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The Novice Heroine Naughty Adventures Bundle

Page 7

by Wes Havoc

  Her body burned up. The slime mixed with her juices. Inch per inch, she approached release. She approached exploding in pleasure being fucked by a creature trying to eat her.

  She cocked her head back, her mouth opened to the max to receive the tentacle that still pushed against the inside of her cheeks, the back of her throat. Saliva and slime dripped down of her mouth. She now hovered over the creature’s head, its waiting mouth opened as if it waited… for her to cum.

  The hint of an orgasm closing over her, she grasped her sword and aimed. She would whisper a prayer if her mouth wasn’t so full.

  She lifted the sword and, with all the strength left in her almost-cumming body, she threw it toward the creature.

  The tip of the blade hit the top of the head, between two eyes. It slid inside easily, no resistance, almost to the hilt.

  A shot of pride told Cleo she made it.

  One long second drew on as the tentacles still fucked her. Then she dropped face-first in water.

  She squirmed for a moment, her skirt covering her face, a tentacle still deep inside her throat as two others held her legs. Then her hands touched the sandy bottom and she lifted herself out of the water.

  The river here was indeed shallow. Cleo tried her best to sit with two engorged tentacles deep inside of her, and the water barely hit her breasts this way. She spat the tentacle out of her mouth and it lay limp, still held between her breasts.

  She laughed. She laughed out loud of the image. Wiping the hair out of her face, she tried to stand but felt her legs numb - out of fear and out of being pressed too hard throughout those minutes. Lifting herself on her knees, she pulled the tentacle from between her tits and out of her corset.

  Looking back, she stared at the creature. It was no known animal, indeed. Plucking her sword out of its flesh, dark blood gushing in the river, she quickly turned to the shore and crawled that way.

  Leaving the sword by the sand, she let herself take a breath as she plucked the tentacle out of her ass. Slowly, inch by inch. She had no idea such heresy could feel this good. The tentacle left her with an obscene pop.

  Also slowly, she pulled the one out of her cunt. Stretched and still soaking wet, it slid out of her easily as she sat back and over it. Her heart slowed down, adrenaline leaving her.

  Now, and once more, all she could hear was the dripping of water in the cave.

  The large, still slimy tentacle pressed between her legs, her skirt thrown aside, full of sand. She stared down. It was indeed almost as thick as her thigh.

  In this position, she could peek over her shaved mound to the still-swollen head of her clit.

  She adjusted her hips, her ass cheeks enveloping the wide member. The tip of her clit touched the soft, oily surface. She moved, testing, and a jolt of electricity, that wondrous feeling, shot through her.

  Cleo was too horny. She had been horny for too long to ignore that fact, as awful as it felt for her. It was wrong, yes, but it made her feel good. She liked it.

  No, she thought, pausing her palms on the sand and tilting her round ass up. I love it.

  The slime covered her, the pressure opened her labia and massaged her bundle of nerves so, so heavenly. Cleo closed her eyes and let her mouth drop open.

  “Yes,” she breathed, widening her stance, pressing her cunt harder against the tentacle. Pleasure filled her again, unabashed, free, completely absent of guilt. Warmth spread through her chest and overflowed her as she moved, up and down, and sideways, and in circles. “Yes!” She cried, pleasure growing inside her until she knew she couldn’t hold back. Until she knew no monster would make her stop.

  She exploded, a shout escaping her intermingled with a moan. She froze for a moment as wave after wave of lust crashed over her. Her heart beat in her ears as drums and she came down from her high just for a moment. She sat back for a whole minute before she wanted more.

  She needed more.

  Bucking forward, she acquired a new rhythm.

  Next, she stretched a hand behind her, all shame left her by now, and stuck a finger inside her ass, just to try it.

  Her orgasm exploded immediately.

  Cleo laughed between moans, ready to try anything she wanted to, it didn’t matter how wrong it felt.


  Sunrise spilled down the forest road as Cleo walked back to Belisk.

  By the time she decided she had had enough orgasms to make up for her lost time, it was already dark. Trying to find her way in the dark through a forest she barely knew was out of the question. She wouldn’t risk it.

  So by the side of the river, she built a small fire, just enough to make her grin with pride. She ate bread and fruits from her pouch, cleaned herself in the cold water, and sat back to relax her muscles. Her legs were sore, but she was too satisfied to care.

  After cleaning her sword, she decided she had to take something back to the city to prove her deeds. The most logical would be, of course, pieces of tentacles. Perhaps the skull.

  So she decided to sacrifice half of her skirt to create a makeshift bag, large enough to carry the pieces of tentacles she chopped off during the fight.

  By morning light, she was up and ready to go back to the city and claim her reward.

  Her clean sword now back in its sheath, Cleo hummed to herself, daydreaming about her next quest. She would have to choose to either stay in town until her pants were ready or move on and come back later…

  Down the road, coming up from the city, she glanced at the same old man she met the day before. Lifting her hand from her sword in greeting, she held back a conceited laugh as the man gasped, seeing her.

  “Lady! It’s good to see you’re alive!” He said once he was close enough.

