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Right With Me: A With Me In Seattle Universe Novel

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by Stacey Lewis

  I’m almost to the waiting area when I feel it. The small hairs on the back of my neck stand on end and it feels like a heavy gaze is locked on my back. It’s him. I don’t know how I know, but I do.

  Turning in a small circle, I try to find him, but I don’t see him anywhere in the small room. That’s explained when the waiting room door opens to reveal him standing in the doorway. His shoulders are so broad, they take up the whole space. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had to turn sideways just to enter.

  The thought makes me snicker, and his eyes lock on my smiling lips.

  Oh damn.

  I like having his eyes on me. How stupid is that? After everything Seth put me through, I should be off men for the rest of my life. Instead, all it took was a few hot looks from this man and a couple of minutes smelling his aftershave to have my stomach in knots and my knees weak.

  Down Hailey.

  “Uh, hey.” I groan inwardly at how idiotic I sound. He’s staring at me like he’s not sure if he hates me or wants to drag my panties down with his teeth and all I can say is hey?

  Whoa. Wait a minute. Where the hell did that thought come from? Clearly, I’ve been reading too many romance novels.

  Mitchell steps aside so I can enter the room, and I hold my breath as I walk past. He’s not giving me much room, and I’m afraid if I breathe at all my body will brush against his and I’ll spontaneously combust.

  Chapter 5


  How is it possible she smells so fucking good after working at a diner that serves almost all fried food? If the world was fair, she’d smell like onion rings and fish sticks instead of flowery and fresh. Also, where the hell did “onion rings and fish sticks” come from? That’s probably the worst combination I could have come up with.

  As soon as she’s through, I let go of the door and let it whisper shut, glad I sprang for that option when we redid the space. The door slamming constantly all day long about did my head in. It’s much better now that it slowly shuts, even when client’s kids are running back and forth in and out of it.

  Hailey whirls around to face me when the door closes in place. “What are you doing in here?”

  I’m not sure how to answer her question. Do I go with the truth outright? Or some version of it? I don’t want to lie completely, but how do I say, “I can’t stay away from you?”

  Her quiet gasp tells me I just did. Fuck me.

  “Why not?”

  Her voice quavers when she asks the question, and I can’t help but meet her fearful gaze. That pang in my chest goes through me again at the sight. I don’t want her to be scared of me. I know I haven’t been the most stable individual around her, but I’m not a psycho. Running a hand through my unruly hair, I try to think of a way to explain the thoughts bouncing around like pinballs in my head.

  Her beauty is distracting though. The glossy deep brown hair she had in a ponytail when I first saw her is down today, waves curling over her shoulders and covering breasts I have no business noticing, but I do. I can’t help it. Even under her Patsy’s t-shirt, I can tell they’re perfect handfuls. The deep purple shirt brings out the brown in her eyes and highlights the pink deepening on her cheeks the longer I stare at her.

  It’s just fitted enough to show off her tiny waist and tucked into shorts that hit way too high on her toned thighs. She’s tall, and with those short little shorts, her legs look like they go on forever.

  Hailey quickly grows uncomfortable with my scrutiny and crosses her arms over her chest in an attempt to shield herself. It breaks my concentration, and I’m glad my beard covers the heat I can feel rising in my face.


  I have to clear my throat to answer. “Yeah?”

  “Why did you leave the other day? One second you were there, but then you were just...gone. Did I do something wrong?”

  Her voice sounds unsure, and I know she’s regretting the question as soon as it’s out of her mouth, so I rush to reassure her. “No sweetheart. You didn’t do anything.”


  Lifting my eyes to the ceiling, I wish for an answer to come to me that I can actually tell her. Of course, nothing comes, so I’m left to muddle through on my own. If I tell her the real reason, she’s going to hate me. Hell, I already hate myself for the thoughts I’m having about her. Maybe her hating me would be a good thing.

  Fuck it. I’m just going to tell her.

  “Because if I’d stayed there alone with you any longer, I would’ve kissed you.”

  Her eyes are almost comically wide at my confession. “Would that be such a bad thing?”

  I laugh, though there’s no humor in it. “Yeah sweetheart, that would be a bad thing.” She’s about to ask me why, so I say the words I know are going to end anything this could ever be in the future. “I can’t, under any circumstances, kiss you. I’m married.”

  Chapter 6


  “I’m married.”

  His words shatter my poor, barely held together heart. And why? I’ve only talked to this man twice. He shouldn’t be able to bring forth any kind of emotion in me, let alone have me feeling like my heart is breaking all over again. I barely got it put back together after what Seth did to it.

  “Married?” The word comes out as a shriek, and he winces. “If you’re married, why would you even think about kissing me? You shouldn’t be thinking about kissing anyone!” My voice just keeps getting louder and louder with each word, but I can’t stop it.

  Mitchell takes a step forward, reaching out a hand cautiously like he’s trying to soothe a wounded animal, and I scramble away from him. I don’t stop moving until once again I’m up against the wall and can’t go any further.

  He doesn’t stop coming until he’s standing directly in front of me, much like the position we were in yesterday in the alley. His hand comes to rest on the exposed brick beside my head and he leans in, eyes never leaving mine.

