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8 Mine to Love

Page 3

by Megs Pritchard

  Wyatt had learned early on how Donnie being gone affected Jeremy. “Take out and a film?”

  Jeremy smiled gratefully and nodded. “Yeah.”

  Jeremy left, and Wyatt turned back to the cheesecakes. No dinner and no Dean. Why did that leave him feeling disappointed?

  Chapter Four

  Damn, he should have been sitting with Wyatt having dinner, not flying out on a search and rescue. He loved his job, but he really wanted to spend time with Wyatt and see his beautiful green eyes cloud with lust.

  It wasn’t long before they landed at the closest airstrip and quickly disembarked. Making sure all their gear was with them, they made their way over to the vehicles waiting for them. Another thirty minutes and they were at the scene, speaking to the sheriff as he updated them. When Dean heard the word caves, he glanced over at Miguel, catching the wince on his face. The entire team knew Miguel had a fear of caves and enclosed spaces.

  The area they had to search was heavily forested with some logging trails winding throughout. Dean stood back as Ale and Chester took control of the situation, assessing the location they needed to search and any potential hazards. He was on a team with Hunter and Euan and it wasn’t long before they were heading out towards their designated location.

  The weather was calm, the sun shining, and if the circumstances had been different, Dean would have enjoyed walking through these woods. The area was peaceful, and he could easily understand why people came out here, but they weren’t here for a sight-seeing trip.

  Two brothers were missing, apparently experienced hikers, but they hadn’t been heard from for over twenty-four hours and the family was concerned. They always checked in every evening and every morning, but they hadn’t heard anything since they had left the day before. It usually took longer for rescue services to be called in, but it turned out that the brothers were the sheriff’s sons and he knew their routine and knew there had to be something wrong if neither of them contacted anyone. It was apparently a routine they’d followed since they were teenagers so when they failed both check in calls, everyone became worried.

  Maybe the sheriff was taking liberties, liberties other families didn’t have, but that wasn’t Dean’s concern. He was here to find the two missing men and bring them back home, one way or the other. Someone else could deal with the fallout from not following procedure.

  Hunter walked ahead with Euan behind and when Hunter chuckled, Dean grinned knowing he was talking to Carter.

  “How is he? Carter? Has he fully recovered?” Dean asked.

  “Yeah, he has. He’s happy. He finally has his family safe with him and I couldn’t be happier for him. They’re all living at my place for the time being.”

  Dean raised his eyebrows. “All of them? At yours? And everything’s going okay?”

  “Surprisingly well actually. His parents have made me another son. I thought it would be hard at first, given the fact I’m a vampire, and it was vampires that kept them hostage for years, but it’s fine. We discussed all options and when we realized the severity of the situation and that there was nowhere else to go, it was a no-brainer. It’s nice knowing that Carter has his family with him when I’m not there and I like the fact that I’m going home to my mate and my family.”

  Dean nodded and glanced at the ground, checking where he was walking. So far, they hadn’t picked up any trail. “Can I ask you something?”

  Hunter glanced over at him, nodding. “Sure. What do you want to know?”

  “How did you know that Carter was your mate? What is it that lets you know? Is it a scent, a feeling in your chest?”

  Hunter rubbed his jaw, a frown on his face. “It’s hard to put into words. Yes, scent is a part of it, but if you think about Niles, he sensed Tank before he saw him. It was the pull towards Tank that he followed. It was the same with Carter. I knew there was something there in that motel room, and when I stepped into the room and saw him, it clicked into place.”

  “Do you think it’s the same for humans?”

  Hunter shook his head. “Not really, ask Carter. Why the questions? Just come out and tell me what it is.”

  Dean sighed. “It’s Wyatt.”

  “You think he’s your mate?” Euan asked as he walked next to him.

  “I don’t really know, but I can’t stop thinking about him and I need to be near him constantly.”

  “Sounds like he is,” Hunter mused. “You’d have to speak to him and find out, but if he is and he hasn’t said anything to you, then he has to have a good reason for not wanting to have a mate.”

  “He’s had a pretty fucked up time, hasn’t he?” Euan said. “From what I’ve heard, his family kicked him out because he was gay and so he’s had to fend for himself.”

