you promised. You promised if anything goes wrong you’ll fix it and so you need to be here.”

  “Hey, hey.” He flashes me a look, lets me go, and pulls Caitlin into his arms. “Everything’s okay, sweetheart. You know that. We’ll get pictures, smile, laugh, and then you’ll get married. Sorry I made you worry.”

  “You’re not sorry,” she huffs, but it’s better, and watching Trey comfort one of his best friends might be one of the sweetest things I’ve ever seen.

  He does it so easily. And my ovaries are ready to explode at his compassion. The man keeps getting better and better. Which means every second I spend around him chips through my fears.

  “No, I’m not.”

  She pulls back, patting his chest lightly and smiling. Finally. “Well, I am. I didn’t mean to lose my mind. I’m just nervous, and I haven’t seen Jonas all day, and the photographer is still setting up, and it feels like everything is running behind, and I don’t want to be rushed.”

  “It’s fine.” He curls his hands around Caitlin’s shoulders, smiling down at her indulgently. If I had a big brother, I hope he’d look at me like this on my wedding day. A small pang of jealousy shoots through my chest. This is the relationship he has with Caitlin, and I can’t for the life of me remember the last time I’ve been as close to someone as they are. “You’ll be fine. The wedding will be perfect, and Jonas will be down here, and everyone here will talk about how absolutely exquisite you look.”

  “You think?” Her shoulders fall.

  And it’s my turn to step in because exquisite is the absolute perfect word to describe Caitlin right now, minor freak-out aside.

  “You’re stunning.” Her dress is simple. Small caps of lace cover her shoulders from a shimmering white satin gown that hugs every centimeter of her body so perfectly it might as well be painted on. At her knees, the dress flares out into a mermaid shape and there’s a small train behind her with sparkling crystals around the edges. It’s elegant and simple, classic and refined. I can’t think of a single person who could possibly wear this dress better. “Amazing, Caitlin, really. The dress is incredi
ble and your hair and makeup…I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a more beautiful bride.”

  She presses her hand to her chest and smiles wide. “Thank you. I’m so nervous and I don’t know why. I mean, it’s Jonas.”

  Her eyes water and I shake my head. “Oh no. No, no, no. There is no crying. Not yet.”

  “If there’s tears, I’m outta here,” Trey threatens, but based on his smile I know he’s kidding. I still shove him off to the side with my hip. He stumbles from surprise. “Hey!”

  “Sorry!” I call, already turning to Caitlin. I have no idea where she needs to go, but I need her focused before she ruins her makeup. “Girltime. Follow us for pictures but stay quiet back there.”

  “Damn woman, bossy after orgasms, aren’t you?”

  “Gross.” Caitlin moans. “So, so gross to hear this.”

  “His fault and I might go see if I can find some duct tape to shut him up.”

  “It’s not my fault, it’s yours. For being so damn sexy.”

  His footsteps are right behind us and as I reach a corner, Caitlin points. “That way, but don’t mind me. I think I agree with Trey on this one. You are sexy. And your dress is gorgeous, too. And I wish I had your hair.”

  There we go. I’ve distracted her with gross sex talk and girltalk about hair and clothing. My job is done.

  We reach a doorway and beyond it is the photographer talking to Teagan, who is Caitlin’s maid of honor, and Corbin, who’s dressed in the same handsome outfit Trey is wearing.

  “Okay, you two.” I squeeze Caitlin’s hand. “I’m going to get a drink. You enjoy your photographs.” This time, it’s my turn to point and scowl. “No more tears,” I say to Caitlin, and spin to Trey. “And no more sex talk.”

  “Got it,” Caitlin says, sniffing but smiling, and her eyes are dry.

  “I don’t make promises I can’t keep.” He grins and slides his hands into his pockets, rocking on the heels of his shoes.

  “Whatever.” One out of two is better than none.

  I spin and head for the café bar inside from the veranda where the photos are being taken. I was so lost in work earlier, and my nerves and doubts, I’d forgotten to eat. My stomach is one more minute away from rumbling like an erupting volcano. I need to settle it before the ceremony.

  * * *


  The veranda and beach are even more beautiful today. While the weather is crisp, the sun is shining, the sky a vibrant blue without a cloud to be seen. A slight breeze brings in the salty air and will help keep everyone cool. The pergola has been draped with a beautiful white tulle, as have the aisles of the chairs. A mixture of hot-pink and red roses with small pops of white flowers are set in tin buckets at the end of each aisle and woven around the pergola where the minister is currently standing, bible held loosely in his hands. I’ve taken a seat in the second row where Trey asked me to sit. He’ll join me after he walks Caitlin down the aisle. A man is off to the right where Jonas will soon stand, and while Caitlin told me he works with Jonas at his bar, Dirty Martini’s, I can’t remember his name, but he’s blond and relatively young-looking and equally as handsome as every other man I’ve seen.

  Although Trey beats them all hands down.

  Beyond them is a small string quartet that is playing beautiful, relaxing music while everyone else takes their seats. Trey had been right when he originally told me this would be a relaxed wedding, but when he’d told me it would be close friends and family, I had expected maybe ten to twelve, not forty-plus people. It’s still small and intimate, and happiness and joy seem to skip off everyone, dancing with the breeze.

