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Christian Clause: A BWWM Holiday Romance

Page 4

by Theresa Hodge

She shrugs. “Okay. Coffee sounds wonderful.”


  “I’m Chris, by the way.” I lift my hand for a handshake.

  Beaming, she says, “I’m Hope.”

  I decide not to use any more cheesy lines along the lines of what a beautiful name she has for a beautiful lady. Instead, I take her hand and stifle a groan as bolts of electricity shoot through my body in contact with her. Pleasure runs through me when I see her brown eyes widen. Quickly, she retrieves her hand and lowers her eyes. Happy that she too is feeling the chemistry between us, I lead the way to the coffee shop in the mall.

  I feel an inch taller walking with such a gorgeous woman. Usually, I have blondes snuggling to my side like arm candy, but not Hope. She carries herself in such a way that one won’t know we are together. With every passing minute in her presence, I’m getting more and more intrigued.

  Thankfully, the coffee shop isn’t crowded, unlike the mall. I lead her to one of the white tables at a corner of the shop. A waitress in a white and pink uniform comes to take our order. I’m not moved when I notice the young woman gawking at me. I nod at Hope.

  “Please take her order.”

  “Only coffee, please. Thank you,” Hope simply says.

  My brows shoot up. “Coffee only?”

  Shrugging, with a twinkle in her eyes, she says, “Well, that was the only thing you offered.”

  I let out a chuckle.

  “Besides, I’ve already had breakfast,” she adds with a small smile.

  I want to argue so I can spend more time with her, but I let it go. She doesn’t seem to be the kind of woman who will allow others to dictate to her.

  “Coffee for me, too,” I tell the waitress who is still staring at me as if all her Christmases had come in one package.

  “Sometime this year,” I tell the young woman.

  She blushes deeply and says, “Right.” before leaving to get our order.

  Hope’s low laugh makes me return my attention to her.

  “Care to share the joke?”

  Lifting her beautiful face, she says, “Do you get that a lot?”

  My eyes narrow with confusion. “Get what?”

  “Mindless stares from women.”

  Startled laughter rumbles from my throat as I didn’t know that she had noticed the way the waitress stared at me.

  Lifting my shoulders and dropping them, I remark, “Sometimes. But I bet a woman like you doesn’t do such things.”

  Instead of replying, she looks away just in time for the waitress to bring our cups of coffee.

  Determined to know more about her, I ask, “So, what brings you here, Thanksgiving shopping or Christmas shopping?”

  After taking a sip from her coffee, she says, “Neither. I’m here to get some personal stuff. What about you?”

  I lean back in the chair to regard her with interested eyes. “I’m here to look for a birthday gift for a friend.”

  Her eyes widen a little.

  “What?” I ask, intrigued by the action.

  She shrugs lightly. “Well, you don’t look the type to go about buying birthday gifts for friends.”

  Laughter escapes from my throat as I lean forward to place my hands on the table. In a low voice, I ask, “What kind of man do you think I am?”

  Suddenly, the air thrums with sexual tension. My eyes drop from hers to her lips. Desire slams through my body and leaves me breathless for a minute as I watch her chew on her bottom lip. I feel like drawing closer to trail my tongue across her full lips and nibble them.

  Just then, a couple with two kids enters the place nosily and breaks the tension between Hope and me. Grimacing, I sit back and watch how she tries to avoid my gaze. There’s something between us I want to explore. When I see what I want, I go for it. I don’t allow the grass to grow under my feet.

  “What are you doing for Thanksgiving?”

  Her breath catches in her throat as her brown gaze clash with mine.

  “I’m spending it with my sister and her family, whom I flew from Atlanta to see,” she tells me matter-of-factly.

  I’m not bothered by her response. “So, when can I see you again?”

  “Are you for serious?”

  I chuckle and nod.

  She shakes her head and says, “I came here to be with my sister and her family.”

  “I don’t see how seeing you again would hinder that,” I challenge softly.

  “It does because I don’t have the time for anything else.”

  “Not even a harmless date?”

