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Page 16

by Evangeline Anderson

  She didn’t believe that. Despite the way he’d ripped off her panties and tongued her so desperately, she didn’t think the big Kindred was the kind of male to try and take a female against her wishes. But still, it was clear he was on the edge of some event which would be bad—possibly disastrous if it happened. That event, whatever it was, had to be circumvented at all costs.

  The question was how?

  “How can I use pain on you?” she asked sharply, frowning at him. “You’ve told me yourself it doesn’t affect you.”

  “Whip me—use a whip on me. On my back where I was whipped before.” He spoke through gritted teeth with narrowed eyes. “Do it, Mistress.”

  Neh’sa was shocked that he would ask for such a thing—ask her to violate one of his hard limits.

  “No,” she exclaimed, frowning. “No, absolutely not, Thorn. But I’ll tell you what we will do,” she added, having an idea. “Come with me.”

  Taking his erect shaft in one hand, she led him to the training room and forced him to lie over the spanking bench, so that his knees were on the floor and his legs were spread wide. She cuffed his hands and legs in place so he couldn’t move and then stood back to admire him.

  Goddess, he was beautiful—so big and muscular and completely under her control. She would have to teach him a lesson about disobeying her—the thought made her pussy throb where he had licked her.

  “You’ll come,” she told him severely. “But on my terms and I promise you, Thorn, it won’t be easy or pleasant.”

  “What are you going to do to me?” His eyes blazed and he rattled the chains she’d used to lock him in place. “Going to penetrate me again, Mistress? Going to strap on a cock and fuck me this time?”

  “Do you want me to?” Neh’sa demanded, just as she had the first time he’d asked this. “Is this what you want, Thorn?”

  Going to her supply drawer, she got out her largest phallus—the black one that strapped into her penetration harness—and shoved it in his face.

  “Is this what you want?” she demanded.

  For a moment his eyes grew wide and then they narrowed again.

  “Fuck no, I don’t want it.” He lifted his chin. “But I can take it if I have to, Mistress.”

  “Wrong answer.” Neh’sa put the phallus back and reached into another drawer for a much smaller, slimmer device with a wide base at its bottom. She saw Thorn eyeing it uncertainly. It was long and sleek and silver and it looked more like a weapon than an instrument of sexual pleasure.

  “What is that? What are you going to do to me?” he demanded. “I asked you to use pain.”

  “What kind of release you get isn’t up to you, slave,” Neh’sa told him, deliberately making her voice harsh. “And believe me, there will be pain—you’re going to come so hard it will be painful.”

  “You going to put that inside me? That silver thing?” Thorn demanded. His muscular form strained and the chains creaked.

  For a moment Neh’sa thought he was going to break free of the spanking bench. If he did—Goddess, what would she do? She was able to physically dominate the big Kindred because he allowed her to. But he was so much bigger and stronger than her that if he got loose and decided to turn the tables on her…

  Maybe I should go get the stunner, she thought but rejected the idea immediately. No, she didn’t need the stunner. She needed to get hold of herself and get hold of Thorn as well.

  She had been acting out of a place of anger and also fear—she wasn’t certain what was going on with the big Kindred but whatever it was she saw in his strange, burning eyes, it scared her. That had to end now—she had to master this situation before it spun out of control.

  Taking a deep breath, she put a soothing hand on Thorn’s straining back. He might claim he could take penetration if she chose to dish it out but clearly the idea of it still upset him—especially if she was using a foreign object instead of just her finger.

  “Thorn,” she said, stroking him like she might stroke a huge, wild animal she was trying to tame. “Look at me. Just look at me.”

  Slowly he raised his eyes to hers and she saw the flames were still there, dancing faster and faster in those beautiful mismatched depths.

  “Neh’sa,” he growled hoarsely. “Mistress…”

  “Thorn,” she said again, softly. “I need to punish you. You were disobedient—you know you were. You deserve this.”

