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How to Live with Temptation

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by Fiona Brand

  By the time she moved in to Tobias’s house, her fake engagement had to be fully operational.

  Tilting her head back, she gazed at Tobias from beneath her lashes. “Are you trying to tell me that I can’t sleep with my fiancé?”

  Something dangerous flashed in Tobias’s eyes, as if she had finally pushed him over the edge of a precipice she hadn’t known was there. Out of nowhere a hot thrill shot down her spine.

  “Not in my house,” he said softly.

  Their gazes locked with a laser intensity she was having difficulty breaking, probably because Tobias’s eyes had a magnetic, mesmerizing quality, which, somehow, made all brain function stop.

  Approximately ninety seconds ago she had figured out that Tobias wanted her. Now she had another vital piece of information.

  He was jealous.

  Dear Reader,

  Tobias Hunt appeared as “the other guy” in Twin Scandals. Dark and dangerous hero material, but with a definite niceness to him, he had dated both of the Messena twins, but seemed content to stay in the friend zone.

  Of course I had to write his story and figure out what his problem was! When Southern beauty Allegra Mallory strolled onto the page with her perfect makeup, stylish clothes and quirky ex–beauty queen attitude, I finally got it. Tobias had fallen for her ages ago; he just hadn’t accepted it...yet.

  I hope, in these uncertain times, that you have as much fun reading Tobias and Allegra’s story as I had writing it!

  Every blessing,


  Fiona Brand

  How to Live with Temptation

  Thank you, as always,

  to my wonderful editor,

  Stacy Boyd.

  Fiona Brand lives in the sunny Bay of Islands, New Zealand. Aside from being a mother to two real-life heroes, her sons, Fiona likes to garden, cook and travel. After a life-changing encounter, she continues to walk with God as she studies toward a bachelor of theology, serves as a priest in the Anglican Church and as a chaplain for the Order of St. Luke, Christ’s healing ministry.

  Books by Fiona Brand

  Harlequin Desire

  How to Live with Temptation

  The Pearl House

  A Breathless Bride

  A Tangled Affair

  A Perfect Husband

  The Fiancée Charade

  Just One More Night

  Needed: One Convenient Husband

  Twin Scandals

  Keeping Secrets

  Visit her Author Profile page at for more titles.

  You can also find Fiona Brand on Facebook, along with other Harlequin Desire authors, at

  To the Lord: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Thank You!

  “The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee...and give thee peace.”

  —The Aaronic blessing, Numbers 6:24–26


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Excerpt from After Hours Attraction by Kianna Alexander


  Allegra Mallory checked the rearview mirror of her gorgeous new convertible as she made the turn off Miami’s Biscayne Boulevard onto Sixth Street. Her heart sped up as the glossy black truck that was following her, and which she was almost certain belonged to billionaire tycoon Tobias Hunt, cruised up behind her.

  Tobias. Six foot two inches of grim, muscled male, with wintry gray eyes, cheekbones to die for and a rock-solid jaw. The man with whom she had spent one passionate night with two years ago.

  Irritation, and a tension she had no interest in identifying, made her fingers tense on the steering wheel. The last time she had seen Tobias had been at her great-aunt Esmae’s funeral just days ago. It went without saying that she had avoided him, which had been easy because a great many people had attended the church service, and then afterward had filled Esmae’s beautiful old Hacienda-style beach mansion. However, when her aunt’s lawyer’s office had called to give her a time for the reading of the will, which would also be attended by Tobias, who happened to be Esmae’s step-grandson, avoidance was no longer an option.

  Allegra braked for a set of lights. Another glance in her rearview mirror confirmed that he was still on her tail and, out of nowhere, unwilling memories surfaced.

  The fact that she had done the one thing she had always promised herself she would never do, have a one-night stand, and with the last man on the planet she should ever have gone near, still annoyed her.

  Not that she had thought it would be a one-night stand.

  At the time, she had been silly enough to think that, because she’d had a crush on Tobias for the last four years, he was the one for her, and that this could be the beginning of something deep and real. The kind of relationship her parents had, and which she had always thought would automatically fall into her lap because she was a good person and absolutely deserved to be loved.

  The black truck nosed in close behind her in the gridlocked traffic, further dwarfing her car and making her feel distinctly herded. Allegra frowned at the tinted windows that obscured the identity of the driver but, before the truck had gotten too close, she had caught a glimpse of the license plate in her rearview mirror. The legend, Hunts—wordplay on Hunt Security—had made her stomach tighten and sent a sharp, unwanted little thrill down her spine.

  Not that Tobias was hunting her, she thought firmly. Normally, they were very good at avoiding each other. The only reason he was behind her was that they were both driving to the same place, because they both had to be at the reading of Esmae’s will.

  Unable to resist, Allegra glanced in her rearview mirror yet again. This time she caught movement and the flash of Miami’s hot, morning sun glinting off dark glasses. Another sharp little zing went through her, because Tobias was now looking directly at her, which meant he knew she had been checking him out.

