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Radioactive Revolution: A Dystopian, Post-Apocalyptic Adventure

Page 35

by Richard Hummel

  Scarlet bent her head to their level and nuzzled Jared’s side. “I will keep him safe.”

  Her words left little to doubt. It was the push Vanessa and Elle needed to step aside.

  Jared cast a glance over his shoulder as he walked away. “I’ll be careful, I promise!”

  With a heavy heart and lead steps, Jared resolutely marched to his first encounter with the matriarch of the water dragons.

  “Normally, you would greet Gayana first, but because the news you must share pertains to our water kin, I persuaded them to accept my slight deviation from decorum.”

  “Gayana is the earth dragon matriarch, I presume?”


  “So, all this posturing, the three-day period, and order of introductions seems antiquated. After all these years, you still stand on decorum. Why?”

  “It…” Scarlet paused while she thought through his question. “I do not know. It has always been. A time of change is upon us, and with that change, perhaps our traditions will evolve. For now, this is how it must be.”

  “All right let’s get this over with.”

  “Hold nothing back. Show them your every emotion. Lay bare your innermost thoughts and turmoil. They must see you for who you are.”

  “That’s asking a lot. You know how I feel about the events in my life.”

  “I do, but yet you must do as I ask. How you respond and react to the things you endured are precisely why I, and my brothers, trust you implicitly. My kin must see that side of you.”

  Jared’s chest constricted. He didn’t want to relive those memories again. Not only would he need to relive them, he’d need to do it three times because of their annoying traditions. The thought set his heart racing and his vision darkened. This was the last thing he wanted to do, but Scarlet’s words carried truth. This was how he’d win them over to his side. Locking down his misgivings, Jared pushed them to the dark recesses of his mind, slammed the door, and threw away the key. It was time for him to man up and face his fears and heartache head on. He’d no longer let them rule him. No, he’d wear them proudly like a badge affixed to his chest. He had nothing to fear and no one to hide from.

  This. Is. Who. I. Am.

  Jared bowed his head in greeting to Layonia. “My name is Jared Cartwright.”

  “I am Layonia, matriarch of water dragons. Greetings, young human.”

  Her voice was smooth, calming. It gave him a sense of serenity. It was like a gentle lapping of a stream against its banks. With only a few words she set him at ease and quieted his mind. He could listen to her talk for days on end and never tire. Scarlet snorted next to him, understanding his surprise at hearing Layonia’s voice.

  “You are stuck with me, Jared.”

  Jared glanced to his side and saw Scarlet grinning like a fool. It brought a smile to his lips and made the last of his hesitation vanish. He reached up to touch her side, expressing his thanks. “I appreciate the levity; I know you’re trying to help this go easier on me.”

  “I need not say it again, but be yourself.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Layonia. I’m informed that our greeting is out of the norm as it should have been Gayana first. Scarlet thought it important that we change tradition this once. The information I have for you pertains to all dragonkind, but specifically one of your own.”

  A deep sense of sadness and foreboding settled over him as the gigantic head of Layonia lowered to his level. His shoulder sagged under the enormous weight, and he plopped on his rear before his knees gave way. This would not be an easy task at all.

  Jared looked into the icy blue eye of this great giant and found himself overcome with emotion. There was great wisdom in her gaze, but also an unfathomable depth he couldn’t explain. Layonia’s sorrow and pain seeped into his bones and robbed of his will to continue.

  “Please, speak.”

  The words weren’t a command. They didn’t spur him into action. But he couldn’t ignore them either. His body betrayed him at first. Jared summoned the last vestiges of his willpower and scrambled over to Layonia.

  “I think it would be better if I showed you.”

  She drew back in alarm, but Scarlet was quick to assure her it was all right.

  “How can such a primitive mind accomplish a meld?” The question was genuine and held no malice.

  Jared held up a hand letting Scarlet know he was okay to handle the questions. “The same way your telepathy hasn’t rendered me unconscious. We have a new technology called nanites that allows me to manipulate and alter my mental abilities. I will leave it up to Scarlet and her brothers to educate you fully, but mankind invented it only in the last decade and only in the last few months did we discover the ability to bond.”

  “Consider me intrigued.”

  Though the conversation changed, it didn’t lessen the deep sorrow pressing in around him. Her voice oozed into every pore of his body, taxing his mind.

  “Please, let me show you. I should warn you,” Jared raised his voice to carry to all the water dragons, “I want to warn all of you this will not be pleasant. I promise you, I will do nothing to hurt Layonia, but I know she will not react well to this news. Please know I do not intend her harm.”

  Layonia dipped her head in acknowledgement and he reached a shaky hand up to lay it on her. Layonia’s skin was cool and smooth, almost slimy. Jared pictured her slicing through the water as it parted to allow her passage.

  Jared activated Clear Mind, entered a meditative stance, and recounted everything.

  The emotional roller-coaster he experienced was unlike anything he’d ever been through. The highs and lows of his life paled compared to the overwhelming waves of emotions rolling off Layonia. She amplified every emotion to the point he felt his heart would burst open. It crushed him to the ground, and he lay there panting.