  “I know.” He shifted restlessly, making the chains creak warningly again. “I know that, Mistress. I just can’t…I don’t want…Where are you going to put that thing, anyway?” He nodded his head jerkily at the long, slim silver wand in her hand.

  “It’s going inside you,” Neh’s told him calmly. “But it’s not really going to hurt, although it will feel very intense.”

  He eyed the wand mistrustfully.

  “Hell of a lot longer and bigger than your soft little finger, Mistress,” he growled.

  “I know that, Thorn, but I need you to take it for me.” Neh’sa stroked his back again. “I know we’re pushing a limit here but I promise if you trust me, I’ll help you have that release you need so badly. Can you trust me and open up?”

  He looked at her, the flames dancing even higher in his eyes for just a moment. Then, with a low, shuddering sigh that was almost a groan, he nodded.

  “Yes, Mistress. I…I’ll try.”

  “That’s good. So good, Thorn.” Stroking his shoulders soothingly, Neh’sa reached for a tube of the slippery ointment she used to ease the way when she broke a slave to penetration.

  Squirting a generous amount on her finger, she stroked it over his rosebud, feeling his big form quiver beneath her touch.

  “It’s all right, Thorn,” she murmured as she stroked him, loosening him up just a little. “Everything is going to be all right.”

  “Hope you’re fucking right,” he growled. When she put the blunt end of the long silver wand against his nether entrance he jumped. “Seven Hells, that’s cold!”

  “It’ll be warm in a moment,” Neh’sa promised him. She pressed a button on the wand’s wide, flaring base and at once it began to warm until it was body temperature. When she pressed it against him again, Thorn didn’t jump, though he did shift uncomfortably.

  “When are you going to…” He let the sentence trail off and Neh’sa stroked his back again.

  “When you’re ready,” she murmured. “Do you trust me, Thorn?”

  Another long, harsh sigh and then he nodded.

  “Yes, Mistress—I trust you. Do it.”

  Slowly but firmly, Neh’sa pushed the long silver wand inside him. It was warm now but she knew it would still feel strange to the big Kindred to have a foreign object in such a sensitive area. At last she had it in place.

  “All right,” she told Thorn, stroking his shoulders. “The wand is inside you.”

  “Yeah, I can feel it.” He gave a shaky laugh. “Now what? You going to jerk me off while you fuck me with it?”

  “I won’t have to jerk you off to make you come this time,” Neh’sa purred softly in his ear. Reaching around him, she pressed another button on the base of the silver wand. With a low hum, the motor inside the slim device kicked on and began to vibrate.

  “Gods!” Thorn’s eyes widened and his big body seemed to freeze in place for a moment. “Gods, Neh’sa!”

  “Mistress,” Neh’sa corrected him. She went around to the drawer where she’d gotten the case and took out a small silver remote. Then she went to sit in front of the big Kindred. She wanted to watch his face while this played out.

  “Mistress,” he groaned, his body shaking. “This fucking thing you’ve got inside me—it’s hitting that spot. The one you rubbed before.”

  “Yes, I know.” Pressing a button on the remote, Neh’sa turned up the power, watching as he writhed in his bonds. “How does it feel, Thorn?” she murmured, cupping his cheek in one hand. “Look at me and tell me how it feels.”

  “Fucking intense.” His eyes locked with
hers and Neh’sa found she couldn’t look away—didn’t want to look away.

  “Does it hurt?” she asked softly, still stroking his rough cheek. “Do you want it to stop?”

  “No!” The word seemed to be ripped from his strongly corded throat. His eyes narrowed, the flames in them dancing faster and faster. “Gods, no, Mistress. I can barely fucking stand it but…but I don’t want it to stop.”

  “That’s good,” Neh’sa told him softly. “Because I’m not going to stop it. I’m going to turn it up and make you come, Thorn. And I want to watch you while you do.”

  “Mistress!” he groaned and she wasn’t sure if it was a protest or a plea. She pressed the remote again and watched as his eyes widened and his big body stiffened. Every muscle was tight and his broad chest was heaving like a bellows as the pleasure suddenly became too much to bear.

