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Page 4

by Tana Stone

  Mandy took in the space and Ella and True sitting around the low, clear table. “Where is everyone?”

  Ella leaned back and crossed her legs. “Should we be offended by that, True?”

  “You know what I mean,” Mandy said with a flutter of her hand. “Katie and Trista are supposed to be here, too.”

  “And you asked Shreya to join us,” Ella reminded her. “Although she’s coming from the lab, so she may be late.”

  Bridget glanced over at Mandy, as the two took seats between Ella and True. “You’re dragging Shreya from her research to plan a party?”

  Mandy ignored her friend as she absently rubbed her swollen belly. “This isn’t just any party. It will be the first official, station-wide holiday party. It should be amazing.”

  Bridget flicked the tips of her fingers through her straight, black hair. “Can it be amazing without stressing us all out? I’d like to enjoy my first Christmas on the Boat.”

  “I love the idea of a Christmas party,” True said with a shy smile. “It’s my favorite holiday.”

  “See?” Mandy gave Bridget a pointed look and beamed at True. “Some people are in the holiday spirit already.”

  Bridget folded her arms over her chest and peered down her nose at Mandy. “Excuse me? I’m in the holiday spirit, thank you very much. If I wasn’t, would I have convinced Kax to play Santa Claus?”

  Mandy’s mouth hung open. “You did?”

  Bridget fluttered her eyelashes and nodded. “I told you I would help.”

  “He must be seriously crazy for you.” Mandy pulled a tablet out of her hot-pink tote bag and flipped it open. “I can’t wait until Dorn sees him in a white beard.”

  “Kax still needs some elves, if Dorn is jealous he doesn’t get to dress up,” Bridget said.

  Mandy stifled a laugh. “Somehow I don’t think my hulking mate would make a very convincing elf.” She tapped a finger to her chin. “Now Serge, on the other hand…”

  “Would murder you,” Trista said, as she and Katie walked in.

  Ella couldn’t help smiling at the blonde in stained coveralls. Trista didn’t fit the usual image of a tribute bride, and since she’d returned from being stranded on an ice planet, she also didn’t seem to care. Ella liked that the woman’s hair was pulled up in a messy ponytail—and not for stylish effect—and that she made no secret of her love for mechanics. A woman after her own heart, she thought.

  Mandy twisted around to look at the approaching women. “You don’t think we could tell him the elf suit was the latest fashion on Earth?”

  Katie gave a snort of laughter as she sat down on the upholstered bench. “I think the jingle bell shoes would tip him off. I, for one, don’t want to get on his bad side again. He’s barely forgiven me for having a surprise wedding without telling him.”

  “Too bad,” Mandy said. “I think our wedding planner would make the perfect elf.”

  Bridget shook her head. “Why don’t we let Ella tell us what she’s come up with for the party, and then we can work from there?”

  Ella spun her tablet around and swiped her fingers across the surface. “I think you’ll like this. I thought we could do a giant Christmas tree in the promenade, and officially light it sometime during the party. I’ll have the lights turn on from the bottom and spiral around the tree until they reach the star at the top, then holographic fireworks will go off above it. I’d really like for it to start snowing after that, but since the promenade isn’t actually a holodeck, it won’t feel like snow.”

  “You can do that? Make it look like it’s snowing?” Bridget asked, her dark eyes widening.

  “It’s not hard.” Ella’s cheeks warmed, as all the women stared at her.

  “Don’t let her fool you,” True said. “She’s really talented when it comes to computers and coding.”

  “That’s perfect,” Mandy said. “So, we have a tree and snowfall. That will definitely set the scene. Then we have Kax as Santa, and possibly Serge as an elf.”

  Everyone rolled their eyes and laughed. As the women began telling Mandy again why tricking Serge into being an elf would be a bad idea, Ella heard a noise behind her. She craned her neck to see Dakar’s head poking out from the doorway in the back of the studio. What was he doing here?

  Luckily, the women were so caught up in the debate that they didn’t do much more than nod when she excused herself and hurried to the back. Ducking through the doorway, she didn’t have time to ask her mate what he was doing before he had her back flattened to the wall.

