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Forbidden Neighbor: A Contemporary Romance Boxset (Forbidden Saga Book 2)

Page 23

by Summer Brooks

  Unfortunately, after what happened at the party, I had been setback quite a bit on the original goal I had with Myra.

  I closed my eyes and remembered the way she looked when she was laying on the bed naked for me. I remembered everything, the way she tasted, the way she smelled, the way she sounded and I wanted it all again. Badly.

  Only she’d insisted she wanted nothing to do with me, all because that botch Kara had ruined everything. I was having such a good night until she showed up, slobbering all over me. She didn't hold a candle to Myra but now my chances were blown.

  I had never been one to give up easily, though, and I didn't intend to give up on Myra either. At least she didn't quit our arrangement. I still had time to show her that I wasn't a total piece of shit.

  I mean, I wasn't a total piece of shit anymore. Yes, maybe I had fooled around more than my fair share with women who meant nothing to me but that didn't mean that I didn't deserve to have a shot at something long term. It's not like any of the women I ever brought home wanted anything from me except for my money.

  Myra wasn't like that. She was capable of caring for herself, and had done what she needed to do after losing her prestigious job. I admired her.

  But she didn't admire me much anymore and I had to change that. Maybe all of this was the wake-up call I had needed for a long time. I couldn't believe that Myra was going to be gone from my life as soon as this fake arrangement thing was over. The fake life that I had created was better than my real one, and I wanted to keep it.

  I leaned back, going over in my head what I could tell Myra when I saw her, but was getting discouraged when I realized that none of the cheesy pick-up lines that I had in my repertoire were going to work on a woman like her.

  My phone buzzed with a text and I grabbed it, hoping it was Myra. She had gone to bed early after the party, retiring to her room silently. When I knocked an hour later, hoping that she would come out and maybe watch a movie with me, I got no response.

  When I got up this morning, her car was gone, and she hadn't mentioned where she was going.

  I opened my message and to my relief it from her.

  "I'm going to be at my parents' house for the night. Monthly dinner get together, and it's a long drive back, so I'll likely stay the night."

  Nothing else. Nothing cute, no emoji like she would usually include.

  “Okay, thanks for letting me know,” I sent back. With a heart.

  I waited to see the typing bubbles appear, and they did for a moment, but then quickly disappeared. I stared at the phone but nothing else came through.

  That was a bit cold but at least she had said something. Something was better than nothing, I reminded myself.

  A call came through and I jumped again, hoping it was her. Instead, it was one of my best friends, Grant Watson.

  "What's up buddy?" I answered.

  "Alec! Hey man. I didn't want you to forget about my birthday party tonight. You're coming, right? I haven't heard from you and wanted to make sure you'd be there… You forgetful fuck."

  I actually had totally forgotten his party was tonight. Grant was famous for throwing mad bashes for his birthday every year. I sighed.

  "I don't know, man."

  "What the fuck do you mean, you don't know? I'm your best fucking dude and you have to be at my party. Come on though, seriously, it's not a party unless you're there. Don't rain on my parade dude."

  I had to laugh. I don't think I had missed a party of his since I met him in college.

  "I don't know I'm having some…woman troubles that I gotta figure out. I need to be good."

  "Did I get the wrong number or some shit? This is Alec Slade, right?"

  "Yeah, yeah, very funny."

  "Since when are you trying to be a good boy? Some chic got you pussy whipped or something?"

  "No…fuck. I've just got a lot going on. I'm trying to get back on my dad's good side, and there's this girl…never mind." I thought of Myra's cold text message. I could use a little distraction to get me out of the house I guess. Otherwise I would just be sitting here agonizing over her. “I'll be there alright. But I'm not going crazy. I'll just have a couple drinks, give you a birthday spanking and be on my way."

  Grant howled with laughter. "My bum will be awaiting your spanking." He laughed at his own joke some more. "Okay, great, I can't wait to see you then. And yeah, we'll talk about you only having a couple drinks when you get here."

