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Radioactive Revolution: A Dystopian, Post-Apocalyptic Adventure

Page 23

by Richard Hummel

  “I do not take risks.”

  “Good, let’s get started. I’ll wait for you over at the mouth of the other tunnel. If you can make it look like you collapsed all these tunnels from the inside that would be great. I’m not sure how you’ll do it, but it would further confuse our pursuers.”

  Ballog tromped over to the first tunnel and walked inside. He made a series of deep cuts in the wall, then blew flame into the gashes to melt away the rock. A crack resounded through the room, and Ballog quickly left the tunnel. A few more quick slashes from his claws and a spiderweb of cracks appeared. Backing up a few paces—which, for a dragon, was more like halfway across the room—he waited for the ceiling to collapse under its own weight.

  It took a few minutes, but finally the fissures in the rock spread enough that a giant crack opened horizontal to the ground and the ceiling smashed into the floor hard enough to make Jared stumble from the impact. Ballog repeated the process three more times. On the last one, he reversed the process, making the cuts on the outside first and then repeated inside the tunnel.

  Finished, they found the group a short while later. Thankfully, they hadn’t stopped after taking the branching tunnel. This one traveled directly south, and it was the same one Jared would’ve chosen. It might be the logical choice for the cities to inspect first, but at least they’d done all they could to confuse and disorient their pursuers.

  “Let’s walk another couple of miles before stopping for the night.”

  No one responded, but they trudged along as fast as they could.

  Finally, Jared called a halt and people slumped over, completely exhausted. It’d been nearly ten hours, and it was already late evening if his internal clock was accurate. They needed rest, and Jared used the opportunity to distribute a ration of dried meat to everyone present to help recover their energy levels faster.

  “We’ll stop for six hours, but then we’ve got to keep moving.”

  Everyone set up what little bedding they had and curled up to sleep. They bunched together, using each other to stay warm.

  “Ballog, can you talk to Scarlet from here?”

  “I can.”

  “How much farther are they? Is she okay? Are there other creatures to worry about?”

  Ballog chuckled, the sound like that of boulders rubbing together. “There were minor creatures along the way, but nothing she could not handle. They are nearly a day’s journey from you at your previous pace. They stopped in a large cavern that should accommodate everyone until she finds a way to the surface.”

  “Please let Scarlet know we’ll get there as quickly as we can.”

  His tasks finished, Jared found a place next to Vanessa to lie down and fell asleep almost instantly.

  The next morning, Jared woke refreshed. Though he’d only slept five hours, the nanites allowed him to recover and feel energized to tackle the next leg of their journey. Unfortunately, not everyone else felt that way. More than half of the water folk struggled to wake from their slumber. It was a slow process as their brains and then their bodies kicked into gear. Groans and exhalations sounded throughout the room. Jared always found that the best cure for sore muscles was to exercise them.

  Grinning mischievously, Jared rounded everyone up. Several he roused from a deep slumber. For some reason, he thoroughly enjoyed jostling everyone awake, which was unlike him. He had no idea what had come over him, but decided to ride the high while it lasted.

  An eternity later, at least in Jared’s mind, everyone was ready, and they set out. Ballog took up the rear. Jared roamed up front with Kitty and Elle. It was much better to be up front and it allowed him to set the pace. It was probably more intense than anyone would have liked, but everyone pushed themselves and kept pace. He didn’t need to remind everyone that the city’s minions could show up at any time. They only needed to look behind them to see Ballog limping along to understand they couldn’t allow that to happen. They walked through the morning, spurred on by the urgent need to put distance between them and the city. Around noon, Jared found a place where everyone could sit on some boulders comfortably and Marie passed out rations for everyone.

  It wasn’t much, but it would help everyone keep their strength up instead of just relying on the nanites to nourish their bodies. The radiation likely wasn’t strong enough in the tunnels to sustain them at such a rapid pace, so everyone ate something to keep them energized.

  Jared allowed a thirty-minute break before he waved the group into motion again. Several people threw irritated glances his way, but no one spoke out against the pace he’d set. Difficult as it was, everyone knew the severity of their situation.

  They walked all day until Ballog informed Jared that he could reach out to Scarlet now.


  “Jared!” Scarlet’s voice sounded relieved and weary.

  “We’re almost there. How does the area look up there? Have you found a way to the surface yet?”

  “No, we will probably need to create our own exit. I believe we should wait a day before doing so. This tunnel took us very far from the floating city, but because the city floats so high, they may have a way to see this distance and no doubt they will look somewhere along the route we traversed. My hope is they explore south first. We went nearly twenty-five miles from that intersecting cavern where Ballog waited for you.”

  “Wow, was it really that far? No wonder people gave me evil looks. They’ve recovered a lot since the lake, but still have much further to go to rebuild all their lost strength. Frankly, I’m surprised we made the trip so fast.”

  “How is Ballog?”

  “As far as I can tell, he is doing great, though he’s not very talkative.”

