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Resurrection of an Empire: The Magic Within (The Magic Within Series Book 2)

Page 4

by Sharon Gibbs

  ‘You will tidy my chamber and see to my bed,’ Athena said as she moved in front of a large mirror on a stand. She’d had to use her magic repeatedly through the long winter months and its use had taken its toll on her youthful appearance. As she scoured her image she prodded the drooping skin with a finger. The desirable vitality of youth had disappeared and she was displeased with her appearance. Foreman might have been an old drunk, but Athena had felt no evil taint within his soul; the girl was different. Athena had felt it the moment she’d touched her. ‘Catrain, come here.’

  The girl made her way to her side.

  ‘Yes, Miss.’

  ‘What do you see when you look at me?’

  ‘Your beauty, Milady.’

  Athena frowned. She then reached out and touched the girl’s cheek. ‘You’re such a young one,’ she said, and before Catrain could release a gasp, she dug her fingers into the girl’s skin. Catrain’s insides churned and she whimpered. Athena whispered words to renew her façade, and she smiled at the girl as she enveloped her timeless age. Not only did she take what she needed to rejuvenate her image, but much more. Athena gazed in the mirror and watched as the girl’s essence filled the lines in her face to plump and tighten her skin back to its appearance of months ago.

  ‘And I’d like a fire tonight,’ she said as she released her grasp, pleased she no longer had to use her magic to warm her home. Her fortress would again hum with the presence of servants. Athena walked over to lounge on the sofa while the girl stood stunned, gasping for breath.

  Catrain licked her dry lips. Her head throbbed and in her daze she moved to see to her mistress’ request.

  When the hearth was ablaze, Catrain shuffled about tidying the room. She collected the clothes Athena had wantonly scattered about and picked up Athena’s coat that hung over the foot of the bed. As she lifted the fur she heard a chink as the coins trapped within its folds fell back into the chest hidden beneath. Athena heard the noise and stirred. She looked towards the girl to see the look of delight upon her face as she discovered the bounty. Catrain couldn’t help herself. She reached forward to touch the treasure. Before her, crammed to its brim, the chest contained more gold than she’d ever seen. Its sides barely contained the wealth it held and amongst the coins, jewels of various shapes and sizes could be seen.

  Athena crept up behind the girl. ‘Your greed shows, little one,’ Athena purred as she reached out to touch the girl’s face.

  Catrain jumped with surprise when she heard Athena’s voice. ‘I’m sorry, Mistress. I wasn’t going to take it.’

  ‘Yes, you were. I could see it on your face. You thought if you could fill your pockets all your problems would be solved. Hasn’t your greed already found you enough trouble for one day? What was that question? Oh yes. What would you do for a coin or two?’ Athena laughed at the girl and Catrain looked away.

  ‘No, no. By all means take some,’ Athena said and laughed again.

  ‘No, Mistress, I wasn’t going to take an—’

  ‘Yes, you were,’ Athena barked. ‘Now take some!’

  ‘Please, Mistress, don’t make me,’ Catrain whined, not wanting to delve any deeper into the mess she’d already found herself in.

  ‘You wanted it. Now take it!’ Athena roared at the girl.

  Reluctantly Catrain reached forward. Her greed for the coin had caused her more than she’d bargained for and now she was hesitant as Athena stood there and watched her. She stretched out her hand and just as her fingers neared the precious metal, Catrain caught a glimpse of movement beneath its surface. She pulled her hand back and the coins and jewels settled.

  ‘Would you disobey me?’

  ‘No, Mistress. It’s just that—’

  ‘It’s just what?’

  Catrain looked hesitantly at Athena.

  ‘Nothing,’ she said as she reached out again. The gold she’d earlier lusted for now shimmered as her hand neared the chest. Then from amidst the coin a black serpent’s head appeared. It swayed from side to side as it emerged from its nest whilst its tongue flicked in and out and it tasted the girl’s fear. Catrain froze and a tingle crept up her spine.

  ‘Touch it. It’s what you wanted,’ Athena said. ‘You’ve already sold your soul for a coin or two.’

