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Starcross Manor

Page 24

by Christie Barlow

  ‘This place is gorgeous,’ Julia said, awestruck. She couldn’t take her eyes off the beauty all around her.

  ‘It sure is, isn’t it?’ replied Flynn.

  Julia watched as he securely tied up the Starcross then he made his way back over towards her.

  ‘You can take the life jacket off now, if you want?’ he suggested, taking the key out of the ignition.

  She exhaled. ‘Yes I want!’ immediately unclipping the buckles and packing it away in the box.

  ‘Have you brought a swimsuit with you?’ he asked, reaching for a couple of towels that were folded neatly on a shelf.

  ‘I have,’ she held up her duffle bag.

  ‘There’s a bedroom and bathroom through there. If you want to get changed.’

  Julia was curious to see what the bedroom on this magnificent boat was like, and she pushed open the door and stepped into a room that felt more spacious than her actual bedroom at home. The décor reminded her of a hotel room. There was a double bed with white linen, built-in wardrobes, a TV attached to the wall, a chest of drawers, a sofa and coffee-maker on top of the dressing table. At the far end of the room was another door leading to an en suite bathroom. Risking a tentative look in the mirror she was horrified: the tip of her nose was already bright red and there wasn’t a scrap of makeup left in sight. Flynn had been right about the sun cream. With the coastal breeze she hadn’t felt herself burning at all. Quickly she reached in her bag and tried to calm down the redness by dabbing a little foundation on the edge of her nose, but it really didn’t make that much difference.

  Returning to the bedroom Julia kicked off her Birkenstocks and got changed into her swimsuit, pulling her shorts back on over the top. When she stepped back onto the deck Flynn was waiting on the jetty. He’d changed into a pair of swimming shorts too.

  ‘Where are we?’ asked Julia, focusing on the view in front of her and taking in the beauty all around. There wasn’t another soul in sight and it really felt like she was stranded on a desert island. ‘Whoa! Look at that!’

  Flynn smiled as Julia watched the water cascading down the mountainside which ran into the bay.

  ‘It’s utterly breath-taking,’ she murmured. ‘It’s like a secret hide-away.’ Julia stepped down from the jetty. Her feet found the sandy sea bottom as she paddled at the edge of the shallow water. ‘I feel like I should be on holiday.’

  Flynn joined her, the water gently lapping around their ankles. ‘Welcome to The Lakehouse,’ he said proudly. ‘This is my next project.’

  Julia’s eyes grew wide. ‘And The Lakehouse is…’

  ‘A soon-to-be restaurant with its own private bay. The only way in and out is by Carter’s water taxis. This is going to be the place everyone is talking about. Reservations will be booked months in advance and you are the first person I’ve ever brought here – well except for Andrew and my brand-new Italian chef Gianni.’ Flynn snaked his arms around Julia’s waist and they both took in the white building standing in front of them, with its old-fashioned shutters, purple wisteria and pink roses tumbling all around the doorway. Up on the roof Julia noticed the balcony with table and chairs overlooking the secluded water.

  ‘It is absolutely beautiful,’ she said, still taking it all in.

  ‘Do you want to see inside?’

  ‘Of course!’

  Hand-in-hand they walked across the sand towards The Lakehouse. Julia wondered how Flynn had even discovered this place of outstanding beauty in the middle of nowhere. She imagined sitting on the roof terrace sharing a candle-lit dinner, weddings taking place on the jetty with the waterfall trickling down the mountain. It had such a romantic feel about the place. ‘This place is certainly something special, Flynn.’

  ‘I think so,’ replied Flynn opening the door to the restaurant. ‘After you.’

  The inside of the building was just as breath-taking as the outside, with its shimmering central dining bar and signature large windows overlooking the bay. Its oak panelling and striking art hanging on the walls gave it a warm and luxurious feel. There were approximately fifteen tables, spaced to allow a sense of privacy, and in the corner of the dining area stood an ebony baby grand piano. Julia knew this place was going to be an instant hit.

  ‘It’s all been set up for the publicity photos,’ said Flynn, walking to the centre of the room.

  ‘The whole place is amazing. Even though I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to afford to eat here, it looks way out of my league.’