  There was none of the righteous fury of vengeance he’d expected, only a deep sadness and sympathy for Razael. Jared now understood Scarlet’s explanations about their desire for peace and acceptance. Confusion clouded Layonia’s mind, making Jared feel utterly lost. Adrift in the sea of emotion.

  “Scarlet, I… can’t do this any… more.”


  The pressure lessened as Layonia looked to Scarlet.

  “Please, sister. You are projecting your thoughts onto Jared. It is not a weight one man should carry.”

  The giant behemoth blanched and looked down at Jared’s tiny form. The pressure dissipated and the overwhelming sadness fled. It left a hollow ache in his chest and there was no way he’d ever forget. He’d thought his reaction to seeing Razael the first time left an imprint on his soul. Now he knew, it was but a fraction of the loss experienced by his kin.

  “My deepest apologies, Jared. I…We need time to process this loss. We will remove ourselves from this area while we mourn. I believe it too much for you and your people to endure.”

  She turned to leave but halted and looked back and Jared.

  “Thank you for laying him to rest.”

  The finality of her words brooked no response. He and Scarlet watched Layonia leave, her family falling in behind her.

  “Will they be okay, Scarlet?”

  “Yes, but I do not know if it was enough to convince them to join our fight. To bond, perhaps. To send dragon and man into harm’s way? Uncertain.”

  “I’d be content with them bonding. It will help everyone else get stronger even if they don’t fight. Honestly, with just you and your brothers, I think we can handle a lot of what a single city throws against us.”

  “We will want our air kin. They are nimble and…flighty.”


  “Whimsical? They go where they want, solve problems as they see them, but rarely rationalize their motivations. They will join us, but do not delude yourself into thinking we can corral them.”
  “If they’re willing to fight with us, that’s all that matters. If they’re faster than you, then it’s exactly what we need to combat the drop ships. You stayed just out of reach of their phase cannons, but your brothers are slower.”

  “Correct. Though, I may yet grow faster with my enhancements. It is difficult to tell. Also, Zavret is fast.”

  “I suppose as a hunter he must be quick.”

  “The biggest problem is size. Because my brothers are much bigger, the chance of being hit by a phase round increases. The air dragons are of a size equal to me right now. It is why they are so quick.”

  “Hopefully they get here soon.”

  “Hold that hope close. I fear after you share your experience they will want to take off and attack these cities.”

  “That would not be good. We must make sure we get Layonia and Gayana on board to help shepherd them.”

  “That would be for the best.”

  “Do we need to do this again with Gayana right now?”

  “We do.”

  “I don’t know if I can go through that again.”

  “It should not be as emotional with Gayana. Though, she has a violent personality and may react entirely differently.”

  “That’s not helping, Scarlet.”

  “I will try to support you through our bond. I should have tried it with Layonia, but her emotions affected me too.”

  “All right let’s get this over with.”

  “Please be careful with Gayana. If you feel she may react violently, put as much distance between you and her as possible. Her predisposition is one of violence as you witnessed the other day. Pay close attention to her feelings and reactions much like you did with Layonia, and you will be fine.”

  Jared jumped on her back and they walked the mile back through camp and to the other side where the earth dragons rested. At first Jared couldn’t see them, but it turned out they’d burrowed beneath the earth with only their bony, plated backs exposed.

  “Wow, good luck trying to root them out. I wonder if their backs can withstand a phase cannon round.”

  “I am almost certain the answer is yes. However, a sustained barrage would eventually break through.”

  “Which one is Gayana?”

  Jared didn’t know how to tell the dragons apart looking at their backs. They all had a distinctive pattern, but he’d only seen Gayana from the front and couldn’t tell what her back looked like, let alone know how to separate her from the rest.

  “She is closest to us. Do you see the symmetric rows of spikes running parallel to her head? She is the only of her kin with spikes like this. Everyone else has a random assortment scattered across their plated backs.”

  Jared thought he saw a slight color difference too, but it was almost imperceptible. The spikes, though, established a clear contrast between Gayana and the rest. He and Scarlet walked up to her and announced their presence.

  “Gayana, it is time. Forgive me again for breaking tradition. I think you will agree it was the right choice in a few moments.”

  The matriarch of earth dragons didn’t answer. She merely lifted her head to glare at them as if the change in formalities affronted her.

  “Tread carefully, Jared.”

  “You need not tell me again.”

  As he’d done with Layonia, Jared reached out a tentative hand. She bared her teeth at him, her dark eyes drilling into him.

  “I must touch you for the mind meld.”

  A slight widening of Gayana’s eyes was the only response he received. It was a start.

  Scarlet explained Jared’s abilities and with great reluctance, Gayana lowered her head to the ground.

  Jared kneeled next to her, positioning his body so he could launch himself away if needed. He didn’t think sitting sounded like a good idea if she reacted physically.

  Delicately, he showed Gayana his life and the events leading up to this moment. It wasn’t as thorough as he’d been with Layonia, but he couldn’t bring himself to relive certain parts. Layonia set him at ease, while Gayana had the opposite effect and he wanted nothing more than to leave her in peace and let Scarlet handle any further interactions.

