Billie Bradley and the School Mystery; Or, The Girl From Oklahoma

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Billie Bradley and the School Mystery; Or, The Girl From Oklahoma Page 18

by Janet D. Wheeler



  Upon the matter of the mysterious letter and its contents, Edina Tookermaintained a stubborn silence. Even Billie Bradley, with all hercajolery, could not win a single word of explanation.

  “There wasn’t nothing--anything--in it you’d be interested to hear,”she persisted. “And there on the dock I acted pretty silly. I’d takeit a great favor if you’d forget about it, Billie, and not ask meno--any--more questions.”

  What could Billie do after that but acquiesce? However, though thetopic of the letter disappeared from her conversations with Edina, shewas not at all satisfied with the girl’s explanation, or rather, lackof explanation.

  That the contents of the mysterious letter had come as a severe shockto Edina, Billie had not the slightest doubt. Proof of it had been inher face during that one unguarded moment beside the campfire; furtherproof, if any were needed, had been forthcoming during that otherunguarded moment on the dock when the girl from the West had openedher heart to Billie.

  That talk of leaving Three Towers Hall. What did it mean? Was there anyactual possibility of Edina being forced to such a thing? Was somethingwrong with those oil wells out in Oklahoma? Edina had gone so far as toadmit that the letter was from home. Had the visionary Paw of Edina’schildhood overreached himself again?

  Billie wondered, but, in the face of Edina’s resolute silence, couldfind no answer.

  Meanwhile, the girl from the West became increasingly silent andthoughtful. She rarely spoke unless first spoken to, and almost neversmiled.

  “She acts like a person with a dreadful secret,” observed Vi upon oneoccasion when Edina had been more than usually uncommunicative.

  “A worm is gnawing at the heart of the rosy apple,” Laura agreed.“Maybe she is trying to keep the family skeleton in its closet. Mostfamilies have them.”

  Vi giggled.

  “It’s hard to think of skeletons in relation to Edina Tooker!” she said.

  The two girls were in the study hall preparing their lessons for thenext day. Vi struggled with her always-difficult “math” while Lauramarshaled ideas for a composition on “The Relation of Science to WorldProgress.”

  Into this studious atmosphere Billie dashed like a breath of cool freshair. With her were Rose Belser and Connie Danvers.

  “Miss Gay is going to leave to be married,” Billie announced withoutpreamble. “A number of the girls are keen to form a gift club and raisesome money for a really nice parting gift.”

  “You’ve got to be chairman of the club, Billie,” said Connie. “Now,don’t object. You are already elected--unanimously. Isn’t she, Rose?”

  “Of course. If you don’t accept the chairmanship, Billie, there won’tbe any club.”

  Billie laughingly protested.

  “Talk about being railroaded into a position----”

  “Oh, hush up! You are already elected.”

  “There’s the question of the treasurer,” Connie went on. “Which, whenyou come to think of it, is even more important than the chairmanship.”

  “We will have to pick on someone with an honest countenance,” chuckledLaura, adding, with a wicked air of innocence: “At first, casualglance, I can’t think of a single person for the place.”

  In revenge, Vi tweaked her ear and Connie pulled her hair.

  Rose observed drawlingly:

  “Certainly no one would ever pick you for the place, dear child!”

  “Stop squabbling and listen to me,” cried Billie. “How would Edina do?”

  There was a moment of dead silence while the other girls in the roomstared at Billie as though they were not quite sure they had heardcorrectly.

  Before any one could speak, Billie backed her proposition with argument.

  “Don’t you see, the girl is new here and she isn’t quite sure of herposition among us, yet. Giving her a post like that would be like avote of confidence.”

  “I’ll say it would,” retorted Rose Belser drily. “It would go furtherthan that. It would _be_ a vote of confidence. Speaking for myself, Idon’t know as I’m quite ready for that yet, Billie.”

  “I’d stake my life that she is as honest and as worthy to be trusted asyou or I,” said Billie hotly. She paused and regarded the silent girlswith sudden suspicion. “You don’t mean to say you think she isn’t to betrusted, do you?”

  “Not so fast, Billie,” Rose spoke soothingly. “Certainly this girl thatyou seem so keen about has never done anything to make us distrust her.It’s only that she is new and it seems to me that an important postlike this should go to one of the older girls--someone we know we cantrust.”

  Billie wavered. There was justice in what Rose said. Still, the pictureof Edina rose to haunt her, Edina pale and silent, Edina making adesperate effort to hide some secret unhappiness or fear. An offer ofthis sort now--it would be a vote of confidence--might be just thething she needed to bolster up her self-confidence and help her forgetwhatever it was that was worrying her.

  Very badly Billie coveted that post for Edina. What was the use, shethought rebelliously, of being one of the most influential girls atThree Towers Hall, if she could not have her way once in a while?

  She turned pleadingly to the girls.

  “If I am to be chairman of the committee, I want Edina to be treasurer.I have a very private and special reason for wanting it. Really, Ihave. Can’t you girls do this much for me?”

  When they did not reply at once, Billie shrugged and turned away.

  “Very well!” she said coldly. “If that’s the way you feel about it, Iguess you will have to find another chairman!”

  Connie groaned.

  “Bring her back, somebody! Billie, you nit-wit, come back here!Rose--girls--if we have to take Edina to get Billie; we’ll have to takeEdina, that’s all.”

  “You win, Billie,” Rose surrendered. “I suppose if you proposed AmandaPeabody for the post, we’d give in just the same,” she added ruefully.

  “You won’t regret it,” said Billie earnestly. “I’d stake my life onEdina’s honesty.”

  Later that afternoon a formal meeting was held in the gymnasium. Allthe students were invited, the purpose of the Gift Club explained tothem, and their support solicited.

  The business of selecting officers for the club was quickly disposed of.

  Billie was accepted almost unanimously as chairman, Connie Danvers waselected to the secretaryship on almost as great a wave of popularity.

  “Not that I want the place at all,” Connie confided to Vi. “It’s themost thankless of all jobs--and the driest. I don’t know what I haveever done to have it wished on me!” Nevertheless, in her heart Conniewas as pleased as any other normal girl would be at this proof ofpopularity.

  When Edina’s name was proposed for treasurer and promptly secondedthere was a little murmur of surprise. Girls regarded their neighborsthoughtfully and began to whisper among themselves. Edina appeared themost surprised of them all. She was starting to her feet as though toprotest when Billie tugged at her and whispered sharply:

  “Sit down, you great goose! I want the post for you!”

  Edina won from her opponent, the pretty doll-faced Jessie Brewer, by asmall majority.

  “Congratulations, treasurer,” whispered Billie triumphantly. “I’m soglad, Edina. I knew they’d take you!”

  When Billie rose to take the chair from Rose Belser, who had so farconducted the meeting, she was greeted by a prolonged handclapping andcries of, “Speech! Speech! We want a speech!”

  When the noise died down a voice in the crowd was heard to say quitedistinctly:

  “It’s all a fake! Edina Tooker was railroaded into the job becauseBillie Bradley wanted her. Well, they’ll wait a long time before theyget any of my money!”


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