  “I had to see you,” he said, lifting her arms so they were pinned over her head and pressing his body to hers.

  Ella’s pulse quickened as he nuzzled his head in her neck, his breath warm and his scratchy stubble sending a frisson of excitement down her spine. “Are you insane?”

  He shook his head as he murmured into her ear, “No Inferno Force warrior can be insane. They monitor us for signs of derangement.”

  She almost laughed. “I mean for coming here when I’m meeting with a roomful of tribute brides.”

  Dakar pulled back, his teal eyes flashing with intensity. “Don’t you like the thought of them in the next room?” He kept one hand tight over her wrists while he moved the other down to cup one of her breasts, thumbing her nipple through the fabric of her button-down shirt. “Any of them could walk back here and see what I’m doing to you.”

  Heat pulsed between her legs, and she arched into him. “What are you doing to me?”

  He kissed her deeply, his tongue parting her lips and stroking hers before he emitted a dominant growl, spinning her around so that she faced the exposed brick wall. With one hand, he deftly undid the front of her snug, black pants from behind and jerked them down below her hips. Leaning so that his body was flush against hers, he whispered into her ear. “I’m taking what’s mine.”

  Ella could feel his hard length, and she ground her ass into him. “You think this is yours?”

  “Mmhmm.” He grasped her by the hips and tipped her ass up, then rubbed his palm over one ass cheek. “Your perfect breasts, this round ass.” He gave her a sharp slap. “I know it is.”

  She bit her bottom lip to keep from yelping. Luckily, the women in the next room were talking loudly and hadn’t heard the slap of flesh against flesh. Hearing their voices and knowing they were only steps away ignited liquid heat between her legs.

  Dakar gave a rough tug at her lace panties, pushing them to the side before pulling his own pants down and dragging the crown of his cock through her hot folds. “All mine.”

  Before she could tell him what an arrogant ass he was, he’d driven into her in a single hard thrust, holding himself deep.

  Ella splayed her hands on the rough brick to keep herself upright, her breath catching in her throat. Need stormed through her as she rocked back into him, bending forward and lifting her ass higher.

  “You like this, don’t you?” His words were a dark purr as he bent forward and nipped her ear. “You love taking my cock where anyone could see us.”

  He stroked into her again, and she swallowed her scream, her hips moving with him, needing more.

  “Tell me you like it,” he whispered, thrusting into her. “You want them to see how tight you’re stretched around my cock.”

  Arousal nearly made her knees buckle, his desperate words sending shivers down her spine. He knew she liked the idea of being watched, the excitement of almost being caught with his huge cock pounding her so hard she could barely breathe. After being a good girl her entire life, she liked feeling naughty. The idea of being caught made her heart pound and her breath quicken.

  He reached a hand around her waist, his fingers quickly finding her clit and circling it as he stroked in and out. “Tell me, Ella.”

  “I like it,” she gasped, the sensations storming through her and eliminating all rational thought. She didn’t care about anything but the feel of his thick cock inside her and his fingers stroking her, as she teetered on the edge.

>   “I know you do, cinnara. You love me fucking you like this.” He slapped her ass again before driving even deeper. “You love being a bad girl who needs to be punished.”

  His words shattered her. Ella bucked against him as her body rippled around his cock, squeezing again and again as she threw her head back. She could feel him knifing up, his hands going to her hips as he thrust hard. Hot pulses filled her as he came, and they finally both stopped moving, although he held himself snug inside her, his cock still hard and twitching.

  She steadied her breathing, again noticing the voices from the other room. “How am supposed to go talk about Santa Claus and elves now?”

  Dakar feathered a kiss to the back of her neck, spanking her once more. “Who said I was ready to let you go?”

  Chapter Seven

  “Care to explain yourself, young lady?”

  Shreya swallowed hard as she entered the studio and all the tribute brides turned. She quickly found the source of the voice, and saw Ella walking out from the back of the room, tucking in her shirt. She knew her friend was teasing, but her face still warmed.