  "I'm serious dude. Nothing crazy. I need to chill."

  "Yeah whatever. See ya tonight brother."

  By the time I arrived at Grant's bayside mansion, the party had already failed to be contained within his four walls. In the front courtyard, people were already dancing and doing body shots in front of a live DJ who was shaking the earth with his repetitive bass beats.

  Leave it to Grant to have a personal rave for his birthday.

  I made my way through the crowd of revelers and wondered if he actually knew all these people. He probably did. If anyone had a worse reputation than me, it was Grant, which is partly why we were friends. I looked like a saint next to him.

  When I got inside, my perceived sainthood was confirmed. Grant was sitting out in the open getting a blowjob from a hot blonde while her friend danced topless in front of him. I shook my head, deciding to come back later. I wandered back outside.

  "Alec," a girl called me over to her. I had no idea who she was but she seemed to know exactly who I was. Of course, she was gorgeous, but still she had nothing on Myra. She came toward me, smiling and flipping her hair.

  She stroked my arm, "I'm so happy to see you here, Alec. I haven't seen you out in a while. Where have you been?"

  Before I could answer, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from behind, female hands running over my chest. "Guess who?" The voice purred. I turned to see Jasmine, one of the girls whose presence had driven Sophie to quit as my maid.

  "Hi Jasmine," I said politely, turning my attention away from the nameless one, to her dismay. I really didn't want to be talking to any of them. This place was like a meat market.

  "Hey, uh, I need to go find Grant really quick and tell him happy birthday. Excuse me a moment, will you?"

  "As long as you'll promise you'll be back," Jasmine stuck out her pink lower lip in a pout.

  I waved her goodbye and got the hell out of there. Weaving through the crowd, I kept an eye out for Grant. I was going to just tell him happy birthday and then leave. There was nothing here but trouble.

  "Alec! There you are!" I turned to the sound of Grant's voice. He had a shit eating grin and the two girls that I found him with before trailed next to him. He had a drink in each hand.

  "Hey Grant, happy birthday dude!" I forced a smile. "Hey I know it's early but…"

  He thrust one of the cocktails into my hand. "Here is your one drink for the night that you promised me. Don't even think about leaving before you finish this before my eyes. I made it special just for you."

  "Uh, thanks, man."

  "No thank you. I knew I could count on you for a good time." He toasted his glass against mine. "Bottoms up."

  I brought the glass to my lips. After this one drink, I was out.

  The liquor was horribly strong. As I took another sip, the music got louder and the dancers became more frenzied. The emcee took the microphone and told all the girls to get up on stage for this one.

  A league of screaming drunk girls rushed the stage and crowded the area we were in. Grant raised his glass again, smiling at me as girls danced around him. They swarmed me too, grinding against me. There was hedonism every which way I looked. Normally I would have loved it. My hands would have been everywhere.

  I finished my drink quickly and got rid of the glass. Before I could find Grant to tell him goodbye, Jasmine cut in front of my path again.

  "Hey handsome, you don't look so great. You feeling alright, honey?" She stroked my cheek.

  The room started to spin. She was right. I didn't feel great either
. Almost in an instant, it became difficult to stand upright. That drink was strangely strong. She continued talking but I couldn't make out what she was saying. I braced myself against a post and called my driver to pick me up. I had to get out of there before I got sick. To hell with saying goodbye to Grant.

  As soon as my eyes opened, my head began to throb. I blinked against the darkness of the room, trying to remember how I had gotten into bed. The last thing I remembered was being at Grant's party. I struggled to piece together what had happened. Why did I feel so bad? I couldn't recall having more than one drink. I had been a drinker for years, so one cocktail wasn't nearly enough to put me under.

  A body shifted next to me in bed and I sat bolt upright, nearly screaming. I flipped on the light and jumped to my feet when I saw a woman lying next to me.

  It was Jasmine.

  "What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked, panicked. "Who let you in? I didn't…we didn't…? Oh fuck, oh fuck," I ran a hand through my hair, then looked down at myself, still fully dressed in the clothes I had worn to the party. "What time is it? What day is it?"

