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King's Possession

Page 22

by Stone, Piper


  My God, the conviction in her eyes was incredible. I was rarely thrown by anyone, but at that moment, the woman had not only ripped away my armor, she’d shredded a certain portion of my resolve. I moved to a standing position, buttoning my suit jacket.

  “Let me guess. We have to go home because I’ve misbehaved, disturbing the great King family’s dirty little secrets.”

  My cock throbbed, smashing against my trousers. I’d never been so fucking aroused in my life. I held out my hand, giving her a stern look. “Dance with me.”

  Genevieve seemed shocked, slow to react. Then a smile crossed her face. “I’d love to.”

  As usual, the connection we shared was dynamic, my fingers tingling just from the touch of her. I pulled her onto the small dancefloor, holding her close, simply enjoying the feel of having her in my arms. “You defy me at every turn.”

  “I think that’s growing on you.” Her eyes flashing, she rested her hand on my shoulder. The way her long blonde hair had been curled further fueled the ache in my loins, the need to brush my fingers down every inch of skin intense.

  “At certain times.” I dragged her even closer, keeping my head lowered. “You are very astute, Genevieve. So much so that it worries me. However, I won’t keep you in the dark. The family has a meeting with Carlos Morales very soon.”

  “You’re kidding? The monster you warned me about from South America?”

  “Yes. His request.”

  “You’re worried it’s a setup.”

  “I’m worried that a war has already begun. If that’s the case, there will be little to stop what needs to occur.”

  She sighed, looking away. “More death.”


  “Including your own.”

  I took a deep breath, allowing myself to enjoy the scent of her perfume. “Possibly. However, I’ve made arrangements to have you well taken care of. Our Consigliere has made changes to my will which will make you a very wealthy woman.”

  She stiffened in my hold, trying to push away. “No.”

  “Don’t pull away from me.”

  Shaking her head, she tried again. I tightened my grip, turning her in a full circle.

  “Let me go, Lucian. You’re right. I don’t want to talk about this.”

  “I think we should. You should have a life of your own if something happens.”

  “My God, you act like if you are murdered that it won’t matter in the least, that the world, including me will simply go on. That’s crazy. I can’t do it, Lucian. I’m not that kind of woman.”

  “Why would it bother you?” I asked, confused as to her reaction.

  “Why? You really need to ask me why?” She did everything she could to stop dancing, pushing against me so hard that I could tell we were making a scene.

  I gripped her chin, lifting her head and forcing her to look into my eyes. “Yes. I want to know why.”

  “Because you’re…”

  Refusing to let her go, I did everything to soften my features. “Tell me, Genevieve. Why would it matter to you?”

  “Because I love you, which is stupid because you aren’t capable of loving anyone.”

  As she said the words, tears forming in her eyes, I was gutted. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed one of my soldiers approaching.

  Hissing, I glared at him.

  “I’m sorry, boss. You must have your phone turned off. Cristiano called. He said to tell you it’s time.”


  In just a few minutes of my life, I realized the word held an entirely different meaning. It wasn’t the fear of death or of challenging any concept of bravery.

  The fear that sent tremors through me was even stronger.

  I was terrified of never getting to grow old with her.

  Chapter 16


  “True love stands by each other’s side on good days and stands closer on bad days.”



  That’s all I’d been able to do for almost a full hour. I’d been driven home by one of the soldiers, someone I didn’t know and honestly didn’t care to. The brawny soldier was just another man capable of killing if necessary. I held the phone in my hands, praying that I would hear from Lucian at any time, although I knew better.

  He’d told me nothing else before kissing my cheek and walking away. He’d simply headed out of the bar as if he was going to a typical meeting, not one with some evil beast who had every intention of killing his entire family. I couldn’t stomach the concept.

  I couldn’t handle being without him.

  I couldn’t…

  “Jesus,” I whispered, touching my cheek and closing my eyes, remembering the soft kiss. I remained in the beautiful dress, everything that had happened surreal. Yes, I’d pressured him for the truth. Now I wasn’t certain I should have asked. Telling him I loved him had been the worst thing of all. Not because I’d lied, but because I meant the words and I had felt an immediate change in him, a shutting down that might prevent him from ever caring about me.

  If he lived.

  I continued pacing, refusing to let go of the phone. I needed someone to talk to. Anyone at this point. The only person who wouldn’t ask me too many questions that I couldn’t answer was my mother. But would she even give a damn?

  The rules had been made clear. No calls other than to Lucian. However, this was an extenuating circumstance. I debated for another two minutes before risking the call. A huge part of me didn’t even think she’d answer the call, and it had nothing to do with the lateness of the hour. When I heard a single click, I held my breath. “Mother?”

  There was a deep sigh, but I’d know the inflection anywhere.

  “I know you’re there.” When I heard a slight sobbing sound, I bristled. “What’s wrong, Mother? Did Father do something to destroy one of your beautiful trinkets?” I allowed my anger from the past ten days to erupt. Maybe in my previous life I would have regretted my terse words.

