Hott and Handled (The Hott Brothers Book 3)

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Hott and Handled (The Hott Brothers Book 3) Page 12

by Leah Sharelle

  Getting out of the car, I smoothed the short skirt of the dress down over my thighs. I had chosen a soft green, floral print sundress, it had no sleeves, instead, it had straps that wrapped around my neck, much like a bathing suit. The front hugged my upper body then flared down to a cute skirt. The back of the dress was non-existent, meaning there was no way I could wear a bra.

  “Desperate much Farron? Why not just turn up naked and advertise your intentions to have sex tonight.” And now I was talking to myself, damn, the nervousness I had back at my house choosing a dress was nothing compared to the level it was at now standing on Nixx’s front lawn.

  He saw your breasts yesterday, did amazing things to them you silly nit. Get a grip and act like an adult. The pep talk did nothing to alleviate my nerves, but it got me talking steps over the green grass and towards the house.

  “Thank god you had the sense not to wear heels,” I muttered as I looked down at the plush, green grass. Summer in Australia was typically when most front lawns died off, not at the Triple H, it seemed. The grass was so lush and thick, I almost had the urge to remove my flats and dig my toes in the natural carpet.

  “Now, you are the prettiest thing I have seen all day, gorgeous,” Nixx called out, startling me.

  Damn, the man is like a ninja, always catching me either drooling over him or acting like a fool.

  “Hey you,” I called back, giggling at my silly worrying over my outfit, knowing my face was stained red from his compliment. I wasn’t used to his openness about how he felt about me or my body. Though, he was getting me there, especially after yesterday afternoon. His openness and honesty also something I had to get used to and really liked about him, another tick in his box.

  “Sorry I’m late, I had a … wardrobe issue,” I muttered dryly, making my way to him.

  “It’s okay baby, you are here now,” Nixx said, coming down from the porch steps to meet me, “I had to take a shower and get the barbeque prepped so we are all good.” Smiling that perfect smile at me, Nixx reached out and took my hand, immediately lacing his fingers with mine.

  Today, he was dressed in a pair of newer denim jeans, cleaner than his dusty work ones, barefoot, and best of all, a shirt without sleeves. The man’s arms were a work of art and covering them up should be a crime.

  “I mean it Farron, you look so pretty,” Nixx whispered, his blue eyes blazing at me, his words and his intensity had me believing he did think that about me.

  “I don’t normally wear dresses, and to be honest, I feel a bit like mutton dressed up as lamb, if you know what I mean,” I admitted, then wished I didn’t say what I really felt because Nixx gave me a look that was anything but pleased.

  “Farron,” he warned darkly, “none of that talk about yourself. I won’t have anyone talk that way about you, so you can’t either. You need to believe in yourself more baby, see what everyone else sees, what I see.”

  My gaze dropped from his pissed off face, annoyed at myself for starting off our night alone together with my insecurities. I had yet to get to that place where I saw myself, as Nixx did. He said he wasn’t the type of man to give up, but if I continued to second guess how he felt for me, he just might decide I was too much work. That thought scared me, the last four weeks with Nixx had been like a dream. His attentiveness to not only me but to Dillion as well, his sweet texts when we could not see one another because he was working over at Mack’s. Everything he did, he proved I was his one, and I felt the same way about him, I really did. My problem was seeing myself through his eyes, rather than the way my ex made me see myself.

  Deciding we needed a subject change, I gave him a genuine smile then pointed a finger over my shoulder.

  “New old bike? Doesn’t look like the kind of bike you ride on the road.”

  The dark cloud lifted from his handsome face, his knowing smirk back.

  Yeah, he was onto me.

  “It’s not. I had one of the guys fish it out of one of the vehicle sheds,” Nixx told me, moving us back down on the grass towards the bike, my hand firmly in his.

  “Oh, how come?”

  “It’s for Dillion,” Nixx announced, surprising me.

  “Nixx—" I started to protest, but Nixx shushed me before I could decline the offer.