  The girl couldn’t stop herself. It was as if her body had a mind of its own, and her hand reached forward to touch the coins. The snake rose from the gold and hissed at the intruder. Perspiration beaded upon Catrain’s forehead and her hand shook as it neared the snake. The serpent recoiled at the unknown scent, and as she reached towards the gold the snake struck with three quick blows. She howled in pain as the snake’s fangs darted in and out of her flesh, releasing a poison which instantly blistered the skin. Catrain stared horrified, as the raised lumps burst and pustular ooze ran from her hand. Athena grabbed the girl by the back of the neck and forced her face down towards the guardian of the box and held her there. The snake wove its head from side to side and its tongue flickered close to the girl’s face. Catrain’s eyes bulged as she kept a terrified eye on the keeper of the gold.

  ‘The gold is mine,’ Athena said, scolding the girl.

  ‘You’ve sold your soul for a few coins and now you belong to me.’

  ‘Never think you can leave here without my permission,’ she roared and then she thrust the girl back to send her sprawling on the floor. Athena then held out her hand towards her pet. The black head rose to greet his mistress and she stroked its silken scales. ‘We have visitors, my pet,’ she purred.

  ‘Hurry up and clean this room. We have guests,’ Athena roared at the girl and left Catrain to heave herself up off the floor and be about her tasks.


  Doran and his cronies scoured the outside of the Dome. They climbed inside through an open window they’d discovered. The house was quiet. Moonlight stole through the windows and the furniture cast tall shadows along the marble floor. Even in the glow of the full moon it took some time for their eyes to adjust to the dimness inside the building, and Doran pulled two small candles and a tinderbox out of his pocket. He lit the wick on one and as the flame took hold he passed it to Terrin.

  ‘Guard the light. Make sure you douse it if you hear anyone approach.’

  Terrin held the candle at arm’s length as he searched the room only to find little of interest. They ventured out of the doorway into the hall. Terrin led the group along the passage, stopping to inspect the rooms on each side. As they stole through the halls they happened upon a set of stairs. The wooden boards creaked in protest as the men made their way to the passage below.

  ‘You’re makin a ruckus,’ Terrin said to Merek.

  ‘It’s not me. It’s Brom,’ he said as Brom’s weight strained the wood under foot.

  ‘Hush, both of you,’ Doran said as he made his way into the passage and walked to the junction. Left or right, which way? he thought.

  ‘Terrin, you and Merek take the passage to the right. Brom and I will take the other. If you find anything come and get us.’

  As Terrin made his way forward he held the candle high so the light could shine ahead. The walls were damp and the cold of the night seeped up through the floor and into their bones. The duo hadn’t gone far and as they rounded a bend the passage came to an abrupt halt and the walkway opened into a cavernous room. Terrin entered but the small candle was insufficient to fully illuminate the darkness.

  ‘Ere, Terrin, light these candles,’ Merek said as he caught a glimpse of the tall holder near the entrance.

  Terrin lit the wicks and as the flame took hold the darkness of the room abated. He stood in awe before he wandered between the mounds of treasure. Coins, ornate sculptures and chests were heaped around the room and with each sconce he passed he cast it ablaze. The candles flickered to life and the room brightened. Terrin stood agog as the black of the room ebbed and revealed all the treasures the darkness had concealed. Merek stood with his mouth open as he looked at the magnificent sight around him.
  ‘Over here,’ Terrin said. ‘Take a look at this, Merek.’

  Doran entered the room and released a breath of air that whistled through his lips. ‘That would have to be worth a king’s ransom,’ he said as Terrin stood before the mighty golden statue.

  ‘We were just about to come and look for you, boss, but I see you’ve found us,’ Terrin said.

  ‘Well our passage was blocked. So we decided to join you.’

  Brom wandered through the room and stopped at a chest filled with coins. He gripped the handles on each side and as he bent his knees he heaved to lift the crate. Underestimating the weight of its contents the box didn’t budge. He repositioned himself and this time took a deep breath as he braced himself and tried again. His biceps strained and the veins in his forehead bulged with his exertion but he still couldn’t move it.

