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Gun Mage 4: Surviving a Post Apocalyptic Magic Earth

Page 25

by Logan Jacobs

  “Ohhhhh… wooooowwwww.” She clenched around my cock as I started to slide back and forth, and she was soon moving in rhythm to my thrusts. Not long after that, her feet found my butt cheeks, and she started to caress my butt even as she pushed me deeper inside of her. I was happy to oblige, and soon my balls were pressed against her as I tried to hold on until she was ready to climax.

  “You like it?” I growled as I plowed into her unbelievably tight tunnel.

  “Yesss,” she groaned as she bit one of her fingers and stared at me with lust filled eyes. “Sooo much. Don’t stop.”

  “I won’t,” I growled, even though my penis felt ready to explode, and I panted with the effort of trying to control it.

  “Hex?” Freya panted as she started to wiggle beneath me, moving her body around to find the spots that drove her crazy.

  “Yeah?” I grunted.

  “I’m a… rabbit,” she sighed. “A mutant.”

  “Yeah?” I moaned.

  “I need babies, Hex,” she growled as her heels hooked into my ass cheeks. “Please, Hex. Don’t pull out.”

  “What?” I gasped.

  “I’m fertile right now. Fill me up. I want to have your babies, Hex. Please fill my womb with your seed.” Each quiver along her body threatened to send me over the edge, and I heard myself groan in pain and desire as I pounded even harder and faster.

  I just couldn’t help it.

  “Are you--” I tried to say, but my brain couldn’t really form the words to argue, and my body now had a single mission:

  To impregnate the beautiful bunny-girl like she was begging me to do so.

  “Now, now, now, now, now,” she started to chant as her body peaked into a trembling climax. “Fill me. Fill me. Fill me. Ohhh, Hex!”

  “Yesss!” Tension racked my body as I gave one last tremendous thrust deep inside her, and then the beautiful rabbit woman squealed as she wrapped herself around me.

  “Ohhh,” I groaned as my semen poured into her.

  “So goood,” Freya gasped in ecstasy. “So much sperm, Hex.”

  Her body shook one last time, and when her muscles finally went slack, she collapsed back onto the bed, though her legs were still wrapped around me.

  “Give me a minute,” she mumbled as I started to tickle her throat with my tongue. “I’ll be ready to go again. I can’t believe you wore me out. I’ve heard that most men find it hard to keep up with a mutant.”

  “Go again?” I chuckled.

  “You are still hard inside me?” she asked, but the answer was obvious, since I was still as hard as a steel rod inside of her.

  “Yeah,” I snickered.

  “I… uhhh… want more of your sperm,” she cleared her throat.

  “Are you sure?” I asked. “We have a long journey, and a child will make—”

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life, Hex,” Freya started as her eyes met mine. “I want you as my mate, and I want to have as many babies as I can with you. I know we have a long journey ahead of us, but my body, mind, and heart want this from you. Is that okay?”

  “Well, I already came in you,” I laughed. “There isn’t any going back now.”

  “So, we should make sure we do a complete job tonight,” Freya giggled.

  “Sounds like a plan,” I snickered. “You know, I still haven’t seen much of this tail yet, though I do like the way it feels.”

  “Hmmmm,” the sensual mutant pondered as she watched me from half-closed eyes. “I guess I’ll have to move on top this time and give you a nice view of my back.”

  “I like the sound of that,” I agreed as I slowly eased myself onto the mattress next to her.

  “Then let me mount my ride,” she chuckled.

  Freya swung one long leg across me, then climbed on top of me with her back toward my face. She looked back over her shoulder as she started to tease my erection, and she gave me a sly smile when she saw my eyes were locked on her twitching tail.

  It was, as rumored, a perfect, beautiful rabbit tail, perfectly sized to her. It sat just above her butt at the end of a thin line of golden fur that ran down her back, and while I was a fan of breasts, the view of the tail as it started to move up and down as Freya rode my dripping wet shaft was too much. I grabbed the tail, which caused Freya to squeal, but she didn’t pull away. She started to grind down even harder, and I heard myself moan as my fingers ran through her fur.