  Raising her delicately carved brows, she says, “Is it really going to be a harmless date?”

  I plaster a grin on my face when I say, “You tell me.”

  She laughs and I enjoy the sound of it. She shakes her head again and says, “It will not be possible, Chris. I just got out of a relationship and I’m not about to start another. I came to Cedar Crest to enjoy the holidays with my family, and that’s it.”

  I open my mouth to tell her I don’t want a relationship from her. But then, I pause and ask myself what I really want from her. Sex, red hot steaming sex?

  No. That’s not what I desire from her. At the moment, I just want to get to know her because she seems like a very interesting person. There’s the added advantage of her stunning beauty. Before I can tell her we should start with getting to know each other, she astounds me by pushing back her chair and rises swiftly.

  “Thanks, Chris, for the coffee. I better get on with my shopping. It was nice meeting you.”

  I just sit there watching her swaying hips as she walks out of the coffee shop. Then I let out a curse.

  Did I just let her go?

  Swiftly, I pay for the coffee and rise, belatedly realizing that I didn’t even take a sip from mine. I hurry out of the place back to the mall. My heart tightens in my chest when I catch no sight of her luscious body. Shoppers move noisily about the place, but the woman clad in jeans and a jacket with a white and purple sweater proves elusive. I check the stores on the ground floor, hoping that she dashed into one of them just to avoid me.

  After going through each one, I don’t see her, which heightens my frustration. I run my fingers through my hair as I stare at the escalators. Could she have gone up to one of the upper floors? Feeling like a stalker and a maniac, which is totally out of my character, I head for the escalators. After moving through almost all the floors, I realize that I’m making an utter fool of myself.

  I burst into laughter in self-mockery. Did I just spend almost an hour looking for a woman I only just met? It defies all reasoning. If my friends could see me now, they would say I’m definitely losing it.

  But the woman isn’t just any woman. I have to give her that. Her jasmine scent still tickles my nostrils. I wish I had gotten more information from her about who her sister is and where she lives. It would have made my search easier because I’m determined to find her.

  “What is wrong with me?” I ask myself for the umpteenth time.

  Never has a woman had me all worked up, not even when I was a teenager trying to get my first girlfriend. Hope’s brown eyes with specks of gold flash through my mind again. Those eyes could eat a man whole.

  No. I shake my head. I’ll find her, even if it’s the last thing I do. And when I find her, I won’t let her say a single word before crushing her thick lips with mine. The thought of kissing her makes my body harden instantly. And then I’ll take her to a special dinner where we’ll get to know each other.

  “Watch out, Hope—if that’s your actual name—I’m coming for you, and this time around, I won’t take no for an answer.”

  Chapter Seven


  “Why can’t I stop thinking about him?” I ask myself a few days later.

  I can’t believe that thoughts of the handsome hunk I met at the mall have flooded my mind repeatedly. Even during Thanksgiving Day, my mind drifts to him and I wonder what he is doing at that moment. Hastily, I push the thought from my mind, ashamed of th
inking about him when I have a feast before me with my loved ones.

  I better put thoughts of him aside before he makes me botch my interview.

  I stare at my reflection in the mirror. I woke up early to make sure I didn’t arrive late and to take special care in my appearance for my interview at Clause Enterprises. Sweet Ray put in a good word for me and helped to submit my application. Thankfully, I have worked as a personal assistant in between jobs.

  I stare at my rounded hips revealed by the tight black pencil skirt I have on. My full breasts slightly strain the cream ruffled blouse covering them. I feel ready for the interview. Carrying my black purse, I leave the room and gently walk down the stairs in my cream heels.

  “Wow. Don’t you look like a personal assistant already?” Debra teases as soon as I step into the kitchen.

  I throw her a fond smile and place my purse on the counter before pouring myself a cup of coffee.

  “Breakfast is ready,” she announces, but I shake my head.

  “I don’t think I can stomach food for now. I’m so nervous, as if it’s my very first interview. I don’t know why.”

