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My Determined Suitor

Page 9

by Shelley Munro

  “Should I close my eyes?”

  “Good idea, but don’t go to sleep.”

  “Will you spank me if I disobey and nod off?”

  Duncan considered it and couldn’t restrain a smirk. “Did you like me spanking you?”


  A simple and straightforward answer, her honesty brought a trace of pride and a smile. “I’m taking off my clothes. Won’t be long.” One boot clomped on the floor as he told her what he intended to do. “I’m saving spanking for special occasions,” he said, seconds before his second boot hit the ground.

  “Oh.” She sounded disappointed, and he made a mental note of it. Although she’d fought his assertive tendencies she seemed to want them now. He’d have to think on the matter. Sex was one topic he didn’t intend to discuss with Emily.

  Duncan dragged off his clothes and rifled through the side pocket until his hand closed around a brown glass bottle of massage oil. Naked, he prowled over to the bed and straddled her hips.

  “Are you awake, sweetheart?”


  The physio he’d visited had given him two different bottles of oil. One lavender and the other reminded him of Oriental spices. Although the lavender one smelled more flowery and girly, he thought Lana would like the Oriental scent. He hoped he’d grabbed the right one.

  “What are you going to do?”

  His brows rose at the hint of uncertainty in her voice. “Scared?”


  “Liar. I’ll give you a massage and hopefully that will help the headache on its way.”

  “A massage?”

  Duncan laughed at the sheer disbelief in her voice. Her tone said she wanted more, and it made the tension residing in the pit of his stomach disperse. Despite his impatience, his decision to give her time and romance seemed the right one. It might even be kinda fun. Sex had always come easy for him while Lana was making him work. All part of the cat-and-mouse game. Knowing Jamie, his cousin had rushed her into mating without a shred of romance. Not that he blamed Jamie since survival through mating was hardwired into the males—the need to have offspring and keep the species alive.

  “Relax. You’ll see. I’m good at this.” He unscrewed the top and tipped a little oil on his hands before setting the bottle on the bedside cabinet to avoid spills. The scent of spices tinged with a hint of exotic flowers rose to meet him and he gave a silent grunt of satisfaction. After dispersing the oil across his palms, he glided his hands over her back, varying the firmness and speed of the strokes just as his physio had instructed him.

  A silent laugh filled him when he remembered his complaints about having a massage and how the other cowboys gave him a hard time. He’d come to appreciate the benefits and cajoled the physio into giving him some hints so he could incorporate massage into his sex life. Maybe it was a feline thing with all the stroking. Duncan couldn’t think of anything better than touches and caresses, unless good sex followed. His cock filled at the thought of plunging into Lana’s snug pussy. Yeah. Good times ahead.

  First the massage. Duncan alternated firm strokes with finger-light ones where he traced patterns on her back. Her soft groan of pleasure resounded right through him as he worked down her body. He kneaded the curves of her bottom, using deeper pressure and the tension seeped from her before working up again to rub her back, neck and shoulders.

  “Your skin is so soft.”

  Her incoherent mumble made him smile.

  “I’ll do the talking. It’s not often we males can get a word in.”

  She snorted, not moving, and he grinned, enjoying himself. Touching and spending time with Lana was as good as the sex. It seemed romance worked for him too.

  “Hmm, what should we discuss? I’d like to know more about your restaurant. We’ll leave that for another time when it’s easier for you to talk. What if I tell you about Hawaii? I had a holiday there before I headed home. I loved it all. The water is this bright blue color. It’s different from our water here. Our sea always looks moody while the tropical waters sparkle with happiness. Sounds corny, I know, yet it’s true.”

  Although Lana didn’t comment, he sensed her interest and continued talking while he rubbed and fondled her body, his hands gliding easily with the oil.

  “There’s white sand and coconut palms right on the beach at Waikiki. When you travel inland the land is green and mountainous. Some of the islands are dry on one side with verdant green on the other and steep, towering cliffs that meet the sea. One day I’ll take you there. Turn over for me, and I’ll do your front.” He moved so she could roll over.