  Freya started to bounce, not huge leaps, but she rode up and down along my rod faster and faster. The friction of it sent shockwaves through my body, and I was soon one long, tense coil that was just begging for release. My hands moved up the rabbit woman’s back as I tried to hold her in place, but she ignored me and kept going until I felt her own body tense beneath my hands. I groaned as I waited for her to climax, and then I felt her start to shake as her body hit its apex. My own body quivered in response, and then I let go as my seed filled her accepting womb again.

  “I love riding you,” she declared when she finally slumped over my legs.

  “The feeling’s mutual,” I replied enthusiastically.

  One long ear swiveled back toward me, and I caught it in my hand. Freya looked back over her shoulder again and watched me as I started to caress the silken fur softly in my hand.

  “Does that bother you?” I asked.

  “No,” she replied softly. “It feels nice.”

  She slowly eased herself onto my stomach so I could reach both ears. With one ear in each hand, I started to massage them gently.

  “I like that,” she said.

  “I may like the ears better than the tail,” I chuckled. “Though it’s a close call.”

  “Really?” she asked doubtfully. “In my experience, men work really hard to pretend they aren’t there.”

  “That’s terrible,” I sniffed. “I think they’re amazing.”

  “And now you're getting me worked up again,” she snorted. “Who knew ears could be so erotic?”

  “Well, I had an idea,” I replied as I shifted one hand slowly down the ridge of fur to her tail.

  “You’re very naughty,” she noted as the tail twitched in my hand and brushed against my penis.

  I groaned as the soft fur twitched again, and then Freya started to move the tail slowly back and forth.

  “Maybe I do like the tail better,” I admitted as I started to stiffen again.

  “Why don’t we find out?” the rabbit woman demanded as she rolled onto the bed and pulled me on top of her.

  I never did reach a decision that night. We tried different positions as the night slipped by, and they were all as amazing as the first go. When we finally collapsed onto the bed for the last time, I pulled her close to me, face to face, and wrapped one hand around the tail while I caressed one silky ear until she fell asleep.

  If she’d been telling the truth about being fertile, and humans and mutants could breed, then she was most definitely pregnant.

  I must have drifted off dreaming what our babies would look like not long after that, because when I woke up, sunlight was creeping around the edges of the curtains and Freya was gone. The only other creature in the room was Barnaby, who had taken the rabbit woman’s spot and regarded me with an innocent air when I tried to shoo him off from the bed.

  “Fine,” I mumbled as I rolled out of the bed and stumbled toward the bathroom. “I’m going to get cleaned up and then take you for a walk.”

  The Weimaraner only nestled deeper under the covers and closed his eyes as he laid his head against the pillow. I found some reasonably clean clothes, and told myself that I really needed to do laundry at our next stop. Luckily, the hotel provided robes, and I slipped mine on as I snuck down the hallway to the community bath.

  When I felt clean and alert once again, I toweled myself off and returned to the room. I repacked the bags so I would be ready to go as soon as we had a plan for the day, and finally pulled the dog away from the bed when he refused to move. Darwin was already in the lobby whe
n we stumbled through the double doors, deep in conversation with a man and woman dressed in matching ponchos. The ponchos were dyed in swirling bright colors and covered in glass beads, and I felt a headache starting to come on just from looking at them.

  “Ah, glad to see at least one person is on time,” Darwin snorted.

  “Yeah,” I agreed slowly. “Just need to take Barnaby out real quick, and then I’ll join you for breakfast.”

  “Before you go,” Darwin said quickly. “This is Alfred Moon and his sister Heloise. They’re heading to Lock Haven to pick up more artwork to sell in their stores. I think we should go with them.”

  “Sounds great,” I replied heartily as I smiled at the brother and sister.

  The family resemblance was strong between the two. They were close in height and had the same hazel eyes in an oval face, topped by thick wiry eyebrows and dark brown hair pulled back into short ponytails. The only real way to distinguish between them were the very large breasts that Heloise had.

