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Forbidden Neighbor: A Contemporary Romance Boxset (Forbidden Saga Book 2)

Page 32

by Summer Brooks

  He breaks away from my mouth, and kisses the hollow of my neck, tracing it all the way down, licking and nibbling. I gasp, and try to stay quiet. No need to draw attention to ourselves.

  But it’s going to be very hard to stay quiet if he keeps nibbling at me this way. My entire body is on fire, and I grind down on his crotch, loving the swell of it between my legs.

  He groans and redoubles his efforts to lick my skin. He’s at my cleavage and nuzzles between my breasts.

  “I love this dress,” he mumbles, his hands slipping along the fabric.

  “The dress!” I exclaim. “I can’t get this dirty!” I pull it off in one fail swoop and place it safely on the back of the couch.

  Chris’ eyes are wide. I’m now sitting on him wearing only lacy underwear and bra. Matching, of course. You can’t wear a pretty dress like that without some lingerie effort.

  “Well, if the dress had to come off,” he says, trying to look serious.

  “It really did,” I agree, “as does your shirt.”

  I start to undo his buttons as he explores my newly exposed skin. His fingers travel down the small of my back, down to my crack, and he pulls my cheeks apart, massaging them with his big hands.

  I suck in air and close my eyes. I can feel my juices pooling.

  “Keep that up,” I whisper, “and I’ll finish before we’ve even really gotten started.”

  He grins at me, pressing his hard crotch up against me, “I am a firm believer in ladies first.”

  I groan and am tempted to rip his shirt open. I’m only halfway done unbuttoning his shirt when he manages to get my bra undone.

  “Victory,” he whispers. I laugh, then we shush each other. I abandon efforts on his shirt as he begins to suck my nipple. I arch my back and hold on to his head. His tongue dances around my nipple, and he grazes the swollen tip with his teeth. I moan softly. He knows how to push all of my buttons.

  We hear voices coming up the corridor. He looks up at me and we both duck on the couch. If the door opens, we won’t be immediately noticeable, at least. He’s covering me with his half-exposed chest, our legs intertwined. I’m practically panting, I want him so badly.

  I haven’t had sex in a while, granted, but no one has ever made me feel quite like this.

  My dress! I reach around Chris and pull it off the edge of the couch just as the door opens. Chris and I share a look, in which he seems amused. I’m mortified.

  He grins at me, and his hand finds my breast. I fight against a gasp as he pinches my nipple. I want him to keep going but I’m trying really hard to be quiet. I hope they don’t walk in. If they do, we’re done, and I’m mostly naked.

  My brother would never let me live this down.

  “Dan sure has a nice place,” I hear John’s voice, “but he could use better decorating.” Chris’ tongue finds the length of my neck. It’s all I can do to keep quiet. Seriously though, we’ve been chatting here for at least two hours, and no one shows up. Then, when things get steamy, John, of all people, shows up?

  Freck? my life.

  Whoever John is talking to grunts dismissively. The door closes and their voices drift down the corridor.

  Chris shifts, looks at me seriously. “You have extremely good self control,” he says. Then he grins, “I want to challenge that.”

  “We should do it quickly,” I practically pant, wanting him inside of me, now. “Someone else might come.”

  He raises an eyebrow, “As my lady wishes.” But he doesn’t move quickly, kissing my chest, my breasts, my stomach. His mouth settles on my breast and his hand slips into my skimpy underwear, his fingers slipping between my wet folds. I gasp and moan; it’s really hard not to be too loud. I can only hope the party is still going full blast out there, and they can’t hear me.

  And that no one else is coming.

  Because, right now, as he finds my hard nub and pinches it, almost making me come, I’m not sure I could stop this.

  “Fuck you’re hot,” he whispers, his eyes shining with lust as he meets mine.

  “Take me,” I whisper back. It breaks his last remaining control, and he pulls down his pants. He’s big, and swollen, and strokes himself as he slowly pulls my panties off of me. I’m completely naked, and he still has clothing dangling off of him.

