Hott and Handled (The Hott Brothers Book 3)

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Hott and Handled (The Hott Brothers Book 3) Page 11

by Leah Sharelle

  “How come?” I asked, fisting my hands in my lap, so I didn’t reach out and haul her into my arms.

  “Alec’s parents are rich, pillars of the community type of thing. Their only son couldn’t be seen with an illegitimate child or a poor girlfriend. Before the pee was dry on the stick, we found ourselves up the aisle, me willingly, him dragged and married within the first month. Little did I know at the time, Alec was not happy about marrying me, we saw each other only a few times before the wedding, and during those visits, I had no idea of his hatred for me.”

  “Hatred? He pursued you, didn’t he? Why on earth would he hate you?”

  “Because he chose the wrong virgin to deflower. It was the worst experience of my life and his too. It hurt because he didn’t get me ready. I had most of my clothes on, Alec only bothered to take off my jeans and knickers. He ordered me to my knees, and he took my virginity. Three weeks later, the stick turned pink and a loveless marriage was arranged.”

  My jaw was about to crack because of the pressure I was putting it under. Farron was talking so matter of factly about her fucktard ex-husband with hardly any emotion. It was almost like she believed what she was saying.

  “He didn’t even go to the hospital with me when I went into labour with Dillion, I had to drive myself because I couldn’t reach him. I went through nine hours of labour, the birth and the first four hours of my son’s life alone. I named my baby, gave him his first bath all without his dad there. It was a sign of things to come.” Farron fiddled with the fringe on the edges of the cushion, absently plating the threads while she relived the worst memories a new mother could ever have.

  Rage like I never experienced before boiled inside me, overtaking the anger aimed at my dad for the crap he pulled on Makena and Lenoxx.

  Alec Hill was not even a man’s pubic hair, let alone a human being.

  “He never held our son, never worried when he got sick. Didn’t give me a night off with a colicky baby so I could get some sleep,” Farron paused and gave me a sad smile, breaking my heart right there on the spot. “He just … never did anything except be angry for me ruining his life.”

  “Stop!” I gritted out between clenched teeth, startling her with my angry tone.

  Shit! I didn’t mean to scare her, and I certainly didn’t want to remind her of her ex, so I took a few deep breaths before I explained my reaction.

  “I’m sorry baby, but no more. Not tonight.” Tossing the cushion to the floor, I stood, moved over to her side, picked her up in my arms and took her spot with Farron in my lap. My arms went around her middle, cradling her to my chest, tucking her head into the crook of my neck. Farron sighed and sunk into my lap, one arm at my shoulder and the other one on my hip.

  “I want to hear it all, but can we pause it for now, please? I have heard enough to know if I ever see the prick, I will knock the teeth out of his mouth.” My mind drifted to the young man asleep down the hall and wondered how on earth a father could be so … uninterested in his own flesh and blood. Dillion was a ripper of a kid, thanks completely to his mum. He resembled Farron, having her mahogany hair, wavy and out of control due to the crazy fashion kids these days thought was cool, the same coloured eyes, and even the cute dimpled cheeks as his mum.

  “Dillion deserves better than that sperm donor,” I declared vehemently.

  Farron chuckled, the sound soothing my rage a little.

  “Yes he does, but he never wanted for love and affection. I gave him more than enough to make up for his father’s distant attitude. They never bonded, so when Alec left, Dillion wasn’t really affected as you would expect a child to be. In fact, the last four years, he has flourished in his new school, new mates and now, you and your family.”

  “That he does,” I agreed instantly, thinking that the planned hunting trip had to be sooner rather than later. It was important that Dillion never felt left out, didn’t want him to feel I had to take him on because I wanted his mum.

  “I have an idea to take Dillion on a weekend away with Noxx and Hendrixx, sort of a male bonding deal. Is this something you would be okay with, baby?” I asked, hoping that I wasn’t overstepping or pushing myself into Dillion’s life too quickly. My personal opinion was I wasn’t going too fast, if it were up to me, Farron and Dillion would be moved to the Triple H already. My place had five bedrooms, more than enough for the three of us and any additional children.