  “I want to travel one day. It won’t be for a long time until I pay off more of my mortgage.”

  “Shush. Relax,” Duncan said. Instinct told him to bite back on his urge to offer her money. He understood pride and refused to trample hers. His parents hadn’t understood his desire to go into rodeo, wanting him to work on the family farm in Northern Canterbury. It had been a point of pride and sheer bloody orneriness that he succeeded on his own and made a decent living without accepting financial help from his parents. Yeah, he understood pride and admired Lana’s determination.

  Duncan reached over for more oil and hoped Emily wouldn’t mind if the duvet cover suffered. Somehow he thought she’d take it in stride. When he moved back over Lana, her eyes were open and she was frowning.

  “You’re meant to be relaxing,” he chided, taking pleasure in looking at her form. Although her breasts tempted him, he moved down the bed to start work on her feet and legs, gliding hands over the contours and muscles beneath his fingers.

  The purring sound coming from deep in Lana’s chest brought both a smile and satisfaction. Duncan worked up her thighs, massaging the soft inner skin with deep thumb pressure. Her body gleamed under his ministrations, the oil shining and highlighting her sleek musculature.

  “Do you get a chance to run in feline form often?”

  “No. Until the other day I hadn’t shifted for months.”

  Duncan glanced at her in concern. “It’s better for your health if you can shift regularly.”

  Lana bit her lip, and after meeting his eyes for an instant, let her lids flutter closed. “I know. It’s not always easy.”

  Another thing to add to his romance plan—the temptation of a run on private land. He worked his way up toward the genital area without touching her intimately. That would come later. He glided his hands over her torso, ignoring her breasts, merely sliding his fingers around them. Her breathing became slower, deeper, and Duncan sensed the tension seep from her muscles during the prolonged touching session.

  “I’ve been lucky enough to go for runs on a regular basis. It helps keep me fit and strong. The bulls sense my feline and it makes them harder to ride, although I’ve learned a few things about disguising my scent over the years.”


  “No talking.” Duncan massaged her face before removing the combs and clips from her hair and running his fingers across her scalp.

  Her eyes popped open to snare his gaze. “You want me. Your arousal tells me that.”

  “Yes,” Duncan said, his eyes crinkling into a smile. “Did my erection give you a few clues?”

  “It helped, and the heat coming off you is incredible. Your musk is rising too.”

  All true. He ached for her, although he enjoyed touching her pliant body too much to hurry the process of seduction. “I’m not the only one who’s enjoying all this touching.”

  “I never have time to relax.”

  Duncan nodded, understanding more than what she was telling him. No one had spoiled or indulged her before. Maybe she hadn’t let anyone close enough, despite being married. That would change, and the idea he’d make the difference made his heart clench. It seemed he’d learned things about himself tonight. He needed romance as much as she did. Duncan glided a hand over her hip before pouring more oil into the palm of his hand. Eventually, Lana would let him in and trust him enough to mention her marriage
to Jamie. Soon they’d be mates.

  Gradually Duncan moved his attention to her breasts, squeezing the plump curves and moving closer and closer to her nipples. Finally, he grasped each one between fingers and thumbs and tugged while watching Lana’s face.

  The delicate flush of arousal suffused her cheeks, making her eyes darken and the pupils contract to feline slits. He replaced his fingers with his mouth, drawing one nipple inside while he drew aimless shapes on her other breast with his fingers. They smoothed across her oil-slicked skin, her arousal combining with the spicy oil. Lana’s soft purrs and the subtle arching of her body brought satisfaction and pleasure.

  “So responsive,” he murmured. “I like that.” Duncan dipped his head and dragged his tongue past her cleavage, enjoying the rasp against her flesh. The flavor of the oil—not so much. “Ugh, next time remind me to choose an oil that tastes better.”

  Lana laughed at him. “It might taste horrid but imagine the way our skin will slide together, all slippery and sleek.”