  “It isn’t for free. As you said, it’s old and needs a lot of work. The way I see it if Dillion wants to ride motorbikes, he needs to know how they work and how to maintain one. I am more than willing to show him the basic mechanics he needs to know and work on it with him, but he will be doing most of the work. If he gets it up and running and still has an interest in bikes, then the guys will help him paint it to look like new.”

  “After that, he works two nights a week here at the HHH, we will pay him, of course, a small amount of what he makes we will hold back as payment for the bike and what parts he uses, but it will be a second job for him which is what he told me he was looking for now.”

  I stopped walking alongside him, stuck in place as I digested what he just told me. He was giving my son a bike and a job, but more than that, Nixx was giving Dillion a role model–something he has never had. More importantly, Nixx was being a friend to my son, not because of me, because of Dillion.

  Tears streamed down my face as I stared at the beat up old dirt bike, it was painted several different fading colours, the seat was torn to pieces and wires stuck out from every which way.

  It was, without a doubt, the best bike I had laid eyes on, ever.

  “Baby, why are you crying?” Nixx fretted, turning me to face him, pulling my hand to his chest, holding it under his.

  “You … you … are the … sw … sweetest man … everrrrrrrr,” I sobbed, forgetting about my make-up job that took me forty minutes to achieve. Mascara and tears didn’t go together, but right at that moment, I couldn’t give a fig.

  My son had a bike and I had a man that was honest and true and wonderful.

  “Baby, it’s just a bike and not a very good one at that. He is going to be spending a lot of time on it even to get it to turn over.” He shrugged, looking at me like I was making a big deal out of nothing.

  Too much. Nixx was too much, too perfect. And he wants me to be his.

  Throwing myself at him, I smashed my lips to his, pouring my thanks and my appreciation into the kiss. How much more did I need Nixx to do and say until I truly believed he believed in me and my worth as a woman?

  “Farron?” Nixx muttered against my mouth, and his hands pressed to my back.

  “Hmmm.” I peppered kisses all over his face, giddy for the first time in my adult life.

  “Where is the back of your dress?” Nixx rasped, his voice suddenly sounding very winded.

  “It doesn’t have one, why?” I asked absently, biting his chin then giggling at his low growl.

  “Beautiful, you are tempting me to forgo impressing you with dinner and going straight to dessert.”

  “I see nothing wrong with that.” My response quick and given no thought, no nail-biting back and forth, and absolutely no reservations that I wanted Nixx.



  “Stop scowling at me baby, I told you I wanted to impress you with my barbequing skills,” Nixx laughed around a mouthful of steak. It might be the most tender piece of beef ever to pass my lips, but Nixx was never going to hear that from me. I was sure he intended to take me to bed and finally have his way with me after I attacked him and he discovered my backless dress.

  Did he though?

  Nope! No he did not. Instead, he kissed the air out of my lungs, then led me inside and out to his outdoor deck to begin cooking steaks for dinner.

  The only satisfaction for me other than the incredible meal he prepared was the hard-on he sported the whole time. Hey, if I had to suffer, then so did he, right?

  Taking a bite of the homemade potato salad, I hummed with delight.

  “I am impressed yes, and I need this recipe from you. I have never tasted potato salad like this before, the dressin
g you used is unlike anything I have ever tasted.”

  “It’s Mum’s speciality, she taught me when I was a kid. You just substitute the mayo for natural yoghurt and add a few secret spices. Finally, some chopped spring onions and a couple of roughly chopped boiled eggs and Bob’s your uncle, homemade potato salad is served,” Nixx announced, flippantly waving his hand over the table.

  “Huh ha, so the secret spices are …”

  “Secret,” he winked, shoving a fork full of the creamy salad in his smirking mouth.

  “Secret? Really?”

  “Well, I could tell you, but then … you would have to marry me. You know husband-wife privilege and all that.”

  The funny banter was suddenly taking a serious turn, the M word being mentioned before the L word has even made an appearance throwing me.