  ‘Doran, we’re gonna need a wagon to take this lot back with us,’ he said. Finally he abandoned any thought of moving the chest and began stuffing his pockets with coins. Terrin rummaged through the loot and picked up a jewel encrusted dagger. He slipped it into his belt and continued his search.

  ‘Well what do we have here,’ Athena said as she stood in the entrance to her treasure room. ‘Four thieves who should know better than to rouse the mistress of the house.’

  Doran turned when he heard Athena’s voice. ‘We’re just admiring your household charms.’

  ‘Really, and is it all that you’d hoped for?’

  ‘That and much more,’ he said as he ogled the goddess before him. Her translucent gown hid little from the men’s gaze. Doran took a few steps in Athena’s direction.

  ‘That’s close enough,’ she said as she raised her hand and halted his advance. ‘Do you have what you’ve come for?’

  Brom chuckled. ‘No Ma’am, not nearly enough,’ he said as his greed for her fortune over took him. The danger of their situation wasn’t apparent to the three men, but Merek knew. He had that feeling again.

  I knew there’d be trouble. There’s something about this place, he thought as he began to empty his pockets.

  ‘Uh, uh, uh,’ Athena said. ‘You have already claimed the coins and now they are yours. Keep what you hold. It will be your payment from me.’

  ‘And what payment would that be for?’ Doran asked as he moved towards her.

  ‘Why, for your service to my home.’

  ‘Gather what you can carry, lads. The time has come to leave,’ Doran said, ignoring the woman. As he approached her, she watched with a smile on her face.

  ‘I’ll serve no woman,’ Brom said, picking up an ornate urn and filling it with coins and small trinkets.

  ‘Why, you’re leaving so soon? We’ve only just met. Don’t you think it’s rude to rob me and then run off?’

  Doran could smell her perfume. It tantalized his senses and he stopped, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. She smelt familiar. Like the warmth of the sun on a cold winter day. He opened his eyes and before him he saw a woman warm and welcoming.

  ‘My men and I will be on our way now,’ he said as he went to step past her.

  ‘You won’t be going anywhere,’ she said and with her touch he froze. Her tentacles bound him and leached into his soul. She moved to each of the others in turn and bound them to her. They were now hers, to command as she would.

  ‘Are you happy with your riches?’ Athena laughed as she walked among their still forms. She stopped to stroke Doran’s face. My, he was a handsome one. Yes she would find much for this one to do to pass her time.

  ‘Foreman!’ The old man had felt her summons when she’d first entered the treasure room and now he walked in from the passage where he’d waited.

  ‘Yes, Mistress.’

  ‘These men are here to help you with your chores. Show them what needs to be done.’

  ‘Yes, Mistress.’

  She released them from their statue state and Foreman beckoned them to follow. ‘This way, lads,’ he said as he walked out of the room and the four men had no choice but to follow.

  Athena made several more trips to the Black Bottle Inn, and it wasn’t too long before she’d recruited a sizable work force for her home. Her Lord would have the comforts he deserved and, as the number of servants increased, her home transformed into the haven it had been only months ago.

  Chapter Six

  In the evening all at the Keep gathered in the great hall to eat. With every day that had passed since the winter snow thawed, people from all over Solencia flocked to Canistar in search of a new beginning. They were accommodated at the Keep as long as they contributed. The ancient structure provided newcomers with a warm, safe place to stay while they decided how to rebuild their lives. For some it was a simple choice to live in the village and forge a new life, but for others they had no idea how to fend for themselves and found that a life of service in the Keep was what they desired. The wizards knew many hands would be required to transform their home into the thriving community it once had been, and they opened their doors to all who wished to stay.

  In the crowded room at one end of a table, Henry and Clarence sat facing each other. Christopher sat next to Saul while Elle, her father Atlas, and brother Jack took seats on the opposite side.

  ‘Oh, I’ll have a few more of those, Elle,’ Henry said as he grasped the heavy bowl she was about to drop. ‘Thank you, dear,’ he said as he took it from her. ‘You know, good food should never go to waste.’ Henry hummed and scooped the roasted vegetables on to his trencher, then deposited the bowl back on the table to reach for the succulent slices of roasted meat.