  ‘That’s simple, you can always be my guest.’

  A tiny thrill ran through Julia’s body at that suggestion. ‘Well in that case you may find it hard to get rid of me,’ she joked but wanting to see Flynn’s reaction.

  ‘Sounds perfect to me,’ his eyes skimmed her briefly before walking over to the piano. Julia followed him. He was flirting with her, and she liked it. There was a gentlemanly confidence about Flynn as he sat down at the piano and lifted up the lid.

  ‘Do you play?’ asked Julia, leaning against the piano.

  ‘Funnily enough I do.’ He looked up towards Julia with a magnitude of warmth and smiled, then began to glide his fingers gently over the keys with ease. Julia was captivated, she closed her eyes and listened, allowing herself to be lost in the music. When he stopped playing, she opened her eyes to find Flynn watching her. The intensity of his gaze caused her to tingle, she could feel the raw chemistry between them, her heart beating wildly.

  ‘Did you like?’

  ‘You, Flynn Carter… are a man of many talents. I really wasn’t expecting that.’

  He closed the lid and pushed the stool back under the piano. ‘Come and take a look at this.’

  Taking her by the hand, Flynn led Julia up the stairs at the side of the bar. The short spiral staircase took them out onto the roof terrace, which benefited from its south-facing exposure as well as the panoramic sea views and mountain terrain in the background.

  ‘Can you imagine sitting here and watching the beautiful sunsets?’

  Julia blew out a breath. ‘Actually, I can. Look at that…’ Julia held her arm out. ‘Goose pimples. This place has actually taken my breath away.’

  ‘It’s magical isn’t it? Romantic.’

  ‘It’s that alright. It’s like something you’d find in a magazine and only dream of visiting.’

  ‘This is where I need your help.’

  ‘My help?’ she asked amazed.

  ‘I need this area to stand out. I need to make this space as outstanding as that view, and with your flair for interior design… I’m thinking you could guide me on the right track. I want this place to be special. Can you help me?’

  Julia had 101 ideas running around her head. ‘Oh Flynn, I’d love to. What’s the timescale?’

  ‘As soon as possible,’ he said with a grin.

  ‘No pressure then.’

  ‘Once the water taxis are up and running and the staff are in place, I’m ready to open,’ he said turning back towards Julia.

  ‘Is this the time to tell you my cousin Callie has an interview with you for Starcross Manor?’

  ‘I’ll let you into a little secret. I’ve already recruited for the manor. The job application is actually for this place.’

  ‘Ooo, fingers crossed,’ replied Julia, thinking Callie would love to work here.

  ‘Hungry? Let’s go and get a glass of champagne and a bite to eat. I’m actually starving after missing breakfast.’

  They walked back down the stairs and into the main restaurant before stepping out onto the sand. Julia kicked off her shoes and carried them as they walked back towards the boat, the fine grains of sand underfoot giving warmth from the sun beating down.

  ‘You wait there,’ ordered Flynn, touching her arm affectionately, causing her to feel the flush of warmth in her body again. That feeling wasn’t one she’d felt for a long time, and being in Flynn’s company felt so easy and natural.

  Julia watched him walk back towards the boat, then glanced back towards The
Lakehouse. She had a million and one ideas already running around her head to transform that beautiful roof terrace.

  Sitting down on the sand, she brought her knees up to her chest and tilted her face up to the sun. Flynn arrived back playfully kicking the water towards her whilst holding up a picnic basket. ‘Lunch.’ He placed it on the sand and rolled out a red tartan blanket.

  Julia went to peep inside the lid. Jokingly, Flynn gently snapped the lid down causing Julia to jump and their fingers to brush against each other. Once again Julia felt that spark ignite.

  ‘We have champagne and…’ Flynn reached into his back pocket, ‘sun cream, your face is looking a little burnt.’

  Julia gratefully took the tube. ‘It feels a little burnt, in fact more than a little burnt. And what have we got in here?’ she asked, lifting up the lid and watching Flynn’s every move in case he swiped the lid again. ‘Wow! You have come prepared,’ said Julia, suitably impressed. The picnic basket was packed to the brim with delicious-looking food. ‘You have gone all out.’