  I wanted kids, the more the merrier, in fact. Once I worried that my ASD could be passed onto my own kids, but going through life worrying about the ‘what ifs’ didn’t appeal then and still didn’t now. Life threw curveballs, it was all about how we handled them that mattered. ASD was not a death sentence, I was living proof of that. I looked into the chances of it being genetic, and after talking to my old specialist and some recovered patients that were now parents themselves, all were healthy as were their kids.

  I was all about the living, no more dwelling. That was a conversation Farron and I had to have eventually … after I make love to her and put a ring on her finger first, of course.

  So lost in my own musings, I finally realised Farron had yet to answer my question about the trip.

  Pushing my nose into her neck, I inhaled deeply, my nostrils filling with the scent of flowers. Goddamn, her perfume smelled pretty. Was that a way to describe the smell of a woman’s perfume? It smelled like flowers and flowers are pretty, made sense to me.

  “Farron, what kind of perfume—” I stopped mid-sentence when I felt her shoulders trembling.

  Shit, is she crying?

  “Baby?” Taking one leg, I pulled it over my waist, then tucked it beside me, doing the same with her other leg, my hands cupping her face, so she was looking at me.

  Tears. I saw tears in her beautiful eyes and my stomach dropped. I didn’t cope well with female tears, Makena cried so much during her pregnancy, I should be used to them. Whenever Onyxx cried around me, I panicked, ending up picking her up and carrying her around until she stopped. Mack liked to say I was the little baby’s whipping boy, but come on, a crying female scared the crap out of me.

  A crying Farron was breaking my heart.

  Using my thumbs, I wiped the tears that were leaking from her eyes at an alarming rate, big fat scary tears.

  “Baby, we don’t have to take the trip if it upsets you—” again, my words were cut off this time by her lips, wet and salty, slammed to my mouth.

  Staying stock still, my hands gently touching her face, I tried to figure out what the fuck was happening. Tears usually meant pain or that someone was upset, but kissing was good. Add them together and I was shit out of answers.

  “Farron, what is happening?” I mumbled, in between Farron’s chaste kisses.

  “You want to take my son on a bonding trip with your brothers?” she said, looking at me through shining eyes.

  “Ah huh,” I answered carefully, realisation kicking in. Happy tears! Thank fuck for that.

  “How did you find me, how are you so perfect?” she breathed, shaking her head, her wavy curls bouncing around my hands, tickling me. I couldn’t wait to feel those soft curls tickling me in other places. Of course, thinking that way, seeing Farron in my mind between my opened legs, my dick deep down her throat caused my shaft to come to life. That, and her sitting on me, her feminine core right where she would be able to feel where my dirty mind was going.

  “Because I just am,” I quipped, sitting up further against the back of the couch, sliding her further back on my thighs away from the danger area. I promised to give her time, and I meant it, but fuck me. My girlfriend was goddamned gorgeous, and my dick wanted her.

  Farron narrowed her eyes at me, a confused expression on her face until she looked down at my lap and saw the evidence bulging in my pants.


  “Farron, I could apologise and make a joke right now, but the truth is you turn me on just by breathing, baby. This,” I said pointing to my crotch, “happens all fucking day long, I think about you and
I get hard, I kiss you and he is harder, I put you on my lap and you sit on him, and he turns into a hard as fuck monster. It’s completely and one hundred percent your fault.” I smiled the cutest, most adorable smile I could manage, totally unrepentant.

  Farron licked her lips, her eyes darting to the living room door to where the hallway led to the bedrooms.

  “Ah, we can’t now, sorry—”

  “Shush baby, I’m not expecting you to do anything about it. It’s not a problem for me, unless it happens in front of my niece and nephew, then it might become one.”

  “I want to, I want to make love with you Nixx, I really do. I’m just nervous about it, it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with me.”

  “With him, you mean. What he did to you throughout your marriage, putting you down with cutting remarks, not appreciating the beauty that is you!”

  “Yeah,” Farron admitted, her cheeks flaming red.