  The reaction to Razael wasn’t as powerful as what he’d felt from the water dragon, but once he’d finished with Razael’s story, Scarlet interrupted him.

  “Jared, prepare yourself.”

  Jared opened his eyes to glance at her, his brow knit in confusion. Gayana’s emotions weren’t running rampant, and he hadn’t seen her so much as flinch at the news.

  “Feel the earth.”

  Jared opened his new senses, and pain stabbed behind his eyes. The entire ground pulsed. The ripple effect emanated from the dragon in front of him, pushing out in all directions. It rose and fell in waves, gradually drawing closer together. He quickly shut it off and snapped his eyes to Scarlet.

  “Get out of here. Run! Tell everyone to get out of the apartments. Go. Now!”

  Jared didn’t hesitate. He sprinted for the buildings, yelling with his mind the whole way. Scarlet’s sense of urgency spurred him on. He activated Maximum Muscle and rocketed forward, careful not to push himself too far. He made it back with great, bounding leaps, quickly passing Vanessa and Elle who waited at the entrance of the wall they’d erected.

  Jared shouted over and over, hoping everyone heard him and got out of the buildings. He didn’t yet know why, but he trusted Scarlet implicitly and would do whatever she wanted. As he passed the wall, he heard the steel cables scraping against the supports. A snap somewhere down the wall, announced a cable detaching from the support poles.

  “Vanessa, Elle get away from the wall!”

  More pops echoed around the area as the sloppy welding came undone and the cables fell to the ground. By this point he’d reached the buildings and almost sprinted inside, but caught himself at the threshold. The windows and any glass remaining rattled in their frames violently. A moment later they shattered, and he instinctively covered his face as shards of glass fell around him. His hardened skin prevented any damage, but there were still people exiting the buildings and many cried out in pain as the shards of glass cut them.

  The chorus of cries pushed everyone to move faster and the last of the water folk stumbled from the building. Jared quickly counted to make sure they had everyone. Everyone accounted for, Jared corralled them into a wide open area with no buildings or steel cabling around.

  “Scarlet! Is there any way to stop this?”

  “I am trying.”

  “Can they go somewhere else?”

  “I do not think they can move when entrenched like they are. Gayana generates the energy from her body, much like my mother could with psionic pressure and shields. Worse, all the earth dragons amplified her actions when she started.”

  “This is not a good place for this.” Jared’s glanced up the mountains. If their actions caused an avalanche, they’d be in serious trouble.


  Scarlet’s voice pounded into his mind. The rest of the water folk dropped to their knees, holding their heads. Carla and Elle experienced the worse of it when their bare hands contacted the ground. They screamed in concert, grabbing their heads and rocking back and forth. Kitty mewled and pawed at her head.

  “Turn off your senses.”

  The effect was immediate, and they stopped rocking back and forth. Carla looked at him through tear-filled eyes and a trickle of blood streamed down her nose. Elle and Kitty didn’t look much better, and they lay on the ground, their sides heaving.

  A spike of alarm pierced his chest when the matriarch of earth dragons snapped out of her stupor and with it, a tremor that knocked Jared off his feet. An earsplitting crack followed. He eyed the buildings warily, hoping they’d stand firm.

  Before he rose to his feet, a secondary crack echoed across the mountain range
. Crinkling his brow, Jared scrutinized the mountain. At first, he saw nothing out of place, but a second glance revealed a large section of earth breaking off the mountain. It started slowly, but picked up speed, sending a ton of rock and earth cascading down the mountain, directly for their new home.

  “No!” Jared surged to his feet. He ran through the group and pushed them to their feet, urging them to run. The spike of psionic pressure that pierced into his body had a much greater effect on everyone else. It was everything he could do to get them moving. He pushed them to the other side of the ravine and urged them to climb up the mountain as fast as they could.

  “Scarlet! Can they do something?”

  “I do not know, but I will try.”

  “Move faster! Go!” Jared ran back and forth, sometimes carrying people and sprinting forward. He willed them to flee faster.

  “Scarlet, if you can’t get them to do anything about this, just get out of there. Don’t risk yourself.”

  Scarlet’s brothers soared into the area and their companions sprinted forward, scrambling onto their backs. Each dragon carried three people, but that still left twenty-three. Elle rode atop Kitty, and they easily ate the ground, scaling up the other side of the mountain, well out of the path of the avalanche.

  Jared didn’t think they’d make it in time. He could, but there’s no way he’d leave the rest of the water folk behind. If he had to carry them, he’d do whatever he could until the end.

  The avalanche made the ground bounce precariously under their feet and many people had trouble keeping up a steady sprint, stumbling frequently. Jared bounced around like a rabbit, picking people up and giving them a shove forward. They’d sprinted only a mile by the time the massive wave of rock and earth hit the steel and cable wall they’d erected. It tore through it like tissue paper, smashing into the buildings and leveling everything in its path.

  “We won’t make it, Scarlet.”

  “You will.”

  In the next instant, Jared felt himself lifted in the air, borne away in Scarlet’s claws. Another person in her other claw.


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