  “Like this?” Duncan rubbed his chest against her breasts and reached up to kiss her. Their lips came together in a soft, barely there caress, gradually deepening. A slow and easy kiss with a hint of promise and hunger. The touch sizzled through his bloodstream, coming to a halt in his cock. When he lifted his head, his heart raced. “Damn, that has to be the sexiest kiss I’ve ever had.”

  “Do it again.”

  “Something tells me she liked it.”

  A growl rumbled from Lana and she grabbed him by the ears.


  “Kiss me quick.” Lana puckered up.

  Smirking, Duncan grasped her shoulders and rolled so she ended on top of him. Their lips met in another gentle encounter, the slide of tongues like a waltz into greater pleasure. When they pulled apart, they were both breathing hard, the scent of Oriental oil filling the air. Duncan ran his hand over her head, tangling fingers in her dark hair. Each time they came together the urge to mate increased, the mating heat rising within him. He eyed the fleshy part of her shoulder where it met her neck and his canines pushed through his gums. The words trembled on his lips and he knew he had to bite them back, leaving them unsaid or he’d lose her.

  “Ride me,” he said. He’d intended to make love to her, using every bit of his finesse and experience. Instead a tremble sped through him, his feline riding him hard.

  “My pleasure.” Lana pushed up and straddled his hips. In her scramble for position she flashed her sex and a shot of desire hit him.

  “You want me.” Satisfaction coated his words.

  “I told you earlier I hadn’t had sex since Jamie died.”

  The hard set of her mouth drew his attention and questions. They remained unasked. It wasn’t the right time. Instead he watched her, searching for clues. “I won’t have sex again for a while because I’ll be busy. I want you to fuck me so bad right now that I’ll beg if you tell me to stop.”

  His feline surged to the fore, knowledge he was the only one since Jamie pushing past his control. Duncan had her under his body in one swift move, moving between her legs and sliding home before she could blink. Once fully seated, he stilled, each breath coming in a roar. His gaze dropped to the special place on her shoulder and he rasped his tongue across the spot. Back and forth. Back and forth. Her pulse jumped, and she gasped a quick intake of air. Duncan opened his mouth and scraped his teeth across her skin, teasing her and pushing harder at his control.

  “Don’t,” she whispered.

  Duncan lifted his head. “I’d never mark you without your agreement.” His canines made his husky voice emerge with a slight lisp.

  Lana nodded despite the wariness in her eyes.

  “I’d never trap you.” He scowled when she didn’t respond, pissed at her for doubting his integrity. “Although we didn’t use protection yesterday. You don’t think I’ll expect close contact if we have a child?”

  “I’m protected. I’m on the Pill.”

  Duncan’s eyes closed for an instant, and until that moment he hadn’t realized how much he’d welcome a child into his life. Lana’s child. “Good,” he said. “Good to know.” Damn. Disappoint clawed at his gut. He shoved it away. Don’t blow your chance.

  He pulled out and pushed back into her moist flesh. Using controlled movements, he built the simmering pleasure higher, relieved when he saw Lana’s eyes flicker closed. The last thing he wanted right now was for her to see his emotions when they were so close to the surface, his control a mere façade.

  “Yes,” she whispered, clutching his shoulders and hanging on tight.

  Gradually he upped the pace until his cock slammed into her in choppy strokes. When her tongue curled out to lick her lips, he kissed her. Although he tried to keep it gentle, she wouldn’t let him. Her sex flexed and gripped his cock. His balls drew tight, and after one more thrust, he lost control. An almost pained groan hissed past his protruding canines and when he stilled, embedded in her pussy, the sharp contractions of his cock prolonged the pleasure.

  Lana panted beneath him, making him aware his weight was resting on her. Lifting to his elbows, he pressed kisses to her face, moving again and hoping to give her enough friction to come. “Touch yourself,” he whispered against her ear. “I want to watch your face when you come.”

  He thrust again but his cock softened, and no wonder considering the force with which he’d come.

  Lana licked her lips, and he watched the move avidly, fascinated by the want reflected in her face. Her beautiful eyes glowed and a soft flush covered her chest. As he watched, she slipped a hand between their bodies.

  “I need more,” she said.