  “Well baby, it looks like we might have another problem other than my hard cock. I want you, Farron, that is painfully obvious. Here,” taking her hand, I pressed it to my crotch, my hand on top of hers keeping it there.

  “A man can’t fake that. It is called arousal. You have me in this state twenty hours out of the day, and I haven’t seen you naked yet. Does that mean anything to you, Farron? Does it tell you anything at all?”

  Three quiet minutes went by, I know, because I counted to one hundred and eighty while she sat there staring at me, chewing on her bottom lip. I was about to shout in utter frustration when she moved her free hand and cupped my scruffy jaw, and the other one still pressed on my dick.

  “It means you are all in, and so am I, honey,” she whispered softly, smiling that brilliant smile and that sexy blush covering her dimpled cheeks.

  Dropping my forehead to hers, I let out a mock growl.

  “What am I going to do with you, woman?” I muttered against her lips.

  “Keep me?” Farron giggled, planting a wet kiss to my lips, shimming back down on my lap, pressing her heat back to where I needed her.

  “As if I am going to give up perfection,” I scoffed, wrapping her into my embrace and sighing happily. No matter how she felt about herself now, she was going to see herself the way I do. If I had to tell her every day to get her there, then that’s what I will do. Giving up wasn’t my style, something Farron was slowly getting. Thank god.


  “Eddy cut that heifer out, get her in the holding pen on her own,” I loudly shouted out, so I could be heard over the noise of the hundred or more beasts in the paddock.

  “You bet, boss,” Eddy nodded, quickly moving his horse to do what I asked.

  We were into our seventh hour on horseback, the temperature officially reached hotter than the surface of the sun an hour ago and we still had fifty head of cattle to get through before we could pack it in for the day. And we will be packing it in on time, I had plans tonight with Farron, and before she arrived, I want to take a shower and chuck some steaks on the barbie. I had seen her every day since Dillion gave me his approval to see his mum four nights ago. The times of our get-togethers varied depending on her shifts and my work, but we made sure to spend at least lunch or dinner together. For two nights I sat in the pizzeria at a table with Dillion helping him with his homework, and twice for lunch at her place where we ended up making out on the couch, clothes partially on, but each time I left with a smile on my face and her taste on my lips, and a hard dick.

  Tonight, however, after I dazzled her with my culinary skills, my girl and I were going to take care of issue number three.

  Yesterday’s lunch started out innocently enough, Farron made egg and lettuce sandwiches, and impressed me with her homemade raspberry lemonade. Then we took to the couch where she impressed me even more with her aggressive dry humping and passionate and zealous ways to suck my tongue into her mouth. Kissing Farron was nothing short of amazing, but if I didn’t get her naked and under me soon, I feared my poor dick and balls might suffer permanent damage. Blue balls was a serious medical condition, I was quickly discovering.

  As painful as it was to walk around with a constant stiff dick, watching Farron come out from behind the wall she built to protect herself was so much more satisfying to me. She wasn’t comparing our relationship to her bad marriage, which pleased the hell out of me. The best thing, though, in her progress was the uninhibited aggression she had suddenly developed in four short days. In fact, she shocked the shit out of me yesterday when she took control and went wild on me, literally.

  “Baby, if we don’t stop now, I am going to come in my jeans like a fool,” I groaned, her lips trailing a wet path down my neck and back up again.

  “Mmmm, just a few minutes more honey, please,” Farron pleaded, biting my earlobe then soothing the sting with her wet tongue. Hearing her calling me honey in that sultry tone she had all of a sudden developed out of nowhere, I gave up thinking of cattle, sheep, hell, even my mother and gave into the woman sitting astride me and sank my teeth into her neck gently.

  “Okay baby, but let’s change things up a bit,” I suggested, digging my fingers into her sweet arse and turned us on the couch, so she was lying beneath me. Every erotic dream I have had of Farron, this was the position I envisaged more often than not.

  “Wow! You are so strong, cowboy,” Farron giggled breathlessly, pulling my mouth back down to hers at the same time she opened her thighs and let me settle in.

  “I lift calves all day long, baby,” I whispered, winking at her.