  She smiles beautifully. “It’s because you’ve been searching for a job. Don’t worry, you’ll get it. Ray said that his boss is badly in need of one, so I’m sure you’ll be hired. You have the looks and the brains.”

  Laughter erupts from my mouth. “The looks? What has that got to do with being a personal assistant?”

  “Everything. A wealthy man like Clause would want people around him to always look good. You, my dear, look sensational.”

  Unable to stop myself, I go over to where she’s standing by the oven and throw my arms around her.

  “You’ve always been good for my ego.”

  She laughs. “I know, right?”

  I pull away and tears glisten in my eyes at the motherly role she had taken.

  “Thank you,” I say with heartfelt emotion.

  She shrugs it off and I return to my cup of coffee. I leave the house a few minutes later and take a cab to Clause Enterprises. I pay my fare and stand for a moment looking at the magnificent building in the heart of the town. Keeping my fingers crossed that I’ll soon be an employee there, I walk into the building. I’m not surprised at all by the opulent décor and the chic looking receptionist.

  Pasting a smile on my face, I reach the receptionist’s desk.

  “Good morning.”

  She returns my smile. "Good morning. How may I help you?”

  "I'm Hope Grady. I'm here for the interview for the position of a personal assistant.”

  “Go up to the third floor. Someone from HR will interview you.”

  “Thank you.”

  I briskly walk to the elevator, eager to get the interview over with. I’m joined by two other ladies who get off at the second floor.

  Letting out a deep breath when the door finally opens on the third floor, I find myself in a tastefully furnished reception where a woman is waiting for me. Apparently, the receptionist called to inform her I was on my way up.

  “Miss Grady?” the middle-aged woman asks with a small smile.

  I nod.

  “Please come with me.”

  She leads me into a nicely furnished office.

  “Please take a seat.”

  “Thank you.” Carefully, I slide into the chair.

  She settles down on a swivel chair and I tug at my earlobe.

  “Don’t be nervous, Miss Grady. You have quite an impressive resume.”

  “Thank you.”

  “How was Thanksgiving?”

  My eyes lift with surprise at the question.

  “It was lovely. I spent it with my sister and her family.”

  “That’s wonderful. Some of my folks came from Denver and we had a splendid time.”

  I like the woman interviewing me. She’s friendly and her smile never wavers.

  “What do you know about Clause Enterprises?”

  I smile and answer, “I know the company deals in electronics, cosmetics, hotel, and restaurant businesses.”

  “Good. What makes you think you will be a good fit for this company, Miss Grady?”

  “I believe with my wealth of experience, which I’ll bring to the table, I’ll be able to fit perfectly for the job. As stated in my resume, I have worked in such an environment before, only smaller. So, it’s just like continuing from where I stopped.”

  “Do you realize that we may put you in the position of doing a lot of traveling from time to time?”

  I nod. “Yes. It was part of the job description.”

  “Do you have any obligations or encumbrances to prohibit you from doing so?”

  “Certainly not. I’m single and happy.”

  I hope she believes me because I actually enjoy traveling and I look forward to it. Well, that’s if I get the job, anyway.

  “Could you please wait for a few minutes while I consult with my boss? I don’t normally handle the interviews, but because of a lack of competent employees these days, they called me to do it.”

  Her words send a frenzy of anxiety running through me. I don’t know what to say as she rises and goes into an inner office. Would I have preferred the unknown former interviewer to her? Since she’s so warm and friendly, I can’t really say.

  My mind goes over what getting the job will mean to me. Going back to Atlanta will no longer be an option, and Cedar Crest will become my home again. I don’t know how I feel about that. I love being around my sister and these past few days, we’ve drawn closer. I can only hope that we get back the closeness we used to have before I went away to college.

  I decide that I really want to stay in the town I grew up and be around Debra, Ray, and Aria. Maybe, I could get my own place close to Clause Enterprises.

  The thought gladdens my heart.

  The woman comes back a few minutes later with the same smile on her face.