  “That is quite a … trade for a few spices, don’t you think Nixx?” I asked, my mouth drying despite the food I was eating.

  “Nope, seems fair to me,” he replied easily, like hinting that he wanted to marry me didn’t scare the bejesus out of him.

  Nixx waved his fork at my plate. “Eat up baby, after we finish, I want to show you the rest of the house, then it’s dessert time.”

  The innocent word dessert held new meaning to me.

  Me, Nixx was going to eat me for dessert. My legs trembled under the table and my core sprung to life.

  Oh dear god, Nixx is going to lick me down there.

  A deep growl from Nixx had me staring at him; the pure desire in his hooded eyes was enough to set my pussy weeping for release and for his tongue. No longer hungry for food, I slowly and deliberately set my cutlery down next to my plate, then picked up the serviette, wiped my mouth, and laid that down too.

  Taking two deep breaths, then another one, I looked Nixx straight in the eyes.

  “I’ll take option two, please.”


  The air between Farron and I was suddenly electrified by her request to skip the tour and get right to dessert. I had no problems with it, but Farron? She was good at talking big, but I could see how nervous she was, from her stories about her marriage, I knew sex was a big deal for her. The experiences she had with the lowlife she married knocked her confidence as a woman, and it wasn’t going to be easy to get her to relax. Licking her pussy was not the miracle cure here. Listening to what she wanted was, as well as treating her carefully and respectfully.

  My sexual life was not a book of who’s who, there was no long list of conquests or legendary stories of three-day sex marathons, threesomes or anything like that. I liked sex, had had it many times and enjoyed each and every woman I’d had it with too. For me though, it was always something more than just the simple act of getting on a woman and putting my dick in her. I liked, no, really enjoyed the intimacy sex offered. The foreplay for me was just as important as the actual act itself. The women in my past had been chosen carefully, I didn’t engage in casual hook-ups. I got to know them, went out to dinner, talked to them, spent time seeing if we had a spark before taking them home. While we had a common thread that gave us the connection to go there, none of them provoked that special something down deep in me to start a real relationship.

  Farron was that spark, the ignition I had been waiting for.

  This was all about her, my pleasure would come from hers. Seeing her being treated the way she should have been all of her life. There was nothing I would not do to make sure she got what she craved, what she deserved. Nothing.

  I wordlessly lead her from the back deck and through the kitchen with her hand securely in mine. Knowing without looking at her, that she would be looking it over despite her nervousness. The stainless steel appliances and the colourful backsplashes behind the stove and sinks, giving the kitchen a real glamour touch. I spent a good deal of time designing and creating the perfect environment in the kitchen. Mum taught me to cook during my illness and I kept that passion after I got well. Yes, I spent more time outdoors than in, but I liked to cook my own meals, well most of the time. I had grown rather fond of wood-fired pizza over the past year, but breakfast and lunch, I prepared myself.

  Pushing open the rustic western style saloon doors, I lead her into the lounge room, slowing down enough for her to get a glimpse of the enormous floor to ceiling fireplace. The huge painting of the brumby mob I had done from a photo I took of them years ago. My family’s photos adorned the walls and tabletops, my brothers and myself in various stages of life, our mum, and plenty of Daxx and Onyxx. The only person missing was my father. Having photos of him out seemed like an insult to Mack and the kids. Noxx lost years of his marriage because of Dad, missed out on Daxx’s birth, so photos of Dad didn’t belong amongst the happiness of the family; instead, I moved them into my office. I used that room minimally, so there was no risk of me getting pissed off by looking at them too often.

  Passing the overstuffed and extremely comfortable white couch, I made a mental note to make love to Farron on it one night when it was cold enough to light up the fireplace for mood lighting. Now, however, we were going to have our first time in my bed, specifically because I wanted the image in my head of her spread out in it, her short, fluffy hair on my pillow and her scent all over my sheets.

  Silently, we made our way down the hall, my bedroom being at the end, stopping at the open door, I looked down at Farron.