  Duncan bit back a laugh and pulled away. “Let’s do it this way,” he said, pushing two fingers inside her wet pussy. Knocking her finger aside, he dipped his head and licked around her swollen clit. Her body bucked and her sex squeezed his fingers.

  “Yes,” she said, half moaning the word. “Again.”

  Duncan smiled against her flesh, amused at her bossiness. At least she didn’t seem angry that he’d come and she hadn’t. He settled in to push her into pleasure, hopefully as great as he’d experienced.

  Lana melted into the mattress, relaxed and mellow even though she had a man licking her private parts. For a while she watched him, scanning his hair and profile, the flash of his tongue. Her decision to have a weekend of sex and to spend one more night with Duncan had been the best male-related resolve she’d made for a long time.

  Letting her eyes fall closed, she concentrated on the sensations. The man had a talented tongue. It dragged across her flesh, rough and abrasive—a luscious tug that pulled at her clit and transmitted a tingle of pleasure through her abdomen and down her legs. With each lick the feelings intensified, and she lifted into his face, silently urging him to give her more pressure, more drag. Just more.

  Duncan’s fingers curved with each thrust and he began a direct assault on her clit. Instead of licking around, his tongue moved across every second or third lick. His strokes varied so she never knew to expect. Not that it mattered. This man knew his way around a woman’s body. It should’ve bothered her—heck, it might later—but right now she was busy enjoying the hell out of his experience. A gasp escaped, sounding so much like a purr, she bit her bottom lip to halt the sounds.

  Duncan stopped and lifted his head. “You’re a feline. You don’t have to hold back on my account. I love your sexy purrs.”

  Lana gave a jerky nod. “Don’t stop.” Heck, if the man didn’t start again, she might commit murder. Either that or lock herself in the bathroom and take care of things herself.

  “No way, sweetheart. I’m enjoying myself.”

  Thankfully, he returned to the task with delicate precision. After three tense seconds she relaxed again, the feel-good sensations creeping back. Duncan pushed her harder, and she purred, the pleasure streaking from her clit and down her legs in a fireball. She groaned, riding out the climax, her pussy contracting on his fingers. An e
arthquake. That was what it was. Duncan gave her clit another lick and a second, almost painful series of spasms sped through her.

  He dragged his fingers from her body and moved up the bed until they were face-to-face.

  “You are so beautiful.” The husky rumble of his voice held satisfaction. Normally she’d inform him he had a big head and chop him down to size. Right now every muscle sang a relaxed tune. Difficult to summon the energy.

  “You taste good.” Duncan watched her as he licked her juices from his fingers. He held her gaze, his eyes dark, swirling with passion. Just as well she intended to head back to Queenstown tomorrow and wouldn’t see Duncan for months. In two short days she’d grown addicted to his lovemaking. Greedily she craved more. An impossibility. Tomorrow, she returned to work, and he’d be nothing more than a good memory. Her lips lifted in a grin. A perfect memory.

  “Something funny?” He smoothed the hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear.

  “No, not at all,” she said, sobering. “I’m tired. You should go back to the campground.”

  “I’m tired as well and I’d like to stay.”

  Lana opened her mouth to object as he climbed from the bed and turned out the light. On his return, the mattress depressed with his weight. Sighing because she didn’t want him to go, she turned on her side. He moved behind her, tugging her against his chest, a possessive hand curving around her waist. The nonsexual comfort made her sigh again. Really, she should protest. But she remained silent, telling herself tomorrow would be soon enough to part. She’d had great sex and felt better than she had for months. No need to end the weekend on an argument when they could part on good terms tomorrow.

  Chapter Seven

  Lana walked through her gutted restaurant and tried not to panic. The builders had assured her they’d finish by the opening on Monday the following week. It was only two weeks late. She inhaled and at once wished she hadn’t. A sneeze erupted. Lana breathed through her mouth. A fresh plaster stench, varnish and paint swirled through the air, odors that hadn’t been present the previous day. Queasiness lurched through her stomach at the consequences of remaining closed for another extra week. Thank goodness she could see progress, even if her feline side hated the stench.


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