  ‘Always prepared… well, Andrew is,’ he grinned. ‘We have chorizo Scotch quail’s eggs; smoked salmon; ham, pea and mint pastries; super salad wraps; egg and cress club sandwich; strawberry and cream cheesecake; rainbow fruit skewers…’

  ‘Woah! Stop there!’ exclaimed Julia, feeling overwhelmed. ‘How many people are you feeding?’

  ‘You can never have too much food,’ Flynn patted his stomach.

  Julia patted hers. ‘Oh yes you can! It’s true what they say: as you get older, it’s harder to lose the pounds, and I think what’s the point in starving yourself? But then when you look like this…’ She stared down at her stomach.

  ‘You look alright to me,’ Flynn flicked his eyes up and down and gave her a cheeky smile. ‘But if you aren’t going to eat, that means more for me.’

  ‘I’m going to eat, don’t you be eating mine!’

  ‘Champagne first,’ said Flynn, passing her a glass before popping the cork from the bottle, which flew through the air and landed in the water causing Julia to jump.

  ‘I have to say this is a first for me: a champagne picnic in a secluded bay.’

  ‘And dare I ask, are you having a good time?’ Flynn had his fingers crossed held in the air and squeezed his eyes shut.

  Julia laughed. ‘I’m having the best time,’ she replied and genuinely was. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt this happy and relaxed.

  ‘Me too,’ replied Flynn, resting his hand on her knee as he began to lay the food out onto the blanket. Once he finished, he lifted his glass. ‘Here’s to new beginnings, love, laughter and lots more.’

  Julia chinked her glass against his. ‘New beginnings.’

  They sipped their champagne and stared out across the water in silence. In the distance there were two sailing ships and the only thing Julia could hear was the lapping of the water against the sand. Everywhere was calm and tranquil. ‘I feel like I’m twenty-one again. This place reminds me of a girly holiday back in the day. We could be in Corfu with this sunshine and those views,’ said Julia reminiscing.

  ‘I know what you mean. Right at this moment I feel like I haven’t got a care in the world, except you and me sat here, enjoying all this.’

  Feeling relaxed Julia passed Flynn a plate, and for the next ten minutes they tucked into the food with murmurs of appreciation. Everything tasted so good. When Flynn had finished eating, he lay down on the sand and rested his head on his hand. As he stretched, his T-shirt rose up, revealing a flash of his toned, tanned stomach. ‘This is the life,’ he murmured, catching the rays on his face.

  She risked a glance. ‘So why haven’t you got anyone special in your life? Anyone would jump at this kind of lifestyle.’

  He opened one eye and looked in Julia’s direction. ‘And don’t we know it.’

  Julia chuckled. ‘Yes, sorry, I didn’t mean…’

  ‘I know,’ he interrupted, turning his face back towards the sun. ‘But I could say the same about you.’

  ‘I suppose that special someone just hasn’t crossed my path yet.’ Julia dug her feet into the sand and glanced back towards The Lakehouse. ‘So tell me, how did you discover this little piece of paradise?’

  Flynn sat up. ‘This was actually my grandparents’ place. I spent many a summer here as a boy. It was my favourite place in the whole world.’

  ‘Wow! I wasn’t expecting that.’ Julia hadn’t realised Flynn’s family was originally from around these parts.

  ‘Back in the day, this was a famous restaurant, quite an exclusive place, and many rich and famous people frequented here. But when my grandmother passed away my grandfather’s heart was broken, and he couldn’t face keeping the place going without her. It was never sold and has been standing empty for a long while. My dad was thinking of turning it into a house, but once I’d won Starcross Manor in the auction and secured the purchase of the Boathouse, I thought it would be the perfect time to re-open this place.’

  Flynn began to peel the T-shirt from his broad shoulders and folded it up at the side of him. ‘And do you see that rock up there?’ Flynn pointed. ‘As a kid that was my favourite place to dive from.’

  As Julia looked up Flynn was already on his feet and striding over to the rocks. She watched him confidently climb up the jagged rockface in what seemed like a couple of seconds.

  Surely, he really wasn’t going to dive from that cliff? Julia’s heart began to gallop. She stared out at the glittering water. There might be huge rocks under the surface, it looked too dangerous to her. She suddenly felt queasy watching him. He waved over to her before focusing back on the water.