  He didn’t need to tell her he was coming—Neh’sa knew. And as the first jet of his hot seed hit the ground below the spanking bench, she leaned forward and took his mouth in a kiss, swallowing the big Kindred’s shout of agonized pleasure eagerly although she knew she probably shouldn’t.

  She kissed him passionately and he kissed her back, eagerly, hungrily as he continued to come, spurting again and again to the black leather floor covering below. His body shook with the force of his orgasm and it seemed he couldn’t get enough of her mouth. A low sound somewhere between a growl and a groan was rising ins his throat and his entire body was strained to the limit as he pleasure took him.

  At last, Neh’sa reluctantly broke the kiss. Though Kindred males were supposed to be multi-orgasmic, she decided to only let him come once. Pressing the remote once more, she turned off the wand and removed it carefully.

  Thorn was still breathing hard, his eyes closed, his big body limp for once. When Neh’sa touched his back, he looked up reflexively and she saw that the flames in his eyes had died away to sparks and the sparks were resting quietly, not dancing and swirling as they usually did when she was teasing him or training him.

  Clearly, whatever event Thorn had been afraid might happen, had been averted. Good—that was good, right?

  Neh’sa wasn’t entirely certain but she felt relieved anyway.

  “Thorn,” she murmured, stroking the big Kindred’s heaving shoulders. “It’s over now. Are you all right?”

  “Yes, Mistress.” His deep voice was ragged and when she stroked his cheek, he nuzzled against her palm as though seeking more of her touch. “Can you unchain me now?” he asked.

  “Of course.”

  Mindful of his previous experience with sub-drop and the intense vulnerability the big Kindred felt after being penetrated, Neh’sa took her time with the after-care that night. She gave Thorn another bath, although he’d already had one that day, then patted him dry with a towel and took him to her private sitting area.

  She pulled Thorn onto the couch with her and rested his head in her lap, stroking his hair gently and tenderly, letting him know she was proud of him for submitting and honored by his trust in her. He was so big she felt like she was stroking a huge beast and yet she loved the sensation of closeness with him.

  At first the big Kindred lay stiff against her but then with a low groan, he wound his arms around her waist and pressed his face against her belly.

  “Mistress…” he whispered. “Gods, Mistress what are you doing to me?”

  “Training you,” Neh’sa murmured. Loving you, whispered a soft voice in her head but she pushed it away.

  “You’re breaking me.” He looked up at her with something like wonder in his eyes. “I thought nothing could break me but you are—you’re doing it. And more…you’re making me want to be broken.”

  His hoarse, ragged voice touched Neh’sa deeply and she felt something in her heart loosen—something which had been tight and hard and frozen inside her since Heloth had died began to thaw. Had she ever felt so much for a submissive before? Not since Heloth, she had to admit. It was dangerous—wrong to feel so much for a male she was ultimately going to place with another Mistress.

  Dangerous and wrong and beautiful.

  “Oh, Thorn,” she whispered, holding him close, carding her fingers through his hair and bending down to kiss his rough cheek. “Oh, my sweet Thorn, sometimes we have to be broken before we can become whole.”

  And in that moment she was speaking not only of him, but of herself as well.

  He groaned and pulled her closer, burying his head in her lap, his arms tightening around her possessively while Neh’sa stroked his hair. Her heart overflowed and for the first time she wondered how she could bear to let him go.

  The thought of giving him to another Mistress simply seemed too much to bear—so she didn’t. She pushed it away and let herself simply enjoy this moment of intimacy and quiet with her slave. With your lover, whispered the same little voice.

  Neh’sa tried to ignore it but she couldn’t quite manage it…not this time. She simply felt too peaceful and good—too right holding Thorn this way. Her eyelids slipped closed and she told herself she would only rest for a moment before putting him to bed…

  They fell asleep with his head in her lap but somehow, their positions shifted. When Neh’sa woke in the middle of the night, she found she was no longer sitting. Thorn must have pulled her down beside him because she was lying beside the big Kindred, cradled in his muscular arms with her head pillowed on one of his biceps.

