Billie Bradley and the School Mystery; Or, The Girl From Oklahoma

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Billie Bradley and the School Mystery; Or, The Girl From Oklahoma Page 19

by Janet D. Wheeler



  For a moment there was dead silence in the room. Then Edina Tookerjumped to her feet and faced the shocked, attentive girls. Her handswere clenched at her sides. Her face was fiery with anger.

  “Who said that?” she demanded.

  When there was no answer except a snicker somewhere in the crowd, sheadded furiously:

  “You don’t need to answer. I know your voice. I’d know it anywhere,Amanda Peabody! If you are trying to call me a crook, come on up beforeall these girls and do it! Come on! I dare you!”

  When there was still no answer, Edina relaxed; over her face spread alook of contempt.

  “You don’t dare!” she said. “And I’ll tell you why. You’re a bully anda coward and the meanest girl in this here--in this school.”

  She paused for a moment while Amanda got up and marched to the door.Before passing through it, Amanda turned to fire one parting shot.

  “You can call names, if you like. I don’t care. They never hurtanyone. But I mean just what I said. I wouldn’t trust you with a cent!”

  When the door had slammed behind the unpleasant girl, Edina spoke tothe group of students who had just raised her to a place of honor amongthem. Her speech was simple, direct, and to the point.

  “If there’s any more among you who feel like Amanda Peabody does aboutme, I’d be pleased to have you say so.”

  There was a dead silence that in many ways was more disconcerting thanAmanda’s accusation. It was Billie who came to the rescue of the newtreasurer.

  “You girls have elected Edina Tooker of your own free will. After whatAmanda Peabody has said, I think it is only fair to give her a vote ofconfidence. Now altogether--three rousing cheers!”

  The cheers were given with fair enthusiasm, thanks to the effect ofBillie’s personality upon her fellow students. However, Amanda’saccusation had raised a doubt in the minds of many of them, a doubtthat Edina was quick to feel and that Billie thought best to ignore.

  The remainder of the business was quickly concluded. Miss GeraldineGay, a pretty young teacher in the lower grades, was very popular amongall the students of Three Towers Hall. The fact that she was about tobe married to a handsome young man named Bryant Cummings lent an addedglamour to the personality of the young teacher. The girls wished togive her a wedding present that would serve as a testimonial to MissGay of their affection for her and their good wishes for her futurehappiness.

  “Now,” said Billie when the selection of the officers had beenconcluded and the routine organization finished, “we will waiveformality and pass the hat. Everybody ready?”

  The girls were generous with contributions from their pocket money.When the contribution was counted the new officers of the Gift Clubwere amazed and delighted to find that the total amount was sixty-fivedollars.

  Ray Carew rose to make a suggestion.

  “Madam Chairman, several of the girls have whispered to me that theywon’t be able to contribute until certain--er--packets arrive fromhome----”

  There was a general giggle at this and Billie rapped for order.

  “I think we quite understand the--er--financial embarrassment of someof our fellow members,” she said, with a smile. “We have alreadydecided to keep the fund open for several days. At the end of that timewe will take a general vote as to what is to be done with the money.”

  Amid a clamor of voices the meeting broke up and the girls filed out,apparently well-satisfied with their part in the proceedings.

  Billie, Connie, Laura, and Vi were left behind with Edina Tooker in thebig emptied gymnasium. Billie thrust the sixty-five dollars in billsand change toward Edina.

  “Here, treasurer, you will have to take care of this in the future.”

  Edina regarded the money doubtfully. Under considerable urging shescooped it up and deposited it in her new pocketbook.

  “I never did like the job of lookin’ out for other folks’ cash,” sheprotested. “Suppose I should lose it?”

  “That’s your job from now on,” said Connie Danvers, with a shrewd butnot unkindly glance. “I’d suggest you sleep with it under your pillow.”

  This advice was followed undeviatingly by Edina during the uneasy daysthat followed. Nightly, the new-made treasurer was haunted by dreamswherein bold robbers with masks and enormous forty-fives dashed out ofdark alleys or around street corners, demanding her money or her life.

  The fund grew astonishingly, and, with it, Edina’s responsibility. Onthe fourth day after the election of officers it had reached the--toEdina--terrifying sum of two hundred and sixty dollars.

  It was then that the new treasurer made up her mind to go in search ofBillie.

  She found the latter on the tennis courts, playing against AmandaPeabody. Edina frowned her disapproval. Billie had promised to restthat knee for the big contest, now only a few days off. This was theway she kept her promise, prancing all over the court with that hatefulAmanda Peabody!

  As though in answer to Edina’s thoughts, someone beside her said:

  “Isn’t it awful! She just let that horrible girl pester her intoplaying. Now she will cripple herself, most likely, for the big match.”

  “How’s the score?” demanded Edina.

  “Even, two all, with this game thirty love in Billie’s favor. It’s beena lovely game to watch, but Billie is nearly all in. See how she limps!”