  “Let me explain.”

  I scoff. “There’s nothing you could say that would make any of this better. We shouldn’t even be in this room alone together. God knows what the guys out there think we’re in here doing.” Freezing as another awful thought comes into my head, I gasp. “Oh my God. Is this something you do a lot?”

  His eyes narrow on me and his lips turn down into a dark scowl. “Do what exactly? What are you accusing me of?”

  “Accusing you of? Oh, that’s rich. You know what I’m asking. Do you often corner women in alleys and closed off rooms while your poor wife sits at home thinking you’re this good, faithful husband?”

  The snarl that comes out of his mouth has me shrinking back into the wall. He leans even further forward though, not giving me even an inch of space. Our noses are only a centimeter apart and I can feel his breath on my face when he speaks.

  “Wow. Quick to judge, aren’t you? You don’t know anything about my so-called ‘poor wife’ but let me clue you in. She’s not my poor anything. In fact, she’s been making my life miserable for the past two years. Hell, much longer than that if I’m being honest.”

  I start to ask him what he means, but the anger sparking out of his dark blue eyes keeps me silent. Thankfully, he continues without my having to ask.

  “Tabitha’s family owns a very successful bank. Much like this garage, it’s been passed down from generation to generation and she’s lived a very comfortable life. Unfortunately, even though I own this place free and clear, I can’t keep her in the manner she’s become accustomed to, and she never lets me forget it.”

  Oh no.

  The sympathy on my face must be clear because he looks even more pissed off when he sees it. “Yeah, Hailey. It’s rough not being able to give your wife all the crap she thinks she needs to have. And when I can’t? She runs crying to Daddy who gladly gives it to her. I tried to put up with it, to just deal, but it kept getting worse and worse. A year ago, I finally told her I was done. I was leaving and wanted a divorce. Know what she said? If I left
, she’d disappear with my kids. Obviously, I can’t leave Seattle. This company is all I have and people depend on me. Would she really leave? Probably not. But, how do I take that chance? How do I risk losing my kids?”

  He sounds so damn sad, so lost, and not able to see she’s manipulating him. Or, maybe he does and just doesn’t know how to stop her. At this moment, I hate his wife. I hate this woman I’ve never seen.

  “Mitchell, I’m sure she wouldn’t leave. If her family has owned that bank forever, her whole life is here. If she’s so tied to material things, she’s not going to want to leave and have to start all over. Surely you can see that, right? Call her bluff. I know it’s hard, but a judge isn’t going to just let her take your kids and disappear.” My voice is rising again because I’m so angry for him.

  He shrugs. “I don’t want to take the chance. I don’t want to break up my family. Isn’t it better to stay until they turn eighteen instead of only seeing them every other fucking weekend?”

  I can tell the emotion is getting to him too. “No, it’s not. All you’re doing is showing them that they should stay somewhere toxic. That they should stay somewhere and be miserable.”

  His eyes slam shut, but not before I see the pain in them. I’m about to say screw it and kiss him anyway, even though it makes me a homewrecking bitch, but before I can, the door opens to reveal a tall, svelte blonde who looks pissed.

  Her eyes focus on me and I’m glad looks can’t kill because I’d be dead.

  “What are you doing with my husband?”

  Oh shit…

  “Tabitha,” Mitchell groans, turning so he’s standing in front of me and blocking me from her view.

  Unfortunately, I can still see her and she is pissed. I’m kinda glad Mitchell is between us because the angry energy she is giving off makes me think that if she could get to me, there would be a catfight happening right about now.

  She crosses her arms over her ample chest and glares daggers at both of us. “I cannot believe you, Mitchell. How dare you do this to me.” Tears glisten in her eyes and I watch wide-eyed as one drips down her cheek. For someone as hateful as he insists she is, she just looks like a heartbroken wife who just found her husband about to kiss a woman who is definitely not her.

  “Stop.” She flinches at the venom in his voice and my body goes rigid. He doesn’t sound anything like the man who was speaking to me earlier. “Please don’t act like you give a shit what I’m doing or who I’m doing it with. We both know we’re only married in name only and if I had my choice that wouldn’t be the case.”

  Her head turns to the side like he just smacked her across the face and the pain is clear for anyone to see. “Mitchell…” I whisper his name and his body jerks like he forgot I was here. From what he told me, their relationship is far from good, but that doesn’t give him the right to talk to her that way.

  “You’re such a bastard,” she says angrily, though I can hear the tears in her voice. “And you,” her focus turns from him to me and I want to hide at the madness I see in her gaze, “you’re no better than he is. What type of woman chases a married man?”

  Whoa. That’s not at all what happened. Mitchell raises his voice again, yelling at her, but her words cut me so deep I can’t focus on whatever it is he’s saying. She’s right. Granted, I didn’t know he was married when I first met him, but I was entertaining kissing him after he told me.

  “I’m sorry.” Now my voice is the one trembling with tears, but all my anger is directed inward.

  Stumbling back, the only thing on my mind suddenly is the need to get away from this situation. I don’t want any part of this fight that should be between them. I shouldn’t have been part of this marriage at all.

