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Wolves and War

Page 78

by Candy Rae

CHAPTER 24 (Northern Continent)

  Jim watched the Larg troop movements, a knot of apprehension tying his stomach in knots. There were too many kohorts moving south for that to be the diversion. He had made the right decision in moving his centre and left reserves to the right. Aoalvaldr’s next attack would be on the allied right wing. The centre would still be under attack, of that much he was certain, but it would hold firm. The body of Larg in the centre were only waiting for their compatriots to their left to attain their attack position then they would start up the hill again.

  Aoalvaldr was hoping for two things. First of all, that the defenders’ weakened centre would not be able to resist a third attack and that his forces would be able to break through and split the allied army in half. Secondly, that his attack on the Lind right wing would be successful and that he would be able to envelop the entire allied right in a pincer movement.

  Jim could not weaken his left wing more than he had done already. There had been less Lind stationed there from the outset. As it was so much higher and rockier than in the centre it was most unlikely that the Larg would choose to attack there but there were no guarantees. On Afanasei’s advice the Lindars on the left wing were also the most inexperienced. There was only one experienced Lindar from a warrior pack similar to pack Zanatei stationed with them. There could be no help from that area.

  Jim knew that the critical point of the battle was upon them.

  “Warn,” he commanded Larya.

  She did so, a troubled expression on her face; she well understood the significance of what was to come.

  “They’ll attack simultaneously,” said Jim. “I think they have committed all their reserves.”

  Larya nodded.

  “All Larg will fight.”

  “We’ll beat them off,” was Jim’s confident answer, shouted loud enough for everyone within earshot to hear. His troops needed all the encouragement they could get. “They’ve no more reserves. One more effort and we’ve won.”

  “We chase Larg to sea?” asked Larya with a grin. The Lind had copied this human expression and their lips would curl up, showing an array of very large, pointed teeth. Those not used to this often misconstrued the expression as a snarl. Those vadeln-paired knew better, a snarl-grimace was quite a different proposition, coupled as it was with a certain Lind look in the eye that boded ill for all those who had the misfortune to face it. Many Larg had faced it and died that day.

  “They must wait for orders to chase,” said Jim sharply. “Tell Kolyei to reinforce that order.” Not for anything would he abandon the advantage of high ground until there was proof positive that the Larg were unable to counterattack and in definite retreat.

  “Larg command group moves,” Larya said.

  Jim looked at her. How on Lind had they managed to find that out?

  : We Lind have sharp eyes :

  Jim made another decision. “Vada to right wing.”

  Their presence might well make all the difference. Even three hundred or so mounted troops could do a lot of damage.

  A few moments later, Jim received confirmation through Kolyei from Larya.

  “Francis and Asya say ‘wilco’. What is ‘wilco’?” Larya asked in a puzzled voice. Larya was incredibly curious to know the meaning of new words in Standard; she was very much like Kolyei in this respect.

  Jim laughed and promised to explain later.

  “Elda go now,” said Larya at that point.

  “Go, go where?”

  Larya pointed with her forepaw and Jim, turning in the direction she was pointing saw all but two of the Gtratha Eldas leaving the centre and heading south. These experienced whites knew that the battle was fast approaching its critical stage and they were off to aid the right wing. Their very presence would give heart to the defenders, especially those who had never faced the Larg before.

  There was a long drawn out howl from the south and the kohorts in front of the centre started up the hill once more.

  The melee began again as the front kohorts hit the allied ranks.

  Geraldine and Jsei met the charge with grim determination. She was not in the second rank now but stood at the front, shield strapped to her left arm, Jsei to her right. Jsei’s presence was like a solid rock of comfort in her mind; for the first time she felt confident that together they would survive all this and that the allied army would prevail.

  A large tawny body came thundering towards them. Jsei crouched down, indicating that he was going for its belly. Geraldine raised her sword, ready to strike. Their enemy leapt at her left side with such force that it shattered her shield and she staggered back somehow managing as she did so to bring her sword down on the beast’s shoulders. She felt the scrunch as the blade hit bone. The Larg staggered but kept on coming, landing on top of Geraldine. His weight knocked her gasping to the ground but she managed to keep what remained of her shield above her torso. There she lay, dazed and could only watch as the horror that was the Larg’s face closed round her throat. His mouth drooled saliva and some fell on to her face and into her mouth. She felt herself retch as the liquid reached her taste buds. Then Jsei was there.

  He leapt at the Larg, his mouth grabbing hold of its neck as it tried to get at Geraldine. With a strength he hadn’t known he possessed, Jsei forced his enemy away from his chosen human. Geraldine realised that nothing was holding her pinned down any more, and scrambled to her feet. The Larg and Jsei were in a writhing embrace as both tried to bite at the others neck. Their front paws mauled at each other. You bastard, you’re not going to kill my Jsei. She joined in the fray and her sword came down once, then twice. The Larg tried to get away from this joint attack but Jsei had it by the throat now and escape was impossible. Jsei’s mouth closed. There was a gush of bright ochre blood and the Larg was dead.

  Jsei moved away from the carcass and in one fluid movement was facing downhill again, ready to face another enemy. Geraldine stepped up beside him as another wave of Larg hit the lines.

