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Hott and Handled (The Hott Brothers Book 3)

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by Leah Sharelle





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  Copyright © 2020 Leah Sharelle

  HOTT AND HANDLED - The Hott Brothers Book 3

  By Leah Sharelle

  All Rights Reserved.

  Editing and Proofreading: R Corcoran

  Photography: Chic Professional Photography

  Cover Model: Dustyn Rodgers

  Cover Design: Formatting & Design by Jaye

  Interior Design: Formatting & Design by Jaye

  This book may not be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission from the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. All characters and storylines are the properties of the author, and your support and respect are appreciated.

  This book is a work of fiction. The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  This author writes using Australian English and may include Australian diction


  To my daughter Tamara, this is what I like to call, dedicated to you.

  (inside joke)

  And to Handsome, 18 books and counting my friend. XOXO


  “But Ma, why can’t I go too?” I shouted at my mother without thinking first. Dad always said we had to think before speaking to our mum when angry, but I couldn’t help it … I was mad. My brothers Lenoxx and Hendrixx went out into the stables to help with the horses, and I had to stay inside with Mum, helping her with making lunch.

  It wasn’t fair.

  “Fenny, you know why,” my mother said softly, coming up to me at the kitchen bench, her hand gently cupping my face. “The doctor said it would be at least another six months before you could start doing more physical exercise. You can’t get your heart rate too high baby, not yet. You have only been home from the hospital for two weeks, you don’t want to overdo it and end up back in there again.”

  I felt the anger burning inside me, it happened every time Mum mentioned my heart rate or doctors and definitely with the word hospital. It feels like all I do is go to Melbourne and the Children’s Hospital there. The doctors said my last trip was hopefully my last, no more operations, no more staying away from the Triple H and my brothers.

  “Ma? Why didn’t Noxx or Drixx get the same bad heart? Being triplets means we are the same, right? Why did only me get it?” I asked Mum, suddenly feeling overwhelmed with the need to cry. Every day I saw my brothers go out and kick the footy around the backyard, ride horses and chase the cows on the four-wheelers, all while I watched from the house. The most Mum lets me move is to the front porch, and even then, she wraps me in a blanket and makes me sit on a seat, so my heart rate doesn’t get too much.

  Mum put down the potato and peeler on the sink then walked over to me where I was at the window, her hands cupping my shoulders as she kissed the top of my head.

  “Fenixx, I can’t tell you why you were born with ASD and not the other two, only the Lord can answer that for you, son. But what I can tell you is this—” gently she turned me around, so I was now looking at her. “—Atrial Septal Defect was given to you for a reason, it was in the plan to make you the man you will end up being. The struggle you have been through since the age of six is just a blip in your path, mate. One day, you will be out there with Lenoxx and Hendrixx doing everything they do. In fact, I have a feeling you are going to give me more grief than the other two put together.” Mum gently shook me, her nose touching mine. Her blue eyes shone with happiness and no sadness. That was our mum; she was always happy, no matter what the family had thrown at it, like my heart issues. Trips to Melbourne were a part of life for six years now, she never complained when we had to go.

  “Do ya really think so, Ma?”

  “I know so, Fenixx. And it’s you, not ya, and why did I get it, not me,” she reprimanded like she always did whenever we spoke wrong.

  “Yeah, yeah,” I grumbled, but inside me, some of the anger lifted just a little bit. This latest operation was hopefully just that–the last–and then finally I could get out on the horses and maybe climb a tree like Lenoxx does, or even scale the stable roof like Drixx did last week.

  Mum rubbed her nose against mine once more, then went back to peeling the veggies for dinner. Behind my back I crossed my fingers and prayed that soon I could go outside and play.


  Fuck I was sore.

  My body was screaming at me to give it a break, but my mind, which needed the distraction of hard work, won out.

  Yesterday, Hendrixx married his one. He and Blake left for the snowfields right after the reception, leaving the hands and I to clean up the remnants of the party held in the valley on the Triple H.

  Glasses haphazardly were left all over the ground and tables, balled up paper napkins and paper plates littered the paddock, but it wasn’t those items that were holding my interest. Nope, it was the three transportable wood-fire pizza ovens sitting on their own trailers waiting for the owner to come pick them up. And that was the reason I was still out here pushing my sore muscles to the brink in the cold weather and risking getting a cold.

  This morning my workday started at four a.m., keen to get my usual chores done so I could be here in the valley at the same time Farron told my mother last night she would be back to pick up the ovens. I had to admit I felt like a bit of a dick, rushing through my jobs and racing to the site of the reception so that I can get a glimpse of the woman who haunted my every waking moment. Farron Hill was my obsession, there was no other way to describe it. Acting like a man of thirty, as of two months ago, didn’t come into it when it came to the owner of Cattle Ridge’s only pizza joint.