  “Sorry, everyone. I had to swing by the lab.”

  “You’re still working there?” True asked, patting the empty chair next to her. “I thought your project would be over once you all rescued Vox.”

  Shreya ran a hand through her thick hair, pushing it off her shoulder as she sat. “I’m still monitoring him for any genetic anomalies or mutations that might be a result of the Kronock’s splicing his DNA.”

  “Sounds hot,” Mandy said with a wink.

  Shreya’s face heated. She still wasn’t used to the teasing that seemed to be par for the course with the tribute brides. She guessed she shouldn’t be embarrassed. It wasn’t like she was the only human to fall for a huge alien. They’d all taken Drexian mates—each one more gorgeous and built than the last.

  She was the only one who’d been taken to an alien bordello, though. That information probably wasn’t a secret on the station, nor was the way she’d been dressed when she’d been brought back. Her heart beat a little faster when she thought of the diaphanous, skimpy dress she’d been wearing when Ella and the Drexians had found her. And her mouth went dry when she remembered Vox dressing her in it while she was strapped to an X-cross. After that, she shouldn’t be embarrassed by much of anything, although she still blushed easily.

  “It must be hot,” a woman with straight, black hair said, appraising her with a grin.

  “Give the poor girl a break, Bridge.” The redhead leaned over and waved at her. “I’m Katie. My husband also went through some stuff with the Kronock, and had a pretty rough surgery. If you ever need to talk, I’m here.”

  “Thanks.” Shreya’s shoulders relaxed. She’d met most of the tributes before, but she was glad to be reminded of their names. Her gaze scanned the group.

  Ella and True she knew, since they were independents like her; Mandy she’d met when Vox had been in the medical bay; she guessed Trista was the one in coveralls, since she’d heard the woman liked to tinker with Drexian space ships; and that meant the girl Katie called Bridge must be Bridget, the tribute who’d been kidnapped from the station by the Kronock and rescued by her now-mate.

  “I haven’t seen you much since you moved in with Vox in the officers’ wing,” True said. “How’s it going?”

  Shreya couldn’t help smiling. “Good.”

  “What’s it like being with an alien who’s part cyborg?” Bridget asked. “Did they enhance anything other than his eye?”

  Mandy swatted the other woman’s leg. “You’re terrible.”

  “What?” Bridget shrugged. “I’m sure we were all curious.”

  “Just the eye,” Shreya said, glad her cheeks didn’t flame again. “Although, even that was removed. There’s only a sliver of metal left along his temple.”

  “Now that we’ve settled that,” Mandy said, “can we please get back to the party?”

  “I hope you didn’t start without us.” The Gatazoid’s voice carried from the door as he and Reina bustled inside, Serge’s platform boots clip-clopping on the hard floor, while the tall Vexling hurried along beside him.

  “I thought we weren’t involving Serge until the very end,” Katie muttered, her gaze darting around the circle of women.

  Trista gave a resigned sigh. “It’s impossible to keep anything from him.”

  “Maybe the party will distract him from the fact that I keep putting off wedding planning,” Ella said, under her breath.

  “Hardly, sweetie,” Serge said when he reached them, flicking his gaze to Ella then away. “I’m just letting it slide because I’ve got so much to do between this party, and preparing for all the new tribute brides.”

  “I promise Dakar and I will focus on it soon,” Ella said.

  Serge fluttered a hand at her. “Talk does not cook rice.”

  Shreya had heard that the pint-sized alien liked to use colorful Earth expressions. She put her fingers to her mouth to keep from giggling.

  Ella rolled her eyes. “I promise I’ll set a date.”

  Serge made a noise in the back of his throat that indicated he clearly didn’t believe her, but he turned to Shreya with a wide smile. “And how is my other independent bride today?”

  Reina steepled her bony hands. “It’s so exciting to have independents taking mates. This is a first, you know.”

  “But it doesn’t have to be the last.” Serge let his gaze fall to True, who shifted in her chair.

  “Are we here to plan a party or matchmake?” Mandy said, her voice rising.