  She sat up, too. "Relax, Alec. Don't worry, you didn't fall asleep in the act." She smiled. "We haven't even gotten started yet. Come on back to bed. We've only been back a couple hours. The night is still young." She patted my bed with a beckoning stare.

  "What the fuck Jasmine? How did you get here?"

  She looked annoyed now, and rolled her eyes. "Don't you remember anything from the party?"

  I realized that I didn't. There was something wrong with that drink. "No," I admitted.

  Jasmine sat on the edge of my bed. "I volunteered to come home with you to make sure you got in okay. I didn't want to leave you all alone in your state. Grant told me he spiked your drink so you'd loosen up but he didn't think you'd get that fucked up from it." She actually laughed. "You nearly fell down, and then you looked pretty messed up. Anyway, I'm glad you're feeling better. Come back to bed and let's make up for the lost night." She bit her lip.

  "No fucking way," I said. "Look, you've got to go. I didn't invite you here, I didn't want this…Just no."

  "What's the matter with you, Alec?" she said, standing and peeling off her top, revealing her full breasts covered by a black lacy bra. "Don't you remember what fun we had last time? You don't really want me to go now that I'm right here, do you?"

  "Yes, I do. I would like to be alone now, please."

  "You're telling me this is the thanks I get for being your caretaker all evening?" She asked, shaking her head, causing her full tits to sway back and forth before my eyes. "I think maybe you're still having some amnesia from that drink. Let me just give you a little reminder of what you're missing out on."

  She reached behind her back and unclasped her bra, letting her tits swing free as she let her bra drop to the floor. She put her hands around my neck and brought her face up to mine for a kiss.

  "No, Jasmine," I mumbled, pulling away.

  Both of our heads snapped toward the bedroom door when a knock sounded. "Alec? Are you awake?"

  It was Myra. My eyes grew wide.

  Jasmine laughed. "He's in here," she called out.

  The door swung open, and Myra now stood in my bedroom door, watching as Jasmine nonchalantly pulled her shirt back on as if it were the most normal thing in the world.

  The look of confusion on Myra's face turned to anger and then pure disgust as she spat, "I see I'm interrupting something. Never mind." She slammed the door and stormed down the hall.



  I usually got my best thinking done while driving. When I was alone in the car, there were no other voices to distract me from myself, and it almost felt like being in my own solitary isolation chamber inside that car where nothing else could bother me. I've always enjoyed the ride to and from my parents’ house, alone in my car, where I could listen to music, and get some clarity on that problems I was facing in my life.

  Only this time, there was no clarity. Everything was becoming muddy and unclear between Alec and I very fast. I was turning into someone that I didn't even recognize, someone who lied to her parents outright. I felt like a naughty teenager storming out of their house after they said they didn't like my boyfriend, but the way they were on my case really bothered me this time. Probably because if they kept prying they were likely to uncover the truth and I wasn't ready to sit through that conversation, now or ever.

  It would be bad enough to find out that I lost my job, but if they knew that I had found a new career first as a maid and then as a live-in fake girlfriend and wife, they would really be proud of me. Tears sprang to my eyes and I wiped them with the back of my hand as I drove down the abandoned highway. It was getting late and I still had over an hour on the road before I got back to the city.

  I had to get things straight in my head before I went off the deep end. I had feelings for Alec and there was no denying that. I felt like he had feelings for me too. I didn't see how anyone could look at someone else the way he looked at me and do the things that he did to me at that party and not feel something. He was such a passionate man. And he certainly knew how to please a woman. Really, really please a woman. The heat between my legs surged as I remembered the way he had played my body like a professional.

  Then my heart sank a little when I remembered what else had happened since then. He was good at it all because he was a professional, and there was no telling how many women just like that one at the party were in his phone, in his social circle, everywhere he went, waiting to pounce.