  Scarlet ignored his comment and continued. “I hope he heals quickly. That phase round punched right through his scales into his back, just behind his right wing. These rounds were so much more powerful than the phase pistols and rifles.”

  “It’s probably one of the phase cannons we stripped off the ships. Who knows how much more powerful they are, but if a single round could do so much damage after passing through tons of debris, that doesn’t bode well for us.”

  “I believe it was a direct hit. They sent a volley of rounds into the ground. The first few disintegrated the earth, and the last punched through. I agree though, a single round could cripple one of my brothers until they can use nanites to harden their skin and scales.”

  “Did this experience change any of your brothers’ minds?”

  “It may yet, but it is too early to tell. I will say this senseless act of violence at every turn from the city has renewed our hatred for some of humanity.”

  “You aren’t alone there. I think all of us feel the same way. Unfortunately, we can’t do anything about it in our current state. We also don’t have enough people and companions to mount an assault and may end up looking outside our small colony for more allies. Only I’ve no idea where to find them.”

  Jared’s mind briefly strayed to thoughts of Loch and Iliana. If they were still a part of the Daggers, he’d never consider working with them, but if they’d learned from their ways and gone elsewhere, then maybe they’d run into each other again someday and they could help.

  “We must get everyone bonded and strengthened as soon as possible. This recent attack makes it even more obvious. Perhaps if everyone were stronger, we wouldn’t need to run.”

  “I don’t know. In either case, I think we’d run until we know what the cities are capable of throwing at us. However, I agree about getting everyone bonded and strengthened as soon as possible. In fact, once we stop for the night, we should see if anyone is ready.”

  “Agreed. This place we stopped—I think you will enjoy it.”

  “Even if I do, it’s not like we can stay this close.”

  “Perhaps, though once you see it, you may change your mind.”

��We’re almost there.”

  Picking up his pace, he heard a few groans behind him and slowed back down.

  What was it that has Scarlet so intrigued? Maybe some place like the homes we made in the cliff?

  “Everything okay?”

  Startled, he turned to see Vanessa looking at him quizzically.

  “You sighed?”

  “Oh, you heard that.” Jared looked away, slightly embarrassed by his callous thoughts. “Yeah, sorry. I was just talking with Scarlet. She said the place up ahead is cool. I thought about rushing ahead to check it out, but I don’t want to leave everyone.”

  “If you want—”

  “No, no, it’s okay. A few extra minutes won’t kill me. There’s no danger ahead, so there’s no reason for me to do it. It’s just impatience on my part. I know everyone is still not as strong as they will be, and our pace is slower than I’d like.”

  “Look on the bright side; you get to spend more time with me.” She sauntered up to his side and leaned into him.

  His impatience vanished. He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close, enjoying their closeness. Little moments like this sent butterflies flitting through his stomach. Every time their fingers and lips brushed each other, little tingles of pleasure spread out from the contact. There wasn’t much to look forward to in this world, but Vanessa was a bright shining star to him. She and Scarlet expanded his world and kept him from sinking back into despair. If something ever happened to them, Jared didn’t know if he’d be able to handle it. Losing his parents had stolen a part of him that he’d never recover. If the same happened to his new family, there might not be anything left of him. He shuddered with the thoughts and forced himself to abandon them.

  Arm in arm, they walked the remaining distance until a massive cavern opened before them. Massive was truly an understatement. This place was gigantic, and he was woefully unprepared for the sight before him.

  “What is this place…” Jared’s voice trailed off in awe.

  “It’s incredible. How far down are we?” Vanessa craned her head to look over the edge of the platform they stood on.

  Jared looked up at the ceiling where tiny points of light shone into the enormous cavern below. It was difficult to assess from where he stood, but if he had to guess they were something like half a mile below the surface. The shafts of light from above gave a soft illumination to the room and allowed the whole group to see the spectacular sight, or as far as their vision allowed them to see.

  Everyone fanned out around Jared and Vanessa, staring in amazement. The room descended as far as he could see in the dim light. Even his spider abilities didn’t let him pierce through the darkness and see the bottom. Large, tiered platforms ringed the circumference of the room. There didn’t seem to be any obvious way down to each concentric platform, but they were easily wide enough to accommodate a dozen people side by side.

  The stream they’d followed, widened at the mouth of the cave and spilled over the ledge, only to crash into the platform below and split into two different streams. Those streams cascaded over the ledge and split once again. Before the water disappeared from sight, he counted half a dozen waterfalls descending below. The light from above shimmered off the surface, creating a tranquil feeling. The sound of the rushing water combined with the light show hypnotized him.

  Scarlet dropped in front of him, startling those around him. They’d been so entranced they hadn’t heard her flapping above.

  Jared smiled, happy to see her even if it had only been a day since they’d watched the dragons rocket past them in the tunnel. He reached up a hand to caress her side.

  “You’re right. This place is awesome. How far down does it go?”

  “Several miles. Though, I am the only of my family that can reach the bottom. It becomes too narrow for my brothers.”

  “What’s down there?”