  “I asked them to join us for breakfast,” Darwin added as Barnaby started to pull me toward the door. “Why don’t you bring the atlas with you so we can map out a route?”

  “We’ll be there in just a few minutes,” I called out as I dodged out the door after the dog. “With the atlas.”

  Barnaby was in a good mood as he bounded along the sidewalk with occasional pit stops to sniff at a tree or a hitching post. I finally managed to direct him into a small park that ran along the wall, where he emptied his bladder after several more minutes of sniffing. After a romp through some of the snow drifts, I finally corralled the dog and led him back to the hotel. Barnaby was happy enough when it looked like I would stay, but as soon as I headed toward the door with the atlas, he whimpered in protest.

  “We’ll be on the road again soon enough,” I told the whining dog when I tried to lock him in the room again.

  Barnaby didn’t look convinced by my statement, and he finally flopped onto the rug with a forlorn look.

  “I’ll bring you bacon,” I promised as I closed the door.

  I made my way back to the lobby and followed the scent of sausage and coffee to a small dining room. Darwin was already at a table with the brother and sister duo, and Sorcha was just pulling out a chair to join them. I pointed toward the table when the hostess started to approach, and she nodded me into the dining room.

  “Sleep well?” Sorcha asked innocently as I sat down.

  “I did,” I replied with a straight face.

  Sorcha waited until Darwin and our guests started to discuss the amazing beauty of the glass that some of the Lock Haven artists produced before she gave me a wink and a knowing smile. I tried to ignore her, but I felt my neck grow hot for a moment.

  “I have the atlas,” I added unnecessarily as I set the book down onto the table.

  “Oooh, I’ve heard about those,” Heloise said as she picked up the collection of maps and started to slowly flip through it. “I think we could sell an updated one, but I haven’t had much luck finding anyone who can draw a really good map. I mean, look at these. There’s so much detail.”

  “A lot of these roads are still in use,” Alfred said as he looked over her shoulder. “Maybe we could simply adapt what’s already been done.”

  “We’d still need somebody who could travel the roads and note the changes,” Heloise mused. “Oh, look, here’s the page that shows Willsport, but on here it’s called Williamsport. We’d have to update all the town names, too, that’s clear.”

  “So we’ll be following this road here,” Darwin interjected as he pointed toward the map.

  “Yes, basically,” Alfred agreed.

  “Now, I understand that there are groups that head north along here,” Darwin said as he pointed at something else. “Through the old Tioga State Forest area.”

  “Oh, you don’t want to do that,” Heloise exclaimed. “There are trappers and hunters there, but even they’ll tell you that you don’t want to go too deep into the woods. It’s very dangerous in there.”

  “Like, mutants?” I asked.

  Heloise and Alfred exchanged a quick look.

  “Well, in a manner of speaking,” Heloise said.

  “In a manner of speaking?” Darwin repeated.

  “Apparently, they used to conduct some sort of top secret tests in there in the pre-magic days,” Alfred replied. “Now it’s filled with dangerous mutants who are part animal and part technology.”

  I glanced at Darwin for a little direction. This wasn’t the first time we’d heard claims about top secret pre-magic activities that had created some sort of super mutant, but the last batch we’d encountered had been ordinary enough. The idea that they had somehow melded with their technology was a new twist, though, and I had no idea if that was even possible. On the other hand, I could use magic to create guns, so I couldn’t discount it completely.

  “That’s… interesting,” Darwin muttered, though anyone who knew him could tell he was skeptical.

  “People disappear in there all the time,” Alfred added. “And we’ve lost a few people who wandered away from the caravan. It’s best to stay with the group and stay on the road.”

  “Always a good plan,” Sorcha agreed. “One we try to follow in all our travels.”

  I tried very hard not to laugh at that statement.

  “Now, when we leave Lock Haven,” Darwin noted as he pointed toward the map again, “we’ll want to keep heading west.”

  “Stay on the road,” Heloise insisted. “This one that’s labeled eighty on here. If you try to follow this other one here, this red one, you’ll just end up in mutant territory.”

  “So how far west are you trying to go?” Alfred asked.