  Not today.

  “I’m sorry, Genevieve, my baby.”

  I was certainly no longer her baby.

  “Don’t bother, Mother. You don’t have to be sorry. I know you did what was required of you.”

  “And I hate myself for it. Is he treating you okay? Are you happy?” There was such hope in her voice as well as absolute despair.

  I held back another bitter retort. “I’m just fine, no thanks to my parents selling me off.” Sighing, I shook my head. I hadn’t intended on berating her. I’d simply needed my mother’s reassuring words that everything was going to be all right.

  “I guess I deserved that.”

  “No, you didn’t. It’s just…” How could I even finish?

  “It’s just that you counted on your mother to be strong and I failed.”

  “Why, Mother? Why did you marry him?”

  She hesitated as I knew she would. She’d never admit the real reason. That would betray a burning secret.

  But she did.

  “I had no other choice, Genevieve. I had to choose between my father’s life and my own. You see, your grandfather owed your father’s family a significant amount of money. With no options of making restitution, he offered the only thing of value in his crumbling world. Me. I assure you that your father wasn’t thrilled about the prospect either. He’d planned on an entirely different life than what he’s had. But he did what was required of me just like I chose to do.”

  “My God.”

  “I wanted you to have a better life, a different life.” Her voice trailed off.

  I took a deep breath, debating what to say. “Lucian is a decent man and I do care for him. He’s actually very passionate in his own way.”


  It wasn’t the reaction that I’d anticipated. “What does that mean?”

  “Nothing. I’m glad for you.”

  The chill that I was used to had returned to her tone. “Is there something wrong, Mother?”

  “No. Nothing.”

  Her words were clipped. I knew my mother well enough when she was holding something back.

  “Why did you call, Genevieve?”

  “I called because I wanted to talk to you and because I just needed someone to talk to.” I had no intention of telling her anything else now. “I can tell you’re busy.”

  “You need to take care of yourself, Genevieve. Just know everything happens for a reason. I’m just… I just want you happy.”

  “What aren’t you telling me, Mother? Don’t lie to me.”

  “I need to go.”

  “Tell me.”

  “I didn’t expect you to sound happy. Your father just had no other choice. I’m just so sorry about what’s going to happen. I really don’t… take care of yourself.”

  When she ended the call, I stared at the screen. What in God’s name had she been getting at? What was going to happen? A shiver trickled down my spine, one of anticipation. I suddenly felt my throat close, as if she’d been trying to warn me. Everything happens for a reason. Her mention of my father’s choices didn’t sound like it meant about the past.

  My gut told me that even though I’d broken another rule, I needed to share this with Lucian. There was something wrong.


  The single noise interrupted my thoughts. What the hell? I shifted toward the door, walking into the foyer slowly then listening for any other sounds. Even though I heard nothing else, the trickle of fear remained.

  I backed away, reminding myself that I was already on edge, the phone call with my mother not helping a damn thing. Maybe I could make a cup of tea. That would calm me.

  Pop! Pop!

  This time, I froze. What in the hell was going on? I knew better than to open the front door. I’d followed the usual orders, making certain the security system was armed. But something was very wrong.

  A hard thud forced me to move all the way into the living room. I decided to follow my instincts, no matter the consequences.

  So I dialed the number.

  As expected, it went straight to voicemail. “Lucian. Something is going on outside the house. I can hear what sounds like gunfire, or at least I think so. I’m sorry to call.”


  The sound was explosive, as if someone had kicked in the front door. Fear slammed into my system. “There’s someone here.” My voice was little more than a whisper. I ducked down behind the couch, trying to control my breathing.

  Then I heard the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer.

  I closed my eyes. “Lucian, listen to me…”

  * * *


  One hour earlier

  Port Nola.

  The port of New Orleans was a modern multimodal gateway for global commerce. It was considered highly competitive as well as secure, although even the harbor police had difficulty maintaining a significant presence given their recent budget constraints. That should allow for an uninterrupted meeting.

  The streets of New Orleans were packed with tourists flocking to the French Quarter to satisfy their hungers. While I’d avoided the main roads, there was still enough traffic to create a round of tension. I twisted my hands around the steering wheel, constantly checking the rearview mirror.

  Careful plans had been laid out then put into motion. The agreed upon location was acceptable to both parties. The docks. Our soldiers had been ordered into preset locations, their presence meant to section off the city as well as to alert us of any approaching members of law enforcement. The selection Morales determined had been anticipated, a good portion of the Azzurris’ men waiting in close proximity to the docks, some prepared to board various watercraft if necessary.

  Between manpower and weapons, the entire city could be seized; however, it had been made clear to everyone involved that unless provoked, peace would remain. It had also been predetermined that Michael and Dante would remain with our father, our families on lockdown. We couldn’t afford to lose every member of the family if that was Morales’ intent.

