Skin Nation
Page 17
Five minutes into b-fast, Lary came in with a plastic white bag and yet another gun. I started to wonder how many arms the commune really needed and how Lary obtained one after they were just universally banned.
“No filched NNF?”
“Nah, they were all out, but I got someone to read me the front news.”
Everyone drew in for the news.
“It's just like I predicted. The age range for the Pre-Ex program is from six to eighteen, and there's been more capturings.”
“Which means?” I asked.
“The Gov's decided to start their little project earlier then posted.”
“You think the Gov's taking their own kids?”
“I know,” Lary glared.
I sat back in my chair, pondering Lary's suggestion, wondering how far along the process was in their plan, and if they captured everyone listed in their plans from where I lived.
“Anything about where I live in the NNF?” I decided to ask.
“No, not today. You probably won't hear much about CU in the NNF here unless it's huge.”
“Haven't heard nothing about Cypress since I've been here.”
“No news is good news, you know?” Z said.
I looked down at the table. No news is good news. No news would kill me. I had to know what was going on. I had to know that my mom was okay.
“I got some things for you today, Bleu.”
I picked my head up. “Really?”
“Yeah. Follow me.”
Lary rose from the table and I froze. Did I really want to be a Follower?
I got up slowly and felt my sense of freedom slip away. I was a Follower now. Lary's Follower.
Lary took out the contents in the noisy plastic bag and set them down on the bed in a straight line. A white lamp, a Pleather object, lip smack, a tat pen, and black tat ink with highlight blue undertones mixed inside the palm-sized glass bottle.
“Okay, what's all this?”
“Well, this is a lamp-”
“No, no,” I laughed. “I mean, do all these things go together for something? For like...a plan?”
“Not exactly,” Lary smiled. Now, I knew he was up to something, but I didn't push it. “This right here,” he started as he picked up the leather object and put it in my hand. “This is your new best friend. It's a carrying case for your gun and has pockets where you can hide anything else you need to carry around.”
“I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but what do I have to carry around in that thing?”
Lary picked up the balm. “Your other new best friend.”
I huffed. “You've gotta be kidding. I thought you of all people would know I'm not some shallow CU girl.”
“I do. That's why I got you this,” Lary said as he raised his eyebrows. He pressed his finger upward on one of the three clear sliders installed on the tube and the red stick of balm shot up. Red. My favorite color. “The balm turns blue and tingles when it detects anything life threatening. Smoke from a fire, nearby gun powder, even drugs in your drink which shouldn't be a concern because our troupe doesn't intake public drinks.”
“And, if I drink them anyway?”
“You won't survive.”
I gave him a funny look, but inside I knew there was more to Lary's words than just what it seemed to mean on the surface. Then again, everything he said seemed that way. Lary handed me the lip balm and smirked again. I wondered what got him in such a happy mood.
“I'll leave the surprises for you to find out.”
I examined the tube and slid the balm back down. I slid up the next tab and a sharp blade appeared in place. My reaction must have been priceless because Lary couldn't stop smiling. I guess it took more than fear to make him laugh.
“You think I'll ever use it?”
“Do you want to?” Lary asked with a curious look on his face.
I turned the blade in my hand to make it shine and I smirked. “I don't know...”
Lary stepped closer to me and took the tube away. “Maybe giving you this was a bad idea.”
“No! I was kidding! Really!”
“No, you can wait. Enjoy your lamp.”
“And, how do you suppose I do that?”
“Just be patient. The night brings luck.”
Lary walked out and like always I was left alone, but not in total emptiness. I still had a plan to set-up, and in my completely unmerited favor, a handgun.