  “Wait, do you have…” He nods, pulls out a condom. I kneel, and help him put it on. I kiss his stiff, throbbing shaft. I lick his hot wet tip before slipping the condom on, and feel him shudder with passion.

  I’m not the only one eager for this.

  Condom on, he wastes no time in pushing me back down on the couch, spreading my legs apart, and slipping inside of me.

  My mind might explode. He’s the perfect size for me and then some. He pushes in further, and I gasp, arching my back. His lips find my breasts, and he begins suckling on one as he continues pushing in, giving me time to adapt to his size.

  I grind against him. I can take more, and I want it now.

  He obliges me, pushing in deeper. I moan, trying hard not to do so any louder, but it’s proving impossible. I’m already close. He groans, releasing my breast, wraps his arms around me, and starts to thrust.

  I wrap my arms around him, pushing his shirt further down, passing my nails against his exposed back. He closes his eyes, his mouth melding with mine in a deep, unending kiss.

  I scrape my nails further down his taut muscles, and his thrusts increase. He lowers himself, our kiss deepening, his tongue invading me as effectively as his cock. I bring my hands up, tangling my fingers in his thick, dark hair - loving the feel of him crushing me, taking me, wanting me.

  His thrusts increase, and I know he’s about to come. So am I. I start to moan in his mouth, and we come together in hard, racking spasms.

  We stay locked together as the climax shakes us both. He kisses me gently, then gently pulls out. I miss him the second he’s gone.

  We get dressed quickly, except for my underpants, which I can’t immediately find. I’m looking around puzzled, and Chris raises an eyebrow at me, as though asking ‘what’?

  I mimic underpants motion.

  He raises a finger and goes around the desk, where he’d tossed them in his haste to get them off me. He grins and brings them my way, kneeling before me.

  “My lady,” he says. I giggle and raise a leg. He slips one side on, then the other, and pulls them up for me, feeling every inch of my leg going up.

  Damn it, I could have him take me all over again.

  “Damn you look good in that dress,” he says, voice thick with passion. “Makes me want to rip it off you all over again.”

  I lean in, ready to jump him, when we hear voices down the hall. We both fall seated to the couch, at a respectable distance. I reach over and pat down Chris’ hair. I’d made a mess of it. I fluff mine out of my face and lean back into the couch just as the door opens.

  “There you are!” Dan exclaims. “I thought you’d abandoned Amanda and just went to hide.”

  “Well, you’re not completely wrong,” I answer. “Sorry for vanishing,” I add for good measure.

  “No worries,” Dan answers. He’s always so understanding. Not sure he’d be understanding of this little tryst we’d just had in his den, however. He walks behind the desk, and I have this irrational fear that he’ll find my underwear, even though I’m wearing them.

  Chris sees my momentary fear, and he grins at me, winking. I flush red at the thought of him pulling them off, then putting them back on...damn it. The boy was in me already, deep. Or I’d like him to be deep in me again.

  “How are you enjoying your party?” Chris asks, as though to draw his attention away from me. I really appreciate it. I feel tingly and damn horny right now.

  “I’m loving it!” he shoots us both a grin. “I just wanted to make sure that my little sister still has some good reading material, if she was hiding away, reading.”

  At least now I’m blushing because I’m embarrassed, “Sorry, Dan, I want to enjoy the party,
I really do, but…”

  He holds up a hand, smiling, “I know you hate parties and crowded rooms. It’s okay, Laura. I’m just really glad you came.” He shoots Chris a grateful look, “Thanks for keeping her company!”

  “It’s my pleasure,” Chris says, and he gives no evidence with his expression that he is making a double entendre. I’m amazed. “She’s great company.”

  Now my face must match the color of my dress.

  “I’m glad you two are getting a chance to connect,” Dan says. He doesn’t seem to be saying it ironically, either. I can feel the flush creeping up into my hairline. Chris glances my way and grins.

  “It’s great,” Chris jumps in, sparing me. “I mean, we’ve never really had the chance to get to know each other this well.”

  Damn it, Chris. I can’t grow more red.