  ‘What are you doing?’ she shouted, up on her feet. ‘It’s too risky.’ But Flynn didn’t hear her, he’d already launched himself off the cliff. Her heart was in her mouth, she screwed up her eyes and watched him glide through the air.

  SPLASH, the water rippled all around him as he plunged from the rock into the bubbly cobalt-blue water. Time slowed and finally he surfaced. Julia exhaled, Thank God. Just watching Flynn took her breath away and she couldn’t take her eyes off him. With his hair slicked against his head, he swam effortlessly until he was safely back in shallow water. He stood high in the water, bare chested. His shoulders were broad and there wasn’t an ounce of excess flesh – he was clearly a man who worked out. The way he lifted his arms was almost sensuous. Finally, he swam closer to her then stood up. His skin glistened as he raked his hand through his wet hair. Julia had to pinch herself; this man was so gorgeous. She felt drunk-happy, and it wasn’t from the champagne. This was the most relaxing day she’d enjoyed in a long time.

  Flynn’s eyes smiled. ‘Come on in, it’s beautiful in here,’ he pleaded.

  ‘Don’t ever do that to me again,’ she said. ‘You nearly gave me a heart attack.’

  He grinned. ‘Don’t worry, I know these waters like the back of my hand… come on in,’ he repeated, ducking his shoulders under the water. ‘It’s not that cold once you’re in.’ Flynn bobbed his head under the surface and then emerged from the water. ‘See?’

  ‘I’m coming!’ she shouted, peeling off her shorts. The sun was glorious on her skin as she walked towards the edge of the water.

  Flynn had swum out a little further as Julia was navigating the rocky ground underneath her feet. Carefully putting one foot in front of the other, her concentration was broken as she heard buzzing and frantically swished her hair. Her heart began to beat in big apprehensive thumps as she let out a squeal and swiped away the dragonfly that was trying to land on her shoulder, only to stumble on a rock. Julia stretched out her arms to try and steady herself, but it was too late – she shrieked and lost her balance and was sat on the seabed with the water lapping all around her shoulders.

  ‘You okay?’ Flynn shouted out, striding through the water like some sort of superhero towards her.

  Julia managed a little wave, reassuring him she was okay, but before she knew it, his two big strapping arms were y
anking her to her feet. He grinned. ‘What are you doing down there?’ he said, gently pushing the damp tresses from her face.

  ‘That blooming dragonfly toppled me off balance,’ she said, shaking her head laughing. ‘Well, at least I’m in now, and look at my hair,’ she cast her eyes upwards and brushed her wet fringe to one side.

  ‘You look beautiful to me,’ Flynn tilted his head towards her and looked at her with such tenderness. He took both her hands and pulled her in, she rested her head against his bare, wet chest and could hear the thumping of his heart. Every inch of her tingled with desire. The intensity between them felt hotter than the afternoon sun, and she had to remind herself to breathe. For a moment they stayed in each other’s arms, then gazed at each other in a contemplative silence. Flynn tucked her hair behind her ears before gently cupping her face in his hands. Julia was willing him to kiss her, and Flynn never took his eyes off her as he lowered his lips to hers. His kiss was soft, then long and deep. Julia savoured every second.

  After a moment they pulled away and rested their heads against each other with huge beams on their faces. ‘Come on, see that rock over there…’ he pointed. ‘That part is shallow, it’s a great place to sit and watch the fish.’

  Holding Julia’s hand tightly he walked slowly, and Julia trailed behind him. It had been a long time since she’d held a man’s hand, and she had forgotten how comforting it was. There were still a few rocks on the seabed, but it was mostly now sandy. ‘Steady now, this part is a little deeper.’ He held her hand a little tighter and gave it a squeeze, she found herself squeezing his back.

  He glanced back at her from time to time to make sure she was okay. Julia was astonished that the deeper water had become extremely shallow, and she was suddenly hit by very warm water that lapped only around her ankles. ‘Well just look at that,’ Julia sat down and cupped her hands under the water. Tiny fish squirmed in her hands. ‘There’s hundreds of them.’ Julia was amazed, she’d never seen so many fish in one place before.


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