  I had no right to be jealous, technically, but that didn’t mean I wasn't. I couldn't deny what I felt. I needed to talk to him as soon as I got home and set the record straight. What exactly were we to each other? If we were putting on a show, we needed to keep it that way and that meant no scenes behind closed doors.

  But if Alec felt something more for me like I did for him, then we needed to just come out with it. I wasn't good at playing games and I wasn't good at lying to people, especially my family. As I slowed to a stop on an exit ramp, I glanced at my phone.

  Still nothing from him all evening. I wondered where he was and why I hadn't heard from him, but then reminded myself that I was the one who was short with him ever since that party. I sighed. I just needed to tell him the truth. I was falling for him and needed to know once and for all if he felt the same, before I got too tied up in this and my heart broke.

  I was already tied up, though.

  By the time I got back home, I was a little tired and it was pretty late. But if Alec was up, I wanted to see him. I wanted to talk to him and not go to bed until I knew where we both stood in this whole charade. As I pulled my car into the garage and got out, I hoped that Alec was still up. What I really hoping was that he would profess his love for me as soon as he saw me, and that instead of retiring to separate rooms, we would fall into bed together and complete what we had started at the party. I wanted to fall asleep in his arms tonight after we had fucked each other senseless until dawn.

  Wetness began to seep into my panties at the prospect of it all. Jesus, I scolded myself, I couldn’t even enter the same house as him before I was ready to tear my clothes off.

  I went inside and set my bags down, listening for any sounds in the house. Even though Alec hadn't been going out all night like he used to, he was still a rather nocturnal man, and often was up late, although that was starting to change.

  I set my things in my room, then crept down the hall toward his room where I was excited to see a light coming from beneath the door. Thank goodness, he was still up. We could at least talk. And maybe fuck.

  Tonight didn't have to be such a bad night after all. I heard his muffled voice coming from inside. Maybe he was on the phone?

  Not thinking anything of it, I knocked on his bedroom door. "Alec? Are you awake in there? I just got home and I was hoping we could talk."

  "He's in here," a woman's sultry voice came from the other side of the door. From ins
ide Alec's bedroom. My heart pounded as I did what I didn't really want to do but was unable to stop myself from doing - I turned the knob.

  The door swung open and my eyes landed on Alec, standing next to a beautiful woman who wasn't wearing a shirt. She stood there with a horrible smirk on her pretty face, looking between Alec and I, and then finally grabbing her shirt from the floor and pulling it over her head. Alec looked terrible. His clothes were crumpled and he looked like he had been sick.

  But he didn't look nearly as bad as I felt. My heart pounded from what felt like the pit of my stomach, and I realized my hands were shaking. I stood there dumbly for a moment, my brain trying to figure out if I was in a really bad dream or if this was real and the man I wanted had just been with someone else. Someone who wasn't me.

  "I see I am interrupting something," I spat. I slammed the door closed, as Alec called after me.

  "Myra, wait, this isn't what it looks like," was all I heard before I was out of earshot. My head was spinning and I didn't know whether to break everything in sight or curl up in a ball on the floor and sob.

  Maybe both would be appropriate.

  I went back to my room, shutting and locking the door behind me. I leaned against the door, letting the tears spill down my face, taking my makeup with them. I didn't care. I felt like I had been stabbed in the heart. Hyperventilating, I held my head in my hands.

  I had been so stupid. So, so stupid.

  When I looked around my room, all I could see was what a mess I had made of my life. This wasn't my house. Being some rich asshole's fake fiancé so he could win the good graces of his father wasn't my fucking job. I was a financial executive. What the hell was I doing here, anyway?

  Before me, was a reminder that I had made an utter mess of my life. I'd been laid off from work, a setback that many people suffer throughout their lives, and this is where I had ended up?

  I was ashamed of myself.

  But when I closed my eyes, all I could see was Alec, the man I had fallen for despite finding myself standing next to that woman in his bedroom. I felt sick to my stomach when I closed my eyes, and I felt angry at myself when I opened them. I couldn't win.


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