  For a moment, Neh’sa allowed herself to enjoy the closeness. The fire had burned down to embers but there was still enough light for her to trace Thorn’s strong features with her eyes. Goddess, he was beautiful—a mixture of dominant and submissive, Alpha and Beta as she was, perhaps, herself.

  She thought of how he’d snapped and pressed her against the wall, ripping away her panties and tonguing her pussy so hungrily…and then of how he had submitted to her on the spanking bench, trusting her to give him the release he so desperately needed. She’d never had such a challenging submissive before, Neh’sa couldn’t help thinking. Never had one who pushed her limits as she pushed his.

  Her heart squeezed in her chest…never, in the ten years since Heloth had died had she had a submissive that made her feel so strongly for him.

  “Thorn,” she whispered, reaching up to stroke his cheek.

  Even in sleep, he turned towards her touch and drew her closer with a low, contented rumble. His cheek was rough against her palm but his lips were soft, so soft when they brushed her skin.

  Neh’sa felt sleep dragging on her. It was so warm in the big Kindred’s arms. So warm and safe and peaceful. For a moment she wanted to cuddle closer and go back to sleep, pressed against the hard, muscular wall of his chest.

  But she knew she couldn’t do that. Things had already gone too far with Thorn. She was getting too attached to him—too involved with the sexual aspect of his training. All of this emotion and tension between them would end badly if she wasn’t careful. If she didn’t guard her heart.

  I’ll call Lee’Lah tomorrow, she promised herself.

  Lee’Lah was a Mistress and a friend, the one she most often called on when she needed a female body substitute to train her submissives sexually. The other Mistress was more than willing to be practiced on, especially when it came to honing a slave’s oral skills.

  Things had gone too far with Thorn this time—it was time to let him practice on another Mistress. Time to start breaking the strange bond that had somehow formed between them.

  Neh’sa didn’t like the idea of the big Kindred with his head buried between some other woman’s legs—in fact it made her stomach knot up and her hands fist at her sides. But it was necessary—the next step she had to take before things got even more complicated between them.

  Reluctantly, she slid from the circle of Thorn’s arms and went to her cold, empty bed alone. There, she tossed and turned for hours, thinking of calling the other Mistress and telling herself it was for the best—that it was better this way.

  It was a lo
ng time before she got back to sleep.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Thorn, this is Mistress Lee’Lah. You will treat her with the same respect you treat me,” Neh’sa announced when he entered the training room the next day.

  Thorn wasn’t sure what to think—what the addition of a new Mistress added to the equation between himself and Neh’sa. She’d fallen asleep with her head pillowed against his chest but he’d woken cold and alone, twisted awkwardly on the couch with empty arms. She must have deserted him during the night.

  Then, that morning she’d been nowhere to be found in the domicile. There had been none of the usual training or teasing and he found he missed it, even though it made him half crazy. He was worried about her, wondering where she’d disappeared to and then, suddenly in the late afternoon, he was summoned to the training room.

  He drank her in as he stood there. She was wearing a severely cut black leather suit which covered her completely, while clinging to her full curves, and her long hair was pulled back into a tight bun at the back of her neck. Compared to the skimpily dressed blond female beside her, her outfit was positively modest. Was she trying to tell him something? Trying to send him a message? And if so, what in the Seven Hells was it?

  After the intense scene between them the day before, Thorn felt stiff and uncertain—his heart bruised in some indefinable way. He’d nearly snapped with all her teasing, had felt the fire rising inside him and had almost lost control and had a flame-up. He’d been certain at one point that it was going to get away from him—that he would burn the whole fucking one thousand and one story building down around their ears.

  And then she’d used the long silver wand on him.

  No—you let her use the wand, corrected a small, sarcastic voice in the back of his head. She’s tiny—you could break her in two with one hand if you wanted to. Instead, you submitted to her—let her chain you down and penetrate you again. Not only that, you enjoyed it. Gods, what in the Seven Hells is wrong with you?


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