  “Yeah, they did. And then there was the whole business with the Corporation. Maybe he doesn’t want the added responsibility of having a mate.” Hunter shrugged. “He’s young and had to manage by himself for a long time now.”

  “So, what should I do? Everything in me is pulling me towards Wyatt and I get nothing in return. Could this just be some attraction gone overboard?”

  “Sorry to say but I don’t think it is,” Hunter muttered. “I think your mate might have some issues and you are going to need to address them first before you can make progress in any relationship you want to build with him.”

  Sighing, Dean nodded. “They kicked him out when he was eighteen and he’s had to fend for himself since then. What’s that, eight years or so?”

  “He was a kid when he had to look after himself. That’s a long time to be on your own doing everything for yourself with no support from anyone.”

  “You’ve got a long road ahead of you, Dean,” Euan added. “But, knowing you as well as I do, you’ll do whatever is necessary to make this right. He seems nice, your mate.”

  “I’ve been to Donnie and Jeremy’s a few times now, and he does seem nice, but I don’t think he’s spoken more than ten words to me at a time. I just don’t know what to do.”

  Hunter gripped Dean’s shoulder and smiled at him. “You do what you need to do. Follow your gut because it would lead you in the right direction.”

  Dean gave him a close-lipped smile. “Thanks, Hunter. I’ll try.”

  “He’s a cutie, I’ll give you that.”

  Snorting, Dean said, “Hands off, Euan. He’s mine.”

  Euan chuckled. “I know he is. I’ve seen the looks he gives you when he doesn’t think anyone is looking at him.”

  “He looks at me? He actually looks at me?”

  Hunter laughed and glanced over at Euan who was shaking his head. “Course he looks at you. You’re his mate, whether he wants to admit it or not,” Euan told him when he finished chuckling. “Do as Hunter said and give him time to get used to you and hopefully he will open up and tell you a little bit about himself.”

  They fell into silence and continued through the woods. The sunlight streamed down to them through the branches above and the air was nice and cool away from the heat of the sun. Birds and other wildlife echoed around them and Dean was in his element.

  They listened to every update that came through, hoping someone had more luck than them and had found the missing brothers, but so far there was nothing. It was like they had simply disappeared.

  It was later into the evening when the call finally came through that they had been found and it wasn’t good news. One of the brothers was seriously injured having fallen down a steep embankment and into a tree. His brother had stayed with him helping him as best he could, but when they had finally been airlifted to the hospital, the prognosis hadn’t been positive.

  They’d returned to base camp with a sense of failure beating down on them. If only they’d gotten there sooner. Everyone was quiet on the plane home, no one wanting to talk about what happened. The only news they were waiting for was good news from the hospital, but Dean knew there was a greater possibility of the news being bad. He’d had the accident the day before so had been out ov
ernight in the elements while injured.

  Donnie sat down next to him and sighed deeply. “I hate it when this happens.”

  “Me too. Do we know when we’ll hear anything?”

  “No, but I came over to ask you to ours tonight. Jeremy’s cooking and I know Wyatt wants to see you, even if he doesn’t admit it.”

  “I need to see him,” Dean admitted quietly. “I can feel the pull, even if he hasn’t told me that’s what it is.”

  “Well, he’s admitted it to Jeremy, so Wyatt will now know that you know. Don’t act any different around him and wait for him to come to you. Waiting’s shit though.”

  “Yeah, it sucks big fat hairy balls.”

  Donnie chuckled, nodding his agreement. “Hey, has Jeremy told you about the ladies?”

  “No, what about them?”

  “He has a group of older ladies who like to come in to the bakery. He’s even set up some tables and chairs for them. Anyway, they’ve kinda adopted Wyatt. Been giving him sex advice.” Dean snorted, arching an eyebrow at him. Donnie nodded and continued talking. “Oh yeah, Edith, lovely lady, thinks Wyatt should get laid as often as possible.”

  Dean outright laughed, throwing his head back. “Seriously? Wyatt should get laid?”