  “I’m glad!” Dan says, looking pleased. “One of my best friends and my little sister chatting it up. That’s how a birthday party should be! Everyone getting the chance to be with who they want.”

  Because I know my brother, I know there’s no double entendre there, even though it really sounds like there is. He is genuinely happy we’re chatting. For being a well-known and respected lawyer, Dan can certainly be thick at times.

  “I’ll leave you to it!” he heads for the door. “The party is winding down. Don’t leave without saying bye!”

  And he’s gone. Chris grins at me, “That was fun.”

  I laugh. I can’t help it. His eyes are full of mischief.

  “The whole evening was fun,” I answer.

  “Agreed,” he leans in and kisses me, a long, lingering kiss, full of passion and promise. By the time he breaks free, I’m out of breath.

  “Maybe let’s not tell Dan, though? I mean, one of his oldest friends with his little sister… seems weird, right?”

  “Plus, I work with him,” Chris adds with a shrug.

  “That makes it worse,” I mumble.

  “It’s no big deal,” Chris says seriously. “I mean, just because we declared each other lifelong rivals just two days ago…”

  I laugh, “Okay, I get it. Not a big deal, but let’s not tell him. Please? This is just...ours.” I lean close to kiss him again. After a few minutes, we come up for air.

  “I hate to do this,” he says, sounding genuine, “but I have early court this morning, and it’s already past midnight…”

  “It’s past midnight?” I haven’t even seen the time go by.

  “It was the last I checked, so it’s probably closer to one, now,” he looks at his wrist. “Damn it, I lost my watch.”

  I look innocently at him, “Well, I didn’t rip it off. I tried ripping everything else off, though.”

  He laughs, but his eyes are full of desire, still, “You can rip things off of me any day, Laura Martin.” He stands, holding out his hand to me. I intertwine my fingers in his as he pulls me up.

  “Is that a promise?” I whisper, taking a step toward him.

  “It is,” he replies, his arms wrapping around me, bringing me oh so much closer.

  I crush my lips against his, and we kiss passionately, our tongues locking together. We break free after a few more minutes.

  “Now it’s probably past one,” he says. “If we stay here longer, we’ll lose all time to one another.”

  “Is that so bad?” I ask.

  “No,” he says, and places his hands on my arms as though intending to push me back down on that couch. Voices stream down the corridor again. He looks disappointed.

  I know I am.

  “Another time,” he promises. I look in his eyes and know he means it.

  “Deal,” I agree. “Want to find your watch?”

  He shrugs, “Doesn’t matter. I’ll take it as a sign that you’re the great time robber, Laura - in a very good way.”

  “A time robber,” I smile. “I like that.” Could be a great story, too. Being with Chris is certainly inspiring, and every moment spent with him goes by in the blink of an eye. I hope we have many more together. I can’t believe that, after knowing each other for so long, it took us this long to connect at all.

  And now, I intend to rob much more time from Chris. I had a feeling I wouldn’t have to rob it, really. He’ll give it more than willingly.



  The day seems brighter today. Even my idiot clients, or more to the point the people I’m defending them from, aren’t nearly as annoying as usual. I’m walking on clouds, and I know it. It’s a rare thing, definitely different.

  Last night was wonderful. Not anything I’d expected to happen. Certainly not at Dan’s birthday party, and certainly not with his little sister. But Laura? Laura was amazing. Everything I could imagine - from sparkling intelligence to a good sense of humor and her love of mysteries, not to mention her looks!

  I can’t wait to see her again. If I call her, we can make some plans for tonight. Just as I’m about to pick up the phone, it rings. It’s one of my FBI contacts - I can’t exactly ignore this one. I pick up, “Chris Heed speaking,”

  “Chris,” the voice at the other end of the line sounds tired, which is unusual for Ralph. He and I have been working together for a long time, bringing various corporate overlords to justice. I’d never heard him sound tired before, and is that worry I detect in his voice?

  “What’s wrong?” I ask without further preamble.

  “We just got word that the Malcon family intends to make a move.”