  She couldn’t keep herself from grinning. “I told you. I’m tougher than that.”

  He eyed the burden in her hand, dark with slime. “If I may ask… What-”

  “Against my convictions, you were right. It was a monster.” She quickly, maybe too quickly, opened the sack to show him the dead tentacles. The man jolted straight, heaving. She closed it once more. “Don’t worry, it’s dead! I killed it.”

  Her cheeks started to hurt with how hard she was smiling now.

  “Oh,” the man looked up, eyes wide with astonishment. “Then I must apologize, my lady. I didn’t take you for a fighter.”

  “Apologies accepted,” she grinned, resting a hand on her hip. “I’m setting back to the city. I think I’ll find some other adventure around these parts.”

  “Of course! I’m glad you’ve come to us then. It’s good to know someone is interested in keeping the people safe…” The shadow that passed over his face told Cleo there was something more than praise in that sentence.

  She cocked her head, “What do you mean? What about the guards? I’ve seen a bunch of them in town.”

  “Oh,” he waved a hand in dismissal. “A bunch of corrupt, amoral leeches. They only care for whoever pays them better. And they never leave town. That’s why we’re only sending old men out of to fetch fruits,” he shouldered the empty basket as an example. “We’re disposable, you could say. We’ve already lost too many young people to monsters or bandits, and the guard never cared for it. They won’t put themselves in danger out here if they can stay safe in town.”

  “That’s awful,” Cleo clenched her jaw. Of course, living her whole life inside the castle, she had no idea this happened. “I’ll do my best while I’m around here.” She promised to herself she would solve the most cases she could while she was in Belisk.

  “Good! We’ll definitely meet again then,” the old man shot her a toothless smile as he started to walk once more. “My wife and daughter sell these fruits in the market. Go visit us sometime.”

  “I will.” Cleo nodded.

  He halted, turning to her. “What was your name again, lady?”

  “Cleo.” She answered, smiling.

  “Cleo. A pretty name for a pretty lady.” He nod
ded and left, dragging his feet up the trail.

  Adjusting the weight of the tentacle bag in her hand, she kept walking down the trail, back into the city. The song she had been humming escaped her. Now, she could only wonder what else she did not know about life outside the palace walls. What else her family had been concealing.

  What else her father was supposed to do and didn’t.

  Belisk wasn’t that far away from her home. It was virtually impossible for her father not to know about the number of disappearances and monster and bandits, and how the guards were not solving anything.

  She clutched the cloth of the bag as the idea slowly formed in her mind.

  Cleo would solve the problems in that place. She’d hunt those monsters and have those bandits arrested. The crimes around the place would drop so that it would have to catch her father’s eye.

  That’s when she’d show up, victorious and proud, and show them how she was meant to be an adventurer. How she could help the kingdom better doing that, instead of getting married.

  They wouldn’t be able to deny it. They’d have to acknowledge it.

  And she would be free to live whatever life she wanted.




  BOOK 3


  Cleo adjusted the bronze bracelet around her arm. It looked gorgeous against her creamy white skin.

  It also had been bought with her own money, as her lunch and her clothes would be. The money she had been paid as a reward for hunting monsters by herself. Killing goblins and mysterious tentacled creatures.

  She had been an adventurer for almost a week now. Between the days she took to travel from city to city and the day off she took after the tentacled creature, the princess neared a week away from home, using her sword to bring justice to people.

  Her latest adventure ended with a sad note, though. She went after three missing maidens and hoped in her heart to find them kidnapped. All she found was a human skull.

  All the girls had gone around the same area. And Cleo knew empirically that the monster used its slimy appendages to distract ladies so it could drown them. Either only drowned or devoured, she was sure none of those girls lived no longer.

  The way to the town sheriff gave her enough time to develop arguments that wouldn’t reveal too much about her position. She would just tell she sat by the river when the monster pulled her into the cold water.

  It was obvious she would skip the fact it distracted its victims by touching their most intimate parts. That she knew it because it left her on the verge of cumming twice.

  And out of spite, after killing it, she went on and used the turgid, slippery tentacles to make herself orgasm so many times she lost count of it.

  Yes, she decided. It would be better if she left that out.

  It was not important for the tale anyway. What mattered was that the monster was dead so no other girl would find herself at its mercy.

  Though she thought hard about the precise words to tell the sheriff, he didn’t seem to care much. He paid her and told an assistant to drop by the taverns around town taking those notices down. He dismissed Cleo with a hand motion that told her the respect with which she had been treated inside the palace was not suitable out of it.

  Even if he didn’t seem to care, Cleo received visits by the end of the day in the inn she stayed at.

  Two couples, wearing the simple gowns of farmers, and a richly dressed lady who took the lead. Cleo looked between them, in doubt, but approached. The group ended up telling her, the corners of their mouths tilted down, glossy eyes, that they were the families of the missing girls. The elegant lady took the initiative of thanking her very much for finding out what had happened to their daughters. Of course, they expected such end, but all were glad that they now could move on.