  She rendered me speechless every time I got within cooee of her: my mouth dried, my hands shook, and basically, I turned into a randy teenager still not sure how to stop my dick from standing to attention in public.

  It was fucking embarrassing, and to tell the truth, I was sick of it. In the last six months, Farron had gone on three dates with local guys. I knew this because I followed her to each date, sat in my car in the dark outside the restaurants she was at, and fumed that it wasn’t me she had been with on the date. Of course, it was completely my fault because I was yet to talk to the woman. All I had managed so far was stuttering and stammering pizza orders, shy nods goodbye and longing, pathetic looks.

  “Fucking hell Fenixx, can you get any more tragic?” I asked myself out loud.

  “I’d say the chances are pretty high,” a familiar voice said from behind me, startling me.

  “Fuck me, Lenoxx! Make some noise will ya,” I grumbled as I turned around to glare at my older triplet. His face identical to mine in every way, smiled back at me, not at all perturbed that he pissed me off, catching me talking to myself.

  “Not my fault you didn’t hear me pulling up while you were in the middle of a conversation with yourself, little brother
,” Noxx snickered, pissing me off even more.

  Ignoring the little brother comment, because he was right, I was the youngest of the three of us. I was born last, born the smallest and born with ASD. My childhood had been riddled with health issues: heart operations, complications like chronic bronchitis, and childhood asthma, which all equalled a weak immune system that followed me into adulthood. Though now, I was the same height as he and Hendrixx and slightly larger in build due to spending every day on the Triple H working the land while Noxx took care of HBC business and Drixx the day to day office work of running the Triple H farm. I wasn’t that small, sickly kid anymore, just a lovesick fool too frightened to speak to a beautiful woman.

  Leaning down to pick up a used paper plate, I tossed it into the large rubbish bag then moved a few feet to the next piece of rubbish.

  “What are you doing here, Noxx? Don’t you have a wife to keep happy and satisfied?” I queried, hoping to distract him with talk of Makena, his favourite subject other than his two kids.

  “I left her at home very satisfied, thanks for asking mate. I thought I might venture over here to help with the clean-up, but Eddy informs me you have been out here for hours doing it yourself after you got up at four this morning.”

  I looked over my shoulder at my brother with narrowed eyes and waited for him to finish because this was Noxx after all, and I knew he had more for me.

  “Seems you worked like a mad man to get the feeding and chores done then raced your arse here. Eddy said you didn’t want any help, why is that Fenixx?” Humour and sarcasm dripped from his words, and his smirk made me want to punch him in his pretty face.

  “None of your fucking business wanker. Go annoy Mum, or find a road to play on, preferably the Hume Highway at peak hour,” I muttered, snatching a plastic cup off the ground and shoving it into the bag then storming to the next piece, silently hoping Lenoxx would get the hint and bugger off.

  “Funny, Dad used to say that to us whenever we annoyed him, which was practically every minute of the day.” Noxx’s rumble of laughter was not quite filled with humour or nostalgia; rather, it came out indignant.

  Speaking about Dad was hard these days. Gone was the heartsick pain of missing him; instead, it was replaced with a sense of gall directed at the man who I once hero-worshipped. We still had yet to find the money Dad lent old man Rogers, or understand why Mack and Mallory’s father went to his nemesis for money in the first place.

  Still so many mysteries, and we weren’t any closer today than we were a year ago.

  The silence hung thick between Lenoxx and me as we stood there and looked out over the valley, a place our father loved and was proud to own.

  “I just wish I knew why Makena’s father went to Dad in the first place,” Noxx suddenly muttered, as if he read my mind, which he probably did as was the strong connection the three of us shared.

  “I’m sure we will one day, mate. Life has a way of working shit out in its own time,” I assured him, thinking not only of Dad but my own battles.

  The health of my heart was fine; surviving a congenital defect had nothing on what a certain brunette was doing to it—conjuring an image of the gorgeous woman with her soft coffee-coloured, short hair and her matching eyes. Brown with gold flecks, almond in shape, they had a sexual hooded look to them. Her face round with the perfect button nose, full lips all leading down the most classically shaped neck. Everything about Farron screamed feminine, ladylike and ultra-gorgeous.

  A pure beauty.

  “I wish you would talk to her Nixx,” Lenoxx said, breaking into my thoughts, “how is she going to know you are interested if you don’t approach her.”

  I opened my mouth to argue, but Noxx beat me to the punch.

  “Going to her pizza joint every night doesn’t count dickhead. You sit in the back of the restaurant, give your order to the waitress, then shove money in the tip jar when Farron isn’t looking. You do know the aim is to talk to her, right?

  Groaning with annoyance of the having the same conversation the night before at the reception. When are they going to give up offering me advice on how to approach Farron?