  My spine grows cold. I sit straighter, all thoughts of Laura evaporating in a snap. I need to focus on this conversation.

  “My clients,” I say. “I need to get them to safety.” The Malcon family are renowned for their ruthless tactics and brutal ways. We’d been building a case slowly against them for two years now. They’d taken over certain neighborhoods, demanding money from families to keep them safe, but instead of doing so the Malcons would use the neighborhoods as places to run and fund their drug sales and prostitution rings. If the Malcons have pieced together who may be talking, we have a serious problem. My clients aren’t rich, none of them could even afford to pay me. They’re all just trying to survive and turn their neighborhood into something better, to turn their lives around.

  If the Malcon family had gotten wind of our case, which it seems they have, it would end badly for my clients. I can’t let that happen, not on my watch.

  “We need to move them,” Ralph says. “We need to get them to a secure location now, under protection, before the Malcons get to them.”

  “I can help make that happen,” I answer right away. I’m jotting down notes already, how we’re going to execute this - who are the most likely immediate targets and how to get them out most quickly…

  “We can’t afford to lose this case!” I tell Ralph. “If we lose all of our witnesses or I can’t access them to get their testimonies and get them ready for the court date, the Malcons will win and keep getting away with everything all over again; it’s just going to start over!”

  “I know,” Ralph says. “Listen, it’s worse than just your clients being in danger. We have it on good authority that the Malcons have ID’d you as well. We can’t have you in the wind. Here’s the deal, I can get you under protective custody with your clients in one housing development, where nobody will be able to find any of you. But you’re going to have to go now. No outside calls. No word to anybody. You’re going to have to just disappear with the rest of them.”

  The shiver that had been working its way up my spine turns to ice. Just leave? Without letting anybody else know? Truth be told, not many people would miss me. Dan would and a few of my other clients, but my parents are long gone, and I have no siblings.

  Laura… visions of last night swarm my mind and my heart. We chatted so late into the night about everything and nothing. I would miss her. I would miss her terribly, even if only for a few months.

  Could I come back in a few months, and just stroll in and pick everything up where we’d left it off? N
o. Of course not. Why would she wait for me? And how could she forgive me?

  For the first time, last night, I felt like I was given a chance to love, to move forward, to grow, to share my life with someone! But I guess that isn’t meant to be. I can’t abandon these clients who’ve trusted me so far to keep them safe and to build a solid case against the Malcons.

  If I don’t keep this up, then this entire process will fall apart, and then they will have put their lives on the line for no reason. The only way I can protect them is to go with them, to just leave.

  “I can do that,” I whisper into the receiver.

  “Are you sure, Chris?” Ralph says.

  “I can’t tell anyone?” I ask.

  “Well, you’ll have to inform your partners that the case is moving forward, but you won’t be able to give any further details than that. Trust only your immediate partners, and make sure that you are telling only the ones who’ve signed every single NDA under the sun - which, since you work at a law firm, I’m assuming is all of them. The fewer people who know, the better.”

  “Okay, okay. I can do this,” I answer. “I’ll just tell a couple of them, just so that they know that we’re still proceeding - that we’re moving forward - and not to give my office away!”

  Ralph laughs, but it’s strained.

  “You’re going to start moving my people?” I ask Ralph.

  “We will. We’re already moving some right now. I’ll have someone pick you up within the hour. Move quickly, Chris, the Malcons certainly are.”

  And the phone goes dead. I stare at it, look around my office. There’s not much I need to take except my files for this case. Only one hour left. I think about calling Laura, just to tell her that I’ll be back and to wait for me, but I can’t. I can’t bring her into this on any level. No. She’s better off without me, and I’ve got to get moving.

  I stand up, not feeling much resolve in my decisions, but feeling certain that I’m doing what I need to do to win this case, no matter what the cost.

  “You’re going to be gone for how long?” Dan asks, looking dejected behind his desk. In the end, I decided to just tell him. He’s an old friend; he’s almost a full partner here. He can keep my position safe, and the word doesn’t need to go any further.


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