  Cleo listened to them with water-brimmed eyes, dismissing every time they offered something in return. She had already been paid by the sheriff, after all, and her main objective was helping, not getting rich.

  By dinnertime, she had already heard news about herself drifting around town. “New adventurer”, “a woman killed the river monster by herself” and “some new adventurer is killing monsters” reached her ears. Twice she caught glances shot in her direction and once an old gentleman tipped his hat to her.

  It had to be easy to spot her - she carried a sword around. And she loved being recognized as an adventurer.

  Cleo remembered well the stiff greetings she received as a princess. People would bend their knees, avoid her gaze and make small, stupid talk. She used to hate the events she had to live through that. To pretend she amused herself with such antics.

  The day after she arrived from the monster-hunting, the first person to recognize her approached the place she sat on.

  The restaurant’s kind barmaid. Out of familiarity, and ignoring the unfortunate event she had lived there, Cleo went to the same place for the third time in a row to have lunch. Having learned that by now, she avoided noon so she could have a quieter time.

  But she still sat at the counter and asked for the special of the day. It made her feel part of the city.

  On that day, the barmaid managed to approach her at the counter. The girl smiled, as always, a cleaning cloth clutched between her fingers. Cleo thought the barmaid would offer to bring her more food or something - the restaurant was rather empty. But the girl just stood there, her smile bright.

  “Yes?” Prompted Cleo, tapping the corners of her mouth with a napkin. “Would you like me to pay? I was about to…”

  “Oh, no,” the girl laughed, batting the air away in a dismissive. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you.” She intertwined her fingers and paused them over the counter, leaning to Cleo. “I was just wondering. Are you perhaps the new adventurer? The one who killed the goblins and the river monster?” Before Cleo could answer, she took a breath in and went on. “I always thought the river monster was some kind of legend but these girls started disappearing, and you arrived, carrying a sword, and you punched that man that day. I thought… I thought perhaps…” Her lips tipped up slightly, curiosity sparkling in her pupils.

  Cleo smiled back, crossing her legs. “I am. The new adventurer, I mean. I killed the goblins and the tentacled beast.”

  Even though it had given her so much pleasure, Cleo could almost pretend the killing of the river monster had been effortless, without any incidents or anything out of the ordinary.

  “I knew it!” The girl squealed. “I knew it!” She repeated before thrusting her hand out to Cleo. “I’m Isolda. It’s so nice to meet you.”

  “I’m Cleo,” she shook the girl’s hand, the callous palm scraping against her skin telling Cleo this girl had been working hard for many years. “A pleasure.”

  Though hesitant at first, Cleo warmed up to Isolda soon enough. The girl was honestly glad to meet her, and kept asking things about training with a sword being a woman, traveling alone, facing monsters by herself… Her eyes glued to Cleo as the princess developed the answers.

  She warmed up for real after the girl jokingly batted her hand away once she tried to pay for her lunch.

  “It’s on the house,” Isolda smiled, and the two went on talking about adventures for some time.

  The restaurant emptied. Isolda received payments and bid customers goodbye’s and see you tomorrow’s, and came back to speak to Cleo again and again. Once they were by themselves, she fetched her own lunch from the kitchen and beside Cleo.

  The princess laughed. “I think I’m leaving you to your lunch then.”

  “Oh no,” Isolda called, holding her gently by the wrist. “Please, stay. I’m enjoying our conversation. Do you mind if I eat?”

  “Not at all. I just don’t want to bother you.”

  “You won’t,” Isolda smiled, then put a spoonful of stew on her mouth. “I hardly ever get the chance of speaking to another girl about something other
than marriage and kids. I mean,” she shouldered, “it’s alright to want those, of course. But I love working here. I know people all around the kingdom. And yet, I have no one to talk about this for all my childhood friends think I’m out of my mind for working out. The other girls I know who have jobs around here just do so because their families are too poor for anything else.” She sighed, taking another bite.

  “I get that.” Cleo tipped up her lip. “I basically ran away from my family because my father always told me my only duty was to marry and bear kids. And I wanted more! Oh, I want so much more,” she sighed, fidgeting with the bracelet. “I think I was made for this, Isolda. Truly. The last village I was in, I killed these goblins and took the girls they had kidnapped home. To hear them speaking about everything they wanted to do… Their dreams, their goals… It just fills me with pride. Because I was indirectly able to help them achieve something.”

  Isolda snorted, “I’d say ‘directly’, Cleo. If it wasn’t for you, they’d be dead, no?”

  “Yeah… But in here, I couldn’t manage to bring the missing girls back. Their parents seemed glad to at least know of their fate. Have some closure.”

  Isolda nodded slowly, “It must have been terrible, really. To not know where your daughter went to. If she ran away or was kidnapped by some bandits… If she was sold as a slave, or if she’d be ransomed. And no one does a thing. The guards don’t care. The sheriff doesn’t care. You just pray and wait.”

  Cleo let her eat in silence for a moment as she balanced the information she had been capturing.

  “Is it that bad? The guards won’t do a thing about anything? I thought they… You know, they were supposed to protect the people.” She carefully chose her words as to not give Isolda any hint of her origins.


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