  “Hailey, stop.” The snap of his voice grabs my attention, and before I can think about it, I do exactly what he says and it only makes me hate myself more. I’m shaking my head instinctively as he turns to face me, putting her behind him now.

  Mitchell’s holding his hands up in front of himself and when I look at his face I can see the remorse and apology radiating from him. That’s when I realize I’m repeating “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry” over and over again.

  I don’t want him to touch me because if he does I know I’ll fold, I’ll do whatever he says and then I’ll be right back in the middle of an argument that shouldn’t involve me at all.

  The moment the path to the door is clear I make a break for it, ignoring the fact that he’s yelling my name and that my car is being worked on right now so I don’t even have a ride away from here.

  I’m counting on his wife keeping him in the little room away from nosy people, and I’m so busy running through the building I don’t pay any attention to the concerned eyes on me until I run straight into a chest I don’t recognize.

  “Hailey?” The voice is familiar, and I’m thankful it is because there are so many tears running down my face right now I can barely see. “Are you okay?”

  My head shakes as I sob, unable to put my jumbled thoughts into words at first. Strong hands grab my biceps and pull me into a hug, holding me until my cries quiet long enough to get out the words, “I need to get out of here.”

  Nick looks down at me, scanning my eyes with his own and trying to figure out what’s wrong with me. I can’t hold his gaze for long, I’m too embarrassed. “Okay. Let me take you home. Your car won’t be done for another hour or so.”

  I practically sag into him in relief. “Please. I can send someone back for my car later.”

  Nick leads me out to his car and once we’re headed away from the garage I breathe a sigh of relief. I can’t decide if I’m sad or mad or what. My body just feels drained from my tears at this point and I can barely focus.

  He drops me off at my parents, promising to let me know when my car is ready so I can have someone come get it and I thank every entity I can think of when I walk inside to a quiet and empty house. Mom has taken Connor to the park, so I’m free to go to my room and fall face down onto the bed. I use the alone time to finish crying out all my anger, frustration, and guilt into my pillow until I fall asleep.

  Chapter 7


  Hailey runs out of the waiting room and I want so badly to chase after her and force her to let me explain. First, I have to deal with Tabitha who’s staring at me with a triumphant and smug smile on her face.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  The question is out before I can contain it and all she does is shrug nonchalantly like she doesn’t have a care in the world. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She’s trying to sound innocent, a play she’s made so many times with me I’m immune to it. I used to think I was crazy when I’d accuse her of doing something, but I’ve learned now that she’ll do whatever she can to make herself seem like the injured party.

  “Don’t.” My voice sounds like I’m speaking from deep in my throat when I ground out the word. “Don’t even act like you’re the injured party here. Why do you even care if I was in here with another woman? We are married in name only, Tabitha. We haven’t been anything more than glorified roommates for two years now.”

  Finally, she drops the act to glare at me. “Mitchell, I don’t give a damn what you do or who you do it with, but I’ll be damned if you’re going to make a fool out of me. Do you know how eager those idiots out there were to tell me you had another woman in here? I’m not going to stand for that.”

  Ah, so that’s what this is about. Her ego. “First, the guys who work for me are not idiots. Second, you are seriously going to stand here and tell me that you instigated this whole scene just to save face and make yourself feel better?”

  I wish I could say I’m shocked or that I can’t believe she’d do that, but I’m not. Not even a little. This is exactly why our marriage hasn’t worked for so long. Tabitha is way more concerned about public perception than she is about me or us.

  “What did you expect would happen if you flaunted some slut in my face?”
r />   Her words have me seeing red. I stalk forward, forcing her backward until her back hits the concrete wall and am way too satisfied by the fear that fills her eyes. Good. She should be scared of me right now.

  “Do not ever call any woman I’m with a slut, but especially not Hailey. She doesn’t deserve that from you or anyone else.” My words have Tabitha glaring up at me again, but her glare is nowhere near as powerful as it was a few minutes ago. The difference now is I have the upper hand and nothing else to lose.

  A man with nothing to lose is a dangerous one to fuck with and Tabitha is about to learn that the hard way.

  Leaning forward even further into her space, I push until we’re almost nose to nose and she starts to tremble as she waits for whatever I’m going to do next. I’m not proud of the fact that I’m enjoying her discomfort and fear, but after everything she’s put me through in the past couple of years, I can’t help the satisfaction I’m feeling at making her uncomfortable for a change.

  Once I’m satisfied I have her full attention, I tell her in a low, serious voice, “I’m officially done.”

  “Done?” she squeaks. “What do you mean, done?”

  She’s asking the question, but she knows exactly what I mean. I’ll explain it to her though to make sure there is no misunderstanding. “I mean just that. I’m done. Done trying to keep you happy, done walking on eggshells to keep you from flying off the handle. Done staying in this relationship that does nothing but make me fucking miserable all the goddamn time.”

  Saying the words makes me feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I should have done this a long damn time ago. Hailey was right. Staying in this relationship that makes us both unhappy isn’t good for us or Ben and Evie. All it does is show them that it’s okay for your partner to treat you like shit and I’m done doing that.


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