  “Oh yeah. Edith’s been married at least four times. No man knows how to please her and don’t ask how I know that. Jeremy is still traumatized by it.” Donnie sent him a vicious grin. “Lady parts, Dean.”

  Dean nodded. “I like lady parts, but I never saw myself settling down with a woman. I always knew it would be with a man.”

  “You’re bi?”

  “Yeah, but I definitely lean towards men. I like women, love their curves, but a man’s body is something else.”

  “Jared was the same until Sacha woke him up.”

  “So I’ve heard. They’re good together. Like you and Jeremy or Chester and Silas.”

  “Ale and Troy too, once Ale got his head out of his ass.” Donnie raised his voice towards the end, a grin on his face.

  “I heard that!” Ale shouted from the front of the plane.

  “You were meant to, A!” Donnie shouted back.

  “Ah, fuck off, D,” Ale shouted back, but there was no heat in the words.

  “Yeah, shut up, D, and be grateful Silas isn’t here.”

  “Really, Chester? He’s still pissed?” Donnie asked, genuinely surprised. “I’d have thought he’d be over it by now.”

  “Nope, not at all. Might take years of Ale groveling at his feet before that happens.”

  Dean leaned over Donnie and peered down the plane. He heard the muttered ‘thanks Chester’ from Ale and grinned, leaning back in his seat.

  “So, you coming?”

  Dean glanced over at Donnie. “Yeah. I need to see him.”

  “Good. Jeremy’s making up the spare room. It’s a pull-out bed. Hope that’s alright.”

  “Yeah, that’s fine. Thanks, Donnie.”

  “Right. Time for some sleep. Hopefully by the time I wake up we’ll have some good news.”

  Dean nodded and got comfortable in his seat. Soon he’d see Wyatt again and he couldn’t wait.

  Chapter Five

  Dean walked behind Donnie into the kitchen to find Jeremy putting a salad in the refrigerator. Dean glanced around the kitchen then ducked out into the hallway but couldn’t find Wyatt anywhere.

  He heard a sigh behind him and turned around. Jeremy was leaning against Donnie. “He’s gone out.”


  “When I told him you were coming over, he left. Says he’s not ready for all this mating shit.”

  “Mating shit?” Dean clenched his jaw. He knew it wouldn’t be easy, but to have his mate run off without even saying hello left him feeling hurt and angry. He rubbed his chest and pulled out a chair and sat at the kitchen table. “Did he say anything else?”

  “No, he just left.” Jeremy sat opposite him and sighed again. “I’m sorry about this, Dean. I’d hoped with him living here and being around us, that he would have gotten used to the idea of mates and seen how it can be between them.”

  “I guess his family kicking him out did a number on him.”

  Donnie sat next to Jeremy and held his hand. “You can only give him time.”

  “How is that gonna work when he won’t be around me? He needs to get to know me and then he’ll see that everything will be okay. Him leaving before I’ve even walked through the door isn’t gonna help, is it?”

  Donnie shook his head, leaning back in his chair. Dean glanced down, watching Donnie’s thumb rub the back of Jeremy’s hand. “Next time we won’t tell him.”

  “Like an ambush?” Jeremy glared at Donnie. “Yeah, I can see him liking that.” Looking back at Dean, Jeremy said, “Text him and then work up to calling him. Once he gets used to you, things will go easier.”

  “You say that now,” Dean muttered. Sighing, he leaned back on his chair, his shoulders slumping.

  “It was never gonna happen in a day, or a week, or even a month with Wyatt. He was a prisoner, along with Carter’s parents. He witnessed terrible things. He hasn’t had an easy life, not since he came out, anyway. I was lucky that my parents didn’t care who I slept with as long as I was happy. And careful.” Jeremy grinned.

  “Your parents are great,” Donnie said, smiling at Jeremy. Turning Dean, he asked, “What about yours?”

  “My parents were shocked at first when I told them I was bi, they’d assumed I was gay, but once they got used to it, they were okay. They got used to me bringing men home.” Dean shrugged. “I guess I’m really lucky too.”