  I am no fresh-faced virgin too shy to say hello to a woman for fuck’s sake. Girlfriends had been in abundance for my brothers and myself in our teens and twenties. Being from a rich family and according to the female population of Cattle Ridge, good lookin’ blokes, none of us had any trouble finding a girl. Then, somewhere along the way, that all lost its appeal for me, and I guess for Drixx and Noxx too. Lenoxx found Makena when he was just eighteen and fell hook line and sinker for the local beauty. Drixx always carried a torch for Blake, and only went out with a couple of girls and even then, not seriously. His attraction to the younger girl confused him, so he tried to find another one to take his attention, but it never worked for him. It was always going to be Blake for my brother.


  “Yes Lenoxx, I know talking is a key point, thank you for your wisdom. Now back the fuck off and let me worry about my life love.” My voice hard and unrelenting.

  Turning my back once again, I locked out the noise of Lenoxx’s ribbing and continued to clean up slowly, wasting time. Farron surely would arrive soon to pick up her ovens. A thought dawned that there were three ovens here, how was she going to tow all of them herself? Was she bringing someone else, maybe the guy she was dating.

  I had no idea if she was still dating the auctioneer from Mansfield. Despite my stalking efforts at the pizza place, I had not managed to hear any conversations between her or her employees on the subject. Come to think of it, I had not seen the man in question in the restaurant for the last couple of months. Maybe he was too busy to see her at dinner time? Maybe he was a fucktard and didn’t appreciate her cooking? Maybe he …

  The sound of a car driving closer caught my attention. Looking over my shoulder, my body suddenly tensed, and my cock twitched in my jeans when the double cab Ford came over the crest that led down into the valley.

  Her vehicle wasn’t the latest model, and I noticed once when I’d passed it in the car park connected to her restaurant last week that it needed two new front tyres. They were down to the markers and not safe in my opinion. We might be in the warmer months now, but the roads in this part of the country were pretty rough, especially the back roads from Cattle Ridge to the Triple H.

  Narrowing my eyes, I made my way to the area where we held the reception, closely watching the car’s progress over the bumpy terrain. In my head, I went through the stock of four-wheel tyres we had in the mechanics shed. Whether Farron was the type to accept help, I was yet to find out, but letting her drive around on unroadworthy tyres was not going to happen. Not if I had anything to say about it.

  Reaching the circle of hay bales, I vaulted over one, and stood there and waited for her to pull up. From here, I could see she was alone, and as yet, no other vehicles were coming up behind her.

  Good. That meant I could help her take back the other ovens, maybe spend some more time with her, ask her some questions and get to know each other better.

  Farron pulled up, along-side the outer ring of the bales, her window already powering down. A shy smile graced her pretty face as she leaned her head out of the window just enough that the breeze caught her short, wavy hair and blew it around her face.

  “Hey Fenixx, I ah … um, I am here for the ovens,” she stammered in the most adorable way, my heart skipping a beat or ten when my name left her pouty lips. Lips I wanted to taste more than my next breath, followed closely by my name falling from her lips in a deep moan while I brought her to orgasm with my tongue.

  My dick lengthened at the visual I had going inside my head, just thinking about my mouth on Farron’s pussy nearly had me coming right there and then, and that would not be good, not with her staring nervously at me waiting for me to reply to her.

  Hooking my thumbs in my belt loops, I cocked my head and gave her front tyres a pointed look. “You need new tyres on the front Farron, especia
lly if you are going to tow the heavy weight of the pizza ovens,” I stupidly told her gruffly instead of returning her greeting.

  Her smile dropped and instantly her dark brown eyes narrowed at me.

  “They are on my list,” she huffed at me, “I was just waiting for the money to come in from Hendrixx and Blake’s reception and another party I did last week.”

  It was on the tip of my tongue to offer to do it for her, but something in her eyes told me to tread carefully. Farron was most definitely a proud woman, and I didn’t think she would appreciate me riding in and throwing around my weight or my money. Not yet, at least.

  “Has Mum paid you, because if not—” I started to reach into my pocket to get out my phone to transfer her the money, but her blinding smile was back, rendering me speechless yet again.

  “She just did, I stopped by the house on the way down here at her request, she was waiting for me in the drive and gave me this,” she said, leaning over then came back with an envelope and waved it in my face, “ I was always going to replace my tyres Fenixx, sometimes life happens, and you have to do with what you have.”

  I heard the reprimand in her tone, but it was delivered in a soft, gentle way.

  “Yeah, sorry about that. I didn’t mean to lecture, I see something unsafe and my need to fix kicks in. Even more when the person is someone I care about.” I added the last part deliberately, so she knew that she was one of those people without a doubt.

  A blush spread over her cheeks and down her neck. Damn, I wanted to make her blush as much as possible. Seeing that pretty pink stain because of my words made me feel ten feet tall.

  “Oh.” Her mouth formed a tantalising O and off went my mind again to all the dirty thoughts of what I could have her do with that mouth. I was beginning to sound like a predator, only interested in one thing. I wasn’t, though, I wanted so much more from her.


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