  Along the infantry lines this scene was repeated again and again. The kohorts found it virtually impossible to win against an infantryman armed with shield and sword fighting with a Lind warrior.

  It was not long before this information was being disseminated en masse amongst the Lindars. The reserve Lindars behind the infantry moved forward to join with their human allies. The right wing of Lindar Zanatei merged with the humans like a well fitting glove would slip on to a hand. Robert Lutterell found himself fighting hard with Afanasei at his side. Louis and Ustinya and the other cavalry youngsters attached to these Lindars, fought the cavalry way as taught by Francis darting in and out of the melee when they spied an opportunity. Their two-edged swords were proving extremely effective.

  All was confusion as the battle surged to and fro, the Larg hurling themselves at the defenders as they desperately tried to force a way through. Another kohort arrived at the top of the hill and joined in the battle. The smell of spilt blood was overpowering. The combatants no longer fought in rank. They no longer battled in front of the tree line. Individual fights were being fought between the trees as groups of Larg managed to force their way in to be met by the reserves. All was chaos and the sounds of killing and being killed filled the air. Interspersed with the growls and howls, human voices were yelling and shouting. The dead and the dying lay on the bloody ground. The crews of the arrow contraps fought desperately alongside their Lind allies.

  The outcome of the battle for the centre hung in the balance.

  : Jim, mount up! : Larya’s ‘mind-voice’ screamed at him.

  With a start Jim looked at her then at the group of Larg swarming round and up the base-rocks of the command post. They were forcing their bodies through the defenders, through the blue striped ryz who were trying desperately to stop them.

  : Advance the rest of the reserves now! : he ‘shouted’ as he swung himself into the saddle. There was no time to fix the restraining straps.

  A group of Larg managed to evade the ryz at last and began
to climb, intent on destroying the two who stood atop it.

  : They know you are Susyc : Larya informed Jim. She prepared herself. : They think to kill us :

  All thoughts of directing the battle vanished as Jim drew his sword. His legs gripped Larya with all his might. To fall off would be fatal. As the first snout emerged they leapt forward and Larya’s chelas reached for her enemy. Jim tightened his free fist in her neck ruff as he brought his sword down.

  The Larg collapsed like a pole-axed zarova, but there was no time for congratulations at their first kill. Two more Larg scrabbled on to the ledge. Larya swung round. They were caught up in a swirl of thrashing bodies. Jim killed the first of the two with comparative ease, ignoring the searing pain as a claw scored through the protective leathers on his thigh. Larya downed its partner and managed to get her mouth round its neck. Blood spurted from its severed jugular. More arterial blood spurted out and up until the ground was soaked with it. Larya held on until the body stopped its spasmodic movements.

  Jim was drenched in blood, and Larya not much better. It showed up brightly on her coat.

  “Gtran’s teeth,” he exploded. “That was close. Are you all right?”

  “Small hurts only,” she answered.

  “Thank the Lai,” iterated Jim, and dismounted, the better to peer over the side of the ledge. There were no longer any Larg there.

  “Get Kolyei on line.”

  : Kolyei says centre is holding. He needs orders :

  : Regroup. Tighten the lines. Fill the gaps :

  Jim extracted his first aid kit from his pocket and began to smear Smaha salve on Larya’s muzzle and chest, which were criss-crossed with bleeding welts.

  Up on the hillside, Afanasei and Robert had seen the attack begin on Jim and Larya’s command post. With great presence of mind in the midst of the chaos, Afanasei ordered a detachment of the second ryz to go to their aid. Zanatei himself led them back towards the rocky tor where at least the same number of Larg had managed to break though. Three Larg were already half way up the rocks. The remainder of the tawny beasts turned to meet them. It was thanks to this that Jim and Larya had only the three Larg to deal with.

  Jim sent a mental thanks to whomsoever had ordered the rescue party and raised his binoculars once again to his eyes as he reappraised the battle. Larya kept a wary eye on what was happening below. He was relieved to see that his soldiers were holding their own. Although small groups of Larg had endeavoured to break through, there were not enough of them to consolidate the advantage. Lind and human refused to give up and fought for every inch of ground. Some individual Larg began to turn and retreat back down the hill and to Jim’s eyes not all those so doing appeared to be wounded. Tails between their legs, the more inexperienced kohorts began to leave the high ground. There were sporadic cheers from the beleaguered infantry. These cheers gave the Lindars to either side of the human soldiers the heart to continue. They fought even harder and even the most experienced Larg kohorts began to realise that this attack on the centre was not going to succeed.

  Here, they had been well defeated.

  On the right wing, it was a different story. The Lind were being pressed hard and were beginning to fall back. Some Lindars had ceased to be a cohesive unit. The Elda were ordering the first reserves into the fray. The hilly inclines were shallower here and the Lind were finding it that much harder to hold their spreading lines. The battle was becoming a fluid one and in such a battle, the smaller and lighter Lind were at a distinct disadvantage. Jim watched the undulating mass of death and carnage. If these lines folded, they would all be in desperate peril.

  He turned to Larya.

  “How many Lindars not engaged?”

  “Eight,” she answered after a moment of consultation with Kolyei.

  “Tell them to join with the Vada. They are all to swing round and try to encircle the kohorts. They are to attack from the side and rear.”

  They were his last reserve troops.

  * * * * *


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