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Old Haunts

Page 4

by Susan Hill


  ‘Not exactly. Just … I can’t explain.’

  ‘Not to worry. The consultant will be in to see you at some point this evening.’

  ‘Who is he?’

  ‘Mr Flint. And Dr Lo is the senior registrar. He’s been looking after you these last couple of days, but we’re a team.’

  ‘I have a team?’

  ‘You do indeed, Simon. Is it OK to call you Simon? We always ask, you know, but you haven’t been in any state to answer. What do you prefer? Mr Serrailler? Superintendent? Chief Superintendent?’

  ‘God no. Simon’s fine.’

  The door opened slightly.

  ‘Here’s a visitor, so I’ll leave you. The buzzer’s there, by your right hand. Press if you need anything.’

  ‘Hey, you.’ Cat bent over and kissed his cheek. ‘You’re awake again.’

  ‘When wasn’t I?’

  ‘Most of the last three weeks.’

  ‘Three weeks? Until when?’

  ‘Yesterday. You remember me being here?’

  He tried to sort out the confusion of images in his head. ‘I don’t … no.’

  He saw his sister’s fleeting look of concern which she masked quickly.

  ‘I’m told the consultant is coming in soon. Did you know I had a “team” of my own? Are you on it?’

  She smiled.

  ‘Did you bring me grapes?’

  ‘No. But you don’t really want grapes, do you?’

  ‘I want to know what happened and why I’m here. Talk to me.’


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  Epub ISBN: 9781473566224

  Version 1.0

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  20 Vauxhall Bridge Road,

  London SW1V 2SA

  Vintage is part of the Penguin Random House group of companies whose addresses can be found at

  Copyright © Susan Hill 2018

  Cover images: Eros © Stephen Bond / Alamy

  Figure on roof © Ilona Wellmann / Arcangel

  Susan Hill has asserted her right to be identified as the author of this Work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

  First published in the United Kingdom by Chatto & Windus in 2018

  A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library




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