  Even though every precaution had been put into place, I didn’t like the shit we were facing, a bitter taste remaining in my mouth.

  After parking several blocks from the meeting area, I pulled two additional ammunition clips into my hands, hissing before sliding them into my pocket. Perhaps I was far too eager to end the conflict between us once and for all.

  For the number of people who remained close by, there were no obvious signs that what some might consider a historic meeting was being held. The fact that Morales dared to challenge the Coast Guard as well as other law enforcement meant either he had balls the size of cantaloupes or his concerns about an upcoming war were significant.

  Or he was merely continuing the game.

  As I neared, rounding the corner of one of the warehouses, I scanned the water, easily able to sense a solid two hundred soldiers. We owned several buildings, although we used the port facilities for housing our legal endeavors. Granted, with a few exceptions when preparing to ship product. I opened the door, walking inside, eyeing my brothers.

  “How did they arrive?” I asked.

  “A single boat with maybe twenty soldiers,” Cristiano stated. “There have been no sightings of other vessels in the area.”

  “What the hell is he up to?” Vincenzo asked.

  “That I’m not certain of.” Cristiano shook his head.

  “I don’t like this shit,” I mused, although I knew they both felt the same way.

  When the door was opened, I sucked in my breath.

  As with so many men considered immortal, Carlos Morales wasn’t what anyone would have expected. Standing at only five foot eight, his less than savage physique still didn’t diminish his brutal reputation. He was flanked by a half dozen of his own men, the rest likely remaining in the shadows as well, prepared to drag him to safety if necessary.

  Our Capos and soldiers were eight in number, close enough for Morales to feel comfortable. What he didn’t know was that Giancarlo would make an appearance soon enough. At least the asshole would feel the full weight of the city.

  Neither Cristiano nor Vincenzo had any readable expressions, but I sensed they remained on edge.

  After a few seconds, Morales moved to within ten feet of us, gazing from one to the other, his dark eyes expressing nothing more than the fact he was soulless.

  He finally offered a slight grin and a respectful nod.

  “Gentlemen. Thank you for taking the opportunity to meet with me.” His accent was heavy, but I could easily understand every word. “Your reputations precede you.”

  Cristiano smiled. “Welcome to America, although I realize it isn’t your first time. And I’m certain you’ll want to get back to your country as soon as possible.”

  Morales laughed. “Yes, my attention was captured by a very interesting video.” He turned his head in my direction. “Although I am at a loss for words as to why you sent it to me.”

  My anger rose exponentially. Before I had a chance to speak, Cristiano lifted his arm.

  “Let’s not mince words here, Morales. It’s come to our attention that you have plans on increasing your profits. While we’re all businessmen, as you might imagine, we won’t accept your advance into our territory. We also will not accept your disposal of our product. I don’t mind telling you that we will retaliate if necessary, only when we do so, there will be significant loss of life. I don’t think that’s something you want.”

  “Are you accusing me of destroying this product you mention?” Morales asked, his eyes narrowing.

  “That is exactly what I’m saying,” Cristiano stated, an edge to his voice.

  I was surprised that Cristiano was able to curtail his rage.

  “In addition, the blatant assassination attempt on members of the King family is unacceptable.” I walked closer after issuing the words. “By all rights, we should take our revenge.”

  Cristiano snapped his head in my direction, glaring at me.
/>   The man seemed genuinely confused, glancing from one of his soldiers to another. “Señor King. While we are considered enemies, I have no intention of attacking your family as I wouldn’t accept you doing so to mine. While I can understand your anger, I’ve come here in good faith, not to be accused of a flagrant lie.”

  I found his lack of acceptance fascinating.

  “Then why are you here other than to make restitution for the damage you caused? You can certainly understand that your words sound unbelievable.” Vincenzo asked, taking his time to unbutton his jacket, allowing his weapon to slide into view.

  “You mean ridiculous,” I added.

  My brother’s move wasn’t lost on Morales’ soldiers, who immediately placed their hands on their weapons.

  “Detener!” Morales snarled, the single word all that was needed to have the soldiers stand down.

  As the warehouse door opened, Giancarlo and several of his own soldiers walking inside, I could feel the tension rise in the room.

  Morales moved closer, shifting his gaze from Giancarlo back to Cristiano, his eyes finally settling on mine. “How interesting. It would seem that in your country men of your… distinction actually work together. In my country, working within a true enemy would be considered blasphemous.” There was more of an edge to his voice.

  “In our country,” Cristiano started, “there is such a thing as honor. Both the Azzurri and the King regimes are committed to maintaining that honor, which in turn provides peace in our territory. However, you are entirely correct in that we are prepared to work together if necessary in order to ensure that our organizations are kept whole. In other words, profitable. I’m certain that is something you can understand. I’m also certain you can comprehend that we will not accept any moves made against our territory or our families. In doing so, you have announced your intentions for a war.”


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