  ‘You’ve worked up quite an appetite,’ Elle commented as he heaped the meat on his plate. ‘Did you happen to skip lunch today?’

  ‘Skip lunch? Heavens no. I ate as soon as we’d finished in the ring. How’s that arm coming along?’

  Elle suppressed a giggle. He wasn’t by any means a fat man and Elle couldn’t fathom where all the food he ate went. ‘It’s still a little weak. I think the cut was worse than I had originally thought.’

  ‘Humph.’ Elle heard her brother’s inferred objection but he held his tongue. He knew his sister wanted to learn the art of wielding the weapon Christopher had made her, but it still irked him when she sustained any injury. Elle frowned. She knew Jack was upset but it only hardened her resolve. She had thrown herself into her training with gusto and because she was committed to improving her skills, she remained in the ring longer than most, eager to learn the art required. Jack may have been tough on her, but she also knew he expected the best from those who chose to wield a weapon.

  ‘I expect it will be back to normal by morning,’ Henry said, waggling his knife. ‘If there’s any problem make sure you seek me out.’

  ‘Argh, there you are, Finch,’ Clarence called out when he saw the boy enter the great hall. ‘You’re in late. What have you been up to?’

  ‘Oh, Brother Clarence, Milly had her foal,’ Finch said excitedly. ‘I was helping Grame out in the barn with the newborn foal. We had to help him find his feet and have a feed.’

  ‘So it’s a young colt then,’ Christopher said.

  ‘Yes. Will you come and see him? He is truly the most beautiful horse I’ve ever seen.’

  Christopher’s heart saddened a little. He knew he couldn’t go out tonight with Finch to check on the foal, and he knew this would disappoint the boy. ‘Well do you think that’s a good idea? He’s just newborn and should probably get to know his mother before we all crowd around. I’m sure Milly won’t be happy if we all interrupt her first moments with her son. She’s probably tired.’

  ‘Oh, I didn’t think of it like that. She didn’t seem to mind Grame and me there.’

  ‘Yes, that’s because you were helping her, Finch,’ Elle said. ‘Tomorrow she will be rested and… Have you named him yet?’

  ‘No, I didn’t choose him a name.’

  ‘Well, your first job will be to think of a name for him. If you’re going to own such a fine beast,’ Clarence sai

  ‘Me? Own my own horse?’

  ‘Yes, lad. A boy needs a horse you know,’ Henry said. ‘Why, there are many places a boy and a horse should go.’

  Finch was shocked. It had been an amazing thing just to help Grame with the birth of the foal, and now the horse was to be his. A frown crept onto the boy’s face.

  ‘What’s wrong, Finch?’ Elle said and touched the boy’s arm.

  ‘I don’t know how to ride a horse.’

  ‘That’s alright. He doesn’t know how to be ridden,’ Elle said and then smiled.

  ‘Well, how will he know how to be ridden?’

  Christopher ruffled the boy’s hair. ‘Don’t worry about that just yet. You have to become friends first before he will let you ride him and, besides, he’s too young. Once he gets older I can help you train him, but until that time you need to spend time becoming best friends and taking care of him. Milly will make sure he learns what he needs to for now. Until then, just get to know him and you better think of a name.’

  ‘So will you come and see him then?’

  ‘Tomorrow, when the sun rises, I will meet you down here and you can show me this fine stallion of yours.’

  ‘Will you come too, Elle?’

  ‘Of course I will. I wouldn’t miss meeting him for the first time.’

  ‘You better get some dinner, Finch. Before it’s all gone,’ Henry said. He knew how boys could be when they missed out on a meal. His stomach rumbled and he gave it a pat and then helped himself to the potatoes. ‘And after you’ve eaten, I need you to carry some books downstairs if you’ve a mind to help.’

  Finch nodded his consent and left to fill a plate.

  ‘Father, I hear Mosely is quite a contender in Canameer,’ Elle said. Do you think he has a chance of collecting enough votes to overtake Hank’s intentions for Governor?’

  ‘I’m not sure. Hank is one of the town’s most respected men. Many have looked to him for guidance over the years, but Mosely has new ideas and big plans for Canameer. I’m not sure which way the town will vote,’ Atlas said.


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