  “It’s an outrage!” cried Edina. “Why doesn’t someone stop her?”

  “Try to do it!” said the girl at her side, who had turned out to beNellie Bane.

  “All right,” said Edina, her lips compressed. “I’ll not only try. I’ll_do_ it! Watch me!”

  As she started off toward the court, Nellie tried to hold her back; butEdina was not to be held. She paused on the edge of the court.

  “Billie,” bawled Edina in a tone not to be ignored. “Come here, please!I’ve got to see you right away!”

  Startled, Billie faltered, fouled a perfectly good ball into the netand turned impatiently.

  “Thirty-fifteen!” called Amanda.

  “Billie, I’ve got to see you right away!” Edina’s tone was urgent,imperative. It was as though her very life depended upon Billie’sacquiescence. “You can finish the set some other time.”

  Billie shouldered her racket and waved to Amanda.

  “I don’t know what’s wanted, but it seems to be important.”

  “I get the set then by default,” called Amanda.

  Billie nodded.

  “Meet you again--soon,” she promised.

  Nellie Bane, who had been watching the by-play with great interest,heaved a sigh when she saw Billie and Edina leave the courts and walkoff in the direction of the Hall.

  “That girl, Edina Tooker, knows what she wants when she wants it,”mused Nellie. “My, won’t Billie be mad when she finds it’s all a hoax!”

  Billie was mad. She regarded Edina with such frigid curiosity that itis a miracle that girl did not turn into an icicle at once.

  “You mean to say you dragged me off the courts when I was winning--whenI was _winning_--just for a whim or because it amuses you to get me inbad with that horrid Amanda Peabody?”

  “No, Billie,” pleaded poor Edina. She was feeling the full weight ofBillie’s wrath for the first time and it made her miserable. “It wasn’tfor fun. I could see you were limping and I knew--well, I knew youshouldn’t be playin’ with Amanda Peabody just now and----”

  “It seems to me I should be the best judge of that,” said Billiefrigidly.

  “Maybe so. But there’s good judges and bad judges and just then youwasn’t bein’ so all-fired good. I’m sorry if you’re mad at me--and thatwill probably make you madder--but, like George Washington, I can’ttell a lie!”

  “You’ve put me in a false position,” stormed Billie. “Amanda will sayI was afraid to finish the set, and there won’t be any one to disagreewith her, since I won’t tell her the truth.”

  “You ca
n _show_ her the truth next week,” said Edina gently. “That is,if you rest that knee and get yourself into shape----”

  “The knee is better,” declared Billie. “It only hurt a little to-day.”

  “But it might have hurt a lot if you’d kept on going,” Edina pointedout. After a minute she added: “Anyway I did have something importantto speak to you about, Billie.”

  “What is it?” asked Billie listlessly.

  “About the gift fund. It’s grown so big it scares me. With that fivedollars Jessica Holt put in yesterday it’s touched the two hundred andsixty mark.”

  Billie opened her eyes wide.

  “That much? I’d no idea!”

  “I’m scared to death I’ll lose it or something will happen to it,”Edina went on hurriedly. “What I really wanted to ask you when Iset out to look for you and found you on the courts was whether youwouldn’t come into Molata with me. I could deposit the money in thebank there in the name of the Gift Club. After that,” with a ruefulgrin, “mebbe I’d be able to sleep some nights!”

  Billie glanced at the watch on her wrist.

  “We have time now if we hurry. I think it’s a good idea, Edina. Twohundred and sixty dollars! That’s a lot of money!”

  “We could buy Miss Gay a limousine with that,” chuckled Edina,delighted to find that Billie was recovering her good humor.

  The girls went in to get their wraps. Billie stopped in Miss Walters’office to explain where she and Edina were bound and to promise to behome well before dark, then went to the dormitory for Edina.

  On the steps of the Hall they almost collided with Amanda Peabody andEliza Dilks. Amanda swung her racket and regarded Billie with malicioustriumph.

  “You had a very important engagement, didn’t you, Billie Bradley?” shetaunted.

  “Not nearly so important as the engagement I have with you next week,”retorted Billie, coolly, referring to the tournament. “And thatengagement I promise to keep!”

  When they had passed beyond earshot of Amanda’s mocking laughter,Billie glanced at Edina.

  “You see?” she said. “You have put me in a very false position, EdinaTooker. While I have forgiven you, Amanda will take good care I don’tforget!”

  A rural trolley line ran from the suburban districts into the town ofMolata. It being an ideal fall day Billie and Edina found the trip bothpleasant and soothing. By the time they had reached the one bank thetownship boasted, Billie had completely recovered her good humor.

  “Hand over your money and your troubles are at an end,” she directedEdina. “No more dreams of highwaymen and thugs. Edina! Why do you looklike that?”

  The girl had opened her pocketbook and was staring stupidly at thecontents.

  “The money!” she gasped. “The money’s gone!”


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