  “A lake, filled with creatures of all shapes and sizes. I could not discern the bottom so it may be quite deep.”

  “Did you get the spider senses? Sorry, random thought, but maybe that would help. Does it lead anywhere else?” Jared gestured to the lake below.

  “Correct, but I have not had time to rest yet, and the changes didn’t happen right away for me like they did for you. This is only a theory, but I think the fall you took into the spider remains is part of the reason you didn’t need to rest. You likely absorbed more of their nanites than anyone else and as such didn’t need rest to assimilate them. As for the lake, it does, but I cannot go beyond as the tunnels are much too small.”

  “What about the creatures in the water? Can they climb up here?”

  “No, there is an overhang at the bottom. There is no way anything could climb up unless it can cling to the ceiling. I think we should be safe.”

  “Let’s not forget the lizards and giant mantis things. If you recall, those things could cling to the ceiling.”

  “That is true, but based on the life forms in the water below, it does not look like there are many predators in the area.”

  “Or, maybe the predators are in the water.”

  “It is possible, though I saw nothing large enough to concern us as long as my brothers are here.”

  “All right, we’ll be able to rest here a while, but I don’t think this is our long-term solution. I want to keep moving south. We’re only forty or fifty miles from the floating city. It’s still much too close for my comfort.”

  Scarlet dipped her head in acknowledgment. Turning, she leaped off the side of the cavern and flew around the room. He brothers would have a hard time flying in the enclosed space, but it was plenty big for her. He watched her soar through the air, the shafts of light winking in and out of existence as she passed. Jared cocked his head in thought before pushing a thought to her.

  “How thick is the rock above? Would it take a lot for you to punch a hole in it? Maybe that’s our escape?”

  “It is not thick. I am certain one of my brothers could punch a hole through without using their flames.”

  “The only problem is getting everyone up there. I mean, you could carry everyone yourself, but that’s a lot of back and forth, and then there’s Kitty.”

  “We could make it work, but my concern is how long it may take us and leave everyone exposed. Come to think of it, I do not believe Ballog could make the short flight on his own. Malsour and Kanundran may be able to help him through, but it would be challenging.”

  “All right, let’s keep it as an option and we’ll see if we can come up with some other solutions. If you have any other ideas, please let me know.”

  “We will think on it.”

  The conversation made Jared realize he hadn’t thought to check in on Carla and Attis in a while. He found her near the back of the group looking glum.

  “Carla? How are you holding up? Have you been in contact with Attis?”

  “I was, but…” She looked toward the ceiling. “I can’t hear him anymore.”

  “We’re far below the surface covered by tons and tons of rock and earth. There’s no reason to fret that something bad happened. Does he know to come this way? The last time I told you to check in on him, I said to send him straight west.”

  “He followed our path. Instead of flying ahead, he flew in circles around our position, and I told him to go south at the intersection.”

  “Oh, no.” Jared’s stomach dropped out from under him. “Can you reach him now?”

  “No, I lost contact with him a few miles ago. What’s wrong? You’re scaring me.”

  “If he followed us, then the city—”

  “But you said they wouldn’t pay him any mind.”

  “Carla, it’s not your fault. I should’ve been clearer. If he’d hung out back near our home like he’s always done, it’d be harmless, but to follow us on a path like that is erratic behavior and liable to be noticed.”

  “I’m so sorry—”

  “Carla.” Jared faced her, mustering as much sincerity as he could. “I mean that. It isn’t your fault. Not even a little, okay? We’ll figure this out. Now, I’ve got to talk with Scarlet. Please just get some rest and be ready to move.” Jared walked back to the ledge. “Scarlet, I need you!”

  Scarlet thumped down next to him and he hopped on her back. Before she jumped into the air, Jared turned back to those still awake.

  “Everyone, please keep quiet and stay together. I’ll be right back. Vanessa, please make sure everyone is ready to go soon. I’ll explain in a moment, but I want to check something with Scarlet first.”

  “What is it?”

  “Let’s fly up to the top and I’ll explain.” Jared relayed the information, and a spike of alarm carried through their connection. “Yeah, I know. Our escape isn’t over. I want you to take me up to the ceiling. If there are drop ships flying around up there, we might be able to hear them.”

  Scarlet flew him up to the ceiling. The holes were nothing more than small shafts through which the light passed. It was hard to gauge the thickness, but Jared guessed it was a few feet of rock and earth between them and the open sky.

  “You think Malsour can really break through this?”

  “Yes. The area is fairly wide, and with so many holes, its integrity is not sound.”

  “Good, you might need to make a break for—”

  Jared’s thoughts halted as he heard the familiar whine of drop ships nearby.

  “So much for confusing them with the collapsed tunnels.”

  “Are you certain they know we are here? Perhaps they simply followed the bird to be diligent in their searches?”

  Jared pondered the question. If they’d thought Attis was just a common creature, why not blow him out of the sky and wash their hands of it? Did they want to capture him and that’s why they followed him? Or, the more pressing question, did they assume he was part of the group fleeing underground?


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