  “Are you saying I’m fat like one of your—”

  Opening my mouth over hers, I swallowed whatever stupid words she was about to throw at me, kissing her aggressively, then pulling her bottom lip through my teeth.

  “Don’t start on me woman, my dick is hard, my woman is under me. Do not ruin this moment with body issue bullshit,” I warned, pretending to be pissed off. “You know what I meant, your body is fucking sensational, and I can’t wait to see more of it.”

  “Well, how about we see some more of each other right now?” Letting go of my neck, Farron pushed at my chest so she could take hold of her button-up shirt and, with both hands, ripped it apart, sending buttons flying between us, revealing her plump breasts encased in a snow-white lace bra.

  “Jesus Farron,” I breathed reverently, my mouth drooling at the sight of the two pillowy globes, each a decent handful, both perfect.

  “We have twenty minutes before I have to get back to work,” Farron said, her eyes hooded as she watched me looking at her. “I know this is teasing you Nixx, we can stop if you’d rather.”

  Her teeth grazed her lip again, and I saw the mental wall going back up. Well, fuck that!

  Going up on my knees, I fisted my shirt and pulled it over my head and tossed it behind me.

  “Tease me all you want, baby, I can take it. What I can’t take is not tasting you,” I moaned, then fell back down on her, my mouth going straight to where her breast was free from the bra’s material, suckling at the tempting flesh. Trailing one hand over the other beauty, I slipped my fingers under the cup and found the tight nub I craved to take into my mouth. Flicking the taut bead of flesh with my finger, I took my other hand and pulled down the other cup releasing the breast I was sucking on.

  “Fuck me. Goddamn beautiful,” I breathed, then did what I have wanted to do since the day I met her, I licked her nipple with the flat of my tongue and took my time doing it. Drool pooled at the sides of my mouth as I lapped and licked and sucked the nipple, committing to memory not only the flavour of Farron but the hot moans and hisses coming from her, learning what pleasured her and what drove her wild.

  “Oh god, Nixx, that is … that feels … oh, so good … honey!”

  “Yo Nixx, are you going to help or sit up on your horse and just keep making those disturbing sounds?” Eddy yelled at me, shutting down the memory of hearing Farron begging me to keep sucking her glorious tit. What didn’t shut down was the hard-on I was sporting. Sit
ting in a saddle and having a stiffy was not ideal nor getting lost in a personal porn movie when my men were around working.

  Daring a slight shift of my hips, I tried in vain to take some of the pressure off my crotch, but the western saddle I chose today was making that extremely difficult.

  “Um …” I grimaced when the pommel came into contact with my zipper. Shit a brick, this was embarrassing. Eddy burst out laughing, obviously enjoying my predicament.


  “Go back boss, we can take care of the cattle left to do. You go and take care of … whatever, and for fuck’s sake, don’t ever tell me about it,” he implored, his upper body shuddering, his face twisting in mock disgust.

  “Yeah, um probably best, mate. Ah … see ya.” Ducking my head, I gingerly turned Princess around, clicking my tongue and heading off in a slow, slow walk back to the stables.

  Please, baby, let tonight be the night, I prayed silently, my dick agreeing with my plea.


  I was fifteen minutes late. Who knew picking out a dress to wear to a casual dinner would have been such a disaster. Passing the main house, I followed the cobbled road that led to the smaller cottage where Fenixx lived. The Triple H had several cottages dotted on the main part of the property. Hendrixx and Blake lived in one, Blake’s old place, a larger building that housed the live-in workers and then Fenixx’s. The three houses were all built in the same style, with personal touches added by the residents. Fenixx told me his place used to belong to Lenoxx. He lived in it on the weekends, and in Melbourne during the week until he and Makena got back together. Noxx now lived over at Waterford Views with his wife and kids. They’d made Makena’s family property a part of the HHH, and according to Nixx, it was starting to be successful and wouldn’t be long before it became profitable.

  “I should have worn the yellow,” I muttered, parking my ute next to Nixx’s motorbike, and another older looking one that looked out of place next to the fancy KTM.


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