  “I’ve spoken to Vivan in acquisitions.” Reina’s pale-gray cheeks suddenly looked pinker than usual. “He’s going to help us source any items we might need from Earth.”

  Mandy tilted her head at the Vexling. “Vivan?”

  Reina let out a series of nervous titters. “He’s a fellow Vexling from the same village as my family.”

  Bridget leaned forward and rested her elbows on her knees. “You don’t say?”

  “Get yourself together, Reina.” Serge let out an impatient huff as he shot a look at the clearly flustered alien. “We don’t have time for your silly infatuation.”

  “Hold on,” Katie said. “I want to know more about this Vivan.”

  “Does this have to do with your former life as a reporter?” Serge asked, the roots of his purple hair slowly turning pink.

  “I was actually more of a paparazzo, but I appreciate the bump in status.” Katie swung her attention back to Reina. “What’s the story with Vivan?”

  “Nothing,” Reina said, avoiding Serge’s stare. “He’s just very helpful when I need special items for my brides.”

  The women exchanged glances and knowing nods.

  “Now if we’re done with that, can we get back to the party?” Serge pulled a tablet from under his arm and his fingers danced across the surface. “I’ve done some research on Christmas food. I have to admit that it’s a bit odd. The text I found doesn’t mention what’s in Who-pudding, and I’m afraid to ask about roast beast.”

  The women stared at him.

  “Did you get all your information from How the Grinch Stole Christmas?” Katie asked.

  Serge pulled himself up to his full height, which meant he was still only at eye level with the seated women. “Our R & D department said it was the most popular holiday reference book.”

  “I think we’ve determined that the R & D department needs to update their R,” Mandy said. “I was thinking we’d do all finger foods for the party. Things that are easy to eat while people—and aliens—mingle.”

  “Mini quiche, baked brie, a cheese ball, pigs in blankets,” Bridget added.

  Reina inhaled sharply, although her cheeks had returned to their normal pale shade. “You eat pigs in blankets?”

  “How barbaric and bizarre,” Serge said, shaking his head. “And humans think the idea of aliens is crazy.”

  “They aren’t real pigs,” True said. “They’r
e made with hot dogs.”

  “Dogs? Even worse!” Reina said, staggering to an empty chair. “I think I need to sit down.”

  “Why don’t I get recipes to give to the chefs?” Mandy said. “The most important part will be the drinks, anyway. We want lots of bubbly, and maybe hot cider.”

  “And eggnog,” Trista added, rubbing her stomach as Reina made a horrified face.

  Shreya hadn’t grown up celebrating Christmas, but she’d always liked the festive holiday. She could do without the madness of pumpkin-spice season and she’d never lived in the States to celebrate their Thanksgiving, but she did love hot apple cider, and the smell of cinnamon that seemed to fill the air in December. “And cookies. Lots of Christmas cookies.”

  “Yes,” True beamed at her. “Maybe we could have a cookie-decorating station.”

  “I love that,” Mandy said, clapping her hands.

  “Can we sing carols at some point?” Bridget asked. “After everyone sits on my husband’s lap and tells them what they want, of course.”

  Reina’s large eyes widened. “Oh, dear.”

  Trista patted her leg. “Kax is going to play Santa, and it’s a tradition for people to sit on Santa’s lap.”

  Reina expression relaxed. “Humans have such interesting traditions.”

  “So we have holiday food, hot cider, cookie decorating, caroling, Santa,” Mandy said, her gaze falling on Katie. “Anything special you want at the party?”

  Katie shook her head quickly. “Nope. That should cover it.”

  Shreya wondered if Katie hadn’t celebrated Christmas, either. She knew not everyone in the U.S. did. She felt her communication device vibrate in her pocket and dug it out, glancing at the readout. Her heartbeat quickened and she stood quickly. “I’ll be right back.”

  She rushed out of the studio, pausing when she’d reached the shimmering, stone walkway of the promenade. Glancing around, she scoured the area for signs of Vox. He’d said he was outside, and that it was important. Was he experiencing side effects from the surgery that removed his cybernetic implant? Was he having more pains in his head?


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