  Jeremy leaned forward, his arms on the table. “So, we need a plan of action. I could always rope Edith in. She’d love to see Wyatt with a man. She’s forever going on about some man she knows who is single and needs a good seeing to.” Jeremy grinned when he said the last part. “She’s very open when it comes to sex.”

  “I don’t know how you do it. That woman opens her mouth and I leave.”

  “I don’t have a choice, do I?” Jeremy arched an eyebrow at Donnie. “And anyway, she means well, and she’s on the lookout for another man. Younger, taller, big, thick dick.”

  Donnie’s jaw dropped as Dean spluttered. “She told you that?”

  “Oh, yeah. And he can’t be fussy where he puts it.”

  “I... what?” Dean asked, frowning. “Are we seriously talking about an old lady and, you know, anal sex?”

  “Oh yes,” Jeremy nodded, grinning. “I’ve heard it all. Did you know when she was younger she had a threesome? I had to have a drink after hearing that one!”

  “She looks so sweet and nice and like a little old Nana,” Donnie said, a look of shock on his face.

  “She is all those things, but she’s free living where the sex is concerned. She told me age shouldn’t be a barrier to having fun, and I agree.” Looking at Dean, Jeremy said, “Come into the bakery tomorrow and I’ll introduce you to her. I’ll tell her our plan and she’ll help.” Jeremy looked him up and down. “She might make a pass at you but let her down gently.”

  Dean blinked several times. “A pass? At me?”

  “Oh yeah, she’s likes men with dark hair.”

  “That’s... er, yeah. I’m not sure...” A grandmother making a pass at him? Dean shook his head. “That’s just weird.”

  “No, that’s Edith.” Jeremy pulled out his cell from his pocket and scrolled through it. “I’ll give you Wyatt’s number and you can text him. You know, ‘sorry I missed you’ kinda thing.”

  Dean put the number in his cell and quickly sent a text to Wyatt. He was surprised when seconds later he got one back. He quickly read it and frowned.

  “Well, what does it say?”

  Dean quickly glanced up at Jeremy then back at the message. “It says, ‘okay’, and that’s it.”

  “Huh,” Jeremy mused. “Just okay?”

  “Yep, just that.”

  Donnie chuckled. “He’s gonna make you work for him. I like it

  “Piss off,” Dean muttered, scowling at him.

  “Start a convo with him. Ask him about his day, tell him about the search and rescue,” Donnie said. “Little things so he gets to know you. He’s running scared right now. Give him a reason to trust you and get to know you.”

  Dean slumped in his chair, closing his eyes. “I know. I know I shouldn’t rush him, but it’s been three months and I want to be with him. This is the mate pull, isn’t it?” Both nodded. “How is he fighting it? Shouldn’t it be worse for him being a vampire?”

  “Yeah, it will be. He’s damn stubborn.” Donnie grinned. “Just remember when you finally catch him, the sex will be amazing.”

  Jeremy smacked Donnie. “Stop.”

  Dean rolled his eyes. “Please. I’ve heard you two going at it.”

  “Poor Wyatt.” Donnie chuckled.

  “Not for long if I have my way.”

  “Shop tomorrow. We’ll make our plans.”

  Dean grinned. Looked like he had some help. Wyatt could be as stubborn as he wanted, but Dean was even more stubborn than him and he really wanted Wyatt.


  Wyatt stared at the text on his cell. Dean. Sighing, he put the cell down and grabbed his beer, deciding to ignore it. How did Dean get his number? Why couldn’t the guy leave him the fuck alone? Because he’d opened his mouth and told Jeremy the truth and now Dean understood why he was feeling the way he did. The mate pull. The fucking mate pull.

  Wyatt grimaced and glanced at his cell again. “Shit,” he muttered. Picking it up, he typed ‘okay’, then threw it down again. He wasn’t going to respond again.

  He said he’d be there when Dean came home, but as the minutes inched closer to that time, he knew he couldn’t do it. His nerves had been in a ball of knots, and he’d felt sick at the thought of seeing him. Dean knew, and Wyatt hadn’t been the one to tell him.

  “Shit,” he muttered again, dropping his head into his hands. He sighed deeply and closed his eyes. He wasn’t swapping one cage for another.


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