  Suddenly aware of how visible she was in her convertible, while Tobias was concealed behind the badass gangster glass, she looked doggedly ahead at the sea of midmorning traffic.

  The tension that was still gripping her, and the odd little darts of adrenaline, were simply a product of having to deal with Tobias after the grief of losing Esmae, and her natural apprehension about the will. One thing was certain: she was not attracted to Tobias, and she definitely wasn’t turned on by him.

  Following their one night together, and the fact that, just a few days later, Tobias had been photographed with gorgeous heiress Francesca Messena, her mom—worried that the rejection was making her actually feel inadequate—had paid for her to get some professional counseling. To complete her healing, Allegra had also signed up for a number of alternative therapies to purge the memories and release her anger.

  One of those therapies, centered on forgiveness, had involved writing forgiveness statements and burning them. The politically correct words had been difficult to write, but the flames had been fun. By the time she had finished, she had also succeeded in doing some helpful research for her spa business, and she had achieved her goal: she was no longer attracted to Tobias.

  The light turned green. Al
legra accelerated smoothly through the intersection, enjoying the purr of the car’s engine while she tried to concentrate on following the verbal instructions of her navigational system, which was speaking to her in a distractingly sexy British accent. Problem was, she enjoyed listening to the deep, male voice so much, she kept forgetting the instructions. Luckily, she had twenty-twenty vision and saw the turn she needed to make directly ahead. Seconds later, she swung into the underground parking garage of the high-rise that housed Esmae’s lawyer’s ultra-expensive law firm.

  Aware that Tobias was, once more, practically tail to bumper with her, she braked at the barrier to take her ticket then accelerated just a little too fast in the vast, dungeon-like lot as she began looking for a space. Because it was downtown and midmorning, and the building contained a busy events center, of course, it was packed.

  Allegra caught movement off to the right. She didn’t know if a vehicle had gone into a space or was leaving but, on the off chance that it was exiting, she took a right hand turn into the next lane. The payoff for that was that Tobias cruised on straight ahead, so he was no longer tailing her.

  But Allegra’s relief was short-lived because, seconds later, a pretty woman and her young daughter, who was dressed in a hot-pink leotard, her hair piled on top of her head and glittering with diamantés, exited the car, which had obviously just parked.

  On the drive in she had seen the billboards advertising the junior beauty pageant that was taking place at the center, so it was a good bet that the little girl was a contestant. The pretty picture the little girl made spun her back to her days on the beauty pageant circuit, which she had quit when she was sixteen, mostly because she refused to wear pink and rhinestones: not even if she was dead. And if anyone dressed her in pink and rhinestones when she was dead, she would come back to haunt them.

  But then her mother had dangled a collegiate pageant that was offering a chunk of cash that would go a long way toward her university costs, plus a car and diamonds. Allegra had mulled it over for a whole five seconds. Should she go for it?

  Does a hungry lion lunge at a steak?

  In the end it had been a no-brainer, so she had gotten the cash, the car and the diamonds. She wasn’t so hot on the silver-and-crystal crown, but on down days, sometimes it was nice to wear it.

  Frustrated at the seemingly full parking garage, but relentlessly positive, she continued searching for a spot. Her mother, at this point, would ask God to get her a parking space, but that was where she and her mother parted company. Paige Mallory was the pampered only daughter of an old Louisiana family, the Toussaints, an ex–Miss Louisiana beauty queen and a real piece of work. The way Allegra saw it, God was way too busy fixing the mess people had made of the world to park her car for her, so she lifted that burden from His shoulders and did it herself.

  There would be a space in here; the ticketing machine wouldn’t have let her in otherwise.

  She just had to find it before Tobias did.

  When she was almost at the end of the lane, she caught the glow of taillights down to the right. Since she didn’t think any new cars had entered the building in the last few seconds, that could only mean someone was leaving. At the same time, she caught a second flash of movement off to the left. She frowned. Tobias had also noticed that the car was leaving, and now his muscular black truck was heading straight for the space.

  Adrenaline pumped. She came from a family where rules were rules and manners were important. Her father and her four older brothers opened doors for women. Invitations were sent in the mail, not texted; dinner was eaten at a table, with cloth napkins; and important conversations were conducted in a civilized way, face-to-face.

  She should do the right thing, wait politely and let him take the space.

  But two years ago, Tobias had not done the right thing by her. He had turned their night of passion into a meaningless encounter, then, a couple of days later, had made it even more meaningless by breaking up with her over the phone.

  Her jaw tightened.

  Then, before she could veto the action, her foot jammed down on the accelerator.

  * * *

  Tobias Hunt braked hard as a white convertible, with the name Madison Spas emblazoned across its side, made a fast turn out of the lane just ahead, cutting him off then slotting neatly into his space.

  Even if he hadn’t recognized the showy white convertible as he’d driven into town, he would had to have been blind not to recognize the distinctive head of silky chestnut hair piled into a messy knot, the delicate cheekbones and faintly imperious nose half-hidden by a pair of oversize sunglasses.

  Allegra Mallory.