  “Congratulations, Miss Grady. We would like to offer you the job as a personal assistant to Mr. Clause.”

  My heart flips with joy at the good news. A bright smile turns the corners of my lips.

  "You can start tomorrow. Wait a short while for your employment letter.”

  I nod, too overcome by emotion to say anything. I can’t believe that I finally have a job after weeks of searching for one. It’s actually not my dream job, but at least I can earn something. My eyes enlarge when I receive the appointment letter and see the salary structure. It’s more than generous.

  “If you do your job very well, I can assure you of a pay increase,” the woman says when she catches my reaction to the mouth-watering salary.

  I hold back laughter as I feel like standing up and dancing.

  “You’ll work with Mr. Clause and his secretary on the fourth floor.”

  “Thank you very much,” I say as I push myself to my feet, smoothing down my clothes.

  “Welcome to Clause Enterprises.”

  Chapter Eight


  I’m a bag of nerves the following day as Ray pulls up in the parking lot of Clause Enterprises.

  “Relax, Hope. Mr. Clause might be a hard boss to work with, but he’s a great guy.”

  I haven’t really brought myself to think about the man I’ll be working for. All I know, which I heard from Ray, is that he’s a man who demands what he gives. He’s a workaholic and a sucker for perfection, and expects the same from everyone who works for him.

  Since I have no problem with those stipulations, I surmise that we’ll work well together. Ray and I part ways on the second floor as I ride the elevator to the fourth floor which opens to an opulent reception area. No one is about, so I walk nervously to the first office I see.

  A dark-haired middle-aged woman turns from a photocopier to look at me with a smile on her face.

  “You must be Miss Grady.”

  Resisting the urge to tug on my earlobe, I smile in return. “Yes.”

  “I’m Mrs. Ashwell, but you can call me Clara. I’m Mr. Clau
se’s secretary.”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” I say as we shake hands.

  “Same here. I’ll show you to your office and then to Mr. Clause’s office, Miss Grady.”

  “All right. Please call me Hope.”

  She leads me to an office adjoining another. I expect the office to be small, considering that I’m just a personal assistant, but I love the place. It is spacious and has the necessities of a comfortable working environment.

  “This way, please.”

  Clara takes me down the hallway to an office with sturdy wooden double doors. She knocks briskly on it.

  “Mr. Clause. Your new personal assistant is here. Miss Hope Grady.”

  Before I can tell her thank you, she exits the office. The large room with an artistic décor is breathtaking. A huge mahogany desk with swivel chairs on both sides occupies one part of the room close to the floor-to-ceiling windows which show a beautiful view of the town. A minibar, sofas, armchairs, and a coffee table are stationed on one side; all in elaborate arrangements.

  The man I thought I would never see again walks into the office from an adjoining door and my heart slams in my throat. He stiffens perceptibly upon sighting me. The shock in his eyes mirrors mine.

  "Hope," he says in that smooth voice I’ll never forget.

  While I stand there gaping at him like a lunatic, he slowly walks towards me.

  I try to say something, but my tongue feels glued to the roof of my mouth.

  This is unbelievable. Why of all the men in Cedar Crest does it have to be the stranger I couldn’t get off my mind that has to be my new boss?

  My mouth runs dry when he comes to stand directly in front of me. I find drawing oxygen into my starved lungs to be painful. His tantalizing scent tickles my senses. My stomach clenches as if butterflies are flip-flopping around it. Suddenly, my breasts feel very heavy and my nipples tighten against my blouse. I can only hope they haven't become glaring to this man who exudes sexual magnetism.

  What the heck is wrong with me, I wonder. Get a grip. You're acting like a lovesick high-school girl.

  He’s incredibly handsome, so what? Does it mean I have to go crazy and drool all over him anytime I see him? He is already used to women fawning over him and making a fool of themselves to get his attention. I remember the way the waitress at the coffee shop blushed and stared at him. Pushing away all sexual thoughts from my mind, I’m determined not to belittle myself before him. I’ll make sure he doesn’t see me as one of the cheap women he’s probably used to.


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