  “Baby, this still something you want?” I asked, hating the fact that I was giving her an out but knew it was the best thing for her trust in me. Waiting longer to make love to her would be hard, but I would be happy to do it as long as she was still with me.

  Farron looked inside my bedroom, seeing the large bed in the middle of the room covered in a deep, forest-green doona cover with black, satin trimming around the edges. Black, satin pillows finished the simple and elegant setting. My furniture consisted of a dark wood chest of drawers, a rocking chair in the corner and a small nest of tables for more family photos. The room was plain compared to the rest of the house, no idea why other than by the time I finished redecorating the black and blue mess from Noxx, I lost the will to add anything more to my room.

  Farron tightened her fingers around mine, I could feel the sweat coating my palm and my concern that she wanted to give this a miss returned.


  “What if … what if I … disappoint you?” she whispered, her eyes still glued to the king-size bed dwarfing the room.

  “I know, I know you don’t want to hear that kind of talk from me,” she rushed to say before I had a chance to stop her, “but just hear me out okay.”

  “Fine, say what you need to, but be warned I won’t stand for you putting yourself down. Got it?” I muttered, giving her hand a warning squeeze.

  “Yes, I am over most of the shit he said and put me through, but … I have some lingering … issues,” she hedged, “about certain parts of my body.” She finished with a flourishing sweep of one hand directed at her torso.

  “I mean I have had a child, and when you do that, you tend to develop stretching, which results in red … marks over one’s stomach area. My breasts also have … let’s say increased and changed shape.”

  Biting the inside of my cheek to stop myself from laughing while she itemised her body issues, and to be honest, I was amused, I motioned for her to continue.

  “My vagina, while normal on the outside, I keep the hair down there to a minimum, but on the inside, I have no idea of the condition. Dillion was a vaginal birth, and he had a large head and mighty big shoulders. Think Stewie from the Family guy, a head so big the Guinness Book of Records could have been interested.”

  “I don’t know how the tightness is now on the tight scale, but yeah, I just … wanted you to … you know, be aware of things down … down there.”

  I couldn’t help it, the look on her face and the crazy shit she just said, and the way she told it, I burst out in uncontrollable laughter.

  “Are you laughing at me?” Farron hissed, her hands on her hips, push
ing her ample breasts up further out of her sexy dress.

  “No baby, I am laughing at the absurd idea that you think I won’t find you sexy under that tantalising dress. But just in case you don’t get it yet, here it is one more time.” Pulling on her hand, I yanked Farron into the room, shutting the door behind us before gentling my actions and taking her in my arms, one hand cupping her cheek.

  “Trust me?” I asked, holding her face so she couldn’t hide her eyes from me.

  “I do … but–”

  “No. No buts, baby,” I argued softly but firmly. “Don’t ever think I could ever be disappointed.” Releasing her face, I reached behind her neck and untied the ties that were holding up her dress. Holding the two ties in my fingers, I held them in place.

  “Having you in my room, looking so sexy has me hard as steel, my heart is beating like crazy. I’m anxious as hell, but nothing is going to stop me from making love to you, baby,” I admitted, letting her see that she wasn’t the only one here who was nervous.

  “You’re anxious? Why?” Farron asked, looking totally bewildered.

  Dropping my forehead to hers, I looked in her eyes, saw the shock behind the golden-brown orbs, but I also saw something else, something close to love.

  “Because you are all I have thought about for over a year. You here, with me. What if I don’t give you what you need? What if I am just as bad as he was? What if you aren’t impressed with me?”

  Farron gasped, her hands coming up to clutch at my shirt.

  “Nixx, no! Every time you touch me, my body lights up. Shivers and tingles run down my spine and flutter in my belly every time you are close or look at me,” Farron implored, surprising me with her vehemence to reassure me, but it was exactly what I needed for her to say to me. The fears I admitted to her were real, but I’d had an ulterior motive in expressing them to her. To show her that her fears were not that much different to mine. The only difference being, mine came from my own insecurities, not shoved down my throat by another person.


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