  A former beauty queen, tagged by prominent social media influencer Buffy Hamilton in her list of “Who’s Going to Marry a Billionaire,” at a hot #2, right behind Buffy, who had listed herself at #1.

  Maybe that isn’t a piece of information that a burned-out-Special-Forces-operative-turned-CEO-of-a-security-conglomerate should know, he thought bleakly, but it was a fact that he’d had significant encounters with both women.

  Buffy, clearly intrigued by his rise into the billionaire stratosphere six months ago, when his family trust had finally released his inheritance, had invited him aboard her father’s luxurious yacht. He had declined the weekend party for two.

  In stark contrast, Allegra, who had strolled into his life six years ago, had never invited him anywhere. All she’d had to do was arrive in Miami with her cool dark gaze, rich list style and Southern stroll to utterly disrupt his life.

  As he cruised past, Tobias caught a glimpse of long tanned legs and sexy high heels as Allegra stepped from the car. The sharp visual of her in an emerald green dress and snazzy little jacket that clung to her figure and provided a tantalizing hint of shadowy cleavage, nixed his frustration that he was now going to be late for the reading of Esmae’s will.

  Jaw taut, he attempted to clamp down on the now-all-too-familiar sharpening masculine interest and the humming tension that Allegra always inspired, as if an electrical current was coursing through his body.

  For over half a decade he had worked hard to suppress the potent attraction that had blindsided him when Esmae’s niece had first arrived in Miami, just weeks after he had moved in with his longtime girlfriend, Lindsay. An attraction that still seemed as disruptive and all-consuming as it had two years ago when, after breaking up with Lindsay, because he couldn’t forget Allegra, he had finally given in to temptation and spent one passionate night with her.

  In doing so, he had been aware that he had crossed a line. He had become like the father he had spent most of his life trying to forget.

  James Hunt hadn’t been able to settle into either a good marriage or a bad affair. He had destroyed Tobias’s mother’s life by leaving her alone and dangling, while he had moved from liaison to liaison with a never-ending string of A-list party girls. Fifteen years ago, he had finally died in a car accident, leaving them to pick up the pieces. Although, it hadn’t been soon enough for Alicia Hunt, who had developed a heart condition and passed away just six months later.

  Tobias had read the medical reports; he knew the jargon, but that didn’t change the fact that his mother had died of a broken heart.

  He continued to cruise, but memories of that night kept distracting him from his search for another parking space.

  A clear, hot night, the sky brilliant with stars, the French doors of Esmae’s beach house flung wide to admit the cooling sea breeze. The sound of waves breaking on the shore, and Allegra Mallory, even more gorgeous naked, sleeping like a baby in the rumpled bed they had shared.

  Fingers tensing on the steering wheel, he dismissed the too-vivid images that reminded him that he had done the one thing he had promised himself he wouldn’t do. He had stepped into the well-worn tradition of Hunt men, thrown away the rock-solid relationship he had committed to and gone after a glitzy socialite on the make.<
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  And the mistake he had made had had repercussions that still haunted him, because Lindsay, unbeknown to either of them, had been pregnant. As it turned out, she had lost the baby the day after he had slept with Allegra. Although she had been at pains to absolve him of guilt, Tobias was acutely aware that if he had stayed with Lindsay, if he had ignored the attraction to Allegra, the baby, his child, might have lived.

  Two years ago, weighed down with guilt, sick to his stomach at the damage he had caused, he had controlled the desire to plunge into a liaison with Allegra that he was well aware could only be based on the magnetic pull of the Hunt billions, and had cut all ties. Their one night together was old history. What really concerned him now was the fact that she was here for the reading of the will.

  She was here to collect.

  An incoming call distracted him from brooding on exactly what Hunt possessions Esmae had left to her only niece. Tapping the glowing icon on the truck’s touch screen, he answered the call from his ex-military buddy, JT. “I know I’m late,” he growled. “My flight was delayed. Stall Phillips until I get there.”

  Damned if he would miss any part of this meeting. Esmae had held shares in Hunt Security. With five percent of the multibillion-dollar firm his family had painstakingly built from nothing up for grabs, and the aristocratic Mallory family’s notorious history of swindling and conning his once-dirt-poor family, it was a no-brainer. He had to be there.

  JT didn’t bother to hide his impatience. “You don’t seriously think Esmae left the shares to Allegra? After all, they are Hunt shares—”

  “That fell into Esmae’s hands, because my grandfather neglected to make a new will after he married her, then had the bad luck to die suddenly in a boating accident.”

  But the real slippery dealing had gone back a generation further than that, to his great-grandfather Jebediah, who had once worked as a ranch hand for Alexandra Mallory until he had gone shares with her in a land purchase. Three years later, in the middle of a drought, and a hot affair with Jebediah, Alexandra had disappeared into the sunset. The lawyer who had cut the ranch in half had somehow managed to give Alexandra the piece that, soon after, became one of the richest oil fields in Texas. Meanwhile, Tobias’s family had ended up with a dust bowl that had almost driven them broke.


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