  It’s impossible not to smile as I watch. The music changes, and with the shift in the tune there’s a change in the energy. Whispers silence and heads turn, and soon, Jonas appears, his mom on his arm, a handkerchief in her hand as she smiles at guests and dabs her eyes already filling with tears. His father follows closely behind them, and when Jonas reaches the front row, he gives his mom a hug and kiss and shakes his father’s hand, and then his dad is slipping his arm around his wife, settling her in her chair, while both grin happily up at Jonas as he takes the two steps onto the raised platform.

  Weddings, man. They bring out the mushiest emotions. I dig in my clutch for a tissue and come up short. I’m not a crier by nature, and I barely know these people, and yet if Caitlin’s happiness is half as evident as Jonas’s, this wedding might send me over the edge.

  The music continues and Teagan appears next, a small bouquet of hot-pink roses in her hands, a white satin ribbon wrapped around the stems. She winks at Corbin, who’s sitting in the front row, and takes her spot.

  Then she turns, the music shifts, and everyone stands to watch Caitlin walk down the aisle.

  She’s calmed herself since our initial arrival, when she was a bundle of nerves. But as pictures were taken, her smile relaxed, her laughs became more lighthearted, and now, as she walks down the aisle, while all eyes are riveted to the beautiful bride, I can’t drag mine off Trey.

  He’s so much taller than her, especially with his back straight, chest out. There’s pride in the way he moves with Caitlin as she sniffs, and her smile goes wide when she spots Jonas.

  Trey, with confidence in his walk and a possessive instinct toward Caitlin that I now know runs miles deep between them, escorts her to Jonas like he’s never had a more serious mission in his life.

  It’s one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen.

  They reach the platform and Caitlin smiles up at Trey, thanks him with a whisper, but I can still see her form the words on her freshly touched-up lipstick. He kisses her cheek, hugs her tightly, and then gives Jonas one of those man-handshake–half-hug things, pulling Jonas toward him. Whatever he says to Jonas makes Caitlin laugh and Jonas roll his eyes.

  Of course he wouldn’t give his friend away to be married without a threat to Jonas’s bodily health if he hurts her. I don’t have to hear what’s said to know Trey would do something like that.

  He turns, eyes skipping over Corbin in the front row straight to me, and all that intensity he gave to Caitlin is now on me.

  Unsettling me in a way that makes me shift in my seat to ease the sudden warmth between my thighs. Good Lord, this man might very well be the death of me.

  He joins me and, to my surprise, his arm goes around my shoulder and he draws me closer, pressing a kiss to my temple while whispering, “She’s beautiful, and I love her to death, but I’ve missed you.”

  And my heart melts straight onto the sandy beach.

  It’s almost impossible to focus on the sweet and short ceremony after that, my mind swirling, and somehow, that’s all it took—his admission that he’d missed me—to erase all my nerves and give me the confidence to listen to Cara.

  Nothing in life is guaranteed, including escaping with a heart that’s never been broken, but I have a feeling if I trust it to Trey, he’ll do his damnedest to ensure it doesn’t happen.

  Chapter 21


  I’m antsy as hell. The last thing in the world I expected today was to have some sort of visceral reaction to Caitlin getting married and yet I feel like I haven’t been able to breathe properly since I walked her to Jonas.

  Corbin’s wedding didn’t affect me like this, but perhaps that’s because it was a whirlwind decision of a trip to elope to Vegas one night. I didn’t have time to think about what had gone on before we were heading out of a small but tasteful chapel, and Caitlin and I were heading to the poker tables while Corbin and Teagan took off to their honeymoon suite.

  I’ve had months to prepare for the moment of seeing Caitlin get married, and I’m happy for her. There isn’t a better man in the world for her than Jonas. He’s stuck by her side for years, pursued her when she shoved him away. Jonas came to me when using my dating app was his last chance to get her to see how good they are together.
He’s done everything to get her attention and prove his love to her, and there isn’t a woman who deserves it more than Caitlin.

  So I should be fucking thrilled she’s married. But that tightness in my chest hasn’t loosened, despite the fact I’ve now loosened my tie and popped a few buttons on my shirt, and I’m two drinks in while the small crowd of mostly Jonas’s family and a handful of their friends mingle and dance and snack on appetizers servers are handing out along with champagne and sparkling wine.

  It’s unsettling. And I know exactly why that is. Everyone around me is so damn fucking happy it’s sweet enough to make my teeth ache. Here I am, a man with millions and a few friends who mean the world to me, but they’re all married now. Which means shit is changing and I despise it. Meanwhile, I have a weekend with Willow, and I still can’t figure out if she wants anything to do with me after the weekend or not.

  I want a whole helluva lot more from her than I think she’s ready for and the fact I even want it surprises the hell out of me.

  Currently, Jonas’s friend-slash-employee-slash-best-man, Tanner, is twirling Willow around on the makeshift dance floor, and more than my set of eyes are focused on her. It might be Caitlin’s day, but Willow on the dance floor is definitely stealing the show. I blame her sexy-as-hell dress that shifts and teases, seduces and calls every man in a visible radius to the sway of her breasts and hips as she playfully dances with Tanner.

  But screw that. She’s my date. And if anyone’s hands are going to be on her, it’s mine.

  I set down my drink and head directly for her. Tanner’s hands are on and they’re both smiling. As I get closer, he spins her. She twists, throwing one arm out like she’s had years of dance classes, and as she curls her arm back in, I reach for it, eyeing Tanner, and she spins right into my grasp.

  “I’ve got this,” I tell Tanner.

  He winks at me and throws his hands up. “About time you got out here. I was just warming her up for you.”


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