  “Erie,” Darwin replied as he pried the atlas from Heloise’s fingers and studied the map.

  “Oh, my,” Heloise declared. “That’s quite a trip.”

  “I don’t think I know anyone who’s ever gone that far,” Alfred mused, “though I’ve heard that the lake is quite lovely. And sometimes you can see parts of the old Erie when the waters are clear.”

  Freya finally arrived at that point, followed closely by a waitress with a pot in each hand. While Freya exchanged names with Alfred and Heloise, the waitress poured cups of hot coffee and tea for the table. She promised to return for our breakfast orders, then trotted to another table of new arrivals.

  “You look refreshed,” Sorcha noted with a sly smile.

  “I feel refreshed,” Freya replied with a shy smile.

  Darwin looked back and forth between the two women, then squinted at me. I grabbed one of the menus from the stack and quickly buried my face behind it.

  “I promised Barnaby bacon,” I announced. “Maybe I should get him some scrambled eggs as well.”

  “I’m sure he’d enjoy that,” Sorcha said smoothly.

  “How many people are in your caravan?” Freya asked.

  “There are five others besides ourselves,” Alfred replied. “We don’t usually run into any problems, but having four extra people and a dog along will be welcome. With the winter setting in, scavengers can become more desperate.”

  “Are there a lot of scavengers between here and Lock Haven?” Sorcha asked.

  “It depends,” Heloise noted. “There’s a few small towns along the way, and if they’ve hired a mage recently, then the scavengers will avoid the road. But if it’s been a while since a mage passed through, they can get a little brazen.”

  “Nothing we can’t handle,” Darwin assured the duo.

  “It certainly sounds that way,” Alfred agreed. “I’m amazed at how far you’ve traveled already.”

  “And on the train!” Heloise exclaimed with a clap of her hands. “I can’t wait to try that myself.”

  “It was truly amazing,” Freya assured the older woman.

  “Well, the railroad is always looking to hire people,” I suggested. “Maybe you or Alfred could get a job with them.”

  “Oh,” Heloise replied, and I
could see her eyes start to gleam as she thought about the job opportunities on the train. Alfred, however, looked less enthusiastic.

  Freya and Sorcha had both looked toward Darwin when I said that, and the ex-trooper looked slightly miffed that I had raised the specter of his possible leave taking during the middle of breakfast. He was saved from a response by the arrival of the waitress, who finally took our orders before disappearing into the kitchen.

  “Tell us about Lock Haven,” Darwin prodded. “You said it’s an artist community?”

  “It is,” Heloise said enthusiastically. “Just about everyone there produces some kind of art. And the pieces are extraordinary.”

  Heloise launched into a description of the various types of art that were produced in Lock Haven, from intricate miniature wooden carvings to gigantic statues made out of whatever the artist found in the woods. It was a discussion that carried us through breakfast and a couple of cups of coffee, and probably would have gone on until lunch except that Alfred finally cut her off.

  “As we mentioned to Charles, we moved the carts outside the walls last night,” Alfred announced when Heloise stopped to catch her breath. “It’s easier than trying to get them through the gates this morning. Our nephew Peter should already have everything ready to go, so once you’re through the gate, just follow the road until you see the sign for Peterson’s Transport. You can’t miss our carts.”

  “We’ll just grab our gear and meet you there,” I said quickly when I saw Heloise preparing to continue her catalog of art.

  “Right, and the sooner we get started, the better,” Freya added as she stood up.

  Darwin and Sorcha did as well, and I was about to dash into the kitchen to find the food I’d requested for Barnaby just to get away from Heloise, but the waitress returned with a paper bag that already had a grease smear on it.

  “Perfect,” I declared as I snatched the bag from the waitress’ hand. “So, Peterson’s Transport.”

  “Peterson’s Transport,” Alfred affirmed. “We’ll see you in a few minutes.”

  Alfred started to stand up, and he tugged Heloise to her feet. I gave her a smile, then practically ran after my companions. When I made it to the lobby, though, the only one I saw was Darwin who had stopped to pick up a newspaper from the front desk.


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